Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (56 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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Senny liked the feel of Gabriel’s hands skimming over her body
. His touch was as light as a feather, but oh, the things it did to her. The warm sensations coursing through her caused her to shiver.

“Are you cold?” Gabriel pulled back and asked her.

“No,” Senny shook her head and smiled, “I am far from cold. It’s your touch. It makes me feel things, wonderful things. I like it.”

Gabriel dipped his head to place soft kisses along his wife’s l
ong, slender neck. “Since you have encouraged me so, I shall continue to make you feel good things,” he whispered against her ear.

was curious, for her hands began to explore his chest. Still they kissed and whispered endearments to one another. They continued that way for several minutes.

“Does my touch affect you in the same way? Do you feel good things when I touch you?” Senny asked as her hands smoothed down his muscled chest
to his abdomen.

“The answer is a resounding
, Zenny, love,” Gabriel said as his large hands skimmed down her sides and rested on her hips. He pulled her closer against him. He was hard as stone. He pressed into her. “And that, my lovely wife is proof of how much I want you and what your touch does to me.”

! My touch did that to you?” she asked, her eyes widening.

“Yes. You.
Did. This. To. Me.” Gabriel breathed in between the kisses he placed along her collarbone and shoulder. He lifted his head and looked upon his wife. She was grinning from ear to ear. He smiled at her.

“I would like to undress you, Zenny, love
. May I?” He watched her expression closely for any signs she might become overwhelmed. An adorable blush crept into her cheeks. There was no sign of fear.

he nodded and smiled at him. “Yes.”

Her answer had been a breathless whisper.
He kissed her again, his hands keeping busy with the fastenings of her gown. Impatient, he wanted to rip the gown from her, but he happened to know it was one of her favorites, so he gently unbuttoned and untied as calmly as he could. Soon the silk was off her upper torso and hung about her waist.

pulled back and feasted upon the site of her beautiful breasts straining against the almost transparent fabric of her chemise. He could not refrain from cupping one lovely breast, testing the weight in his hand.

continued to kiss her while he untied her chemise and pulled it down, baring her creamy, perfect, breasts. He allowed his finger to move over one pink nipple that hardened as he touched it.

“You are so beautiful, Zenny,
” he whispered as his hands moved upward over her bare shoulders and back down her arms. She blushed again and smiled up at him. He rose from the settee and held out both hands to her. “Come with me, Zenny.”

Senny placed her hands in his.
She was not frightened. Nervous perhaps. Yet she was eager to find out what coupling was all about. She had faith that with Gabriel the experience would be pleasant. Her sister had promised her it would be enjoyable.

Gabriel pulle
d her to her feet. His fingers worked at her gown. It swished down and pooled around her feet. Shortly after, her chemise followed, wafting to land atop her wedding gown.

She stood before her husband clad only in her stockings and slippers.
She liked the look in Gabriel’s pale, crystalline eyes as he looked at her body. There was a gleam of approval and something else. Could it be desire?

Gabriel reached out and
gently lifted his wife into his arms. Being careful not to jar her wounded arm, he laid her reverently upon their bed,
his bed
. Candles and lamps flickered about the room, capturing the hint of red-gold in her hair.

Senny reach
ed out her hand to him, but he was already sliding away from her, down the bed toward her legs.

He untied one garter
. His fingers slid between the silk and the softness of her skin. As he slowly unrolled the stocking, his fingers skimmed along her satiny skin while his lips pressed against her thigh, then her knee, her calf, her ankle and her toes. Her slipper fell to the floor. There was a soft whisper as her stocking followed. He repeated the same action with her other leg. He looked up to see the golden curls covering her sex before he smiled at her. He longed to kiss her there. He reasoned that would have to wait for another time. He must take special care not to overwhelm her during this, her first time. He reminded himself she was an innocent.

He placed several
light, feathery kisses to her long, slender legs on his way back up. He paused at her belly, the valley between her breasts and the hollow of her throat, to allow his lips and tongue to worship her. After brushing his lips against her chin, he covered her mouth with his once again.

Senny shivered with delight at
the feel of his lips against her bare flesh. The feel of his fingers against her skin made her feel things she had never felt before, even when they kissed. The sensations washing over her were quite exciting. His hard muscled body was warm against hers.

When Gabriel looked into her eyes
, Senny grasped the lapels of his coat and pushed them back impatiently as he kissed her deeply.

Gabriel chuckled and shrugged out of his coat
. His waistcoat followed. Senny helped him with his shirt.

The way she looked at his bare
chest would remain burned in Gabriel’s brain forever; he knew it would. She looked at him with such admiration, wonder and then approval as her hands slowly and gently caressed and explored.

“You a
re beautiful, Gabriel,” she smiled as her hands lovingly moved over the muscles of his chest, raked through the dark hair, found the ridges in his abdomen then moved slowly upward again over his chest and to his shoulders.

“You. Are. Beautiful. Zenny,” he said in between
the soft, open-mouthed kisses he placed along the curve of her neck and across her shoulder. His lips moved lower, to her breast.

is mouth brought wondrous pleasure to her. Senny moaned softly as he suckled her. She grasped his shoulders and arched her back, pressing herself against him. She knew only that she wanted to be closer to him. As his mouth moved to her other breast, her hands fisted in his golden hair. She arched up, pressing closer to his hard, muscled warmth.

