Lord of the Grrr's (36 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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Please let us find them, safe and unharmed.

She didn’t want to see how the powerful, muscled shifters in front of her reacted if they were found any other way.



Roman led the way, moving quickly. He looked like he wasn’t in any pain, but Jenna saw the sweat dampening his shaggy hair, the way he kept his left arm pressed to his side, and she knew he hurt.

She also knew he wouldn’t let the pain stop him. After less than an hour with him, she understood that much, and he proved it now, stalking through the night dark forest like it was daylight.

All of the men moved without flashlights, as easily as if it were broad daylight. Lindy moved to her side, also without a flashlight.

“How are you doing?”

“Fine, thank you.” Jenna may have bigger hips, and a butt that would give Jennifer Lopez a run for her money, but she’d always been proud of her strength, and that she could still do the splits, even after years out of dance class. “How can you all see? I thought bears…” Her voice faded in embarrassment.

“No need to hesitate, my dear. I was going to give you the full orientation as soon as you were settled, though I figured you already knew something about us. We don’t keep our existence secret. In bear form, we wouldn’t even try this, but in human form our sight is sharper than the average non-shifter, as well as hearing and smell. I want to try your stew once we can take a breath. The delectable smell of it drove me crazy all the way into the valley.”

Jenna’s eyes widened. The road to her homestead was at least half a mile long.

Roman halted, and she put her questions aside.

“Here.” His voice sounded ragged, his breathing uneven. “He shot me here.”

Grey crouched next to him, and pointed into the trees. “Paul took them that way. This is where you stop, little brother.” He stood, already moving forward. “We have to move faster than you can handle right now.”


The big man stopped, taking a deep breath before he turned around. “Not now, Roman.”

He started running, the other men right behind him. Lindy kissed Jenna’s cheek. “Take him home, my dear. You won’t be able to keep up with Grey, not when he’s in a rage.”

She jogged after them, her grey braid bouncing against her pack. Jenna watched until they disappeared into the darkness, more than aware that she was alone with Roman. Again.

“I want to go farther.” His deep voice startled her.

“You mother—”

“Doesn’t need to know. I saw another trail, and I want to follow it. I think a couple of the kids may have slipped away before Paul saw them.”

Her heart skipped. “Where?”

He pointed at a narrow, curving trail. “This way.”

She joined him, and they moved quickly, Roman stopping every few minutes to check the ground, or sniff the air. After more than an hour, he halted, his body still, his head lifted. He pulled her in, his lips soft, his breath warm when he whispered against her ear.

“There.” He gestured to the undergrowth, thick in this part of the forest. “One cub, one human kid.” He moved, and she felt more than heard his pain. “Let me approach. Wait here.”

She nodded, watched him ease forward. The bush in front of him shivered, and he crouched, his vice low and calm when he spoke.

“It’s Roman. You’re safe now, so come out.”Two small bodies burst out of the bush and threw themselves at him. He grunted as he caught them, holding tight. “I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to the top of a blonde head, then to the dark brown head on his other side. “You were so brave to lead Chrissy away from the bad man, Leo.”

“I thought you were dead, Uncle Roman.” His voice shook, and the little girl’s quiet sobs tore at Jenna’s heart. She moved forward, crouching out of arm’s reach. Leo studied her, his dark brown eyes filled with tears. “Are you the new animal doctor?” His question surprised her.

“Yes, Leo. My name is Jenna, and I’m helping Uncle Roman find all of you.”

Chrissy lifted her head at Jenna’s voice, and let go of Roman to throw herself into Jenna’s arms. Jenna held her, rubbed a soothing hand down her back. She understood the girl’s choice; a woman was the closest thing to her own mother. Jenna stood, cradling the girl against her shoulder.

Roman stood, his hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Let’s get you back to—”With a gasp, he clutched his left arm.

“Uncle Roman!”

Jenna handed Chrissy over to Leo and caught Roman around the waist. “Talk to me.”

