Lost in Flight (34 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Christina, Shanwick, The Past, July 2007 (Five and a half years ago)


It was summer break when Christina returned home to Shanwick for Mandy and Dave’s wedding.  Their wedding had been planned for a long time and she had negotiated her bridesmaid requirements with her studies.  The week before she was heading back for the wedding, an excited Mandy called her making her promise to be matron of honor. 

Christina frowned.  She’d already agreed to, so why was Mandy asking her this?  She swore her heart stopped for a minute when Mandy informed her that Dave had asked Riley to be the best man.

She processed this information frozen in shock and blurted.  “Noooooo.”  There was
no way
she was doing this, not with Riley in attendance.  Was Mandy crazy?

When she articulated as much, Mandy got upset.  “You promised,” she shrieked. 

“Uh-huh,” said Christina, “that was
you told me Riley was going to be there.”  Mandy did what she did best.  She implemented the waterworks torture and wheedled until Christina caved.

“Dave and I had like this
fight, Dina.  You and Riley both have to agree or neither of you can come.  I fought for you, Dina - f
or you
.”  Mandy showed no mercy, pulling out the big guns.  “You promised!  Since we were kids - you said – you have to.” 

Christina couldn’t believe it and when she reluctantly agreed, Mandy screamed with delight then whispered.  “By the way, you have to behave – both of you.  It’s our wedding day – so no dramas.” 

Wow.  It just got better.  Christina swore that whatever happened, she would not allow anything to spoil the day.  She came close to breaking that promise, but managed to keep it.  Only just. 

In the years that Riley had been away, Christina had returned home on a semi-regular basis for the holidays, even though she hated the place, but hardly ventured out.  She hadn’t run into Riley in all that time and although she picked up the odd bit of information, “odd” being the operative word, she’d put any encounters with him to the back of her mind.  This time was different.  He would be there, and inevitably, they would come face to face.

Christina also decided to take this as an opportunity to re-start divorce proceedings.  In college, she’d become friends with Gillian Bindman whose mother, Debbie, was legendary in feminist circles for shattering glass ceilings in the legal profession.  Christina had spent many years keeping her past life separate from her current one, but now she needed to trust someone.  She chose Gillian.

Taking Gillian out for coffee, Christina asked her a set of “hypothetical questions” about an idiot girl who may or may not have married in her teens, and wanted a divorce, but her husband was reluctant.  Gillian stared at her for a bit.

“We are talking about you, right?”  When Christina nodded, Gillian said, “I’d suggest that someone gets legal advice from a professional – like my mother.” 

They met Debbie in the city at her offices and Christina was awe struck.  With Gillian’s prompting, an embarrassed Christina gave Debbie the “hypothetical questions” and waited for her response.  Debbie asked Christina similar questions to the ones her original lawyer had asked in Seattle. 

When it came to the ‘communal property’, Christina got the kernel of an idea.  She gulped even thinking about it, because it was harsh, but it would put the acid back on Riley.  Swallowing her distaste, Christina outlined her plan to Debbie who looked at her in open admiration and smiled.

“I’m impressed.  Not bad for a law student, but I would recommend that we try to get him to sign the papers amicably and then proceed with your idea.”  It was a reasonable compromise. 

A determined and divorce paper-carrying Christina was picked up from the airport by Bonnie, who bear-hugged her, and pushed her back for a scrutinizing look.  “Wow,” Bonnie said, “natural hair?  I’d forgotten what it looked like and it looks good on you.”  Christina self-consciously touched her hair.  She was still getting used to it not being dyed black.

Bonnie was still living in Shanwick, working for a local real estate agency, so she filled Christina in on all the local gossip.  Of course, she avoided some of the top gossip items:  1) The return of Christina and Riley; and 2) Whether the town would survive matter and anti-matter being in the same place at once.

It was only when they were nearly home that Bonnie broached the subject of Riley and asked Christina how she was feeling.  She shrugged.  “I’m fine,” but Bonnie stared at her until she confessed the truth:  she was dreading facing Riley.  Bonnie assured her that she was in her corner and that whatever happened, Bonnie would back her up.

