Lost in Flight (49 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Riley was laughing as he started the car and was about to drive away when he called out, “Hey, Dina.”  She turned around and he said, “I know this,” wagging his finger between them, “might cause you some drama.  We don’t have to announce it to anyone.  It’s up to you.  I’m okay if you want to keep it quiet.” 

She frowned and bit her bottom lip.  “Let’s just be discreet, but I don’t care what people think about us.” 

He drove away surprised, pleased, and disappointed.  Surprised and pleased because she was prepared to stand up for them.  He was disappointed because he really would have liked to watch her jogging.






By the time Christina reached the townhouse, she really was sweating and her gym bag full of lingerie, and last night’s outfit began to get heavy.  She was panting by the time she reached the top of the stairs and it was made worse by having to leave her hair down.  Sweat had broken out on her forehead and was running down the back of the neck.  At least this would look authentic, she supposed. 

Unlocking the door, she feigned surprise and enthusiasm when she saw her father, Jed, Bonnie and Tessa Marsh sitting around the table.  “Dina,” Dad said, “I’ve been worried about you.” 

Before she could respond, Jed said, “Wow, Dina.  You must have been up and at
early this morning.”  Her eyes snapped to Jed’s and she saw the look of mischief on his face. 

Bonnie looked at Christina in all innocence with a smile playing at her lips.  “Dina’s always been like that, Jed.  She likes to get it up early in the morning.  A good
makes her feel better all day.” 

Christina was trying not to laugh and almost lost control when her Dad said, “I didn’t know you liked to jog, Dina.  Good for you.”

“Oh, Dina loves it,” deadpanned Bonnie, “don’t you?”

Christina met Bonnie’s eyes and both women were trying not to crack.  “I sure do, Bonnie, especially a

Jed tried to disguise his laughter by coughing, making loud “a-hem, a-hem” noises.  Bonnie and Christina kept eye contact knowing whichever dropped first was going to lose it laughing.  Dad just looked confused, but they weren’t fooling Tessa Marsh.  Tessa had a little smirk on her face and Christina decided she liked her.   She just didn’t want to witness her and Dad lust after one another, but apart from that, Tessa was okay. 

“You must have gone out really early, Dina,” Dad said, “we got here about 9:00 a.m., but you’d already left.  We woke up Jed and Bonnie, sorry about that once again.”  Jed and Bonnie made “don’t worry” motions, but Christina knew they were annoyed. 

“I was gone way before that Dad,” Christina lied.  “I left about 8:00.” 

Her father nodded and frowned.  “I don’t remember you jogging when you were with us in Shanwick, bub.”   

“Oh no,” Christina mumbled, “I only do it when I’m in the city.”

Jed rolled his head and stared a “you’ve got to be kidding me” look at Christina, but she just smiled innocently at everyone.  She wasn’t a talented liar and knew she would unravel any second if people kept prodding her with questions.

“Oh,” said Dad, “Well, we’ve got great news.  They’re letting Gabby out early and she’s coming home today.” 

Her father’s face was full of joy and with over-enthusiasm, Christina beamed, “That’s great!  I’ll just go have a shower and we’ll go get her.” 

Dad’s face changed into a frown.  “By the way young lady,” he said sternly, “You and I need to have a conversation about your language.  Mrs. Gustafson told me that you and Riley were fighting on the street, yelling about… things… that no one should speak about in public.” 

“It was all a big misunderstanding, Dad,” Christina said, trying to placate him.  “I’ll apologize to her when we get home.”  She cast a meaningful glance at Jed and Bonnie and made her way upstairs to get ready.  She had no intention of apologizing to Mrs. Gustafson in this life or the next.

When Christina got out of the shower, Bonnie was sitting on her bed.  They took one look at one another and giggled.  “Oh-my-god, Dina,” Bonnie whispered.   “Your father arrived in the middle of
and kept banging on the door until Jed got out of bed.  We didn’t tell him anything.  We just kept changing the subject.” 

Christina whispered, “Thanks, Bonnie.” 

Eyeing her up and down, Bonnie grinned, “Soooooo?” 

“So far, so good,” Christina laughed.

Bonnie admired Christina’s gym bag full of knickers, bras and slutty shoes.  Nodding her head, Bonnie said, “NICE.”  After Christina was dressed, the two women headed downstairs whispering about their respective nights.




