Los Perdidos: The Novel (Sons of Glory Motorcycle Club Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Los Perdidos: The Novel (Sons of Glory Motorcycle Club Romance)
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Dana instantly began protesting that Josh should pull closer so the girls wouldn’t have to walk so far in our heels. “No way,” Cory shut her down. “It’s already too embarrassing that we didn’t show up on bikes. No way am I gonna step out of Josh’s beater right in front of those dudes over there.”

Sighing in exasperation, Dana pulled the handle on the back door and shimmied herself out with difficulty. I followed her, and Kara got out on the other side. The boys followed last, and Josh pressed the button on his remote, a short beep signaling that the car was locked. As we walked toward the biker bar, the distinctive smells of smoke and engine oil greeted us. The sensation was immediate that we were walking into a different world, with very different rules. I knew that we were taking a risk by even stepping into this place. Strangely, my thoughts went to my parents. If they were still alive, they would be freaking out if they knew I was here. Pushing the thought away, I focused on trying not to trip in my four-inch heels. My stomach was doing flip-flops as I tried to act nonchalant walking toward the bar. I could feel the bikers’ eyes follow me as we walked by. They raked my body, sliding up my legs to my ass, then up again to my nearly exposed tits. The fantasy of the experience began to melt away as the reality hit me. I was basically a piece of meat, throwing myself voluntarily to the lions.
Holy shit
, I thought.
How do I get out of this?

But it was too late. I knew that. Even now, Cory was opening the door to the bar and motioning us to go inside. I tugged down on my tank top self-consciously, squared my shoulders, and followed my friends through the door.

Inside, the noise was almost deafening. To the right, huge, tattooed men played pool while a smattering of scantily clad women watched them. To the left, leather-wearing bikers lined the bar, drinking whiskey and laughing loudly. Classic rock blared through the bar speakers. The bouncer at the door, a huge mountain of a man with a shaved head and ZZ-Top beard, just looked at us for a long moment, then smirked and waved us in. He didn’t check the girls’ bags, and I could see why; it was laughable that any of us could have brought anything into this bar that would have been any sort of threat.

At first, no one noticed the handful of wannabees who had just stepped inside, and that was more than all right by me. Cory boldly went up to the bar, trying to strut like he belonged, and turned back to us. “What are you drinking?” he yelled. I decided I would stick with the whiskey coke I had been drinking earlier, not wanting to mix alcohols. The guy behind the bar looked to be in his mid-thirties. He didn’t bother to ask for our IDs, but merely filled our orders in silence, barely making eye contact. The five of us stood drinks in hand at the front of the bar for a few minutes. We tried to make casual conversation and not look too much like the awkward, out of place college students we clearly were. Eventually, I got tired of looking so conspicuous and decided to go explore a little around the rest of the bar. Kara said she’d go with me, and Dana hung back with Cory and Josh. I took my glass and moved further inside the bar with Kara, trying to look natural and feeling more ridiculous each second.

Toward the back, the scene was more of the same, except that as we penetrated deeper into the space, there seemed to be more of one particular type of motorcycle jacket. On the backs of many, I read the words: Los Perdidos MC, San Cristobal, CA. Some of the men in these jackets had women draped over them. One of the women was shamelessly sticking her tongue in her guy’s ear and caressing his crotch as he shot the shit with another guy. Another couple was making out, with the guy’s hand completely up the woman’s skirt. I saw that the woman in question was wearing a leather vest herself. On the back, I could see the words: “Property of Los Perdidos MC” emblazoned there.

“Holy shit,” Kara murmured into my ear as we tried not to gape. “This is so intense!” The whole scene exuded a pure, raw sexuality that both fascinated and excited me. This was so far out of my limited world experience, it was like I had been transported to another planet instead of just across town.