Bonnie dropped Christina off at her family home and let her go inside to get settled.  As soon as she did the hugs and kisses with Dad, and Gabby, she called Mandy letting her know she was “here” in the cheeriest voice she could muster.  Mandy wanted Christina to come over as soon as she could in the morning so they could catch up.

Dad and Gabby were pleased to see Christina, and excited about the wedding.  They’d been invited and were really looking forward to it.  The Martins had been asked to perform a few songs at the reception, but really because Mrs. Robinson had allowed it.  Johnny was due home in the next day or so, as he was one of Dave’s groomsmen. 

It was almost as if they would be all back together again.  Almost.  Her mother was never coming back and being at home always reminded her of that.

When her father and Gabby went to bed, Christina called Bonnie, and asked if she wanted to go out for a drink somewhere.  Bonnie picked her up and they drove to the Hub & Spoke, a little restaurant-bar on the outskirts of town.  It wasn’t as rough as it was today, but the crowd wasn’t of the middle class variety either. 

There were a few people in the place, so the two women ordered drinks and found a little booth.  Bonnie put some music on and they sat talking, and laughing.  Every now and then, they’d see someone they knew who would smile or wave at Bonnie, and then go goggle-eyed when they saw Christina. 

She guessed psycho-drive-your-husband-away-from-town-head-case rumors were hard to overcome.  When the goggle eyes happened, Christina and Bonnie would just glare at whoever stared at them too long until they ambled off.  It appeared that being thought a psycho had some benefits. 

Being in Bonnie’s company made Christina feel relaxed and she felt some of the tension leave her body.  They ordered more drinks and Bonnie insisted on going to the bar because there were a couple of guys checking her out.  Christina watched in open admiration as Bonnie sashayed her way through the room and she was giggling.  Bonnie gave her a Marilyn Monroe wink and blew her a kiss.

Christina was still smiling at Bonnie’s antics when she looked around the room and saw Riley.  He was standing by the bar at the entrance where you just come in staring directly at her.  Christina felt the blood drain from her face and the wind go out of her in an “Ooooh.”  She knew it would hurt to see him, but she didn’t realize it would feel like she’d been punched hard in the solar plexus.  She was actually struggling to breathe.

Riley stood there with his hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched up.  There was little expression on his face, but she could tell from his body position and sullen pout, that he wasn’t expecting, nor pleased to see her.  They broke eye contact when Bonnie leaned over saying, “Dina?  Dina?  Are you okay?” 

A sick looking Christina couldn’t do much more, but nod in Riley’s direction.  Bonnie slowly turned and looked at Riley, and turned back to her friend.  Christina said to Bonnie, “I feel sick, Bonnie.  I can’t breathe.  I actually think I’m going to throw up.” 

Bonnie put the drinks down on the table.  “Here, drink this up.” 

Christina sipped her drink trying to quell the queasy sensation in her stomach.  She wanted to just get out of the place, but her eyes kept sliding back to Riley.  By this stage, he had his forearms out and was leaning on the bar talking to one of the pretty blonde waitresses with her hair up in a ponytail. 

She saw Ponytail whisper something in Riley’s ear and touch his arm.  Riley smiled and looked down at her, saying something back, making her laugh.  Christina recognized moments of intimacy when she saw them and she didn’t want to see any more.

Riley briefly glanced up at Christina so she looked away and focused on Bonnie.  Christina was looking surreptitiously for exits that wouldn’t take her near or past Riley and Ponytail.  With a fake smile plastered on her face she said to Bonnie, “Can we get out of here without going near him?” 

Putting her drink to her lips Bonnie nodded.  “As a matter of fact, we can.  This place is on the market and listed with our firm. This is what we’ll do.  We’ll finish these drinks and then you go to the bathroom.  I’ll meet you there in about five and we’ll go out the back.” 

It sounded like a good plan and much better than the one she’d been formulating about jumping out a window and running.  The two women sat there pretending everything was “fine” sipping their drinks until they were finished.  Once they were done, Bonnie gave Christina the nod and she got up with as much nonchalance as possible heading to the bathroom. 

