Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (29 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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When she felt so weary she thought she might drop
to the ground, she heard Gabriel’s voice.

“Zenny, love, keep walking
. Keep walking, love. I know you hurt. I can feel your pain. Tell yourself to keep walking. As soon as the sun comes up and you can see, I want you to tell me if you recognize anything. Describe to me where you are. Can you do that?”

Yes, I can. Keep walking. I will keep walking…”

I’m with you, Zenny. Never forget I’m here. Call out to me when you need me. Just breathe, Zenny. Breathe and walk for now. That’s all you need to do.

I will, Gabriel.

You’re doing well, Zenny. I’m here. Can you feel me?


Very good, just concentrate and walk. Breathe. Use your strength to keep walking.

“I will.

“When it
s light enough Zenny, you must contact me. I will find you, my love. Zenny, please, love, watch where you walk. Be careful of the pits.”

“I thought of that
already, Gabriel, I’m trying to watch where I walk.”
Zenny felt drops begin to pelt against her face. Minutes later, it began to rain harder.
“It’s raining, Gabriel,”
a sob escaped her as defeat crashed in on her
Why did it have to be raining?

“Can you see any shelter
at all Zenny? Trees, anything?”
Gabriel asked her

“I see the moor as far as one can see in the darkness. The moon is covered by
the clouds and the rain now.”

“The sky should
begin to lighten in a little over an hour Zenny. Try to find some sort of shelter. Conserve your strength, my love.”


Gabriel was terrified for Zenny. He could feel her strength waning.
He felt her pain
. He felt her hope slipping away. He prayed. Then he remembered the Angel. “Archangel Michael, you’ve helped us before, and I am sincerely thankful for that. Please, help me find my love, my sweet Zenny. And please keep her safe until I find her,” he whispered.

He swore he felt a hand on his shoulder
. In his mind, he heard a strong but gentle voice. “Head east now.”

“Thomas, let’s g
et off the road and go east, I’ve got a feeling,” Gabriel said as he led his gelding off the road and headed east. He prayed it was the Angel who had spoken to him and not his fears!


Senny continued to walk through the rain
. It was still pouring down when the sky began to lighten. She was stumbling more often.

There was a hill before her. Perhaps if she went to the top she could see where she was when
the sun rose and brought more light. She came upon an old burial mound with a narrow stone covered entrance indented enough into the mound to offer her some protection from the rain. She was drenched, and sat shivering with her arms wrapped about her knees, grateful that the lip over the opening offered some, if only a small amount, of protection.

Her arm throbbed
and she shivered uncontrollably for a long time. She heard Gabriel call to her once and she tried to answer him, but could barely manage. She just said, “
So tired, Gabriel
.” She wondered if she were dying. She felt so weak. She feared she could not even summon the strength to stand now. It hurt to breathe.

Perhaps it was better this way
, she told herself. Gabriel could marry someone who wasn’t so different, someone not considered so odd, then no one would ever laugh at him in London. She worried for Wenna, was she alive? What would happen to grandfather if they both perished? The thought of leaving her family and Gabriel broke her heart. She began to weep.

Finally her eye
lids became so heavy, she could do naught but give in to the darkness threatening her. She fell into the shadows.


Senny was vaguely aware of someone lifting her up. The sun was high in the sky now. She must have slept for hours. It had to be afternoon. The light blinded her. She quickly closed her eyes again.

“Come, dear one
. I know the perfect place for you to wait for him.”

She struggled and
finally managed to open her eyes. She looked into the glowing face of a golden-haired man with brilliant blue eyes. She felt slight movement as he carried her. There was an intense throbbing in her arm, along with deep shooting pain. Her throat felt parched and raw. She found it hard to breathe and to swallow. Her eyelids were heavy and kept closing, but when she managed to open them a few more times, the shining, smiling, golden-haired man was always there looking back at her. His presence comforted her. His voice was soothing as he spoke words that calmed her, though she could not be certain she understood them.

felt him ease her down upon the ground. She saw the sun shining in the blue sky above her. He lifted her head and placed something about her neck. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but they closed. She felt an energy whirling all around her. It was calming and soothing. She felt a slow pulse in the ground beneath her. She felt warmer and a little stronger. She opened her eyes. The golden haired man towered above her. He wore a red tunic trimmed in sapphire. A shining golden breastplate covered his chest. The tunic flapped in the wind. He wore sturdy leather sandals upon his feet.

