Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (31 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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spied a small white object on the ground just ahead. He dismounted when he reached the spot and picked up the snowy, white feather. He looked beyond and saw another, then yet another beyond that one. As far as he could see, there was a trail of white feathers. He put the feather he picked up in his pocket. He mounted his black and whispered, “Thank you, Michael!”

He turned to his brother and said, “Follow me, Thomas!”


Gabriel first saw the brilliant light in the center of the stone circle far across the moor
. The light cut through the thick fog that had gathered over the moor in the last hour. He had visited the Hurlers many times during his life. He had always felt it was a sacred place.

As he drew closer, t
he brilliant light took shape and form and he saw the Archangel Michael appear. He had witnessed the Archangel before, when he walked Owen, Charlie and Libby down Cadbury hill near Templecombe just weeks before. The angel raised his hands heavenward. The gray sky darkened further. Black clouds rolled in. Lightning illuminated the gloomy darkness. Thunder grumbled and boomed. The wind picked up. Gabriel could feel the energy emitting from the circle. It began to race along the moor with the winds. Gabriel watched as the trail of white feathers blew away with the fog.

Michael slowly brought his hands back down
and held them palm down before him. The sky split open and golden light came down from the heavens. Brilliant white and green light came from Michael’s hands and poured into something crumpled on the ground at his feet.


Marrek reined in his mount and held up his hand to stop the others who were following him when he saw the brilliant light in the midst of the circle. They had found Senny’s trail. It hadn’t been difficult after they travelled the length of a stream until they picked up her tracks again. She left a blood trail, until they reached an old burial mound where her trail simply disappeared. It was obvious, she had lost a great deal of blood. Marrek knew enough to know someone had found her. Yet, he could not explain why there were no more tracks to be found from the mound, human or beast.

When he saw the form of an angel take shape
in the midst of the Hurler stones, he blinked. He had heard the tale of the Archangel Michael seen by his cousins and fellow Avalon Society members. He watched in awe as the dark sky grew blacker. He witnessed the flashes of lightning and heard the boom of thunder. He felt the wind, heard it as it raced through the grasses dotting the moorland. The thickening fog dissipated. Strong energy swirled outward from the circle and swept across the moor. He saw the heavens open and watched as brilliant light come down upon the Angel. He watched Michael send white and green light into the still body at his feet.

“I think we’ve fou
nd her. If the almighty Angel calls upon heaven to heal Zenny, her condition can’t be good. Let’s go! We’ve not a moment to spare.”


Gabriel raced across the moor. He dismounted outside the circle when his mount balked and reared. He ran toward the angel and Senny. It was indeed her, he could see clearly now.

He kne
lt beside his love. He saw the makeshift bandage and her sleeve soaked in blood. He saw how pale she was. He saw the large bloodstain on the side of her gown. He placed his fingers against her neck and felt a weak pulse. He looked up into the glowing face of the Angel.

“Please tell me she will not die,” tears streamed down Gabriel’s face as he looked
into the vivid blue of the Angel’s eyes.

“I have given her my blessing, and my healing. Ultimately, Gabriel, the choice is hers
. Take her. Make haste. She needs your care. She needs you near.”

Gabriel carefully lifted his Zenny
into his arms. Her body felt cold. The wind roared around him. He was momentarily blinded by searing white light. Then he stood alone holding Senny in the midst of the circle. The Angel was gone. He tried to connect with her and saw only shadows.

“Bring my horse, Thomas!”
He yelled. “My Zenny is dying. I can feel the life leaving her body!” Panic gripped Gabriel. She felt so cold. So lifeless.

uddenly Marrek, Tremayne and Newt were around him, their mounts snorting and pawing at the earth. “Hand her to me Gabriel, your horse is spent,” Marrek commanded.

Gabriel h
anded her up to him. He watched as Marrek left the circle at a full gallop, carrying his Zenny, his love.

“Gabriel, take my horse
. I’ll walk yours in. Go.” Newt slid off his mount and handed the reins to Gabriel. Gabriel mounted and urged Newt’s mount to a gallop. He followed Marrek.


Marrek had always been able to connect with the dead and sometimes the dying. He knew Sennen Penrose was dying. Gabriel had been correct. When he briefly closed his eyes to say a prayer, he saw the transparent, wraithlike outline of her soul try to leave her body. He knew better than to intervene with fate, yet, thinking of his cousin, Gabriel, he reacted without thinking. Placing his hand against her heart, he sent energy to her. He watched as her soul retreated once again into her pale body.

He realized he had connected with her when he heard her cry out in his mind. She was not
entirely of the living for him to be able to communicate with her.

Let me go.”
Her words were faint, no more than a breath or a whisper.

“Senny, try
. Try for Gabriel,” Marrek spoke the words forcefully. He must persuade her.

Gabriel does not need me. He is strong
,” came another whisper.

He felt what he guessed was her soul push against his hand that still covered her heart.

“You are wrong, Sennen Penrose. He does need you. More than you will ever know.”

He opened his eyes and saw her eyelids flutter slightly
. She wailed loudly. He knew the ride was causing her pain. He held his hand against her heart for a time, and never felt another push. He did feel the rattle in her chest. He also heard it.

now, it seemed she had chosen to remain in her body. He did not know for how long. When he saw the crenellated gatehouse of Menadue in the distance, he urged his horse to go faster.

Gabriel tried to connect with Senny
the entire way back to Menadue to no avail. Still, he told her she could not die. He commanded her not to die. Fear clutched at his heart. How could he live without his sweet Zenny?
He could not!


