Lost at School (13 page)

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Authors: Ross W. Greene

BOOK: Lost at School
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        ____ Difficulty reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas simultaneously

        ____ Difficulty maintaining focus

        ____ Difficulty considering the likely outcomes or consequences of actions (impulsive)

        ____ Difficulty considering a range of solutions to a problem

Difficulty expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts in words

Difficulty understanding what is being said

Difficulty managing emotional response to frustration so as to think rationally

        ____ Chronic irritability and/or anxiety significantly impede capacity for problem-solving or heighten frustration

        ____ Difficulty seeing the “grays”/concrete, literal, black-and-white thinking

Difficulty deviating from rules, routine

Difficulty handling unpredictability, ambiguity, uncertainty, novelty

Difficulty shifting from original idea or solution

Difficulty taking into account situational factors that would suggest the need to adjust a plan of action

Inflexible, inaccurate interpretations/cognitive distortions or biases (e.g., “Everyone’s out to get me,” “Nobody likes me,” “You always blame me,” “It’s not fair,” “I’m stupid”)

        ____ Difficulty attending to or accurately interpreting social cues/poor perception of social nuances

        ____ Difficulty starting conversations, entering groups, connecting with people/lacking other basic social skills

        ____ Difficulty seeking attention in appropriate ways

        ____ Difficulty appreciating how his/her behavior is affecting other people

        ____ Difficulty empathizing with others, appreciating another person’s perspective or point of view

        ____ Difficulty appreciating how s/he is coming across or being perceived by others



        ____ Waking up/getting out of bed in the morning

        ____ Completing morning routine/getting ready for school

        ____ Sensory hypersensitivities

        ____ Starting or completing homework or a particular academic task

        ____ Food quantities/choices/preferences/timing

        ____ Time spent in front of a screen (TV, video games, computer)

        ____ Going to/getting ready for bed at night

        ____ Boredom

        ____ Sibling interactions

        ____ Cleaning room/completing household chores

        ____ Taking medicine

        ____ Riding in car/wearing seat belt


        ____ Shifting from one specific task to another (specify)

Getting started on/completing class assignment (specify) Being confused

Interactions with a particular classmate/teacher (specify) Having a new math partner

        ____ Behavior in hallway/at recess/in cafeteria/on school bus/waiting in line (specify)

        ____ Talking at appropriate times

        ____ Specific academic tasks/demands, e.g., writing assignments (specify)

Handling disappointment/losing at a game/not coming in first/not being first in line (specify) The bus being late

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