Lost in Flight (40 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Christina dragged her phone out and started texting her friends:


Dina:   Riley bought me pjs

Bonnie:   R they sexy?  Crotchless?  Tassels?  C thru? Edible?

Mandy:   Wow that’s sweet. 

Mandy:   U r dirty Bonnie

Dina:   Yeah – seriously

Bonnie:   Don’t tell me Dave doesn’t buy you sexy linger wear?

Mandy:   No comment

Bonnie:   You just did

Mandy:   Did what?

Bonnie:   Comment

Mandy:   I’m trying to work out a FU emoticon

Dina:   Not sexy.  Nice tho

Bonnie:   They have 2 b beta than yr old 1s?

Mandy:   IKR?  Those things r disgusting

Dina:   I like them

Bonnie/Mandy:   @#$$%^&*!@#$$%%^$#@@*

Dina:   Potty mouths

Bonnie:   They’re not grandma ones are they?

Dina:   No more like what girls wear at a sleepover

Bonnie:   Speaking of sleepovers…

Mandy:   Did he stay the night?

Bonnie/Mandy:   Snap J

Dina:   Yep

Bonnie:   Did u jump him?

Mandy:   Did u sleep 2gether?

Dina::   We slept 2gether no jumpg.  I couldn’t.  Can 2n J

Dina:   That’s if he wants to.  Not sure now after the pjs. 

Mandy:   They’re not flannel are they?  Tell me they’re not flannel?!!! OMFG

Dina:   LMAO.  They’re not flannel.  Some are satin, but they’re like full pjs.  Buttons & everything.  Not sexy
Bonnie:   OK.  Not grandma, not flannel, no big granny panties.  Not c thru, not sexy.  He’s playing it safe & spkg of safe u got rubbers or should I bring sum?
Mandy:   OFGS Bonnie

Bonnie:   I’ve got lube 2 if you need J

Dina:   BONNIE

Mandy:   Dirty

Bonnie:   Jokes.  TTFN work calls.

Dina:   I’m covered.  C u 2n

Mandy:   R u going to c Gabby?

Dina:   No.  She’s with Andy. 

Mandy:   I got 2 do sum stuff b4 Dave gets here.  C U 2n?

Dina:   Yep J


Chapter Twenty – Fire in the hole

Christina, Seattle, The Present, Friday night, 12 October 2012


“You are WEARING it and you do not look like a stripper,” growled Bonnie.  It was Friday night, they were going out and the women were arguing in a way that only friends who have known each other so long they are family can.  Bonnie and Mandy arrived at the townhouse with grim determination to dress Christina and would allow no argument from her about wearing jeans or a comfortable outfit. 

The band was arriving tonight and as much as Christina couldn’t wait to see her brother, and find out what the ‘big reveal’ was Mandy had other ideas.  Mandy wanted to show Dave what he was missing while he was away and to make sure he knew that she wasn’t reliant on him to have a good time.  Dave would have to be sight impaired not to see what he was missing. 

As per usual, Bonnie and Mandy looked incredible. Mandy was dressed from head to toe in gold in a skin-tight dress with spaghetti straps, that ended just above the knees and was inspired by the 1920s.  Her dress had a short fringe and was set off by gold high-heeled sandals, clutch bag, and chunky jewelry, accentuating her beautiful eyes.  She wore her hair up, exposing her neck and shoulders, with gold toned makeup.  

Bonnie was in a thigh high, turquoise colored sequined dress with a round neck and short sleeves that she’d pulled across the shoulders to accentuate her bust, and porcelain skin.  She wore black stilettos that made her tower over everyone else and her straightened hair fell down her back.  With her lips painted light red, Bonnie looked every bit the modern version of the bombshell.  

Neither of them would allow Christina to let the side down by dressing in what Mandy described as ‘dumpster chic’.  “You know, Dina,” Bonnie rolled her eyes, “the 90s are
.  It’s time you upped your game.”

Her friends dragged clothes out of the piles that Mandy had given Christina like magpies on speed, arguing the whole time about what she should wear.  Finally, they settled on an outfit Christina had been planning on giving away because she would never wear it.  Apparently, she was wrong. 

