Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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They'd made it back to the house when he responded with delayed action. The laughter coming from him made her blush. "Did you just thank me for saying I liked your laugh?"

It was pathetic, but she'd stand tall. "Yes, I did."

"Why, Miss Tessa, you are refreshing, compared to the women I've met."

She expected him to make fun of her and instead, he kept shocking her. Never mind the crappy situation she was in, he made her laugh. "Well, you are refreshing as well."

The cop from earlier still sat out in the yard. He didn't seem to pay them any attention, though she was sure he'd heard them talking and it made her suddenly aware they weren't alone anymore.

Mike unlocked the door and stepped to the side to let her in. "I'm going to get the bed changed for you."

After everything Mike had done for her, she decided to help him. She followed him up the steps and waited while he grabbed the sheets from the hall closet. The room he led her to was cute with pink walls, and flowers painted around as a border. "This was your sister's room?"

"No. Nicks." He started with one corner of the bed as she grabbed the other.

When they finished laying the fitted sheet, she glanced at him and noted his smile. He'd answered so quickly and seriously, she didn't realize he'd been joking.

"My sister married over a year ago and moved up the drive with her husband Cooper." He paused for a moment. "I guess it sounds weird that my brothers and I still live together, huh?"

"Maybe to some. You are all still close and that's a good thing. Unless you are just creepy close and into something you shouldn't be." He tilted his head. "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure that's not the case."

"Yeah, it isn't. Jacob is actually building a house a little closer to the woods and the river. It's about a mile from here. He's been working on it for a while now, but with all the new jobs and traveling that came along with it, it's taking a little longer than planned. Nick isn't much into talking about his plans for the future. You'll see what I mean when you meet him." Mike put a new pillow case on the last pillow and walked around the bed, perfectly laid out with the sheets and blankets on top.

"And what about you? What do you have planned for the future?" She didn't know why she'd asked. There were so many reasons why she shouldn't let herself get close to him.

He looked into her eyes for a moment, and then another, before replying. "Honestly? I really don't know. There was a time I thought about finding a place of my own and every time I get close to doing so, I can't bring myself to leave here. Not that my siblings don't love this house just as much as me, but I've always had this crazy thought that I'd settle down and have a family here. Like it was just right for me." He glanced away and shrugged his shoulders. "That sounded cheesy to me. I'm sure it sounded cheesy to a city girl like you."

Drawn to him by an invisible force, she found herself a little closer than she meant when she reached out to touch his face and he leaned into her hand. "None of that sounds remotely cheesy to me." For a split second, her heart raced when she thought he was about to kiss her.

Then he pulled back and stepped into the hall. "You need to sleep. It's been a hell of a day. I'll see you in the morning."

Being upset that he didn't kiss her made her mentally slap herself. The life she lived and her past were reason enough to not want such things.

Reasons she could never have the life he wanted for himself.



Chapter Five



Tessa sat on the couch trying to concentrate on the book. This was the first time in a while when she could sit and enjoy a book, yet she kept reading the same section over and over. For ten minutes, she argued with herself that it had nothing to do with the hot man taking a shower upstairs. And nothing to do with the hot sex scene in the novel, either. She groaned and closed the book, tossing it onto the coffee table.

Mike got under her skin with the merest look, the slightest touch. How stupid and plain crazy to feel that way toward any man, especially one as sweet, honest, sexy, brave, beautiful, and sexy.

"You said sexy," she scolded herself aloud.
And right now, he probably has soap sliding down his chest—
She slapped her forehead. "Stop it, Tessa!"

Since reading proved a complete failure in distracting her, she looked around for something else to do to get the slippery wet fireman off her mind. Just that moment, the front door opened and she jumped, startled as much by the surprise as the fact she'd been caught fantasizing about Mike. Maybe because this could offer the distraction she'd hoped for. She stood and walked around the corner to see who was coming in the door.

"Mike, why is Shepard outside in a squad car? I'd ask him myself, but he's sleeping." The dark-haired man with a gym bag thrown over his shoulder stopped and the corners of his mouth lifted to show the same dimple Mike had. His right brow nearly lifted to his hair line when he spotted her. "Well, hello. I didn't realize we had a guest."

She figured out quick that this was Nick. Mike had warned her already about his flirtatious manner and he fit the picture from their sister's wedding picture. "I'm Tessa. You must be Nick."

Not caring to be touched, she kept her hand at her side. This wasn't always how she'd been, at least not until Sean's death.

The door opened again and another handsome man came in. She could see the close resemblance between them.
Must be Jacob.
He was clean cut compared to his twin, who sported a shaggy growth of hair on his jaw and wore sweats, a t-shirt, and sneakers.