“They will be here for you soon
. Relax and absorb the energy of the circle. It will help you heal. You will be fine, dear one. You must believe that, for it to be so.”

Senny nodded
. She let her head roll to the side and saw standing stones. She tried to sit up and could not. Was she at the Hurler’s circle? If she were at the Hurlers, she was close to Menadue! She struggled to lift herself up again. Searing pain, that she found almost unbearable, shot through her arm. The intense pain overwhelmed her. She felt nauseous. She tumbled headlong into darkness.


Jack dozed periodically. He didn’t think he ever actually slept. It was still raining outside. Tuesday slept but was restless. Even now, she nestled closer against him to absorb his warmth. His cock hardened.

He was still mystified that he actually wanted to marry Tuesday
. He did. He thought of nothing else while he lay there. He thought he would fight marriage for eternity, but now he
wanted to;
no he
had to
marry Tuesday. He needed to. He’d never be content if he didn’t marry her. He knew that.

wasn’t certain what had changed. Had he merely grown bored of life as a rakehell? Was it something else? He knew only that he wanted Lady Tuesday Inwood in his life, as his wife.

He wanted Tuesday for more than just bedsport
, even though his cock was painfully hard and he did now desire her. Having seen her completely naked when he undressed her, he found her body to be quite the most magnificent he had ever seen. He had spent half this night thinking of how their life would be together at his home in Dorset, Dartleigh Castle.

He imagined waking to her every morning
. He thought about them having children. He had never, not even once in his life thought of having children before. He wanted his father and siblings to meet Tuesday. He was eager for her to meet them.

He savored the feel of
holding her in his arms. He chuckled as he realized this was the first time in his adult life he had ever been naked with a woman and not attempted to pleasure her or to sate his own lust. He then reminded himself, he had not made it through this situation yet.

He ran his hand up the silkiness of Tuesday’s
back and pulled her closer, tucking her head beneath his chin. It felt wonderful holding her warm body against his. Just before he dozed off, he realized he would never grow tired of his
. She would be trouble; this he knew. Then again, so would he. He grinned as he pulled her closer.


Tuesday ran across the lawn at Swandown. She threw her arms around her brother. It had all been a mistake. Charlie was not dead. He was here! He was home. She felt the warmth of his body as he hugged her.

“Brat!” Charlie smiled at her and
placed a loud kiss upon her cheek.

Charlie! I’m so happy you are home! I’ve missed you terribly!”

“I miss you too, Tuesday.
” Charlie grinned, “I can’t stay, brat. I want you to know I’ll always be with you, little sister. You’ve the rest of the family here and my friends will always be there if you need them.”

“You sound as if you are leaving, Charlie
. You can’t leave, you’ve only just returned home. Mama and Wednesday will be so happy to see you. To find it was all a horrible mistake. Papa went back to London. Marcus and Sunday and the children went with him and they went on to Sussex. We will send a message to them that you are here. Please, come see Mama…”

“I came to see you, Tuesday
. I know I warned you away from Jack for years, but Tuesday, you must trust him now. He will take care of you.”

“Jack? Oh

“You can trust him Tuesday
. He will keep you safe. I think he cares for - well, let me just say, I think he is good for you, after all. I must go now.”

” She looked around frantically. He was gone! How could that be? He was just standing here, right in front of her. She began to cry. He was only there for a few precious moments then he disappeared. “Charlie? Charlie, don’t go. Come back! I have so much I want to tell you. Charlie, I love you. I miss you Charlie. It’s just not the same without my big brother.”


Jack woke to the sound of Tuesday’s sobs. His chest was wet from her tears. He must have dozed off.

h, sweeting. What’s the matter?” Jack stroked her hair. He kissed her forehead. He rubbed her back. “Shh, Tuesday.” He could see she was still lost in her dream.

“Charlie, don’t go
! Come Back! I have so much I want to tell you. Charlie, please don’t go.”

Jack stilled for a moment
. He realized how much Tuesday must be suffering from the loss of her brother.
was still suffering from the loss of Charlie.

h, sweeting.” Jack tenderly kissed her damp cheek. He pulled her closer to him, reveling in the feel of her warm, softness against him. He tried his best to comfort her. After a time she quieted. He guessed she still slept. He continued to rub her back.


“Yes, sweeting?” Jack’s cheek had been resting against hers. He lifted his head to look at her.

“Why did Charlie have to die?”

Jack caressed her cheek gently. “I don’t know, Tuesday. I don’t have an answer for you.”