“I just need—sleep.” He straightened, and she could tell by how badly he shook just how much it cost him. “Take Chrissy’s hand, Leo. We’re heading back to Doc’s place. She’s got a stew that will put your mama’s to shame.”

“Nuh uh—Mama’s is the best.”

“Let’s go find out.”

Jenna watched Roman work his magic with the frightened boy.Leo smiled up at his uncle, holding tight to Chrissy’s hand. She offered Roman a shy glance, and held her other hand out to Jenna.

“Pretty,” she whispered. “Can I stay with you?”

“Of course, sweetheart.” Jenna took her hand, her own tears threatening as the little girl looked up at her with such trust.

They walked quickly out of the forest. The less time these kids spent in the dark, the better. Lights appeared through the trees, and Jenna breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She glanced over at Roman, and that relief faded.

Sweat streaked his face, and his left arm shook. Blood stained his shoulder, shiny against the dull flannel. They cleared the trees and she laid her hand on his right arm, halting them.

“Leo.” He looked up at her, his face scratched and dirty, exhaustion in his eyes. “Why don’t you take Chrissy and head into the house.” She lowered the little girl to the grass.“There’s plenty of stew inside. I bet you can dish up some for both of you and be eating it before us old people even get in the door.”

A pale version of what she suspected was a mischievous smile crossed his face. “You’re on. Come on, Chrissy.”

He held out his hand, and Chrissy took it, such trust on her face that Jenna knew Leo had earned hero status in her eyes, probably forever.

Jenna waited until they were out of earshot before she turned to Roman.

“I’m going to take you in through the back, straight to bed.”

Amusement eased some of the pain in his amber eyes. “Will you join me?”

Heat flushed her cheeks, and she was glad the dark hid it. “I have company, and you need sleep.”

“When your company is fed and tucked in, will you join me?” All amusement was gone this time. “I need to feel you next to me, Jenna.”

She shivered at the sound of her name in that deep voice.


“I know. But I can’t fight the way I feel. I don’t want to.” His right hand caressed her cheek. “I’ve wanted you since you smacked me with the storm door.”

She smiled. “I know.”

His mouth dropped open—and then he chuckled, the rumble of it vibrating in his chest. “Don’t stop surprising me, Doc.” He leaned in, his warm breath brushing her lips. “I like it. Hell—”

He moved the inch that separated them and kissed her.

Jenna moaned, her nipples aching to be touched, her body on fire. If a simple kiss caused this kind of reaction—God, was she in trouble.

Roman eased away, his breathing just as uneven as hers. “Shit,” he whispered.


“Tuck your company in fast.”

She shook her head, and wrapped her arm around his waist. He felt like a walking heater. “Bed, sleep. That’s all you’re getting tonight.”

“I just want you next to me, Jenna.”

The quiet request left her knees weak. “Okay.”

He let out a sigh, and leaned against her. “That was easier than I thought.”

“Let me make this clear for you, Roman Black.” His eyebrows raised, but he kept quiet. “I’m not easy. I’ll sleep in the same bed with you, because it will keep you from getting out of that bed. But I’m not—we’re not—”

“Having hot, mind-blowing sex?” Her blush roared back, deep enough that he couldn’t help but notice it. “I’m good with that. For now. But it’s not off the table, Doc. Not by a long shot.”

She met his eyes, the need in them leaving her breathless.

God help her, she was in worse trouble than she thought.




While Roman took long enough to call Leo and Chrissy’s parents to let them know their kids were okay, and safe, Jenna checked on them.

Chrissy stood next to Leo, watching him as he filled a bowl with stew.

“Hey,” she said, her voice quiet.

Chrissy ran straight at her and wrapped both arms around her waist. Leo turned to her, the bowl of stew in his hand. “It’s cold.” He sounded heartbroken.

“Here—I can fix that.” Jenna tousled Chrissy’s hair, then eased out of her embrace and took the bowl, covering it with a paper towel before she stuck it in the microwave. “How hot do you like it?”

