Loose Women, Lecherous Men (85 page)

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Authors: Linda Lemoncheck

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23. See French,
The War against Women
, 136.
24. See Wall, "The Definition of Sexual Harassment," 74; MacKinnon,
Sexual Harassment
, 17172.
25. See Tuana, "Sexual Harassment in Academe," 51; Eskenazi and Gallen,
Sexual Harassment
, 14; MacKinnon,
Sexual Harassment
, 27; Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
26. For some of the variety and complexity in African American women's reactions to, and experiences of, sexual harassment, see Geneva Smitherman, ed.,
African American Women Speak Out on Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas
(Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1995). On the illusion of objectivity in legal tests of reasonableness, see Nancy S. Ehrenreich, "Pluralist Myths and Powerless Men: The Ideology of Reasonableness in Sexual Harassment Law," in Wall,
Sexual Harassment
, esp. 24648; also see Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
27. MacKinnon,
Sexual Harassment
, 5154.
28. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
186, 18889; Celia Kitzinger, "Anti-Lesbian Harassment," in
Rethinking Sexual Harassment
, ed. Clare Brant and Yun Lee Too (London: Pluto Press, 1994), 12547.
29. MacKinnon,
Sexual Harassment
, 15658, 173; MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 4662, 8592.
30. Judith Lewis Herman,
Trauma and Recovery
, 53. In another part of the same work
Page 255
(p. 57), Herman refers to rape as the "physical, psychological, and moral violation of the person" intentionally designed to produce psychological trauma. Carolyn M. Shafer and Marilyn Frye, "Rape and Respect," in Vetterling-Braggin et al.,
Feminism and Philosophy
, 339; Bogart, "On the Nature of Rape;" 172; Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, "'The Mind That Burns in Each Body': Women, Rape, and Racial Violence;" in
Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality,
ed. Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983), 342.
31. MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 8788, 92.
32. See Pamela Foa, "What's Wrong with Rape?," in Vetterling-Braggin et al.,
Feminism and Philosophy
, 35152.
33. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
90, 92; Griffin, "Rape," 32627; Brownmiller,
Against Our Will
, 447, 450.
34. Sec Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
9496; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 8992. Catharine MacKinnon notes, "[O]nly male ideas of what sexually violates us as women, are illegal" (
Feminism Unmodified
, 90).
35. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
94, 1069; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 55, 17174; Kathryn Larsen,
Life after Rape: Survivors Speak Healing Words for All
(Louisville, Ky.: Butler Book Publishing Services, 1990), 25, 34. For testimonials of the profound long-term effects of rape on the lives of rape victims, see Larsen,
Life After Rape
, and Cynthia Carasella, ed.,
Who's Afraid of the Dark?: A Forum of Truth, Support, and Assurance for Those Affected by Rape
(New York: HarperCollins, 1995).
36. Allison and Wrightsman,
, 52, 122, 125, 13844, 194; French,
The War against Women
, 193, 194; Larsen,
Life after Rape
, 26, 28, 56; Martin,
Battered Wives
, 7286.
37. See Allison and Wrightsman, Rape, 20818; Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
11516; MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 8688, 91.
38. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
107; Griffin, "Rape," 320.
39. Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 11719; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 1213, 2933, 7784; MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 8592; Py Bateman, "The Context of Date Rape," in Levy,
Dating Violence
, 95.
40. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
18990; Martin,
Battered Wives
, 66; also see Larry Lobel, ed.,
Naming the Violence: Speaking Out about Lesbian Battering
(Seattle: Seal Press, 1986).

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