Lost in Flight (48 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Choking with laughter, Riley got out, “Dina, I wouldn’t do anything you were uncomfortable with.” 

When she went rigid and asked, “Does that mean you
into that stuff?”  He started laughing all over again.

Riley squeezed his eyes shut.  “Is that why you’ve been pressing your back to the wall since we got to the hotel?”  And when she didn’t answer, he laughed until he thought he was going to rupture something. 
Only Christina
, he thought, only she could twist herself into knots about things that didn’t matter. 

He could predict how Christina would respond to some things, but not the thought processes that got her there.  As long as he lived, he would never understand the way her mind worked and that was okay by him.  At least it kept him on his toes and wasn’t boring.

She was still babbling when he heard her say, “I don’t know anything about you anymore – not really.  You could be into anything and it’s none of my business, but it makes me feel… I don’t know… like a semi-stranger.” 

He bit back his usual retort of “if you hadn’t left me” and let her speak. 

“I mean – maybe you have sex with me out of habit?  I’m like a comfortable blanket or something?  I mean, the pajamas you bought me, they’re nice and everything, but they’re not really sexy.  I was wondering if you don’t think I’m that sexy.  I thought the pajamas might be symbolic…”

Riley actually jerked forward. 
Was she serious?
  That-was-it.  In a sharp voice, Riley demanded.  “Look at me - now, Dina.  I mean it.”  She rolled over and he stared in her eyes.  For a moment, he admired how beautiful she looked.  He loved looking at women this way: with hair messed up from rolling around in bed, kiss-swollen lips, and skin flushed from exertion.  She would have been perfect – if her eyes weren’t red from crying. 

“First off,” he said, “I don’t have sex with you out of
.  I have sex with you because I think you’re beautiful and you’re the best lover I’ve ever had.”  When he saw the disbelief in her eyes, he scowled.  “It’s true, Dina.” 

Sure, he’d had wilder, kinkier, and freakier sex, but he’d loved Dina with a passion he’d never felt for anyone else.  “Sex with you has always been special and you can’t argue on whether
find you beautiful or not.” 

“Second,” he growled, “I bought you the pajamas because your old ones were freaking disgusting.”  When she went to interrupt him, he cocked his head to the side and glared.  “I wanted to buy you all sorts of sexy ones, but I didn’t want to come off too strong.  Next time, I’ll buy you all the ones without crotches and everything else – just so you get the message,” which made her laugh. 

“Third and last” he said more gently, “if you want to know anything about me – just ask, but not now.  We have limited time together and I don’t want to spend it talking about what we did in the last five years.  And just so we’re really clear – I’m with you because I want to be and for no other reason.”

Riley stared into Christina’s eyes until he knew she understood and then she dropped her gaze and sat up, turning toward him.  She had the sheet clutched around her tits and he wanted to pull it away, so he could look at her, but resisted the urge.  “There’s something else,” she said. 

He tried not to groan out loud.  More?  He didn’t want to hear anymore, but she was going to tell him anyway.  He remained quiet letting her get out whatever it was now, trying not to grind his teeth.

“You know the information Andy gave me”?  She asked and when he nodded, she mumbled, “There was a dossier in there about you.  I’m so sorry.  They breached your privacy because of your connection to us – or me, really.” 

Riley turned to look at her and she stumbled on.  “I didn’t read all of it.  I closed it when I realized it was about you.  I’m so sorry, Riley.” 

He actually didn’t care, but knew this was one of Christina’s pet hates.  “I don’t care, Dina,” he said, “I’ve got nothing to hide.  If they want to sift through my life let them, I’ve never pretended to be an angel and I don’t give a shit.” 

Riley could see the relief on her face and she smiled.  Yep.  He was done talking.  He ripped the sheet down, pushed her back on the bed, and rolled on top of her.  Her eyes widened in surprise and he grinned.  “So… I was thinking about another conversation… you know the one where I get to shut you up with my AWESOME penis?” 