Jacob, on the other hand, had on designer jeans, a light blue polo shirt, and his hair was styled with product rather than just air-dried.

The way he stood there brought back memories of Sean. They dressed alike and seemed a little uptight. This had comprised a big part of the reason why Sean had become her best friend, and this friendship had been allowed because he was gay. If not, then her ex would've made sure their friendship ended. Then he would've still been alive.

Jacob didn't smile at first as he studied her. "Is this a friend of yours, Nick? I thought we decided not to bring girls home?"

Not really enjoying the judgmental stare or even the curl of his lip, she propped her hands on her waist. She'd never had a problem standing up to Sean when he offered his comments about her marriage. Even if he'd been right and she knew this deep down. "You can quit looking at me like I'm some slut. I don't know him, other than what Mike has told me about him."

She felt bad when he blushed and Nick began to laugh. It wasn't the first time she'd been looked at like that and it struck a nerve. "I'm sorry." She never blew up at anyone, so she regretted it instantly. Sean always fussed at her for not standing up for herself, and she did feel like her burst of anger might've made him smile. Just as it always did when she stood up to him, too.

If he were here, he'd be proud.

"No. I am. If you're a friend of Mike's, then I assumed wrong." Jacob placed his suitcase on the floor. "I hope Nick has not said anything inappropriate to you."

"Sheesh! I was only here less than a minute before you walked in." Nick just rolled his eyes and dropped his bag beside Jacob's. He strutted over to the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Like it really takes you that long to disrespect a girl." He walked over and joined his brother.

She found it cute how different yet alike they seemed. Their hairstyle was different, with Nick's being shorter and Jacob's a little longer and combed over to the side.

"Dibs," Nick whispered with his mouth full to Jacob.

The word came out louder than he probably meant and she tried not to smile. The blush rising up her neck and coloring her cheeks wasn't possible to stop.

"She's here with Mike. What would make you think you had a chance?" Jacob shook his head and winked at her.

"Well, that's the shower I hear, and she's not with him, so…"

She just stood there laughing at the lighthearted bickering—something she missed being around. People who actually loved each other. They were strangers yet she still found herself at ease, as if she'd known them forever. It shouldn't have been surprising since she felt that way toward Mike, only in a little more intimate way.

"What are you two doing home so early?" Mike came in, his blonde hair still wet and wearing only a pair of pants that hung low on his hips.

She'd thought men like him were not real. All photo shopped in the pictures, but how wrong she'd been. He was definitely real and all male. The indentations of his abs tempted her to reach out and touch him. Her eyes drifted lower… then she looked away from the sexy V showing above his pants. Even the sight of the little bit of light blonde hair against his tanned skin made her mouth go dry. The trail began at his belly button and disappeared into his pants.

"Nick was just thinking he'd call dibs. I warned him of your wrath if he messed with her," Jacob interrupted her dangerous thoughts.

"Oh! I completely forgot about Shepard outside. What's he doing?" Nick looked between them both.

"I didn't see him. What are you talking about?" Jacob said with a frown.

Nick shrugged. "I parked beside him. My truck must have hid him from you. He was asleep in the squad car."

"Asleep!?" Mike stomped toward the door and rushed outside before anyone could get a word out. When he came back in, they all stared at him. He walked over to her. "I've got to tell them. Okay?" He motioned at his brothers.

"I'll go take a shower now." She left the room before the conversation began. Explaining herself was nothing she wanted to do. She'd let them assume like everyone else, because it would only put them in even more danger. No one could ever know the full story.

The bathroom still felt warm and damp after Mike's shower. His aftershave scented the small room and she closed her eyes, savoring it. She'd smelled him when he'd stood near her downstairs, causing a struggle inside to keep from leaning in closer and take a sniff.




Mike watched Tessa go then flipped his attention back to his brothers. "Really, Nick? Dibs?"

"He's just been in a rut lately. Don't take him seriously." Jacob rested his elbows on the island countertop. "What's going on?"

He really didn't know too much and he hated sharing things about Tessa, which felt like he was telling her secrets—even if she did act as if they were crazy for thinking someone was after her. He'd seen the fear in her eyes, though; enough of it to explain her being too frightened to tell the truth. "I was called to a fire and found Tessa unconscious inside. The police said she couldn't leave town. The fire was purposely set. She wouldn't tell us the truth, but I'm sure it's an ex. I think she's too scared to tell anyone. If they didn't say she had to stay, then she'd have ran away. She doesn't seem like the kind of person to break the law, which is why I think she's actually sticking around."

The secret feeling that she stayed for him too made him nuts—in too good a way—so he ignored it.