Suddenly, a deep voice addressed us from behind. “Good evenin,’ ladies,” the voice said.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Turning, I came face to face with the biggest, hottest man-mountain of muscle I had ever seen. The mountain had dirty-blond hair, just down to his shoulders, tattooed biceps that flexed under the sleeves of his T-shirt, and a sexy, scruffy three-day beard that made my heart beat just a little faster at the thought of it rubbing against my face. Like the others, he wore a leather vest with patches on the front. One said “Los Perdidos MC”. Another said “Sons of Glory”. A third: “V. President”. This guy smelled like leather and the road, and looked like he could break me in half with his little fingers. His voice traced a blazing path down my stomach to my core. I had never been in the presence of sex on wheels before, but this was definitely it.

“You look a long way from home, little girl,” he drawled, and took a swig of his drink. “Are you sure you wanna play in the big pool?”

His eyes went straight to my tank top, and his lip curled in a slight smile. Despite the heat of the bar, I felt my nipples harden. I smiled self-consciously and willed myself not to sound like an idiot.

“My name’s Jen,” I said, since it seemed like the safest thing.

“Smoke,” he replied. Smoke, like his smoky, velvety voice.
Fitting name.
I thought. “You sure you’re ready for this, Jen?” he asked again.

“Ready for what?” I stammered.

“For what you’re signing up for, bein’ here,” his sweeping gaze encompassed the room around him. “Or are you just a tourist?” he asked, grinning.

I glanced over at Kara, who had disappeared to a spot across the room. She was talking to one of the other bikers, another huge guy at least 6’5” with long, dark hair. I caught her eye and she smiled reassuringly: She was okay.

Smoke stepped closer to me. His musky scent filled my nose; my lips parted involuntarily and my breath quickened at the nearness of him. The raw masculinity of this man was intoxicating. Everything about him said
. None of the guys I had ever been around had affected me in quite this way. He flashed a smile and I felt my eyes half-close in anticipation, hoping against hope that he would touch me. I couldn’t think about anything except what it would feel like if he took hold of me right now and kissed me. I glanced over quickly at Kara again. Her guy had her back against the wall now, and he towered over her as she smiled flirtatiously up at him.

I looked up at Smoke and said bravely, “I’m up for whatever you have in mind.” He grinned, and said sardonically: “Are you now?” In truth, I was terrified, but also terribly excited. All my nerve endings were on edge in the presence of this strange, exciting man. I felt alive, really alive, for the first time in forever. Smoke laughed now, a low, sexy rumble that began deep in his throat. He wrapped one strong arm around me. Pulling me to him harshly, his mouth came down on mine. The smell of his leather mixed with the whiskey taste of him, intoxicated me, and I opened my mouth willingly to his probing tongue. A little moan escaped me as he pressed my body hard against him, possessing me with his mouth as his whiskers punished my face. As his tongue probed my mouth, I felt his hard bulge growing just below my belly-button. Feeling how hard he was for me made my panties dampen and my lower lips swell with sudden, overwhelming need. I whimpered with desire as my throbbing sex angled upward, desperate to connect with the most vital part of him.

Smoke tore his lips away from mine and put both of his arms around my waist. Backing me against a pole in the middle of the bar, he cupped my ass with his hands. Honey,” he growled, “you got no idea what you’re gettin’ yourself into.” Lifting me up as though I was no heavier than a doll, he pressed us together, his hard shaft against my aching sex. I moaned as I finally got the sweet relief I craved. I kissed him passionately, the contact releasing something deep within me. I grew half wild with desire now as I ground my hips into his.

Suddenly, I felt an insistent buzz in my back pocket. Groaning in frustration, I broke away from his kiss. Looking towards the front of the bar, I saw that Kara had rejoined Cory, Dana and Josh and that they were all looking at me. “Just a second,” I muttered, and pulled out my phone and read the message. “we r leaving. u coming?” The text was from Dana.

Ugh. Now?
I couldn’t believe it. How could I possibly tear myself away from this man? Looking up at Smoke, I frowned in frustration. “My friends are leaving. I guess I have to go,” I said.

“I can take you home,” he replied with a dark twinkle in his eye. When I didn’t reply right away, he threw his head back and laughed. “Darlin’, don’t worry, you’re not gonna get eaten. You can trust me. I don’t rape women. Anything I do to you, you’ll want it, trust me.”