She went red and giggled, so he kissed her on the lips.  “I think you got that wrong, Dina.  My penis isn’t a communication device.  It’s more like a remote control, I get to mute you with it and turn up the volume, so…” 

Riley smothered her giggles with kisses and her arms went around him, clasping him to her.  Christina had always loved the contact of skin and his full weight on her, even when it worried him he would crush her.  He laid his body down the length of her, but braced himself on his forearms and elbows to look at her. 

Her eyes were dark with longing and he could drown in those depths.  Her eyes had always haunted him and he felt she could stare straight into his soul.  Rather than being frightened, Riley welcomed it because he would always recognize her this way.  There she was,
his girl.






Christina woke up to a cell phone ringing and immediately rolled over, and went back to sleep.  She dreamed of someone intermittently ringing a doorbell and she only became fully conscious when she heard a tired sounding Riley answer the phone.  He put the phone to his ear, lay back in bed and snapped, “Yeah,” as a greeting.  “I sound tired?  That’s because I was asleep,” he grumbled.  “Save your apologies bro-ham, too late now.”

She watched as Riley’s eyes opened properly and he looked at her.  He sat up naked on the edge of the bed, with his back to her, and she took the opportunity to admire him.  She could see his tattoo on one side and his freckles on the other.  She loved those freckles and traced them with her finger, and her tongue.

Riley turned to her and motioned her forward to kiss him.  She gave him a passionate kiss and then he gave her a wicked grin.  “Sure,
, I can do that.” 

Christina felt dirty and had to stop herself from making spitting noises.  She wiped her mouth on her arm and when she looked at Riley his shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter.  He put a finger to his lips and she glared at him, making the corner of his eyes crinkle. 

Riley sat forward a bit and he turned to stare at her.  She heard him say, “Uh huh?  Do I know where Dina is?  You’ve been trying to reach her?  She’s not answering her cell?  Why am I repeating all your questions?  Just trying to make sure I’ve got all the details down, bro.” 

Christina got out of bed, went to find her phone, and headed to the bathroom.  Her voice mail was nearly full and there was a high volume of text messages on her phone from everyone.  Listening to her messages from Johnny she got the giggles.

Voicemail 1:  Dina [long pause], Dina [long pause x 2]. Where are you? Please, answer your phone.

Voicemail 2:  Dina [long pause] ANSWER YOUR PHONE.

Voicemail 4:  Um, yeah – sorry for shouting.  Can you call me back?  Please.  I don’t like using the phone, Dina.  [Whispers] The Government.  Call me back.


It was the last voice mail message that set her teeth on edge and it wasn’t from Johnny.  It was Dad.

Voicemail 5:  Dina!  I’m at the townhouse, but you’re not here.  We came up to surprise you.  I hope nothing has happened.  Call me back when you can, please.  I’m waiting. 


Christina came out of the bathroom just as Riley was ending his call to her brother and hauling on his clothes. 

“So, Dad…”

“Is here and waiting at the townhouse,” finished Riley.  “Gabby is going home early.  She’s being released today and wanted it to be a surprise for everyone.  We’re meeting at the hospital after they’ve found you.” 

She pursed her lips.  She was surprised all right and surprises sucked.  They looked at each other for a bit and then started moving as quickly as they could.

“I have no clothes,” wailed Christina, “oh-my-god-oh-my-god.” 


“It’s okay for you,” Christina moaned.  “You have things like clothes and shoes.  You’re not contemplating doing the walk of shame in a towel to your family.”

Riley ran his hands through his hair and kept pacing.  “I’ve got a plan,” he said, “You go shower, order breakfast, and I’ll be back in about an hour.” 

She watched him pick up the filthy green dress and Mandy’s shoes, wave goodbye and head out the door.  She wasn’t asking what that was all about.  She was trying not to think too much.  Instead, she was going for a shower and trying not to freak out. 






Riley had done a lot of things he hated this past week and now he was off to do one more.  He found the shop he bought Christina’s pajamas in and attracted the attention of a shop assistant.  Clearing his throat, he said, “I need some women’s, um, underwear and a gym outfit.” 

Handing over Christina’s dress, so they didn’t think the women’s under things were for him, he muttered, “This is her size, but it was a bit tight on the chest, so she’ll need it to be a bit bigger, you know, up there.”  He made hand movements in the general area, so the shop assistant couldn’t mistake what “up there,” meant. 