"Shit. That is a huge deal. And also explains why you let Shepard have it, I'm sure." Jacob fisted his hands on the counter.

It was nice knowing his brothers cared as much as him. Well, hopefully not in the same way he did, considering he was attracted to her way more than he should've been in the current situation. "Yes, I did. We took precautions when getting her out of the hospital, but needed to be sure."

"I'm going to talk to her privately when she's finished. I want to make sure she's okay." He didn't know everything she'd been through and worried his brothers overwhelmed her.

"No problem. I think I'll go get something to eat at the diner," Jacob said.

"Good, I'm starving." Nick rubbed his stomach.

"You're always starving." Most of the time they would've chilled at the house after being out of town, but Mike was thankful for the sacrifice to make Tessa more comfortable.

He heard the shower end and gave her a few moments to get herself together before heading up. He realized until it was too late that he should've given her a little longer when she poked her head out. Her face reddened when she saw him. "Did you forget to take clothes in with you?"

The show of her bare shoulders gave him the idea that she did. He swallowed and attempted to keep his thoughts from drifting away to territories they didn't need to go.

"Yes. I hurried and it slipped my mind. Could you?" She wiggled her hand, motioning for him to turn around. "Are your brothers still downstairs?"

"I don't think so." They were still there when he walked up. He twisted and stood at the top of the stairs. "I'll make sure—" He stopped short when the door to her room closed.

"Thanks!" she yelled.

He waited until she emerged, wanting to speak with her and really make sure she was okay. When the door to her room finally opened, he bit the inside of his mouth. No matter how ridiculous their situation was, he still couldn't stop his feelings toward her.
This isn't going to end well.

"Would you take a walk with me?" She had her clothes on that they'd just washed. "If you'd like, we could go swimming at the river."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'd rather walk; besides, I don't have anything to wear for swimming. This is my only choice, unless I keep stealing yours."

"I don't mind." He didn't mean for his voice to come out all growly, but the thought of her wearing his clothes all the time had a strange effect on him. Maybe because it made him feel like she was his. Okay now, his attraction might have gone too far. If he were a true gentleman, he'd send her with Marcus to stay at the precinct. He couldn't because he wanted her around and didn't even want to think about her leaving.

Her face turned bright red and he realized how that may have come out. "I meant you stealing my clothes, not you being without a bathing suit."

The way her eyes sparkled with something deep within, he wasn't sure if she believed him or not.

"I would love to walk, still." She went ahead of him and he was relieved that his brothers were gone when they made it downstairs and out the door.

He tried to keep his eyes straight ahead and not stare at Tessa from behind. There were beautiful women in his town and he did find them attractive, but nothing more than that. Tessa seemed so different from the girls he knew. He respected her and felt like the biggest pervert for noticing her beauty. "I spoke with my brothers."

"I understand if they don't want me here. This is a very unusual situation." She linked both hands in front of her, a frown on her face.

"You're not leaving. They will be just as protective of you as if you were our sister." He sure didn't see her as a sister, but maybe she'd feel better if he felt that way.

Her attention jerked from the walkway in front of her and she gave him a surprised look. "Sister?"

How sad that he was jumping with joy inside. Could she be attracted to him, too? If so, then she wouldn't like him seeing her like a sister.
What a selfish ass he was!
Her life was obviously hell and if they had any relationship, it would probably make things worse for her. Or not. If she had him to protect her, then she'd be safe from whoever was after her.

She could lie all she wanted, but she definitely knew who'd caused the fire. If he could get her to trust him, then they could have a chance to explore their feelings. That is, if she actually did have feelings for him.

"I just mean we'll protect you just like we would her." Her hands dropped to her sides and he felt like a teenage boy wanting to hold her hand. If he were sure she'd be okay with it, he would. Then he realized the clouds seemed darker than before and he grabbed her hand anyways to stop her. "We should go back. I forgot to check the weather and storms can hit quick here."

A slight squeeze from her hand gave him the idea she didn't mind him grabbing her hand. "Okay."

They'd only made it halfway to the river and just as they turned to go back toward the house, the bottom of the sky fell out and they got soaked. She laughed and began running, her hand still in his. "You were too late."

And he was so damn happy he'd been late, so he got to hear her laughter and see the pure excitement in her eyes as they ran to the house. "Good."

They made it to the porch and hurried up the stairs, their breaths heavy. They stood there, gazes locked. He traced circles over the top of the hand he held, fighting the need to kiss her. That proved almost impossible when she opened her mouth slightly and dropped her eyes to his. He started to lean in, then pulled away when the crunch of gravel brought him back to reality and he spotted another patrol car approaching.

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