Dad, Christina, and Tessa Marsh arrived at the hospital around lunchtime to meet up with the others.  To Christina’s horror, Tessa had borrowed the elementary school’s minivan and they rode to the hospital in the white beast with SHANWICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL marked down both sides in heavy black.  She rolled her eyes and dutifully got into the school bus, even though she really didn’t want to.

When they reached the hospital, Riley, Andy, and Johnny were waiting with a woman so beautiful, Christina could only stare.  Johnny, Andy and the goddess were all engrossed in conversation with Gabby, who was packed up and sitting in a wheel chair.  Gabby yelled. “HEY, FAM-DAM-ILY” to them when they appeared. 

Riley was standing further back from the group by himself watching the conversation, but not involved.  Christina walked over and stood beside him, looking up at his profile.  He put a hand out and touched her hand with his little finger in greeting, but didn’t look at her.  He remained staring straight ahead, but his touch was enough to acknowledge her presence and let her know he would accept her decision about being discreet or not. 

Looking at him, Christina put her hand inside his and laced her fingers through his.  She felt his hand close over hers and saw his mouth turn up at the corners.  No one reacted, but she saw Gabby glance their way and smile. 

Christina was engrossed in the silent exchange occurring between her and Riley, when the gorgeous creature, that could only be LiLi, came to stand in front of her.  LiLi had long chocolate brown hair that fell in waves down her back and an impressive pout.  Her eyes were sea green and she was about Mandy’s height, but so slender she looked like a teenaged girl. 

In heavily accented English, LiLi said, “You mus’ be Chreesdina.  I hear so much about you.  Johnny, he talk about you all’a time.” 

Christina always cringed when someone said she was the topic of conversation.  It was an overhang from the years of being Shanwick’s resident bad-girl and she automatically assumed the worst.  LiLi gave her a dazzling smile that made her blink.

“Me?  I’m LeeLee.”  She took Christina by the shoulders, stared into her eyes, and hugged her.  Then, much to Riley’s amusement, LiLi kissed Christina on both cheeks and squeezed her shoulders. 

As LiLi moved away, Riley leaned in and whispered, “European - Italian.  They do that,” making her giggle.

Christina knew that this one – LiLi – she was different.  Johnny was obviously in love with her and she with him.  When they looked at each other it was like the oxygen left the room.  She watched Johnny put his arm around LiLi, turning to his family saying, “Well now you’re all here, we have an announcement.  I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but we wanted to wait until we knew for sure.  We’re going to have a baby.” 

Johnny looked at LiLi so lovingly, that Christina’s heart lurched.  For a moment, there was silence and then Gabby shrieked with delight.  “I’m going to be an Aunty?  Wooooohooooo.  Best news I’ve had in ages, apart from getting to leave here.  Come here.”  Gabby hugged Johnny and LiLi, babbling with excitement. 

Dad was the second Martin to react with, “I’m going to be a Grandpa, eh?  Wow.”  Dad and Johnny shook hands, and then Dad kissed LiLi on the cheek. 

Christina looked up at Riley and could tell by his non-reaction that he already knew the news.  She moved over to her brother and hugged him, then turned to congratulate LiLi.  Johnny stared at Christina for a bit and then motioned for her with his head to speak in private. 

When they were alone, he said “I’m happy, sis, really happy.  We’ve been waiting for things to settle down with Gabby before telling anyone.” 

Christina grinned and automatically responded, “If you’re happy – I’m happy.”  His eyes narrowed for a moment and roamed her face.  He wanted her blessing – not that he needed it – but he wanted a real one and not some feigned one.  “Johnny,” she said sincerely, “you’ll make a great dad.  You really will.  I love you, big bro.  Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.” 

Johnny wrapped her in a bear hug and whispered in her ear.  “You jogging?  Worst-cover-story ever.  I expected better bullshit from you since you’re a lawyer.  Just, you know the drill, I don’t want to see anyone get hurt again, Dina.”  She nodded.  Neither did she, but it was worth the risk to find out if things between her and Riley could be resolved one way or the other.

They left the hospital wheeling a chatty Gabby out who could hardly contain her joy.  Christina and Gabby signed off the paperwork, made promises about routines with physical therapists and check-ups.  They hugged the staff and exited the building.  Christina leaned down and embraced her sister, who yelled, “FREEEEDOM” in a way that even Braveheart would have been proud of.