I hesitated, but despite having just met him, I believed that he was telling me the truth. Besides, I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to run the risk of never seeing Smoke again. There was something about him that compelled me beyond anything I’d ever known. Looking over at my friends, I made my decision. I smiled widely to reassure them, then texted: “im good. u go ahead. i have a ride.”

“u sure?” came the reply.

“yes no worries,” I wrote back.

Kara flashed me a thumbs up and turned to go. Cory and Dana gave each other a worried look, but after exchanging a few words with their heads together, they seemed to come to an agreement. Dana thumbed another message into the phone and looked up at me. My phone buzzed: “txt me when u get home safe, k?”

I raised my arm and gave them a thumbs up in return. Dana and Cory waved goodbye, and the four of them left the bar with no further discussion. I made a mental note to myself to text Dana as soon as I got back to the dorms.

Smoke wordlessly watched them leave the bar without me, then looked down at me with a sexy grin. “So, they’re leavin’ you in the company of the big bad wolf,” he teased, showing a set of gleaming white teeth at me. I laughed. “Yes, I guess they trust me to know my own mind,” I said.

“You ever been on a bike before?” he smirked.

“No, never” I admitted. Then, looking at him as boldly as I dared, I cocked my head coyly and said, “There’s lots of stuff I’ve never done that I want to do.”

A smile spread across his face as he gave me a look that was very big bad wolf, indeed. Before I knew it, Smoke had bent down and picked me up in his arms like I was light as a feather. Hoots and shouts echoed around us as he carried me unceremoniously toward the back of the bar down a long hallway. Stopping at a closed door, he set me down and got out a key from a key ring at his hip. Smoke opened the door and led me into the darkened room. Then his mouth was on mine again, his hands lifting my ass up and leaning me against the wall to set me down on his hot, still-hard shaft.

I whimpered as I felt my panties go from damp to wet, and began to rock my hips frantically as my body instinctively responded to his. I threw my arms around his neck and opened my mouth, thrusting out my tongue to meet his. Smoke growled, a low, animal sound, and clutched his hands hard against my ass, crushing me to him. The fabric of his jeans and my shorts seemed three feet thick. I was in an agony of lust: all I could think about was closing the distance between us. I wrapped my legs around him tightly, pulling him closer and moaning as little thrills of pleasure coursed through me at the friction between my sex and his. All I could think of was how desperately I needed for him to make me come, by any means necessary.

Still crushing my lips with his, Smoke carried me through the dark to a waist-high surface and set me down. My fingers stroked the felt fabric and I realized I was sitting on a pool table. Smoke pushed me onto my back and grabbed me by the wrists, pinning me under him. As he was leaning over me, the heat of his skin radiated against mine. I moaned and spread my legs. “You like it rough, darlin’?” he gritted, his hot breath in my face.

“I don’t know,” I whispered. But if I didn’t know, why was every inch of my skin calling out for more?

He held both of my wrists with one hand, and reached down with the other, pushing the thin fabric of my shorts aside. He stuck a finger into my swollen, dripping folds. I gasped. “That’s not what your pussy tells me,” he muttered thickly. A jolt of electricity shot through me to hear him use such a dirty, strangely erotic word. He moved away from me, and I felt his hands on my shorts, undoing first the button and then the zipper. He yanked them off at the same time as my panties, and then grabbed my ankles, propping my booted feet up on the table. Now I was splayed in front of him, helpless and exposed, wearing only my boots and tiny tank top.

