Read Lord of the Grrr's Online

Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

Lord of the Grrr's (52 page)

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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“I- I don’t know,” she whispered. It wasn’t exactly a lie. She’d heard someone call a female client of hers that name before, but Hayley never bothered to get personal. She sure as hell wouldn’t have sold the boyfriend the stuff if she had known whose sister Cecily was. A silly mistake- not vetting her client in a small community where eventually everyone knew everyone else.

Mate or no, Hayley knew she couldn’t tell the Beta the truth. Not only would he be required to turn her in, but he would want to turn her in if her actions someone led to the overdose of a loved sister. The problem was, wolves had a hard time lying to each other.

“I… needed some extra money. I knew these guys who needed a place to make drops and stuff and they paid me.” All technically true- if not quite the whole truth. “I’ve never seen them deal though.” Again true. Not once had she seen Oscar lift his lazy finger to do anything other than collect money.

Cam swore. “Where is your family? If you needed money-”

“My father asked me to leave and not come back.”

He hadn’t formally unacknowledged her. He couldn’t do that, it would make him look bad, turning his back on his youngest child just because she was weak.

Cam’s arms tightened around her. “Why did he do that?”

“I’m a runt.” She whispered it. That, too, was the truth. “I can't mate. My pups would be weak. No one wanted to claim my sisters because they might be the same way.”

He didn’t say anything. After a moment she glanced up into his face and froze, instantly understanding the danger she was in. His lips were pulled back over his teeth, the green of his eyes paled too an almost silvery moss, face tight. She couldn’t sense his rage the way a normal wolf might, but she knew the signs. Hayley desperately wanted to get away from him, but knew struggling would only ignite his wolf.

“What is your father's name?”

Hayley blinked, wary. He’d spoken with careful softness, almost casual if you didn’t notice the effort it took him to sound calm.

“I- Why do you want to know?”

“Your father abandoned my mate to live in a hovel, unprotected, prey to the worst scum-” Hayley winced, skin itching with her discomfort. “-so you could eat, and you want to know why I want his name?”

“I’m not really your mate. I can't acknowledge the bond.” She said it almost apologetically, certainly not intending to challenge him. She couldn’t have said something more stupid.

His wolf took the words as a challenge.

“Not really my mate?” Cam shifted, rose to his feet, cradling her in his arms. “I will show you how you are my mate, and then there will be no doubt.”








Hayley counted the beats of her heart, in time with his quick steps towards the bedroom, thankful he at least used the doorknob. Wondering how she would get out of this, or if she even could.

Technically, the highest ranked wolves of any pack could enjoy a form of droit de seigneur if they choose. Mostly it wasn’t necessary- women tended to throw themselves at the feet of the powerful males. But if a woman in a pack said no… well, it was up to the wolf to turn her no into a yes, and as long as she didn’t cry rape afterward, the pack would turn their face. If Cam really believed she was his mate then it was certain no one would care whether her no was firm, or open to persuasion. They would consider her his to do with as he pleased. They would consider her lucky, and ungrateful if she complained. A poor, low ranked wolf like her, mated to a Beta? She should be licking his… feet.

She squirmed in his arms as he lay her down on the bed, trying to sit up and gain a little ground. He was faster. Straddling her, a strong thigh on either side of her body, he leaned over her, hands on her shoulders.

He put his face in hers, nose to nose. “Mine.”

“Okay. Um, but… can’t we get to know each other first?”

He smiled, a full toothed grin, hands drifting to her blouse, making short work of the buttons. “Plenty of time for that after.”

Hayley closed her eyes. “Please.”

His movements paused. “You don’t want me?”

She would have laughed at the genuine perplexion in his tone. When had a woman ever told him no? She rubbed her lips together.

“I- haven’t done this before. I just… need time.”

Cam reared back, hands leaving her blouse like the buttons were coals.

“You’re a virgin?”

She felt her face cringe. “Yes.”

“Why? You’re not ugly.”

What a rousing endorsement.

“Once a low ranked wolf has sex then she can’t say no to any male who asks. It was the only useful advice my father gave me.”