The outfit was a lime green satin, bustier dress with three shoe string straps that not only accentuated Christina’s cleavage, but made her look like she was surgically enhanced.  Mandy was smaller in the chest than Christina and the dress pushed her up in a way that was close to indecent exposure.  Even though she’d yelled about the ‘bulge-age’, her friends ignored her. 

Large gold-hooped earrings and a pair of Mandy’s gold metal high-heeled sandals with chains around the top of the foot, and ankle set the outfit off.  Christina just called them slut shoes and much to her friends’ annoyance she wanted to cover herself with a cardigan. 

Bonnie’s jaw clenched and her eyes were icy.  “You are not covering yourself up.  I want to see you put your best assets forward.” 

Christina scoffed and said prissily, “If by best assets you mean tits, Bonnie, I’d rather be wearing a burqa.”  

“Oooh, would you now,” said Bonnie, mimicking Christina’s tone.  “You know for a slut you can be a real prude sometimes.”  They glared at each other, until Mandy intervened applying Christina’s makeup. 

The women were still arguing when Jed walked through the door, stopped and stared.  Christina put her hands on her hips and appealed to Jed.  “Tell me, do I look like a stripper?” 

Jed frowned and moved forward.  He made a show of looking at Christina before saying, “I’ve worked at strip clubs.  You don’t look like a stripper – unless that outfit comes with a pole.  What’s the problem?”  

“I feel a little more exposed than I’m used to,” Christina confessed. 

Nodding Jed said, “Well, it does expose your bubbies, but you know who says that’s a bad thing?  No straight man ever.  Now, off you go.”  Then he gave a slight head nod toward Bonnie and winked.  Christina understood.  She had nothing to worry about because Bonnie’s cleavage would run visual interference. 

Jed gave Bonnie a sexy grin and she gave him her best flirty eyes, and pout back.  He made a point of shaking his head and saying, “Mmmm-mmmm.  Looking good, Red.” 

Bonnie licked her lips, put her hands on her hips and said huskily, “I know.” 

Jed chuckled and then remembered his manners: “All looking good ladies.”

They put on Nicki Minaj’s “Starship”, the unedited version, and Christina started singing.  She saw Jed’s eyebrows shoot up and was unsure if he was shocked at her singing, her bubbies, or the language she was using.  He excused himself and left them to it.




Riley, Seattle, The Present, Friday evening, 12 October 2012


Sitting at dinner, Riley decided two things:  1) Mason Glenn must die and 2) rebound blondes were on his “forget about it” list. 

“Now, isn’t this fun?”  Mason leered and grinned at Riley. 

, thought Riley, it was not.  Mason had his arms wrapped around two women, his latest girlfriend, Adriana and another woman, whose name Riley had forgotten.  He looked at Adriana, who was one of Mason’s endless beautiful girls that were used and discarded as quickly as they came on the scene. 

Adriana was in a silver number that left little to the imagination and no protection from Mason.  Not that she seemed to be concerned.  It was a dress for nightclubbing, not having dinner in the early evening and their table kept attracting attention for all the wrong reasons. 

From the moment they sat down, Adriana and Mason started clawing each other over, and under the dinner table in a way that made Riley uncomfortable.  Her chestnut haired friend, dressed in a strapless, black, leather dress, kept joining in.  Although they were annoying, they weren’t his real problem.  Mason had brought along Callie.  Yes, Callie.

Riley had called Callie and cancelled their date, explaining he was trying to work things out with his ex.  He apologized and he was relieved, and grateful, when she took it so well.  Now he realized, she’d just ignored everything he’d said.

When Mason walked in with Adriana, her friend and Callie behind him, Riley’s face dropped.  Callie looked extremely pretty in a low cut blue dress and high heels, and her face lit up when she saw him.  Riley glared at Mason who smiled at him and winked.

“I got the pretty little thing’s address from the driver,” Mason smirked.  “He said you two seemed really, agh, close.” 

Riley tried to keep his temper under control, saying through gritted teeth, “You’re going to hurt somebody.” 

Mason smiled a wicked grin.  “I hope so, but I’m waiting until we get to Pax.”  Riley’s face fell to the floor.  Pax was a notorious underground dance club that catered for unusual tastes: anonymous sex, amateur BDS&M and fighting.  Mason, of course, owned it.