“That’s a fucking thing of beauty,” he breathed in satisfaction as he looked at me with frankly animal lust. Reaching down, he lightly feathered one finger up my leg to my right thigh, teasingly skipping my throbbing sex, and then down my left leg. My eyes had adjusted to the dark now, and I saw that he was stroking himself through his jeans. I was burning and wet between my legs, desperate for relief. Frantically, I reached one hand blindly down towards him, as though to pull him closer. He moved toward me and pushed me further back on the table, spreading my legs wider. I barely had time to register what he was doing before his tongue was plunged deep inside me, licking and lapping at my wet folds. I cried out softly as I felt his stubble brush against my lower lips and thighs. My hands reached down and fisted in his hair as I arched my pelvis toward his tongue, desperate for the release I knew he could give me. I moaned as his saliva mixed with my juices, slicking my skin deliciously as he continued to tease. His tongue plunged deeper, then pulled back to swirl around my nub maddeningly. I moaned again and squirmed; it felt like he would drive me mad with every stroke of his magic tongue. I couldn’t stand much more. “Please!” I begged him, trying to push his head where I needed it.

“Please what, darlin’?” he said, breaking away from me. I could hear the teasing smile of satisfaction in his voice.

“Please… more…”

“I wanna hear you say it, darlin’. Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

“Please,” I whispered, my face blushing scarlet in the dark. “Please… make me come.”

“Do you want me to fuck your pussy with my tongue ‘til you come? Say the words!” he demanded.

“Yes!” I cried, my desperate need overcoming my embarrassment. “Please! Make me come, fuck my pussy with your tongue and make me come!”

With a growl of triumph, he plunged once more, his rough tongue thrusting inside me, and then I felt it emerge to flick lightly over my clit. I jolted in pleasure and spread my legs even wider, thrusting my hips against his tongue as he flicked. I felt first one finger inside me, then two, as he continued to lick, and then began to suck at my clit softly with his thick, sensual lips.

Smoke’s fingers began to press a spot inside me just under my belly button that sent jolts of pleasure rocketing through me, and soon he was timing those jolts with the strokes of his flicking tongue. I felt my insides clench, and my hips thrust up one final time as everything shattered and I came screaming and bucking against his tongue. My knees and thighs shook as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me. I was still coming when Smoke picked me up and turned me over so I was suddenly standing on the floor, leaning over the pool table. I heard him unzip his jeans, and then the soft sound of the fabric falling onto the floor. Then, unexpectedly, I felt a stinging slap as Smoke spanked me, first on one buttock, then the other.

“I wanna see your ass red and hot, baby,” he growled, and spanked me again, harder this time. I yelped in pain, but the pain was mixing with the pleasure of my orgasm in a confusing way. Then, I felt delicious, hot velvet slide between my legs as his slickened cock head pressed against my soaking opening. At once, the need to have him inside me was overwhelming. I spread my legs and opened for him, gasping at his size as he entered me roughly. Grabbing me by the hips, he began pumping forcefully, pounding me against the pool table. Grunting with each thrust, his heavy balls slapped against my ass as he murmured, “Fuck yeah, oh, yes, you’re so fuckin’ wet, I’m gonna come inside you so hard…”

I had a dizzy moment of panic that he wasn’t wearing protection, but I was on the pill, and I would just have to hope he was clean. The truth was, I was so turned on by the idea of him coming inside me that the thought of it made my insides clench again.

Smoke grabbed my neck with one hand and pulled me back toward him as he thrust harder and harder, his tip going deep and hitting my cervix with each pump. I could feel him getting larger inside of me as he got closer to his orgasm, and the sensation drove me wild. I began begging him again, a stream of incoherent words tumbling from my mouth as I pleaded with him to fuck me and come inside me. He reached around me and stroked a finger against my clit, massaging it in rhythm with his thrusts, and I felt myself once again climbing higher and higher. Then, with one final thrust, he groaned deeply and emptied himself inside me, sending me over the edge a second time. We shuddered against each other, joined in our ecstasy as he coated my insides with his thick, hot cream.

Smoke collapsed on top of me and we lay like that, panting, for several minutes. When our breathing had finally gotten back to normal, he buried his face in my hair and inhaled deeply. “Your hair is like flame,” he whispered to me as his hands slowly caressed my auburn tresses.

After a time, Smoke pulled out of me with surprising gentleness, and then I heard him cross the room to rummage on a shelf. I stood up, feeling battered and bruised between my legs but more satisfied than I had ever been in my life. He brought me a towel, tossing it on the pool table and saying simply, “It’s clean.”

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