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Authors: K. R. Richards

Lord of the Abbey (28 page)

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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Heat pooled at the juncture of her thighs, her breath became ragged, and she arched and squirmed when he finally took one sensitive nipple in his mouth and suckled her, tenderly at first, then harder, more forcefully he sucked her nipple into his warm mouth. Then he moved to worship the other breast in the same way, his free hand covering the mound he just left, still caressing, teasing.


The double assault was sweet torture. Rowena reached up, removed the diamond pin from Harry’s cravat, and untied the silk. She let the strip of cloth float to the floor. Her fingers worked to open his waistcoat, then his shirt, and finally, after a small struggle, it was open and she gazed triumphantly at his chest, covered with a fine coating of crisp dark hair. Her fingers explored the hard ridge of muscles, moved through the crisp dark hair, found his flat nipples, realized they hardened under her touch. His sudden intake of breath emboldened her to explore further. She allowed her tongue and lips to tease his nipples as he had done to her. She placed kisses to his neck while his hands still focused on her breasts.


“You are lovely, Rowena,” Harry murmured while his hands traveled over the creamy, translucent skin of her upper body.
Even more beautiful than Botticelli’s Venus!
He gazed at the delicate pink tips of her lush breasts, kissed them each again. Caressed them. Watched her nipples pucker at his touch. He saw her flat abdomen exposed by the continually slipping night dress. Another inch and he’d be able to see the top of the triangle of curls protecting her mound. He ached to set himself free from his trousers and slip into her, just as they were. In the chair. Let her ride him. No! Too fast. Too soon.
She was an innocent to this realm. Her only exposure to coupling had been painful and humiliating, leaving her harmed and in fear.


The word pounded in his head, a constant reminder. His Angel deserved to be adored and loved gently, as the innocent she was. He needed the reminder for just the thought of her sitting atop his shaft and riding him made him harder still. He could not breach Rowena’s trust in him. No matter how he ached, no matter if he came in his trousers for his fierce need of her. And his need for her was fierce. Almost unbearable.


Her hands were exploring, touching, caressing him, driving him wild. She paid homage to each and every muscle on his chest, his shoulders, his back. When she shifted again, and the tip of his erection came to rest in the crease between the two globes of her derrière, he thought he might die. Truly thought he might come like some green lad. He sat rigid and still for a moment in order to regain his composure.


Rowena’s fingers closed about the top of his trousers near one set of buttons. His hand stopped her. “No!”


“I want more, Harry. I want more,” she pleaded breathlessly.


“I’ll give you some release, sweet. But tonight, we shall just continue in this manner. We need to become familiar with one another slowly. The rest shall come later.”


“You don’t want me to touch you? You don’t want more?” She questioned, somewhat confused. She searched his face, his eyes, trying to understand.


“I’ve wanted more since the day I set eyes on you Rowena.” He took her hand, scooted her slightly forward on his lap, exposing the bulge of his full erection straining against the fabric of his trousers. He placed her hand over the bulge. His voice was husky, almost hoarse sounding. “This is what you do to me, Rowena. This is proof that I want you. I want you, more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman. We need to take things slow, because Rowena, once I make you mine, I won’t ever let go. Do you understand? You will be
forever. I know you need time, my sweet.”


She nodded. Felt her heart tug.
. She might like being
. Curious, she allowed her hand to caress his erection through his trousers. Harry tensed, sucked in his breath. By his rigid facial expression, he appeared to be in pain. Her fingers stilled atop his shaft. “Does that hurt?”


“Good God, no! It feels wonderful, Rowena. But, my sweet,” he took her hand from his tortured self, and brought it to his lips. He kissed her palm tenderly. Licked her fingers. He pulled her night dress covered derrière back toward him to cover, hide and yes, further torture his engorged cock, then in one swift move he adjusted her body so she was fully across his lap, her shapely legs dangling over the chair arm, her head cradled against his shoulder. “It felt wonderful when you were touching me, Rowena. Too good.”
Too damn good.
“If you touch me anymore there, tonight, I can’t promise I won’t take you, make you mine tonight. Slow, Rowena. We must go slow. I will have it this way. For you. I will give you time to become accustomed to what is between us. Now I will give you the release I promised, sweet.” His hand moved to the hem of her night dress which was already hiked up as far as her knee. “May I touch you? Explore your body, Rowena? All of the intimate parts of you?”


“Yes.” It was a ragged, breathy sound, for his other hand already cupped her breast and was teasing the nipple trapped between his thumb and forefinger.


Harry bent, took her lips and kissed her passionately as he filled one hand with the weight of her breast and the other began to explore her calves. His fingers trailed light as a feather, higher to her outer thigh, then her hip bringing her nightgown up with them. His hand glided down her inner thigh, then came slowly back up and brushed against her mound lightly. A soft moan escaped her lips.


Rowena was on fire. She felt his hand cradle one globe of her bottom, and again his fingers came from the rear to lightly trail over her mound, the place where a heat so intense burned she worried it might never go away. His fingers once again teased a trail along her inner thigh to her knee. This time his full hand came up her thigh, his fingers staying at her mound moving over her with light, teasing touches.


There was one spot he found between the parts in her folds that drove Rowena mad with want. Each time he touched her there she felt the need to lift up. But she was firmly locked in his embrace. Rowena blushed as she voluntarily opened her legs wider to allow more of his tender assualt. She knew she was damp there already. She felt his erection, rigid and hard against her hip. She longed to free it, explore it but could not. She did not wish to move from where she was. His touch felt too good.


