Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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They were switching shifts.

If they'd seen him kissing her, Marcus would probably change his mind about letting her stay there. And if that happened, Mike was sure he'd get in some trouble for fighting him.



Chapter Six



Mike studied Tessa as she read one of Sophia's old romance novels left behind. After three full days watching movies, reading, and their conversations, he started to feel closed in and knew she felt the same. He exercised huge restraint not to try and kiss her. Her eyes connected with his over the top of the book. He wasn't tired of her, not even the slightest bit. This didn't mean they both didn't need to get out and breathe.

Taking her to the river would help some, but he needed to be around people. Yet, he couldn't just take her out in public. Unless…

"What's that look about?" She replaced the paper she'd been using as a bookmark and placed the book on the end table.

"I was just thinking we both needed to get out of this house and I don't know about you, but I'm used to being surrounded by people almost constantly. This has been a little break from that." He didn't want her to feel like he was tired of her company. That was farther from the truth than she could imagine.

"But you're feeling closed in?" she asked, hitting the nail dead on.

"Yes. I think we should go out. There's been no sign that anyone knows about you being here." He wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but couldn't stand not being able to show her around and what she was missing.

"I could be seen by whoever you think is after me." She averted her gaze when she spoke.

It's hard to look someone in the eyes when you're lying.
She knew exactly who was after her and yet she still acted as if everyone was in the wrong. Yet, it proved impossible to get upset with her, especially when he knew fear was involved with why she wouldn't tell them the truth. "I think I have a plan. I'll have to bring my sister in on it, if that's okay?"

"Okay." He could understand the skeptical look on her face.

He walked to her and touched her cheek. There was no explaining why he felt the draw to touch her and he tried not to think too much into it. "Just trust me. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."

The slight movement of her pressing herself further into his touch was unexpected. His heart stopped and he had to pull away, fisting his hands. The sight of her lips parting as she looked up at him put too much strain on his control.

He broke the contact and picked up his phone to surf his contacts list until he found his sister's name. The ringtone playing over the line was Cooper's latest song, distracting him for the few seconds he waited for Sophia to answer.

"Hey!" The sound of Wyatt squealing in the background nearly muted her voice. "Sorry. Cooper is chasing him around the house. He's the tickle monster."

That made him smile. He loved his nephew so much and couldn't wait to spoil his niece. "Do you think you could help me disguise Tessa? We want to go out to the bar tonight and I can't have her recognized."

The more people he had together, the better and most would think the bar the worst place, but it was so laid back, that it wouldn't be much different than a restaurant with loud music. They didn't even allow smoking, unlike some of the restaurants near them. She was less likely to be noticed with him and his brothers than with just him.

"Good! I need a break and I spoke with Louise earlier. She was just saying that they'd like to take him for the night. Hold on." Sophia asked Cooper in the background. "Cooper said he's definitely in. I'll bring by some things for Tessa. Is she close to my size? I can't wait to meet her!"

Mike wasn't sure if he should say out loud that she was skinnier than Sophia. His sister wouldn't be upset, but he really didn't know if Tessa would be sensitive about it. Women could be weird.

"Of course, I mean when I'm not pregnant."

"I knew what you meant. You are both about the same height." He didn't say anything else until he stood farther away. "She's a little smaller than you."

"Well, hopefully she'll fit into my pants. I think I can make something work." She was quiet for a moment. "Jacob said she had a stalker or something?"

"Yes. There hasn't been any sign that they know where she is. I think it will be okay as long as she is hidden well enough. I'm going to check with Marcus to make sure. There will also be an officer outside. Even so, I don't think you should be there." Soon, if things remained calm, they'd let her leave. They couldn't make her stay without any proof of her causing the fire and if someone was after her, what could they do anyway if she refused to stay?

Protecting his sister was second nature and he didn't even realize he'd told her she couldn't go until she exploded.

"No sir! I might be pregnant, but I'm going to the bar tonight. Whether or not I'm going by myself or with the group." She was quiet before speaking up. "I'm sorry. The bar is usually calm and nicer than just going out to eat. I want to relax and Cooper already mentioned singing tonight. He knows how much I love that and it was supposed to be for me. So I just won't sit with you if you think it'll be dangerous for me."

"I'm sorry. If you're going no matter what, then you are sitting with us." As much as they wanted to control Sophia and wrap her with bubble wrap, she was an adult and they couldn't control her. It was left up to Cooper and if he could talk her into something else. "I'll call you back in a few."

He had Tessa to worry after and had a feeling it would kill him.

After everything, he was shocked she stuck around with him and didn't try to run. Maybe she felt safe. Whatever the reason, he was happy. Not that she had any chance of leaving without him knowing. There was always a cop outside and he never left her alone. The skipped vacation days came in handy when he asked for a short leave from work.

What person would just up and take in a stranger like he did? Probably not many, if any at all. He didn't regret saving her and volunteering. Not one bit.

Even if now, he grew feelings for her.

He called Marcus and got the okay to take her out. "He thought it would be a good idea to go. Maybe it could draw out whoever it is."

"Do I still need to be in disguise?" Her hand shook a little when she brushed her hair away.

The sight broke him. He took the trembling limb into his. "We don't have to go. I won't make you do anything you don't want to."

She shook her head. "I want to. It's just a little nerve-wrecking. I trust you."

