Lord of the Libraries (6 page)

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Authors: Mel Odom

Tags: #Fantasy, #S&S

BOOK: Lord of the Libraries
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Craugh turned and saw Juhg. The wizard’s eyes narrowed and he frowned. “You shouldn’t be up here,” the wizard said. “This place is too dangerous.”
“In case you haven’t noticed,” Juhg shot back, “not only are we under attack, but the ship is sinking. Belowdecks is hardly the place I want to be right now.”
“You would be better protected there. I do not want to lose you to your impetuosity.”
Juhg didn’t bother to answer. The argument would have been pointless. There was no way he was going belowdecks. He’d gotten tired of not being in a position to take control of his own life this past month. Maybe he couldn’t get off the ship, but he could choose where he stood on it. He turned and sprinted after Hallekk.
The bearded hoar-worm raised its head clear of the brine. Massively huge, the head carried the wedge shape of a serpent, but had the depth of forehead of a bear. Mottled olive skin covered the face, stretching out to the cheeks and chin where it mixed with a darker color of purple than was on the thing’s body. Dark red underscored the big eyes and the flaring nostrils. Mottled, ice-blue tendrils trailed down from the creature’s broad chin to its neck, giving it the appearance of streams that had frozen there.
Behind the creature, a wake of eighty- and ninety-foot waves suddenly rose up from the ocean. They stayed close to the creature as if it had summoned them.
Hallekk set himself to throw the harpoon, but the creature came too fast. By the time the dwarven captain hauled his arm back to throw and loosed the weapon, the bearded hoar-worm had glided back under the water. The harpoon pierced the sea where it had been, but Juhg was certain the throw had missed.
“Get set!” Hallekk yelled, reaching for the nearest ratline. “It’s gonna” ram—
The bearded hoar-worm slammed into
One-Eyed Peggie’s
stern so hard the aft section lifted clear of the water and swapped around so fast that for a moment Juhg was certain the stern was going to overtake the prow. The pirate ship reeled, then was immediately caught by the oncoming waves that had trailed the huge monster.
One-Eyed Peggie
rode up on the first wave
sideways, listing hard to port. The successive wave came on, lifting the pirate ship higher and higher, turning her over more and more.
Juhg couldn’t help wondering if the thunderous power of the waves was going to smash
One-Eyed Peggie’s
fractured side in. Instead, the ship kept climbing the ninety-foot waves. The water came on so fast and so strong that
One-Eyed Peggie
was helpless, snared in their grip. Incredibly, as she neared the apex of the moving wall of water, the pirate ship rolled over so that it was perpendicular to the ocean and showing signs of rolling all the way over. Her ’yards on that side dipped into the water suddenly as she came over ninety degrees.
Feeling the familiar symptoms of nausea in the pit of his stomach as he achieved momentary weightlessness, Juhg lunged for a fistful of ratlines. His hands caught in the rough rope and he held on tight. His body floated free, caught only by his fingers. In disbelief, he clung to the ratlines and stared down at the swirling water a hundred feet below him.
Nearly all of the pirates had secured holds in the rigging and on the masts and railing. They hung, dangling over the ocean, then three of them lost their holds and they fell.
The screams of the falling men cut through even the sound of the storm and the winds and the ship’s sails ripping free. Juhg watched helplessly as the dwarven pirates flailed until they dropped into the sea.
They’re dead,
Juhg knew.
We’ll never be able to find them in all of this.
Moreover, very few of the pirate crew knew how to swim. He clung fearfully to the ratlines.
Hallekk’s ratline snapped without warning. The big dwarf shot downward as the rope burned through his hands. He struck the mainmast’s top-gallant, which luffed in the strong winds, and slid slowly across the sailcloth. He flailed his arms, trying in vain to get a grip on the elusive sail.
Almost as soon as the idea hit his mind, because dwellers were so quick thinking occurred at almost the same time as doing, Juhg released his hold on the ratline and dropped. Usually, though, those quick responses came about purely in the act of self-preservation, not what Juhg intended.
One-Eyed Peggie
continued scaling the tall wave, only now near the peak of it. Once the ship crested the wave, Juhg knew she’d whip away from the pirate captain and leave him to drop into the deadly sea.
Juhg pulled his arms in as he fell, plummeting the way a hawk did when it swooped from the sky to take a field mouse. He saw Craugh holding
on to the railing, standing erect despite the ship’s position. The wizard saw him, too.