His hand moved
fleetingly across her ribs, then over her flat stomach and down lower.

gasped as he found the place between her legs that already felt moist and warm. He began to massage her sensitive flesh with gentle, teasing strokes. The pleasure she felt was something she never could have imagined. Heat coursed through her body. Tightness began to knot in her abdomen as he continued to stroke her.

Gabriel watched her expressions as he pleasured her
. He whispered sweet and soothing words to her. He slipped his finger inside her and nearly groaned as he stroked inside her warm, wet sheath. She was so tight.

Her hands tightened on his
shoulders. “Gabriel, I-I something’s happening…” her words trailed off as she instinctively bucked against him.

“Just give in to it, Zenny, love
. Let it happen,” he whispered in her ear, his voice deep and thick with huskiness. “I wish to give you this pleasure.”

tangled her fingers in his thick, brown hair again and pulled his head downward so she could claim his mouth. She kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue. She panted between their hungry kisses and when it happened, when her release came, she cried out from the rush of burning, pleasure that washed through her entire body in powerful waves.

Gabriel rained
soft kisses over her face afterward. Satisfied her body was ready for him, he sat up, swung his long legs over the side of the bed and stood.

Senny heard his boots thunk to the floor.
Her eyes widened as he turned. She noted the definite protrusion in his trousers.

” was all she could manage to say.

He turned slightly. She watched in awe as he lowered his trousers
. She admired the taut muscles of his buttocks, his powerful, muscled thighs and when he turned to face her, she looked upon the unmistakable evidence of his desire for her. His pale blue eyes had darkened to a stormy gray.

You are beautiful, Gabriel,” she swallowed as her gaze rested on his manhood, “but-”

Gabriel smiled as he slid into the bed
beside her. “Do not worry, love. Your body will stretch to accommodate mine. Trust me, Zenny.” He gathered her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

“I do trust you.”

He knew she did. She always had. The thought made him deliriously happy. He purposely hadn’t kissed her that thoroughly, that completely until now for he knew if they connected before he was inside her, he would lose all control. He almost had lost his control the last time they kissed before he left to go to London. Now, Senny was his wife. She was untouched, so he had to be gentle. As much as he wanted to rush and bury himself inside her, he knew he had to be patient and take things slowly. He came over her, his aroused member rested against her thigh. He remained there as he dipped his head and kissed her again.

“I am not frightened Gabriel,
” Senny whispered against his ear. Her hands traveled down his muscled back, slowly exploring and caressing his hard body. She had to admit, her husband was indeed a well-formed man.

l was in heaven. His Senny seemed as eager as he was. He grinned when she arched her back and pressed against him. He allowed himself to enjoy her attentions and caresses for a few moments before continuing. He placed himself at her opening. He felt her open her legs wider beneath him. He slid into her. Senny raised her hips and took him in until his cock reached the piece of skin blocking him.

“There will be
some pain when I break your barrier. I promise you it will be quick and will not last long, Zenny love,” he managed to say. The pleasure he felt at that moment was quite intense. He was about to make his wife truly his.

She smiled and nodded.

Gabriel drew back his hips and thrust forward. He felt the thin flesh give way and sucked in his breath as he found himself fully immersed in her warmth. “Are you in pain, Zenny?” he asked, his voice a strained whisper. He searched her face for any evidence she felt discomfort.

“No,” Senny said breathlessly as she lifted her hips to take him deeper
. It was the most incredible feeling to have Gabriel inside her.

He began to move slowly. “How does that feel?”
he breathed as he kissed the tender spot behind her ear. He lifted his head so he could see her face, her expression.

I feel very good. And full. Of you.” She smiled up at him. Again, she threaded her hands through his hair and pulled his head down closer to her. They kissed, their tongues entwining, as Gabriel began to move inside her. Mindful of any soreness she might experience, he kept his movements slow and gentle.

Their kiss deepened
. Passion rose and began to burn between them. Gabriel felt himself slide through the veil. The moment they connected, he could feel her passion, her desire, her pleasure. Pleasure that he gave her as well as his own that she gave to him. His blood raced and pounded. He began to thrust deeper, keeping in rhythm with the beat of her heart. He felt her passion awaken. It increased in intensity, burning as hot as glowing red coals. He felt her pleasure, her euphoria. He felt her love. It was so deep, strong and true it nearly made him weep with joy.

Senny recognized the feelings and emotions
that were his. She knew they were connected. She felt loved, adored, and reveled in the fact that she was giving her husband great pleasure. She knew that she was. She could feel it.

They continued this way, each feeling not only their own pleasure, but the o
ther’s as well. Joined in body, mind, and spirit they pushed onward. Their union was so powerful, neither one could speak. Their moist bodies moved in tandem as they gazed into one another’s eyes. They listened to their hearts beating in unison. They felt the powerful melding of their souls. After a time, their rhythm increased; the flames of passion burned, higher, hotter, and brighter.

lost themselves in the exquisite rapture. His crystalline eyes held her brilliant blue-green gaze. He went deeper. She clung to him, wrapping her legs around him. Their bodies were fused, completely joined. His tongue plunged deep into the warmth of her mouth, mimicking the movements of his cock.

Senny could feel Gabriel’s love
. She felt the strength of it. She felt the intense pleasure she gave him, his burning passion, his desire. It was all for
. Her heart soared. Tears stung her eyes as great happiness filled her heart.

Their pace
increased, they gave everything they had to one another, love, passion, adoration. Joined, merged in body, mind and soul, they escalated ever higher. With whispers, touches, caresses and kisses, their ecstasy and love combined and spiraled until they reached the crescendo.

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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