When Gabby saw the school minivan, her face fell a thousand feet.  She looked at Christina imploringly, “God no – please tell me that is not my ride?” 

Christina couldn’t help herself and laughed.  “Sorry, baby girl, I’m afraid so.” 

Gabby’s expression was comical in its abject horror of what was before her and only topped by Johnny’s.  He stood stock-still when he saw the van and shook his head.  “No way,” he grumbled, “this is like from the sublime to the ridiculous.  Last night: private jet.  Today: school bus.  Fuck.”

Christina got the giggles and as Johnny, and LiLi got into the van beside Gabby he leaned over to the window.  Staring at her with wide eyes, Johnny put his hand against the window of the minivan mouthing, “Help me” at Christina.  She moved over to where her brother, sister and girlfriend sat with Gabby staring daggers at her. 

With a beaming smile, Tessa asked, “Christina, are you coming with us?”

Christina shook her head.  “I’m going with Riley.  We’ll meet you at the townhouse.”  Christina’s siblings were scowling and she said a cheery, “See you soon” and walked away, before turning back.  “Hey, Johnny, Gabby,” she called and when they looked up, she sang: 
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round

Gabby was breathing fire, but Johnny laughed, stopped and then laughed again.  As they drove away, Gabby flipped her the bird, LiLi smiled serenely and Tessa waved enthusiastically.  Dad grinned the lopsided grin that he had passed onto his son, and Johnny was singing, “The wheels on the bus go round and round.”

Christina, Riley, and Andy met the others back at the townhouse.  The two other band members, Sam Haddon and Lexie Wheeler were there, and were catching a ride in the minibus.  Unlike the ungrateful Martin children, they thought it was “cool” and “retro.” 

Dave and Mandy arrived in a silver Audi Q7 SUV.  Dave ignored Christina, but Mandy sidled up to her, whispering. “What was in the packages?”

Christina stared blankly, whispering back, “What packages?” 

“The ones Riley was carrying in the hotel,” Mandy said louder.  Dave started to turn and thought better of it, but Riley gave the women a searing look.

 “Sshhhh,” hissed Christina, “underwear – really hot ones and shoes.”  Mandy grinned and squeezed Christina’s arm.

By the time everyone’s gear was loaded into the vehicles, Gabby had become irritable and she was bickering with Dad.  For all intents and purposes, the group looked like they were going to some bizarre camp with all the boxes and bags in the back, and the tattooed rockers in the minivan. 

Andy James came and stood by Christina, and surprised her by saying “I’m catching a ride back with you and Riley.  He’s invited me to crash with him and I’ll go back to D.C. with you on Wednesday.” 

Christina bumped shoulders with him.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this James?  I have to warn you my family is
.”  When Andy looked skeptical, Christina grinned.  “Some things you have to learn for yourself.” 

As they all got into the vehicles to go, Jed and Bonnie came to wave them off.  Jed was staying in Seattle and taking some time off before joining them in Shanwick.  Jed made a particular point in grinning at Gabby’s sour face in the minivan. 

“Bye, Princess,” he said.  “Remember, sharing is caring and being mean is lame.  Being nice is really cool.”  Jed gave Gabby the double thumbs up and a mega-watt smile.  Gabby’s glare was so hate-filled that Jed had to force himself not to step backwards. 
It’s worth it
, he thought, but without much conviction.






Riley was tired, which made him irritable.  He saw Dave give the cold shoulder to Christina and had to bite back the harsh words that were on the tip of his tongue.  Dave carried a grudge against Christina almost as large as Riley’s mother did.  Although Riley knew Dave’s attitude came from a place of friendship and loyalty, it was time Dave gave it a rest.  If Mandy could put things aside and be Riley’s friend, he didn’t know why Dave couldn’t do the same for Christina.

He did something he hardly ever did sober.  He asked Andy James to drive the first leg home, so he could sleep.  When Christina said, “I will,” Riley was a little sharper than usual.  He yelled over Andy James’s, “Cool,” with a “God no.  HELL NO.” 

She folded her arms and glared at him, so he kissed her on the forehead to soften his reaction.  He didn’t have nerves of steel today, nor a death wish.  They piled into his car and headed off, where he fell asleep almost straight away.

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