“Nooooo!” Craugh yelled.
Even if I live,
Juhg thought,
I’m a toad for sure.
When he hit the topgallant, the sailcloth burned Juhg as it whisked under him. He spread his hands out like a child playing in a snowfield, keeping his balance as he shot under the rigging across the rough material. He focused on Hallekk as the big dwarf neared the end of the topgallant.
Hallekk saw Juhg then. The pirate captain’s eyes rounded in disbelief. In the next moment, he was over the edge, beginning the long fall to the ocean. Below, the bearded hoar-worm broke the surface and seemed to be waiting in anticipation.
Juhg concentrated on the topgallant’s rigging at the edge of the sailcloth. He reached for Hallekk and stuck both feet into the space between the topgallant and the rigging.
Catching hold of the pirate captain’s coat, Juhg fisted his hands in the material. Then the tops of his feet caught the rigging, which slid back and chewed against his shins above his boots. At the end of his reach, Hallekk came to a stop. Juhg felt as though his arms were tearing free of his shoulders.
“I can’t hold you!” Juhg shouted. He wasn’t strong enough. Hallekk outweighed him at least four times. The pirate captain grabbed hold of Juhg with both hands and began climbing along him. Juhg felt like he was about to be pulled apart. The pain was incredible.
Hallekk reached the topgallant rigging and found a new hold.
Once released from the captain’s weight, Juhg tried to turn back on his own body. He bent at the waist in time to see that
One-Eyed Peggie
had finally crested the immense wave. All of his weight left him as the pirate ship suddenly flipped sideways and started down the wave it had climbed.
Before he could get a grip, Juhg was flung away from the topgallant as if from a slingshot. Hallekk reached for him, managing to touch his leg, but couldn’t get a grip. Juhg hurtled through the air away from the ship.
Then he fell toward the raging sea.
Craugh’s Challenge
Juhg didn’t want to scream in fear. He recognized it as a waste of time, but it wasn’t like he was going to have a lot of time to waste anyway.
At the time, screaming in fear seemed the most natural thing to do. But even as he screamed, he was thinking.
They are foolish thoughts!
part of his mind yelled at him.
You’re going to die, so just scream and get that out of your system! When you scream, dying won’t hurt as much!
Juhg fell through the air, turning end over end. The roiling sea grew closer and closer. And still he couldn’t quite get over the notion that he was going to manage to survive. He could swim. It was just possible he could stay above even these storm-tossed waters. It was even possible that
One-Eyed Peggie,
only now making her way down the other side of the colossal wave, could find him.
All those years spent in the goblinkin gem mines had taught him that he could survive. Such an experience made hollow people of those who had been through it, but Juhg had learned under the Grandmagister’s tutelage that he was of a different sort of dweller. Where the Grandmagister had been raised in the safety and comfort
of the Vault of All Known Knowledge then learned about the evils in the world (or at least along the mainland), Juhg had grown up in the midst of them.
You have strength,
the Grandmagister had told Juhg on more than one occasion.
You have an inner resolve that I have seen in only a few.
The memory flitted through Juhg’s mind and he felt the guilt that rushed through afterward. He and the Grandmagister had not parted on good terms before the Grandmagister’s capture by the goblinkin and Aldhran Khempus. The brief meeting aboard the goblinkin ship hadn’t counted because the Grandmagister had been too busy providing instruction and helping Juhg escape.
the voice inside his head commanded.
Scream! It is almost over!
Staring at the sea, which now filled all of his vision, Juhg realized that the voice wasn’t his. He wondered where it was coming from. He stopped screaming and worked on taking one last good breath before plunging into the ocean.
You can find your way back up,
he told himself.
Natural buoyancy will bring you up.
Something bit into his right leg.
Startled, Juhg looked at his leg, seeing the rope that coiled around his calf twice more then pulled taut. He stopped in midfall, hanging less than twenty feet above the heaving ocean.
Gazing along the rope that held him, Juhg saw that it led back to
One-Eyed Peggie.
At the other end of it, Craugh stood pulling the rope back in. Small green sparks, like flying embers from a cook fire, danced through the twisted hemp of the rope.
One-Eyed Peggie
turned her prow more into the lee side of the wave. The rope moved accordingly, and the wizard ran, still hauling on the rope, like he was bringing in a large fish.
The sea below Juhg exploded. A maelstrom of salt spray drenched him as the bearded hoar-worm rose up from the depths.