He gave her a shy smile. “Burn my mouth hot.”

“Me, too. I know the exact time for that.” She punched it in, and felt a small hand take each of her own.

They stood on either side of her, watching the microwave with intense focus. Jenna bit back a smile and watched with them. Once it dinged, she carefully freed her hands.

“Why don’t you sit down? I’ll get this ready and bring it over to you.”

“Okay.” Leo took Chrissy’s hand, helping her up on the chair before he sat on the other side. Watching him take care of her, when Jenna knew he must be as exhausted as she was, lodged tears in her throat. “We’ll eat first, then we can go to sleep. Okay, Chrissy?”

“Okay, Leo.”

Jenna blinked back the sting of tears, and divided the stew into two smaller bowls.

“Here we are.” She set them on the table, along with clean spoons. “I want you to eat, but be careful.” She winked at Leo. “It’s burn your mouth hot.” He giggled, and Chrissy echoed him. “I’ll be in the bedroom, fixing up Uncle Roman’s shoulder. You just come on in if you need me, okay?”

Leo studied her, his dark brown eyes serious. “Is Uncle Roman going to die?”

“No, sweetie.” Jenna crouched down to eye level, rubbed his back, and reached over to take Chrissy’s hand. “He’s going to be just fine. He did a little too much trying to find all of you, and his shoulder needs a fresh bandage. A good night’s sleep, and just like you two, he’ll be good as new.”

“You rhymed!” Chrissy bounced in her chair. “I rhyme all the time.”

Jenna laughed, already madly in love with the sweet girl, and the boy who changed from sober adult to giggling kid in the blink of an eye. “I did, didn’t I?” After another kiss for each of them, she stood. “Now finish your late, late, late dinner, then I’ll tuck you both into bed.”

She left them blowing on their stew, Leo testing Chrissy’s with his finger.

“Thank you.” Roman held out the phone to her. “Chrissy’s mom is out with Jedidiah’s group. Word will be sent their way. I figure as soon as they hear, they’ll be headed straight to us.”

“I’ll leave the doors unlocked. Now it’s your turn for some treatment, Uncle Roman.”

She set the phone on the coffee table and led him into her bedroom, leaving the door open so she could hear the kids. Carefully, she helped him take his bloodstained shirt off, crouched to pull off his hiking boots, then retrieved some supplies from her exam room to clean and rebandage his shoulder. The bullet wound had the ugly flare of an infection surrounding it.

“I’m going to bandage your shoulder, and you’re getting an antibiotic. No argument,” she said, when he opened his mouth. “If I don’t stop this infection, it’s going to get worse. Your body is too busy fighting the infection to heal, and you’re exhausted, Roman. Even though you’re doing your level best to hide it from me.”

He gave her a poor imitation of a smile. “Busted.”She bit back her own smile as she repaired the damage he caused to himself. “You’re not going to give me—animal tranquilizers.”

“I always keep people medicine handy, since they tend to hurt themselves almost more than their pets.” She stood, throwing the old bandage in the wastebasket near the door. “Let’s get you out of those jeans, so you can be more comfortable.” She held out her hand.

After a long wait, where she knew he was arguing with himself, he finally took her hand. She pulled him to his feet, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before she turned him around. Revealing what she guessed was a spectacular ass would be much easier on her already aroused self than seeing that beautiful erection again, in her face, close enough to—

Stop it.

She slid the jeans down, absolutely right about the spectacular ass, held his right arm as he carefully stepped clear of them, and helped him slide under the covers. Once he was settled, and his lower half covered, she picked up the glass of water she’d brought with her, along with the syringe she had prepared in her exam room.

“I want you to drink all of this. The antibiotic is going to dehydrate you some, so I like to do a little preventive medicine.”

“I like the way you think, Doc.”

His unexpected compliment had her blushing. Again. Damn, she needed to have some kind of defense against this man. He’d already worked his way in, too far, too fast. Once he finished, she set the glass aside and lifted the syringe.

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