The words and the look she gave him proved too much. He leaned in, their lips nearly touching right up until the front door opened, freezing them both. A silent curse in his head just wasn't the same as speaking it out loud. He dropped his head as if he'd lost a game.
He'd be certain to make whoever it was miserable for the rest of the night. At least, Tessa wouldn't feel embarrassed since the wall hid them from view.

He stepped away and went around the corner.

"Hey, Nick." He didn't make any attempt to hide his irritation, knowing damn well his astute brother would catch on.

The man caught the sound of his voice and had the nerve to grin like the ass he was when Tessa stepped into his line of vision. He crossed his arms and studied them both, then flipped his attention to him. "Well, hello to you too. Did I interrupt something?"

She blushed and Mike reined in his annoyance to keep from punching his baby brother. "No, you didn't. We were just discussing going out to the bar tonight after we eat here."

The protective gene they all inherited came out in Nick. His smile disappeared to something a little more sinister. "Is that really a good idea? You know, with everything happening." The happy smart ass brother was gone for a moment.

"Marcus thought it would be a good idea. The plan was to disguise her, but he said it would be best to let her go as herself and see if anyone strange is around. More than likely, whoever it is thinks she's left town. This way, maybe we'll know for sure." He probably shouldn't have grabbed her hand in front of Nick, but he caught the nervousness in her stance and eyes. He couldn't stand her being unhappy or scared. "I would really like us all to go, so there's no possible way for anyone to hurt her. And the more eyes to keep watch, the better."

His own fear kicked in and he almost regretted the idea to go out. Marcus would expect it though.

"Okay. I'll get ready. I had a shower at the gym already. Jacob called me on the way here about getting pizza tonight. He said for you to give him a call." Nick tapped Tessa's nose. "Don't you worry. No one is going to harm you with the Johnson brothers surrounding you."

She smiled at Nick. "That's good to know."

And the irritation came back. A strange need arose inside to step in front of her or just grab her and carry her away from his brother's sights.
Mike, she's not yours.

She's mine. Yes, she's mine, and don't you forget that…

"I'm going to take a shower before your sister gets here. If that's okay?" she asked, her tone innocent and soft—so much it drove Mike near wild with need.

"You can do whatever you want. Just think of this as your home while you're here." For some crazy ass reason, that sounded really good to him.




She'd met his brothers and not long after, her nervousness around them ebbed. Like she'd known them for longer than a couple of days. Meeting them had come unexpectedly. Mike's sister was a different story. Women judged much more than men. Why she worried what Mike's sister thought of her, Tessa had no clue. It wasn't as if they had a relationship. She only stayed in his home for necessity. Tessa bit nervously in her lip as she mulled her thoughts and waited in Mike's home for everyone to arrive before going to the bar. He'd ordered pizza for them all to eat before heading out.

She jerked when someone touched her shoulder, not only because her mind had traveled somewhere else altogether, but the light touch caused her body to heat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning to Mike. One glimpse into his eyes, and her knees faltered.

Luck had it that he was there to grab her arm before she fell. Or maybe not, since he was the only reason they weakened. He caused her body to turn to jelly without even trying. Most women would believe this to be a good thing, but they weren't in her predicament.

"Are you okay?" He frowned and rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

The sincerity in his voice sent a flood of calm over and through her. The man did that with just a look, not to mention the physical reaction his voice also caused to her body. She'd never get used to it.

"I'm fine. Really. Thank you again for everything." With Richard, she'd been around people a lot yet would still feel alone. One the other hand, she felt welcomed in Mike's home and with his family. Like she belonged with them. She kept a constant reminder going in her head that this wasn't at all her home. Life just wasn't meant to be that good or that easy for her. She didn't deserve it. The concerned look he gave her made her feel bad for not being all there. "I can't wait for some pizza."

It wasn't a lie. She was hungry, but wanted to stop his worries.

"It should be here soon. I have the salad ready if you're hungry now?" He touched her cheek.

The light touch warmed her and the instant relief she felt when she pressed closer frightened her. The response tempted her—the Tessa she knew—to escape. "I wouldn't do that even if I were that hungry. Thank you anyways." She should have smiled but couldn't.

He lowered his head until the minty scent of his breath tickled her nose. "I guess you think that's rude. I could just sneak some for you. No one has to know."

The last words dripped with meaning, as though he meant to say more than just him sneaking her some food.
No one has to know.

Most likely, it was just her subconscious playing tricks.

She licked her lips when he stared at them. Here it happened again—the fluttering in her stomach. He'd kept his distance since the last time they almost kissed. She knew it was wrong to keep pushing, but she refused to pull away. She needed the connection.

The door opened and she jerked around to watch a man duck through the doorway. He was taller than Mike, slimmer, yet from the looks of his arms, just as built. Camouflage hats must've been a requirement in New Springs. The little one on his shoulders had dark brown hair and blue eyes, giving him away as the man's son. At least from what she could tell, his hair was the same color under the hat.

She couldn't prevent her smile when the toddler grinned bigger than she'd have thought possible for his little face, then held his arms out. "Big bear!"

The name caught her off guard and she tore her gaze away to look at Mike. Just catching the love he had for his nephew made her heart stutter. That wasn't something she needed to see. No woman should have to witness a beautiful moment like that when she couldn't be with the man. He had such a big heart and it was painful to watch, yet she couldn't pull her eyes off him.

He took the boy from his father and swung him around. Her stomach dropped from fear the boy would slip from his hands, even though deep down she knew he'd never risk doing so.

"I know. It got me the first times they all started doing that with him. You'll get used to it. Sort of."

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