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Authors: Joseph Lumpkin

Lost Books of the Bible (169 page)

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9 And in the ninth section (piece) the fall of fire.

10 And in the tenth section (piece) rapine and much oppression.

11 And in the eleventh section (piece) wickedness and hedonism.

12 And in the twelfth section (piece) confusion from the mingling together of all those things aforesaid.

13 For these slices of that time are reserved, and will be mingled one with another and reinforce one another.

14 For some will leave out some of their own, and receive (in its stead) from others, and some complete their own and that of others, so that those may not understand who are upon the earth in those days that this is the consummation of the times.


Chapter 28

1  Nevertheless, whosoever understands will then be wise.

2 For the measure and reckoning of that time are two parts (pieces or section) a week of seven weeks.

3 And I answered and said:  It is good for a man to come and behold, but it is better that he should not come lest he fall.

4 But I will ask this also: Will he who is incorruptible despise those things which are corruptible? What happens in the case of those things which are corruptible, so that he might look only to those things which are not  corruptible?

5 But if, O Lord, those things will certainly come to pass which You have foretold to me, show this to me also if indeed I have found grace in Your sight.

6 Is it in one place or in one of the sections of the earth that those things are come to pass, or will the whole earth experience them?


Chapter 29

1 And He answered and said to me: Whatever will befall the whole earth all who live will experience.

2 For at that time I will protect only those who are found in those same days in this land.

3 And when all is accomplished that was to come to pass in those sections, that the Messiah will then begin to be revealed.

4 And Behemoth will be revealed from his place and Leviathan will ascend from the sea, those two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of creation, and will have kept until that time; and then they will be food for all that are left.

5 The earth also will yield its fruit ten thousand fold and on each vine there will be a thousand branches, and each branch will produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster produces a thousand grapes, and each grape produces a cor (a unit of measure approximately 517 pints) of wine.

6 And those who have hungered will rejoice, moreover, they will behold marvels every day.

7 For winds will go forth from before Me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits, and at the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health.

8 And it will come to pass at that same time that the treasury of manna will again descend from on high, and they will eat of it in those years, because these are they who have come to the end of time.


Chapter 30

1 And it will come to pass after these things, when the time of the advent of the Messiah is fulfilled, that He will return in glory.

2 Then all who have fallen asleep in hope of Him will rise again.

3 And it will come to pass at that time that the treasuries will be opened in which is preserved the number of the souls of the righteous, and they will come forth, and a multitude of souls will be seen together in one assemblage of one thought, and the first will rejoice and the last will not be grieved. For they know that the time has come of which it is said, that it is the consummation of the times.

4 But the souls of the wicked, when they behold all these things, will then waste away the more.

5 For they will know that their torment has come and their perdition has arrived.”


Chapter 31

 1 And after these things I went to the people and said to them:

2  Assemble to me all your elders and I will speak words to them.

3 And they all assembled in the valley of the Cedron. And I answered and said to them: Hear, O Israel, and I will speak to you, And give ear, O seed of Jacob, and I will instruct you.

4 Forget not Zion, But hold in remembrance the anguish of Jerusalem.

5 For the days come, when everything exists will become the prey of corruption and will be as though it had not been.


Chapter 32

1  But if you prepare your hearts, so as to sow in them the fruits of the law, it will protect you in that time in which the Mighty One is to shake the whole creation.

2 Because after a little time the building of Zion will be shaken in order that it may be built again.

3 But that building will not remain, but will again after a time be pulled up by the roots, and will remain desolate until the time.

4 And afterwards it must be renewed in glory, and perfected for evermore.

5 Therefore we should not be distressed so much over the evil which has now come as over that which is still to be.

6 For there will be a greater trial than these two tribulations when the Mighty One will renew His creation.

7 And now do not draw near to me for a few days, nor seek me till I come to you.

8 And when I had spoken to them all these words, that I, Baruch, went my way, and when the people saw me leaving, they lifted up their voice and lamented and said:  To what place do you depart from us, Baruch, and forsake us as a father who forsakes his orphan children, and departs from them?