His fingers continued to tease, to trail over each leg, her bottom, then graze over her mound. He watched her face, his gaze dark and intense. This time, his fingers stayed, began to explore her intimate folds more intently. They probed and teased. The more he teased, the damper she felt. His pace quickened. So did her breath.


Rowena, my sweet angel,” he murmured as his mouth took hers again. Watching his Angel, seeing the desire in her eyes, watching her react to the pleasure he gave her mesmerized him.


His knowing fingers found that sensitive spot again. His fingers brought her such intense pleasure she dared not move for fear he would stop. It was incredible, this heat. This fire. Like nothing she had ever known. Rowena’s feet moved to the chair arm, her legs now bent, she began to buck against his hand, lifting her hips, moving in rhythm with his touch and the power of the burning need that engulfed her. The sweet torture of his fingers stroking her brought her closer. Closer to what? To something. Something so incredible she bucked for it, burned for it. Ached for it. She pleaded for it. She moaned for it. What it was she didn’t know.


Please, Harry, please?” She nearly sobbed with the yearning for it. She bucked powerfully, grinding against his hand and felt his fingers slide into her moist sheath. She nearly shattered as his thumb worked the magical spot between the folds, and she simultaneously felt the teasing movement of his fingers inside her. He brought her such exquisite pleasure, torturing and teasing her inside and out with his fingers. First slow, then faster, then deeper.


Rowena was out of her mind, she clung to Harry’s shirt, his arm. She writhed, squirmed, bucked. She was unable to remain still. “More. Harry. More. Please more,” she pleaded breathlessly. Felt hot, felt her body tense in expectation of something. Needing something only he could give her. She did not know what it was, but she wanted it, needed it. She was hot, on fire, then suddenly, something deep within her exploded, sending shockwaves of pleasure racing through her body. She followed wave after wave, pushing and bucking against Harry’s hand still at her mound bringing bittersweet pleasure to her. Even as the shockwaves slowed, even as a curious throbbing ensued inside her, Harry stroked her, teased her. More gently now. When his fingers slid from her, she lay boneless in his arms, her breath ragged.


Are you all right, my sweet?” He looked into her eyes, searched her face to assure himself she was not harmed or frightened.


His gaze was dark, fathomless. “Oh yes, Harry.” She felt his erection, hard and straining at her hip. “But what about you, don’t you–“


Not tonight, angel.” He interrupted her. Not tonight. It was too soon for her. She needed time. “Perhaps next time. As long as you understand what I said earlier. That once you’re mine, I’m not letting go.”


She nodded. “I don’t want you to let go.”


He kissed her then. Softly. Slowly he plundered her lips, coaxed her, teased her with his tongue. Then he ushered her from his lap. Stood up, albeit stiffly. Righted her night dress, retied the ribbons, kissed her forehead, tucked her into her bed with a little longer kiss. After scooping up his discarded clothing, Harry reluctantly left her in her room alone. “Sweet dreams, my Angel.”


Once in his bed, Harry closed his hand about his still aching, pulsing shaft and gave himself much deserved release. His dreams were of his Angel. For she was already his. He had no intention of letting her go.


Harry rose before dawn. Dreams of a certain naked angel in his arms tortured him throughout the night, resulting in his awakening with a fully hard, throbbing erection.
What happened to his control?
In his dreams, he was able to do every single thing to her he wanted to do before he left her alone in her bedchamber the night before. He once again gave himself quick release and dressed and made his way downstairs to the gallery to relieve Wyldhurst and Newt as daylight came. They left to go on to the Grange, leaving him alone in the long gallery.


Until the Angel wandered in about thirty minutes after the others left. She looked lovely dressed in a pale pink morning gown her riot of golden curls pinned up, some left loose to frame her angelic face. Her cheeks were perhaps a trifle rosier than usual.


Good morning, Harry,” she yawned.


Good morning, my angel. You’re up early. Did you not sleep well?” He held out his hand, urged her to come to him at the chaise where he lounged.


I had dreams.” She raised a brow at him. She sat as he drew his body up to a sitting position beside her.


Bad dreams?” Harry queried, hiding his amusement. He knew exactly what kind of dreams she dreamt. No doubt the same as his.


No. Good dreams.” Her cheeks colored.


He kissed her quickly. Reluctantly released her. The servants were starting to bustle about.


I want more tonight, Harry. I want to learn all about
. Everything,” she whispered pleadingly.


His heart soared. As did another part of his body. “You’re certain. There’s no going back after, Rowena. You’ll be mine.”
His. His wife.


I want that. And you’ll be mine.” She caressed his cheek with her fingers.
Hers. Her lover.
Maybe someday her husband, but first she had to know what
was all about.


Harry thought for a moment. His head told him it was too soon, his body told him quite differently. “Only if you’re certain. If you are I’ll come to your room tonight. Late, when the house is quiet.” Harry wanted tonight to be here now. How could he make it through the day knowing what bliss awaited him tonight? He kissed her quickly, wished like hell there was time to do more. Realized unless he kept his mind occupied today he’d walk around with his cock hard the entire day, like a green pubescent lad. Heavens, the Angel stripped him of all control of his body.
At least of his cock!


I am certain, Harry. I do have one question,” she blushed.


Yes, Rowena? What is your question?” he asked curiously. Placed a soft kiss to her temple where springy golden curls enticed him.


Rowena allowed her hand to hover over the area of his body that was fully aroused the night before. “It seemed very large, will it fit? Inside me, I mean?”

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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