Hayley couldn’t help the bitterness that crept into her tone. Her father had told her, the day he told her to leave, that she’d better keep her legs closed; it would be the best protection she had against the males who weren’t picky about willingness in a sexual partner. They’d leave her alone if they knew she was untouched, but as soon as she broke that barrier she would be fair game. The unspoken assumption was that she would never mate, so she would be a virgin the rest of her life. But that was better than being used as an unpaid whore. She supposed she should be glad he cared enough to warn her. But not enough to check up on her. She’d been on her own almost two years, and not even a phone call.

“That’s bulls…” he trailed off, an uneasy frown creasing his brow as snippets of past conversation he’d brushed off came to him. “You can still say no. You father could issue a challenge to protect you. Step up to the plate.”

“He wouldn’t do that.” She said it matter of factly, shorn of emotion. “It would only bring attention to my weakness and reflect poorly on the family.”

Cam’s expression darkened. “I really don’t like your father. What did you say his name was?”

“I didn’t.”

“I can find out, you know.”

“You can find out. But I’m not going to help you.”

Cam studied her, seeing a glimpse of the strong will that must be there to have sustained a young, vulnerable woman alone in the world. In a pack that wasn’t exactly known to be the most… cognizant of civility or modern women’s rights. One of the reasons the Lykaon clashed with them so often- too many cases of Dalig Hund wolves finding mates in Lykaon territory and not really caring about the finer points of wooing said mates. Cam knew they needed to work on that.

“Let’s start with a kiss, okay?”

She nodded, rubbing her lips together, a nervous habit he found adorable.

Cam lowered his head, brushed her lips with his, gently this time. Waiting for permission, rather than taking permission for granted. She opened her mouth beneath him, lips soft and trembling, pink from all the rubbing.

Her lids drifted shut, dark lashes against rosy gold skin, a blush of color returning to her cheeks. She was hesitant, nearly clumsy at first, but he guided her, nipping and suckling with slow, practiced movements, giving her time to copy and explore. Grow bolder as her body relaxed beneath his, more interested in the new sensation of kissing than in being afraid of him. He had to rein in his confused wolf who alternately demanded he claim her, now, and protect her from whatever was causing her fear.

Hayley felt her spine melt under the tenderness of Cam’s kiss, so different from the first. The first had been about claiming, the second- she felt as if he was beginning to see her as a person, beginning to care about her feelings. She accepted his tongue into her mouth eagerly, playing with him as he guided her with a hunter’s patience, seeming to enjoy doing nothing more than allowing her to savor her first- well, second- kiss.

“More?” he whispered against her mouth.

She nodded, and his lips drifted down the side of her neck, licking and biting. She tensed when he came to the hollow right above the dip of her collar bone where her blood pulsed. He paused, but didn’t bite down, didn’t leave the mark that made her irrevocably his.

He unbuttoned her blouse with quick fingers balancing his weight on one elbow while the free hand worked, freeing her breasts to his view. Round with dusky rose nipples, rising and falling with her increasingly fast breaths. He cupped one as his mouth lowered to the other, taking a nipple into his mouth, playing with her flesh. She inhaled, exhaling with a sigh that trembled into a moan as the nub between her legs began to throb.

“More?” he asked again.

Cam didn’t wait for a response, just drifted down her body, hands caressing her waist, tongue rimming her belly button. When he came to the line of her leggings she tensed, but with anticipation. Her thighs felt heavy, languorous. He rose up, hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling them down, lifting her hips to tug cloth down her thighs, knees and finally whisk the clothing off her ankles, leaving her bare to his eyes, vulnerable to his touch.

Hayley’s hands covered her groin instinctively, self conscious from the sudden nakedness. He grabbed her wrists and pulled them aside, pinning them to the bed so he could look at her.

"Don't hide from me," he said. "Never hide from me."

She looked down her body, glad in a feminine kind of way that she kept her mound neat and trimmed even though she never bothered to use cream or wax to make herself completely smooth. What for? She never expected to be in this position. Lying beneath the Beta naked, his for the taking.

She strangled a squeak when her kissed her lips, his tongue flicking out to find the bit of swollen flesh she knew was there, had read about, but had never actually explored.

"What are you

"Do you like it?" he asked, looking up at her with passion dark eyes. Hungry eyes.