They had made love twice more with the dawn. Once the rain stopped, they helped each other into their damp clothing and left the tiny cottage in the wood. Jack carried his bags over one shoulder and held Tuesdays hand.

“Let’s see if we can find the road, shall we, Trouble
? My guess is it’s in that direction.” He pointed and looked to Tuesday. The brilliant smile she bestowed upon him sent warmth rushing through him.

They found
what looked to be the main road and walked hand in hand in the direction of St. Cleer. They had nothing else to do but converse. They spent a great deal of time talking about their families and their childhoods.

Several hours later, they stopped so Tuesday could rest
. His
was stubborn. She refused to admit that she was weary. He simply told her he needed a short break. They sat upon some stones beneath the shade of a small stand of trees. When he heard the sound of horses and carriage wheels coming down the road, he rose.

“Stay here, sweeting,
” he instructed Tuesday. Jack ran from the cover of the trees to the side of the road.

He grinned as he recognized the crest upon the carriage doors
. “Wincanton!”

moved to stand in the center of the road. He waved his arms above his head. He laughed when the upper torso of Lyon Ravenscroft, Lord Amesbury, emerged from the opened window and pointed a pistol at him.

“Amesbury, you’d shoot me?”
he asked in a wounded tone.

” Lyon was out of the carriage in a moment. “You look like hell! What happened?”

“Watch your language, Lyon
. Lady Tuesday is here.” Jack inclined his head in her direction and motioned for Tuesday to join him.

Tuesday picked up his bags and
walked toward the carriage.

“Lady Tuesday? Why is she dressed
like a lad?” Lyon asked Jack. “And why are you alone with her?” his voice lowered to a whisper.

“It’s a long story,
” Jack said quietly. He looked to Tuesday and smiled brightly at her as she neared them. He took his bags from her.

When Lyon noticed
the way Tuesday smiled back at Jack, he realized there was a story to be told. Once he handed Lady Tuesday into the conveyance. He turned and glared at Jack as he whispered, “Were you alone with her all night?”

gave him a brief nod.

“You’re going to marry her
! She’s Charlie’s sister,” he whispered the command and pointed a warning finger at him.

, I am, Lyon, and happily so.”

gave him an affirming nod and stepped into the carriage.

Jack sat across from Tuesday
. She sat next to her childhood friend, the new Lady Wincanton. He set the all-important bags on the floor in front of him. He did not trust himself to sit next to Tuesday, in any case. He could not seem to keep his hands from her since he had made her his. He gave her a smile and a quick wink as the carriage lurched and began to move forward.

“Where is Gabriel?” Jack asked.

“It seems there was some sort of trouble involving Miss Sennen Penrose. He left us last night in Launceston. He seemed very concerned and hinted it might possibly have to do with the Knights of the Brown Order,” Micah explained.

Jack frowned
. “I hope not, for Miss Senny’s sake.”

“We are in agreement there,
” Lyon said with concern. He looked to his wife, Sophia. Her bruises were still visible, though they had faded some. He had almost lost her because of Brown Coats.


Gabriel took the stairs two at a time. When he entered Senny’s room, Marrek and Trevan stood back while his Aunt Morva and cousin, Elowen, bent over her. The bloody makeshift bandage Senny had tied over her wound had been removed. Marrek stepped closer to look. Elowen looked to her brother in alarm. Gabriel did not miss the look of concern exchanged between them.

? What is it?” Gabriel demanded.

No one had noticed he had entered
the chamber until he spoke.

Marrek held up his hand as Elowen began to speak.
He spoke instead. “It appears she has infection, cousin,” he looked to Gabriel as he spoke.

“No!” The anguish in Gabriel’s voice was evident
. He stepped toward the bed and looked at Senny’s wound. It was inflamed and festered. He sucked in his breath. He looked to Elowen and asked, “You have herbs to help her?”

Elowen nodded
. “Yes. Marrek you must send someone to Granny Blee’s for additional herbs that I need. I will write down what I require. I also need my stones.”

Marrek nodded.

“Did the bullet go through?” Gabriel asked.

“No.” Elowen shook her head
. “It’s still there. The Doctor is on his way.”

“Old Doctor Ninnes
? Is he capable of doing such a thing? Last I heard he was blind in one eye.”

, he isn’t capable.” Marrek shook his head. “But I am.” He removed his coat. “We are waiting for the ladies to bring what I need.” Marrek looked to Gabriel. “You must leave when I begin.”

“No, I will stay.” Gabriel planted his feet and s
hook his head.

“I will not cut into S
enny with you standing near. She may cry out, Gabriel. I won’t lie to you. It will cause her a great deal of pain. If I am touched or bumped while I have my knife in her wound it could cause even more damage than she has already. Can you stand and watch while she is screaming in pain and not come to her.”

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair.
If Senny cried out, he would react, this he knew. Marrek was trying to help her. With an infection, she needed every chance she could get. “Fine, then. I will go, but I won’t leave until you begin.”

Marrek nodded
. “You will need to bathe while I remove the bullet. I assume you will be sitting with her after. To ward off more infection, we need to keep her environment as clean as possible.”

“I will
be with Zenny until she is recovered,” Gabriel declared.

left the small secretary and handed her list to Marrek.

“I will give this to my
valet. He will send someone for the things you need immediately, sister. I will wash up after. I will return shortly. Gabriel, sit with Zenny until I return.”

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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