You’re not a fish,
the voice told him.
You’re a tantalizing little piece of bait. Scream before you die.
The monster opened its huge maw. Juhg saw himself reflected in the enormous black eyes that were bigger than he was. Fangs taller even than Craugh with his hat on filled the cavernous mouth. The creature’s breath was horrible, so strong that it burned Juhg’s eyes.
Tasty morsel.
Juhg put his hands out before him and grabbed the bearded hoar-worm’s upper lip.
You dare put your hands on me!
It isn’t like I have any choice,
Juhg thought.
I heard that.
Like a dog trained to do a trick, the monster flicked its head and knocked Juhg end over end into the air, then readied itself to catch him in its teeth when he came back down.
Juhg reached for the monster’s lip again, hoping to save himself, but he couldn’t span the distance. He dropped—and just as suddenly rose into the air.
The bearded hoar-worm’s fangs gnashed together without their prize. Glowering at Juhg as he flew backward through the air, the monster dived beneath the ocean and disappeared again.
Flailing and struggling, feeling the rope chafing his leg terribly, Juhg tried to bend up and grab the rope so he could lessen some of the pull. Unfortunately, he couldn’t. Hallekk and a handful of dwarven pirates reeled him up toward the ship as it dropped into the trough at the bottom.
Juhg hit
One-Eyed Peggie’s
brine-soaked deck and sprawled inelegantly. He hurt all over and the wind was knocked from his lungs. Before he could recover, Hallekk had jerked him to his feet.
“Are ye all right then, Juhg?” the pirate captain asked anxiously.
Juhg tried to answer but couldn’t. He didn’t have his wind back.
Hallekk beat him vigorously on the back, nearly knocking him to his knees. “Stop. Please.”
Grinning mightily, Hallekk stepped back. “He’s all right, Craugh. Just some’at shook up.”
Juhg nodded, hoping he would be left alone.
“By the Old Ones,” Hallekk said, chucking Juhg under the chin, “ye are a brave one, aren’t ye?”
Just then,
One-Eyed Peggie
hit the bottom of the wave trough. Brine splashed over her, drenching her deck and everyone one on her.
“Gotta see if I can save this ship,” Hallekk muttered. “Thanks fer savin’ me life.” Then he was gone in a whirlwind of bluster and orders, marching across the heaving deck.
Juhg started working on the rope around his ankle, certain that the leg had stretched dramatically and he would walk lopsided the rest of his days.
Craugh snapped his fingers.
Like a live thing, the rope untangled itself and slid away from Juhg. He looked up at the wizard, knowing Craugh was surely about to toadify him.
“You,” the wizard said imperiously, looking down his blade of a nose, “have a job to do. You have no business being brave.”
Juhg’s anger flamed to the forefront. As many times as he’d seen Craugh put his life on the line for the Grandmagister, he couldn’t believe the wizard would have the audacity to chastise him for saving Hallekk’s life. He tried to stand, intending to take umbrage for all the mean things Craugh had said and done lately, and the way he had basically ignored him the last month while they were aboard the pirate ship, but his leg wouldn’t hold his weight. It buckled beneath him and dropped him to the deck.
Craugh turned away from Juhg, obviously dismissing him as he searched the sea.
One-Eyed Peggie
fought the wind and the sea. Her sails were a shambles, several of them flopping free at the end of broken rigging or unsupported by snapped ’yards. Hallekk ordered men into the rigging to deal with the damage.
“Get up there with ye!” Hallekk bawled through his cupped hands as he walked beneath the sails. “Get that canvas furled some’at! We can’t give
her head in this here wind unless she’s evened out!”
Several of the dwarven pirates climbed the rigging, furling sails with difficulty. Handling the amount of damage the ship had been dealt even in calm winds would have proven a daunting task. As things stood now, managing the canvas was almost impossible. Still, they were dwarves and not used to giving up or backing away from a challenge, and they would surely die if they lost the ship, so they fought the sails.
“Lean her out!” Hallekk ordered. He stomped beneath the three masts, calling out individual orders.
Memory of the dwarven pirates falling from the ship wouldn’t leave Juhg’s mind. He grabbed the rope that had been wrapped around his ankle and pulled it into a coil while he raced for the railing. There was a chance one of the three dwarves might yet live.
