Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (57 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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When it happened,
when their release came, it was as if the world shattered into a million points of brilliant white light. Wrapped in one another’s arms, their spirits one, each feeling the purity of their intense pleasure; they catapulted over the edge and fell into bliss, each one crying out with the intensity of it. There they hung suspended, cocooned in warmth as their bodies surrendered, and their souls took flight, then wafted slowly back down to Earth.

Long moments passed before e
ither Gabriel or Senny could move. The only sound in the room was of their ragged breathing.

Gabriel moved
when he remembered Senny’s wounded arm. He carefully moved to her side, gently pulling her into his embrace. He gave her a long, tender kiss.

She smiled
up at him, a brilliant sunny smile. Her smiles always tugged at his heart. He smiled back. “I love you, Zenny, with all my heart and soul,” he whispered. He smoothed away strands of golden hair from her face with gentle fingers.

“I love you too, Gabriel.
So very much.” She snuggled against him placing a kiss to the moist skin of his chest. She reveled in the feel of his warm, hard, naked body against hers.

He had never experienced anything as powerful as
the release he just experienced in his entire life. He had pleasured many women, but never connected to their heart and soul the way he had with his wife. He had felt Senny’s pleasure, her desire, her passion and then her release on top of his own. The pleasure he experienced at that moment was so intense it almost resembled pain for one fleeting second. He was still in awe of the love he had felt emanating from her. Her emotion had been so strong and pure.

hoped he hadn’t hurt her, for he had truly lost control after a time. Animal instinct had taken over and he had thrust hard, fast and deep before he spilled his seed inside her. He had always been able to control his every action, even when seeking his pleasure. This had been so different, so overpowering. They had moved as one.

He felt her
burrow deeper into his warmth. He lifted the covers over them and looked to find her eyelids blinking closed. She hadn’t fully recovered from her injury. That and the powerful experience they had just shared had no doubt worn her out. It had zapped almost every bit of energy from him. He smiled as he held her tightly to him, nestled in his arms. He drifted off to sleep feeling the beating of her heart against his chest.


Wenna woke
just as the first light of dawn filtered into the room. She felt Trevan’s erection pressing against her.

“Are you awake, Wen Pen?”

“Well, now I am that you’re poking me,” she said in mock annoyance.

“I’m poking you
? Here, let me fix that,” Trevan whispered as he guided himself inside her. Wenna’s back against his chest, he held her to him as he thrust into her. His thrusts were slow, but deep and purposeful. “Is that better, Your Grace?” he whispered huskily in her ear, as one large hand closed over her breast.

, it is, Your Grace,” Wenna said breathlessly. “Mmm, much better.”

Trevan kissed her ear,
then the exposed curve of her neck. He brought them both to the heights of pleasure. Of course, he had done so several times throughout the night already, in various ways.

Afterward, h
e pulled her close. Face to face, he looked into her gray-blue eyes as he held her tightly. “If we keep this up we’ll be having a
soon!” He waggled an eyebrow at her and grinned.

Wenna laughed
. “It’s a
you’re wanting now, is it? And I suppose you’re wanting a boy
; an heir.”

“No, I want a
stubborn, red-headed girl
, with stormy blue eyes like her mother’s and a like temper too! That way I can spend all my days grinning at the both of you. All I’ve ever wanted is to marry you Wen Pen, and if there were two of you, I’d be doubly happy.”

“That’s sweet of you, Trevan.” Wenna
caressed his cheek and kissed him.

“I mean every word of it, Wen Pen
My a’th kar
. We are husband and wife. Our lives are entwined. We can spend the rest of it together, with our
. I am complete and whole now.”

Wenna sniffed and brushed a tear from the corner of her eye
. “That was beautiful, Trevan. We will have
and live our lives together, here at Menadue. We will be happy. We are complete and whole together, and will be more so when our

Wenna moved
to sit up.

Trevan pulled her back
against him. “Where do you think you’re going, Duchess?”

“I am
a Duchess. As the Duchess, I have responsibilities as do you; seeing as you
the Duke,” she said with a tone of admonition although her blue-gray eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Not today
. Today we are newlyweds, and no one shall expect to see us until at least the afternoon. Today we are just a newly wedded couple partaking in newly wedded bliss, here in the ducal bedchamber, in my ducal bed. Now close your eyes and sleep for a few minutes, then we’ll get on with more of the bliss.”