He caught himself making breast shapes with his hands and stopped hurriedly.  Riley could tell the shop assistant was trying not to laugh at him and to be honest, if it was anyone else he’d be laughing too.  She turned around asking, “Do you have any particular preference or style?” 

Riley shook his head and then stopped.  Surveying the racks of garments, he said, “I want matching sets for every day of the week.  I don’t care about colors and get me some of those lacy thong ones as well, and maybe some with those bits that hang down the legs.” 

The shop assistant grinned and raised an eyebrow at him.  “Garters?” 

He grinned back, “Yep, them too.”  Riley wasn’t making the same mistake twice, although he was tempted to buy her a pair of grandma panties as a joke.

Riley left the shop with about 20 pairs of an assortment of women’s underwear, a gym outfit and what would pass as a gym bag.  He headed to the shoe shop and grabbed a pair of trainers, and socks.  Then, his eyes fell on some of the hotter pairs of women’s shoes and he stopped. 

Fuck it
, he thought
, I’ve already bought women’s underwear, what the hell does it matter?
  He bought two pairs of seriously hot shoes because he couldn’t decide between them.  She was only allowed to wear these for him and then he headed back to the hotel as fast as he could.

As he was walking through the hotel, he saw Mandy and she beamed at him.  He grinned back and kept walking, but he saw her eyes open wide when she saw the packages.  She smiled even more broadly and then laughed.  He was laughing by the time he reached the elevator and got back into the room.  He shook his head at his circumstances, but he wasn’t ashamed.

Riley handed over the packages to Christina who looked up at him in surprise.  He shrugged and she started opening her presents with a beaming smile.  “Thank you, Riley.  I don’t know what to say,” she said.  

He decided right then:  it was worth it.  He made his way over to the food and started eating, then nearly choked.  She’d dropped her towel and was bending over with her perfect breasts hanging forward getting herself into her clothes.

Riley coughed and she looked up at him.  He rasped, “Dina, there is only so much a man can take.”  She was frowning in confusion and then he watched the smile spread across her face. 

“Okay,” she said, “but we’ll have to be quick.” 

“Quick?” he grinned.  “Quick, I can do.” 




“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” whined Christina.  “I hate jogging.” 

Riley laughed.  “It’s a good plan and by the way, you look seriously hot in that gym bunny’s outfit.”  And she did.  As a joke, he’d told her next time he’d get her a schoolgirl’s uniform, but she hadn’t been very receptive to that idea.  He was sitting in his car not far from the townhouse, trying to get Christina to start jogging, but she was literally stamping her feet.

“I let you make me uncomfortable for 30 seconds and this is my reward?” she said.  His eyes snapped to her face and he saw she was trying not to laugh.  He looked from side to side in case anyone heard.  

“Hey, it was longer than 30 seconds and you told me to be quick.  I’ll make it up to you.  Promise.” 

She grinned wickedly at him and her eyes glinted.  “Oh, I think in
area, I owe you.  It’s probably about 2 to 1.” 

The smile that broke over his face was pure masculine pride.  Riley beckoned her with his finger.  “I can start right now.  Come here,” but she shook her head – the tease. 

“Uh uh,” Christina laughed.  “Tempting, but I’m in enough trouble as it is.  You’re just going to have to wait.”

She went to put her hair up, but he stopped her with a chagrined grimace.  “I wouldn’t do that.”

Christina stuck her face in the car window and glared at him.  “You did not?” 

He nodded and laughed.  “Well, when you
decided I wasn’t the anal avenger and gave me access to your back, I took advantage.”  He knew she hated hickeys, but he couldn’t help himself and it helped with him having her 2 to his 1 ratio. 

The look on her face was funny and he burst out laughing.  Her expressions went from shock to embarrassment to outright annoyance.  “Go on,” Riley urged.  “Start jogging.  I want to sit here and watch your ass jiggle.”

“Oh,” Christina retorted, “I think you saw my ass jiggle plenty last night.  I’m not doing this until you leave.” 

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