She opened her mouth and hesitated, blushing.

"Little virgin, if you want me to lick your pussy some more you have to ask me nicely."

Hayley did like it. She wanted more. Knew he wouldn't touch her again like that unless he gave him what he wanted.

"Yes, I- like it."



"Say, "Pretty please, Cam, lick my sweet virgin pussy."

"I'm not-" she squealed. He'd pinched her bottom hard, eyes narrowing.

"Please, Cam. L-lick my sweet-" she forced the words out, even as saying them inflamed her need, liberated her desire, "-virgin pussy.

"Good girl."

His tongue on her was a brand of fire igniting her body with a different kind of need. The kind of need, as he licked and suckled, that had her hips bucking beneath him. He had released her wrists and her hands tangled in his hair holding his head on her with a mindless, wordless demand she hadn’t known herself capable of.

A pressure built in the center of the tiny organ she hadn’t known could bring such a living heaven. He slipped a finger inside her sheath, then two, slowly stretching the walls of her pussy, stroking in and out in a rhythm that only increased the yearning for more, more…

“More,” she said, gasping when a third finger joined.

“There’s only one way for more, young Jedi." He grinned- wolfishly. "Talk dirty to me.”

By this time she didn't care about embarrassment or shyness. She wanted his cock buried in her. Wanted the pleasure he could give her.

"Fuck me, Cam. Please. I want your cock inside me."

Hayley tugged on his head, a silent demand. He laughed soundlessly. She arched, spine rigid as an orgasm swelled and burst around her, waves of pleasure flooding her like crests on an angry ocean. Only then did he move, making short work of disrobing, revealing the body she’d seen on pack runs. Lean and magnificently sculpted, pale golden skin. A heavy cock jutting towards her with a size and intent that made her rethink her own desire. She didn’t think he would fit.

“I d- don’t think- you’re…
. This isn’t going to work.”

He covered her in an instant, claiming her lips in another kiss, this one meant to sooth and reassure, hand finding her breast in sensuous comfort.

“Trust me, Hayley.”

And she did. She wrapped her legs around his waist, angling her hips for his possession.

“No biting,” she said firmly. She would not allow him to formally claim her. Not yet.

Meeting her eyes, the head of his cock nudged her entrance. She raised her hips and he lunged inside, a quick, merciless possession that tore a scream from her throat.

"Damn, your pussy is so tight." His voice was strained. "I'm going to fuck you hard, Hayley."

The feel of him inside her- the fullness stretching her tissues, tearing through the thin membrane, was almost more sensation than she could bear. No slow penetration, giving her body time to adjust. Just a demand that she take all he could give. That she accept him, fully sheathed.

When the pinprick of tears cleared her vision he began to move, aided by the her natural lubrication, fucking her in long strokes that pressed her back into the bed. He grabbed her ankles and draped her legs over his shoulders, deepening the angle. She moaned, the slap of his balls against her ass, the rub of his flesh against her clit, his cock in her all the way to her cervix sending her into a spiral of mounting pleasure. With every stroke his cock hit a spot deep inside her, tearing a whimper from her throat. Her fingers gripped the sheets, teeth worrying at her lips as the orgasm built.

"You like this, baby?" he asked, the deep husky growl washing through her.

"Yes." Cam placed a hand between their bodies and found her clit, rubbing in fast circles. "Oh, God. Yes."

It was the edge she needed. Hayley cried out, riding the sensations, helpless beneath him. Her Beta shoved inside her one more time, tendons in his neck showing the strain of his pleasure. Hayley felt hot jets of cum spurt inside her, bathing her pussy with his seed.

“Mine,” he growled, then collapsed on top of her.

He was heavy. After a moment the romance of cuddling her new lover in a cocoon of arms and legs paled to the reality of requiring breath.

“Heavy,” she said.

He rolled to the side, pulling her atop his body, hands drifting up and down her sides. He placed a gentle kiss on her head.

“Why are you tense?” he asked.

Hayley sighed, knowing the prelude was about to come to an end. But she’d rather get it over with.

“I think you forgot why you came here. It wasn’t to find a mate. I have something to tell you.”


BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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