Wenna giggled as Trevan kissed her cheek, making a loud smacking noise
as he did.

They kissed and snuggled
, and whispered to one another until eventually they did fall asleep wrapped in one another’s arms.


Jack started as he heard someone moving about in his chamber. His wife lay in his arms; her warm body snuggled against his.

He opened one eye and saw the
two empty champagne bottles on the table he and Tuesday had polished off before, during and after their very active night of amorous exploits. He closed his eye again. He must have dreamt he heard someone in the chamber.

For the first time except their first night
together in the small woodcutters shack, they hadn’t had to worry about making noise. He grinned as he recalled all of the exuberant lovemaking they had shared during the night. The fear of being discovered gone, now being man and wife, they each had indulged in taking the other to the heights of ecstasy. His hand moved to Tuesday’s flat belly. If not now, she would soon be with child. He couldn’t wait for the day their first child came into the world. Until he got her with child, they would have uninhibited sex and lots of it. He chuckled to himself.

He heard movement in the room again
. This time he opened both eyes. He froze. Then blinked.

Charlie stood at the foot of the bed
. He was mostly solid, save below his waist where he appeared to be transparent.

“I am
happy for you and Tuesday, Jack,” the apparition smiled.

Jack realized he m
ust answer, “Thank you. Charlie.” Just in case Charlie wasn’t aware they were married and was here to clobber him, he said, “We’re married, Tuesday and I, just last evening.”

“I know this,” Charlie chuckled
. “I wish you great joy.”

“Thank you,” Jack managed to remember his manners.

“My sister is still in danger. You must protect her.”

Of course I will. You have my word.” Jack was about to ask what danger Tuesday was in when he heard her voice.

“Who are you talking to, Jack?”
Tuesday asked groggily as she tried to shove away the hair covering her eyes.

Jack watched as Charlie
evaporated, disappearing completely. He reasoned Charlie must not want Tuesday to know he had visited.

I must have been dreaming, sweeting.” Jack shook his head. He turned to place a tender kiss upon her bare shoulder.

“How are you feeling
this morning, Lady Elveston?” Jack asked in a husky voice as he proceeded to nuzzle her neck.

“I’ve a
n head-ache.”

“So do I
. I think we must both stay in our bed today, and regain our strength. No one will think anything of it at all, with us being newlyweds.” His hand slid between her legs. He massaged her, though he found her already wet and ready.

“I agree
. We can
one another,” Tuesday reached out and pulled her husband close. She reached downward. Her hand found his cock. Her fingers stroked him. “Are you comforted by my touch, Jack?”

“Oh yes, Trouble.
Comforted, among other things. You are my happiness, my joy, my love, and my comfort,” he grinned before capturing her lips with his own. “And my greatest pleasure,” he said in a throaty whisper. He kissed her lingeringly and quite thoroughly, patiently exploring the warmth of her mouth with his tongue.

give me great happiness and joy, Jack. You will always have my love. Now, I think I should give you additional comfort,” Tuesday caressed his cheek, liking how his stubble felt beneath her fingers. Her finger moved to the cleft in his chin.

He placed a tender kiss to her cheek
. “So, by all means continue to comfort me, Trouble.”

Tuesday grinned
up at him. She pushed at his broad shoulder and sent him back against the pillows. She climbed atop him and proceeded to offer her new husband the comfort he sought.

e accepted it with great enthusiasm.


Gabriel felt someone stir beside him. He smiled as he remembered it was his Zenny,
his wife
. He opened one eye to see her moving to sit upright. He saw her swing her legs over the edge of the bed. He looked at her gorgeous back as she drew her silken hair over her shoulder.

“Where do you think you are going
, Zenny, love?” His hand reached out to touch her. His fingers moved from the dimples in her lower back upward to her shoulder blade.

“I always help Aunt Morva and Wenna in the mornings,” she offered
quite matter-of-factly.

He wondered where her energy came from
. They had made love another time during the night. Their second joining was just as exciting, just as powerful as the first time. Gabriel did not find her to be at all shy the second time. In fact, she participated quite boldly. He was very happy to find that Senny was so passionate.