“Were you there when…when he died?” Tuesday asked him.

Jack swallowed. “I was.”

“Good. He was not alone
. I’ve worried that he might have been alone. Papa would tell us nothing of how…it happened.” Tuesday gave him a weak smile. Tears began to stream down her cheeks again.

“No, he was not alone
. We were all with him.” Jack wiped her tears away with his thumb.

“Did he know he was
dying? Was he in pain?” Tuesday asked in a rush, her voice breaking with emotion.

h, sweeting, don’t upset yourself.” Jack placed his finger lightly on her lips. “Yes, he knew, Tuesday.” Jack nodded and hugged her closer. “He asked us all to take care of you and your family. His death was peaceful.” He wouldn’t tell her how he labored for his breath at the end. She never needed to know that part.

Tuesday nodded
. “Thank you for telling me, Jack,” she whispered.

Jack smiled
. “He was particularly worried about you and your sister, Wednesday, marrying the right men. We all promised him we would make certain you married well and that you were happy. You, my sweet, are taken care of, for you will be my wife.”

Tuesday grimaced
. Charlie had told her in her dream to trust Jack. “You were never interested in marrying before. You certainly never paid me any attention before today. What changed?”

“Me, Tue
sday, I’ve changed. You’re wrong about something, Tuesday. Since that time four years ago at Roseland Abbey, I have been strongly attracted to you. I was not yet ready for marriage then.”

“And now you are?” Tuesday asked him.

Jack shrugged. “Apparently, because I want to marry you. I have thought of nothing else since yesterday. Actually since the week before, when I stood near you in the drawing room at Swandown. I knew you were hurting Tuesday, but you were very brave. You were strong for your mother and sisters. I was very proud of you.” Jack brushed his lips against hers. “I decided that day I would come visit you after you healed from your brother’s loss. I planned on courting you.”

Tuesday’s eyes narrowed
. “How do I know you’re not lying? In London they say you are known for your silver tongue.”

Jack laughed
. “You wound me, Tuesday. You would listen to the gossips over me?”

Tuesday shrugged. “Jack, I told you
before, I cannot bear to be married to a man who is not faithful, your reputation is legendary.”

I told you Tuesday, that when I marry, it’s real and I shall be faithful. Sweeting, I’ve never considered marrying any woman before, ever. Four years ago, I wanted you and while I was in Italy, I could not stop thinking about you. I even considered marrying you just so I could have you. I realized I was not ready to settle down, and I never wanted to hurt you. I can tell you that now, that I do
to marry you. I
to settle down with you,
only you, sweeting
. I promise I shall be faithful to you.” Jack kissed her temple. “I swear it.” He looked into her eyes. She was still wary. He sighed.

“Must I persuade you?” Jack grinned down at her before he dipped his head and covered her rosy lips with his
. When Tuesday returned his kiss, that burning passion once again flamed between them. Jack’s cock was rock hard once again. It pressed against the silkiness of her abdomen. Their kiss deepened. They began to explore one another’s bodies.

allowed his hands to glide down her back and his fingers to splay over the beautiful round globes of her bottom. He pulled her tightly against him and pressed his cock against her. He hadn’t meant to seduce her, but seduce her he had. God help him, he wanted this woman with a need more powerful than any he had ever known. This moment had been four years in coming.

When Tuesday’s hand moved down his chest and over his abdomen to his cock, he stilled
. Her fingers began to explore his hard rigid staff. He groaned in pleasure as she stroked him. “Tuesday, sweeting, if you don’t stop giving me such incredible pleasure, I may spill my seed in your hand.”

Knowing she was giving him pleas
ure, Tuesday continued to stroke him. She grinned at him quite seductively.

“Well then,
, two can play at your game,” he whispered huskily in her ear and drew back to give her a devilish grin of his own.

His fingers moved to the damp
place between her legs. He teased her and made her wetter. He worked the sensitive spot until she writhed. He slid a finger inside her and stroked her from the inside.

Tuesday burned
. She was on fire. She opened her eyes wide and clung to him as something powerful built then exploded in her abdomen. Pleasure coursed throughout her body, raced through her limbs. She cried out in wonder at the intensity of her first release. As her breathing slowed, she felt boneless in his arms. Her hand returned to his cock. It was still hard and rigid. In fact, it seemed alive. It throbbed and jerked as she closed her fingers around his thickness. She began to stroke him again, but this time she was bolder.

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