Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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Chapter Eighteen



Mike kissed her and Tessa swore she'd melt until they were one if they didn't stop. For the first time in a long time, everything was going to okay. No, better than okay. She could imagine what the goofy smile on her face looked like when he pulled away from her. Nothing was taking that away from her.

"What's that look for?" He popped another kiss on her lips, seeming unable to resist touching her.

"I'm just so happy. The hell I've gone through is finally over and I'm safe. We're all safe." Getting that phone call that Richard had been arrested had been the sweetest words she'd ever heard. They'd stayed at the beach for a few more nights and then came back to his home. Where would they go from there? Since she never thought she'd actually be able to settle down anywhere or with anyone, she tried not to think about the future. She had that chance of having something special with Mike and wondered what the future would bring.

"Me too. I'm not sure if you've realized this, but I love you, Tessa. It may be too soon for you." His face looked flushed, but he didn't turn away.

"No! I made the mistake once for jumping too quickly." She touched his cheek when his smile vanished. "What we have is nothing like the mistake I made with Richard. This is real. Something I never believe could exist in real life. I love you, too."

"Good. Marry me." The uncertainty and fear showed in the tightening of his mouth and the way he held strong to her hips. Again, he didn't look away.

She stared at him in disbelief. He'd popped the question so fast—not in a month or year, but in the two weeks or so they'd known each other. How long had it been, again? Her mind raced; her answer sat on the tip of her tongue, but she was unsure if he was really thinking it through. "Really?"

He must have misunderstood her because he dropped to kneel on one knee and grabbed both of her hands. "Sorry. Will you marry me?"

Tears stung her eyes at the sight of him kneeling in front of her. How adorable he looked! Even if it was crazy. They'd both obviously lost their minds, because she was going to say yes.

"I'm still married." Why did she say that? He already had her heart and their souls were one. Had been since the day they'd met.

"I know, but not for long. When the time comes, I want you to be mine forever and I want to be yours. I have to know if you want the same thing." His hands shook, holding hers.

The tears spilled over. He seemed so nervous that she'd say no. She saw it in the way he stared, not straying, in the way he held on to her, squeezing tight. She pulled one hand from his and pressed it to his heart, feeling its pounding under her touch, almost to the tempo of her own. "Yes. I would want nothing more than to become your wife."

"Oh, thank God!" He jumped up and jerked her in for a kiss she'd never forget.

"Mmmm, as long as I get that every day we're together." She never thought she could be so happy and yet she was. The man holding her did that for her and she'd be grateful to him for the rest of their lives.

The loud sound of Mike's radio went off. She held him tight as he listened to the call. It didn't sound good. "You have to go, right?"

"I'm not on call, but they asked for all to help. I can stay." He caressed her back and slowly dropped his hands lower.

"No sir. You go and be a hero for someone else." He'd always be hers. "You don't have to babysit me anymore. I can handle being here on my own. Promise."

He pinched her butt. "I don't consider it babysitting. That's more like play time to me. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Be safe." She did fear his job, but it was part of his life and he saved people. A hero. "My hero."

"No baby. You're my hero." He left her with that and a quick kiss on her lips.

She stood there in shock.
She went into the kitchen to see about trying to fix something special for Mike. Imagine that; it didn't take long for her to burn the simple hamburger helper. She was scraping the mess into the trash when she heard the door open. Feeling flushed, she tried to compose herself before rising from behind the counter to face whoever it was, knowing the burnt dinner still stunk up the house. It could only be one of his brothers, since she didn't expect him back that soon.

"I didn't think you were a cook. Guess I was right about that." The disturbing voice chilled her to the bone.

Ice ran through her veins and she began shaking.
She was asleep. It was a nightmare. How else could she explain the horror of hearing Richard? He was in jail. He couldn't get her anymore. That's what they'd said.

She ignored the way her thoughts raced and straightened up with the pan tight in her grip. There he stood, gloating with his satisfied grin. "How?"

"It wasn't hard. You know I have friends. All I had to do was have one of them call the precinct here and tell them I was in jail. It was pathetically easy to set this all up. I even picked the farthest location from the fire department and let things fall into place. I didn't have to set a fire this time. One anonymous call about an old plant being on fire and they all went. Even your new boyfriend. I never thought you were the cheating type." He ran a finger over the counter as he walked around toward her.

She backed up with every step he took. "You weren't happy with me either. Why are you doing this? I didn't want anything from you."

All she'd wanted from the sadistic man was her freedom. A life without hatred, murder, abuse. She could've had that with Mike, but it seemed she'd die by Richard's hand. The worst thing about her dying was that it would hurt the man she loved. The one she'd said yes to only an hour before Richard showed up. Without taking her eyes from him, she moved toward the door.

He waved a finger at her. "Uh, uh. Be careful. Not only would I make sure you didn't take another breath, I'd make sure your new life ended first. Think about your firefighter, before you answer. His family. I'll do everything I can to ruin you."

The promise wouldn't be broken. He'd do everything to hurt her and then he'd kill her. She saw the news and read how cruel and just plain evil people could be. What she never thought was that she'd be living that life. That she'd have married a sociopath. "If I leave with you, will they be safe? You have to promise that we'll leave right away and no one is harmed. No more killing."

She stood composed. Time for her to quit wasting her tears on him. When she was alone, she'd shed her tears for the life she could've had. If Mike and his family were safe, then she'd leave. He mattered so much to her and so did they.