It was just after dawn now
. He still felt quite foggy-headed and sleepy. He was already painfully hard. He had slept with her several nights upon their arrival to Menadue to ease her fears, but had never been able to do what he was about to do. What he had dreamt of doing. This morning, Senny was his wife. He was determined to do it.

Gabriel flashed a lazy grin.
“Not today.” He tugged gently on her good arm and urged her back into bed. He lifted the covers and drew her naked body against him, placing a soft kiss against her silken hair as he did.

He sighed contentedly as he gathered his wife into the circle of his arms and held her close to him
, his hands lightly skimming up and down her glorious body. “Today we enjoy our marriage bed, Zenny. I informed Aunt Morva we would be keeping to our rooms today and this evening. Our meals shall be brought to us.”

Senny cocked her h
ead in confusion and said, “I thought that sort of thing could only be done at night, in the dark.”

tried not to laugh, yet he couldn’t keep the grin from his face, “We can partake in the joys of our marriage bed anytime day or night, and lovemaking is not only confined to a bed.” His fingers lightly trailed up her arm. He caressed her lovely bare shoulder.

” Senny blushed then began to ask, “Where else?”

“It’s early and we
will remain in our bed this morning and sleep after. You are still recovering and need your rest. We did not get much sleep, if you recall. I will explain about the other ways we can enjoy lovemaking later, perhaps this afternoon.” Gabriel smiled down at her as he dipped his head to kiss her.

“Oh well, if I must,” Senny sighed.

Gabriel looked at her in curious surprise. When she giggled, and he realized she was teasing him, he smiled.

“I assure you, you must
. I am certain I can persuade you…” his words trailed off as he kissed her deeply.

Senny wound her arms about her husband’s neck and eagerly returned his kisses
. Her hands moved over his shoulders, caressed his back then moved to glide over the sculpted muscles of his buttocks. She liked the feel of his hard muscles. His muscles were not the only thing hard.

Her touch affected him greatly.
He was fully engorged already. Still, Gabriel conducted his own explorations, delighting in Senny’s soft sighs as he teased her breasts with his mouth then her precious little moans as his fingers trailed lower to the soft curls, where he found the place that brought her the most pleasure.

When Senny’s hand
sought his shaft and explored him, he himself groaned in pleasure as her sweet touch threatened to undo him.

“Zenny, love, I adore your touch, but I fear I shall spill my seed if you continue
. There is something else I wish to do.” He removed her hand from his cock and entwined his fingers with hers as he gently rolled her onto her back.

He slid down her naked torso
. He urged her thighs apart and situated himself between them. His fingers teased her sensitive flesh.

Senny closed her eyes, delighting in the feelings and sensations his touch brought to her there. Her eyes flew open as something warm and wet touched her
. She looked to see Gabriel’s mouth covering her sex. His pale eyes, now a swirling silver color, sought hers through the fringe of mussed, deep brown hair that fell over his eyes.

She moaned as he laved her with his tongue
. His hands slid beneath her buttocks as he lifted her hips and teased her until she cried out in release.

“I didn’t know, er, I had never heard of such a thing
. What else have you not told me Gabriel?” Senny asked in wide-eyed wonder after she caught her breath.

Gabriel grinned at her
. “You will find out as we go along, Zenny, love. I look forward to surprising you.”

“Can I put my mouth on you, as you did to me? Does it work that way too?”

He chuckled. “Yes you can. It can wait for next time, my love. I am very close to release, and I wish to be inside you when I come,” he breathed huskily as he came over her.

urged her to spread her legs wider with his knee.

groaned with pleasure as he slid into her tight, wet heat. He placed a sweet, tender kiss to her temple. “I love you, Zenny,” the words came from his lips in soft, deep whisper as he feathered kisses over her face.

“I love you too, Gabriel,” Senny responded as her fingers brushed away
the golden brown hair that covered his eye.

As he thrust
deeper, their movements synchronized in a slow purposeful rhythm. It did not take long for the embers of desire to spark and ignite. The flames of passion grew, consuming them as they slid through the veil, joined and became one.

His hands moved to caress her thighs
. He urged her to lift and wrap her legs around him.

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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