Christina felt like she was walking in hostile territory and imagined all eyes were on her.  In particular, she could feel Riley’s – burning into her back.  It took all her will power not to run the final bit to the door leading out to the bathroom, but she maintained her composure.

She went in and waited for Bonnie.  On observation, she thought this place was in serious need of a makeover and a cleaner that took their job seriously.  The pink paint job was flaking and the accessories in the bathroom were all black.  The mirror was splattered with god knows what and the bright fluorescent light just highlighted the dingy-grimy-shabbiness of the place.  Christina didn’t want to, but she needed to use the facilities.

Bonnie came in as Christina was just washing her hands.  She decided she’d wash them again too when she got home.  Bonnie needed to use the facilities as well, so Christina paced nervously as she waited.  After she was finished, Bonnie, being Bonnie, took the time to touch up her make-up, and apply some new lipstick. 

Christina had to stop herself from screaming at Bonnie to “hurry the F up,” because every part of her body was telling her to get out of there as fast as possible.  Bonnie, however, was not the sort of person to do some mad rush fleeing without looking perfect.  She would not be moved. 

Opening the bathroom door, Bonnie went out first and told her to “follow me.”  They turned left and headed out a door marked private into a hallway.  It was dark in there and after the retina burning fluorescent lights in the bathroom, the two women found it difficult to see.  They had to move at a slow pace with Bonnie running her hand down a wall to keep her bearings.  Christina was right behind her trying to keep as close as possible. 

When Bonnie knocked into something and halted to rub her leg, Christina missed body-slamming her by one stride.  Someone had left a box in the hallway and Bonnie smacked right into it.  Cursing and swearing, Bonnie went around it holding Christina’s hand. 

It looked like this part of the building had once been used as accommodation, but now she wondered if there were other guests like spiders and rats in there.  The thought gave Christina the creeps and she suppressed a shudder.  She decided she’d watched way too many horror movies when visions of limbs coming out of the walls to grab them popped into her mind. 

It felt like an eternity, but it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes before they came to another door that opened into a storage area.  There were windows that let the moonlight into the place, so they could better see.  Both women felt relieved to be out of the suffocating darkness of the hallway. 

They stopped for a bit to have a breather, grinning at each other and saying “phew.”  Christina said, “I don’t know about you, but that terrified the crap out of me.” 

Bonnie nodded and grinned.  “Yeah, me too.”  Bonnie stopped to get her bearings and pointed right.  “If I remember correctly, there’s a door over there that takes us into a foyer.  The exit door should be right through there.” 

Christina couldn’t thank Bonnie enough and her friend winked at her.  “Let’s go.”  Bonnie opened the door to the foyer, which was cluttered with junk and beyond filthy.  It stank of all kinds of nasty things and Christina suspected people had been relieving themselves in there.  It made their eyes water.  Neither of them wanted to walk in there and pulled “ewwww” faces at one another. 

They were holding their noses and grimacing as they inched their way around the junk gingerly so as not to come into contact with anything.  Bonnie muttered.  “I’ll kick Riley so hard in the balls if I ruin my clothes because of him.” 

Christina would have offered to pay, but she doubted she had enough money in the whole world to even cover half the cost of Bonnie’s shoes.  They got to the fire exit door and both women were so relieved that they were giving each other congratulatory smiles, high-fives and “woohoos.” 

Bonnie pushed up the fire exit door handle.  “YES!  Now the car should be just over there.  If we turn right…” she was still talking when she walked out into the car park and Riley walked in the open door, slamming the fire door shut behind him.




Christina stood there with her mouth hanging open goggling in shock at Riley.  Bonnie was locked out on the other side of the fire door and they were alone.  She kept looking around the room, but there was no easy escape from this situation.  It was the fire door or back the way she came.  Neither was an option.

She felt her eyebrows head into her hairline and her eyes were as big as they could go.  She was actually frozen in shock.  She’d never understood it before.  When people talked about freezing in the face of danger, Christina thought they were just being pussies.  She now had some sympathy for the deer in the headlights that sees the oncoming truck and just stands there, waiting for its impending doom.

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