His eyes narrowed and then a sinister grin appeared on his cold face. "As much as I want to gut the bastard, I'll let him live. It seems fitting to let him suffer knowing that you chose me over him. That's what you'll let him think."

A foul taste filled her mouth and her stomach roiled, believing Mike would think that. If he did, then it would be easier. Maybe he wouldn't come for her. Then he'd stay safe. "Let's go. He'll be back soon."

"Don't tempt me." He moved closer and she didn't budge.

The urge to back away proved nearly too much, but she held her ground. For her love. At least he'd always have her heart and soul. It hurt to know he wouldn't think so.

She tried not to cry out when Richard grabbed her arm painfully. When she pulled back in reflex, he jerked the free hand back and she prepared for the slap, but it didn't take away from the shock. The sting brought the tears and she hated him even more. With all her hatred, she yearned to hurt him as much as possible. She knew he could take her easily, but if it weren't for wanting to keep everyone else safe, she'd have done at least a little damage.

She didn't resist when he yanked her toward the door. Outside, he kept walking, tugging her along until he stood behind the car. He popped the trunk and shoved her in, then grabbed her legs to send her rolling into the small cage. "I won't try anything in the front."

"Like I'm chancing it. I'll let you out when I'm ready and we've left this piece of Hell." He slammed the door shut.

Darkness engulfed her and she finally gave in to the pain, sobbing for the life she lost. She wasn't upset about being in the trunk as it just meant she could have her moment alone, no matter how short. She could only hope she'd suffocate before he let her free. Then he'd lose. This wouldn't be exactly a win for her, but if it meant he'd be miserable and hopefully pay for his evil doings, then she'd call it such.

Suffocation was unlikely, though. She swiped at the tears and closed her eyes in defeat. He'd won and would always win. That was how it worked in the real world.




Mike wasn't the only truck as he joined three rigs at the old abandoned plant. There was no smoke, no fire. "I don't understand. I thought there was a fire here."

"Yes. An anonymous man called in. He was frantic and stated he could see the building engulfed in flames. Since it's so big, they sent out a call to both towns nearby," TK answered.

The connecting town fire department was already driving off. "I guess they weren't too curious. This doesn't make sense. A damn false claim."

Damn pathetic that people didn't have better things to do than to waste first responders' time. He pulled out his phone and called Tessa. No answer. His phone rang as soon as he hung up and the smile that came to his lips faded when he saw it wasn't her. "Marcus?"

"I'm sending an officer to your house now. I'm heading there myself. He was never arrested." He sounded distanced from his car phone.

Mike caught the words either way and dread ran over him, seeping through his skin, and he fell against his truck. TK grabbed him, concern in his eyes. Whatever he was saying didn't register when Marcus began speaking again.

"I was checking to see how it was all going and I found nothing about his arrest. He really had someone lie to us. Dirty cops." He cursed on the other end.

"I'm twenty minutes out. We were called to a false alarm." He fumbled with his keys and jumped into his truck. The remaining men watched him, but he didn't care. "It was a set up. Hurry and get there."

If anything happened to Tessa, he would never forgive himself. She was his and he needed to protect her. He held his foot on the gas, going as fast as he could to get to her. The phone call transferred to his truck. "How far are you?"

Rustling sounds came over the call and then Marcus spoke louder. "I'm here. There's no sign of anyone."

After what seemed like a millennium, Marcus finally spoke again. "No one is here. The stove was on."

Mike didn't turn left on the road that would take him to his home. He took a right, knowing it would be the way the asshole would take—the interstate out and heading toward New York.

"Find him. Call in whatever his car is," Mike ground out through clenched teeth

She could be hurt, or worse. The thought of her being so scared was too much; good thing a call came in that interrupted his dark thoughts. It was Marcus and he better have good news. "Please tell me you found her."

"Mike, pull over." The older man's voice wavered, but he held authority in his tone.

Waves of despair ran over him and he let his foot up from the gas pedal, only slowing some from the ridiculous speed. He wasn't sure he'd survive hearing what Marcus was about to say. "I'm not stopping. Tell me. Is she—?" He couldn't even say the words.

"No. I found out his info and had patrols in all surrounding areas watching for him. I heard back that there was a wreck on I-85. It wasn't good, Mike." The sounds of his police scanner sounded. "Let me pick you up. We don't know what happened."

"Please just tell me she's alive. Where is she?"

"She wasn't in the car. At least from what I was told," Marcus answered.

The solemn note in his voice told Mike that might have been worse. It meant that he'd dumped her. Where else would she be? "Did he live? What if he left her somewhere and she's still alive?"

"No one's telling me anything."

Mike merged onto the interstate and wasn't surprised when he came up on the wreck only a few miles from the exit. From the damage, the car seemed to have rolled multiple times and landed upside down on a guard rail. He jumped out of his truck as soon as he threw it into park.

The men on scene eyed him warily. One officer held his hand out. "Sir? You need to get back into your vehicle."

"I'm from New Springs Fire Department. My fiancé was kidnapped by this man." He wasn't really for sure that she'd been, but there was no other explanation and it couldn't be a coincidence. "Is he alive? Was there anyone else in the car?"

From the looks of the ripped open driver side door and the rushing EMT's, he was alive. For the moment. Mike shoved past the cops and ran straight for the ambulance, expecting to ask where she was. Only then did he catch the lifeless body of the man on the ground beside the mangled car.

"He was dead on impact from the looks of it," someone answered, but another voice captured his attention.

"She's flat lining!"

Mike twisted back to the ambulance but was stopped by two officers. He threw a punch. "Let me go. It's my fiancée!"

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