Chapter 33

1  Are these the commands which your companion, Jeremiah the prophet, commanded you, and said to you:

2  Look to this people till I go and make ready the rest of the brethren in Babylon, against whom has gone forth the sentence that they should be led into captivity?

3 And now if you also forsake us, it were good for us all to die before you withdraw from us.


Chapter 34

1 And I answered and said to the people:  Far be it from me to forsake you or to withdraw from you, but I will only go to the Holy of Holies to inquire of the Mighty One concerning you and concerning Zion; in the hopes I should receive more illumination and after these things I will return to you.


Chapter 35

1 And I, Baruch, went to the holy place, and sat down upon the ruins and wept, and said:

2  O that mine eyes were springs, and mine eyelids a spring of tears.

3 For how will I lament for Zion, and how will I mourn for Jerusalem?

4 Because in that place where I am now prostrate, of old the high priest offered holy sacrifices; and placed thereon an incense of fragrant odors.

5 But now our glorying has been made into dust, And the desire of our soul into sand.


Chapter 36

1 And when I had said these things I fell asleep there, and I saw a vision in the night.

2 I saw a forest of trees planted on the plain, and lofty and rugged rocky mountains surrounded it, and that forest occupied much space.

3 And over beside it arose a vine, and from under it there went forth a peaceful fountain.

4 Now that fountain came to the forest and was agitated into great waves, and those waves submerged that forest, and suddenly they pulled up by the roots the greater section (area) of that forest, and overthrew all the mountains which were around it.

5 And the height of the forest began to be made low, and the top of the mountains was made low and that fountain greatly overtook it, so that it left nothing of that great forest save one cedar only.

6 Also when it had cast it down and had destroyed and pulled up by the roots the greater part of that forest, so that nothing was left of it, nor could its place be recognized, then that vine began to come with the fountain in peace and great tranquility, and it came to a place which was not far from that cedar, and they brought the cedar which had been cast down to it.

7 And I saw that vine opened its mouth and spoke and said to that cedar: Are you not that cedar which was left of the forest of wickedness, and by whose means wickedness persisted, and did evil all those years, and goodness never?

8 And you kept conquering that which was not yours, and to that which was yours you never showed compassion, and you kept extending your power over those who were far from you, and those who ventured near to you held tightly in the toils of your wickedness, and you lifted yourself up always as one that could not be pulled up by the roots!

9 But now your time has sped by and your hour is come. Do you also therefore depart O cedar, after the forest, which departed before you, and become dust with it, and let your ashes be mingled together?

10 And now lay down in anguish and rest in torment till your last time comes, in which you will come again and be tormented still more.


Chapter 37

1 And after these things I saw that cedar burning, and the vine glowing and all around it the plain was full of unfading flowers. And I awoke and arose.


Chapter 38

1 And I prayed and said: O LORD, my Lord, You always enlighten those who are led by understanding.

2 Your law is life, and Your wisdom is right guidance.

3 Make known to me the interpretation of this vision.

4 For You know that my soul has always walked in Your law, and from my earliest days I departed not from Your wisdom.


Chapter 39

1 And He answered and said to me: Baruch, this is the interpretation of the vision which you have seen.

2 As you have seen the great forest which lofty and rugged mountains surrounded, this is the word.

3 The days come, and this kingdom will be destroyed which once destroyed Zion, and it will be subjected to that which comes after it.

4 After a time the kingdom will be destroyed, and another, a third, will arise, and that also will have dominion for its time, and will be destroyed.

5 And after these things a fourth kingdom will arise, whose power will be harsh and evil far beyond those which were before it, and it will rule many times as the forests on the plain, and it will hold firmly for a time, and will exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon.

6 And by it the truth will be hidden, and all those who are polluted with sinfulness will flee to it, as evil beasts flee and creep into the forest.

7 And when the time of its end and fall has approached, then the kingdom of My Messiah will be revealed, which is like the fountain and the vine, and when it is revealed it will root out the multitude of its host.

8 And concerning that which you have seen, the lofty cedar, which was left out of that forest, and the fact, that the vine spoke those words with it which you did hear, this is the word.


BOOK: Lost Books of the Bible
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