“Apprentice,” Craugh yelled from the forward deck, addressing Juhg as he always did. From the rank of novice and even when he’d earned the position of First Level Librarian, the wizard had insisted on calling him by that title. Out of all the dwellers that the Grandmagister had trained as Librarians over the years, Juhg was the only one that Craugh had addressed
in such a manner. If the wizard’s tone hadn’t been usually disparaging, or if he’d used the title during times of praise instead of remonstration, it might have sounded good.
Juhg hesitated just a moment. The weight of the rope was on his arm. He wondered if the wizard would simply have the rope truss him to the nearest railing.
“I would not have you throw your life away after I worked so hard to safeguard it,” Craugh warned with a glare. “I would be most displeased.”
Juhg spared the wizard only a glance. “Thank you for your concern, but we lost others overboard. There may still be a chance to save them.” He peered into the thrashing sea.
“They’re gone, Apprentice. Lost to us.”
Anger and sorrow warred within Juhg. He hated the way Craugh seemed so able to accept the loss of the dwarves. However, Craugh was always that way. The only time Juhg had seen the wizard get emotional over anyone, it had been over the Grandmagister.
Stubbornly, Juhg kept his attention on the sea. If he saw one of the pirates who’d fallen overboard, he intended to attempt a rescue. But the bearded hoar-worm remained at large also. His heart thundered in his chest and the rope burn around his ankle throbbed with it. He was also tired of following Craugh’s instructions blindly.
Hallekk continued bellowing orders, bringing discipline back to the fearful crew. Critter, for all that everyone despised the rhowdor, performed admirably, calling out commands as well.
The ship lurched again, once more struck by its attacker. Before the crew could recover, the monster raised its broad head from the depths. The prow pointed right at the bearded hoar-worm. Malignant intelligence gleamed in the creature’s black eyes. The massive jaws opened and sea froth poured forth. It towered twenty feet above the main mast.
One-Eyed Peggie
slammed into the creature, shuddering, then sliding past, gliding along the slick scales. The bearded hoar-worm lunged forward, swooping toward the dwarves clinging in the rigging. Before it could close its terrible jaws, Craugh stepped forward and raised a hand.
Green lightning gathered around the wizard’s hand. Harsh, sibilant words cracked over the low growl of the wind.
The bearded hoar-worm’s attack halted a few feet distant from the dwarves, who had panicked and dropped from the rigging. An invisible
wall held the monster back as it lashed out again and again. Then it lunged forward again, attacking from the side and striking Craugh.
Propelled by the creature’s immense strength, the wizard vanished over the ship’s side. Juhg couldn’t believe what he’d seen.
“Attack!” Hallekk bellowed. “Attack this cursed thing!”
The pirates massed with weapons, drawing cutlasses and battle-axes. Juhg drew his knife, though he knew it would hardly make a dent in the monster.
When the bearded hoar-worm launched itself again, the pirates scattered. But this time they also struck back, swinging their weapons with all the might they could muster. Unfortunately, the weapons had little or no effect against the rigid scales that plated the monster.
Attacking yet again, the creature seized a dwarf in his mouth and bit him in two. As it swung its great head about, the monster struck the mainmast and snapped it in half only a few feet from the deck. Shorn of its support, the mast fell to the starboard side. Two pirates went down under the rigging and sails, and
One-Eyed Peggie
tilted dangerously.
Juhg took a tighter grip on his knife, but he knew it was useless.
We’re going to die. Either the monster will kill us or destroy the ship and we’ll perish in the water. Even if we survive that, we’ll be helpless in these waters, and we won’t find any friends here.
Still, even as he resigned himself to his fate, Juhg’s main concern was for the Grandmagister. Since he was taken from his own family by the goblinkin slavers, Juhg had never really been close to anyone. Until the Grandmagister had taken him in, cared for him, and taught him everything he knew. Now he was going to die and there would be no one to rescue the Grandmagister from the hands of the goblinkin.
Even faced with an opponent they could not vanquish, the pirates girded themselves for battle. Juhg ran to join their ranks. There was no other place for him.
“ENOUGH!” Craugh’s voice split the howling wind.
Completely surprised, thinking that if the wizard wasn’t dead they had surely left him behind because
One-Eyed Peggie
still ran before the wind, Juhg turned toward the starboard side. Even the monster gave pause.
Amazingly, Craugh rose on a swell of ocean that acted independently
of the swirling sea. Wild green fire tinted the water, glowing and shifting within it like coals on a brazier.

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