Mason and Adriana openly encouraged Callie to pursue Riley, and their sidekick joined in.  “You know some guys just need a firm hand,” sidekick sneered.  She made eye contact with Riley then mimed slapping the air with a pretend whip or something. 

Riley suspected she was a psycho Pax regular.  He had nothing against a bit of kink – spanking, soft bondage, and toys, but sidekick looked like she’d enjoy thrashing a man within an inch of his life.  “Stop it, Kat,” Adriana squealed, but she went on and on, giving him the scary eye, and encouraging Callie to be ‘dominant’.  Riley shrugged.  At least, he knew sidekick/Kat’s name now.

It hadn’t ended, even when Riley took Mason aside and threatened him with bodily harm.  Mason raised his eyebrows.  “You’re not backing out are you because I’d be happy to call this whole thing off?” 

Riley was caught and they both knew it.  It didn’t happen very often and Mason was taking full advantage.  Mason clapped him on the shoulder – the bastard.  “You don’t have to marry all of them, Riley.  Go get yourself laid.  You look like you need it.”

He almost retorted he had been laid and quite satisfactorily, but then he’d have to tell Mason about Christina, and he wasn’t opening that door.  Mason had mocked him about Christina for years and he didn’t want to initiate a conversation where Mason could ruin it for him.  If Mason ran into Christina, the verbal diarrhea would start and it wouldn’t matter if it were true or not.  Mason’s imagination was quite vivid. 

The women kept taking bathroom breaks and every time they returned, Callie became more aggressive.  She’d put her hands between his legs and grabbed more than once.  He’d had to remove them firmly and put them back on the top of the table, but it only gave temporary reprieve. 

When Mason stuck his tongue down Adriana’s throat or her head disappeared under the table, Callie groped Riley.  In the end he held her hands on top of the table to stop them wandering.  He was going to have to be firm with Callie, but he didn’t want to do it here when she could make a huge scene. 

It’s not like he hadn’t made huge scenes before in his life, but that was more about who his sparring partner was.  Also, Mason and Adriana were making enough of a public display already.  Riley averted his eyes as Mason’s hands started descending for the millionth time down the top of Adriana’s dress.  She started squealing and for the love of god, purring, drawing attention from other tables. 

As Riley felt Callie’s hands start running over his body, he decided he needed to get some distance.  Tonight was an exercise in patience and he wanted to be as far away from here as possible, and with Dina.  But this was the price Mason insisted on for Dina, so he was going to pay it. 

When the texts started rolling in from Jed, Riley was relieved.  Under normal circumstances, Riley would have turned his cell off, but right now, he welcomed the respite.  At first he couldn’t make any sense of them, but the continuous ping of his phone sparked his curiosity and sense of humor.


Jed:   I’m in an episode of Sex & da City

Riley:   ?

Jed:   But with hot women

Riley:   ??

Jed:   They’re talking sex

Riley:   Who?

Jed:   Dancing in their knickers

Riley:   WHO?

Jed:   I lied b4, but they rly r dirty dancing & touching

Riley:   WTF?

Jed:   Did you know your girl could sing?

Riley:   Yes.  We were married

Jed:   Irish blood

Riley:   All her family can sing

Jed:   Irish in her

Riley:   Th@ beta not b u old man

Jed:   Eyes on hands off make no promises on Big Red tho

Riley:   L

Jed:   Has big Red got a man?

Riley:   Idk

Jed:   ?

Riley:   I don’t know

Jed:   Tuff job but I’m keen

Riley:   She’s a handful

Jed:   More than a handful J

Riley:   LLLLL

Riley:   Meanest right hook you’ve ever seen

Jed:   Stop it.  I’m already hard 4 her

Riley:   L

Jed:   J dirty dancing and dirty talking

Riley:   WTF x 2?



Riley was laughing to himself when he felt some arms go around his waist.  Turning, he saw Callie peaking out from behind his back with a sultry smile on her face.  She looked at him, batting her eyelashes.  “What ya doing?”  His patience had just run out. 






“They were huge.  I mean HUGE.  He could fit them in a pitcher AND fill it.”  Christina listened as Bonnie talked about her favorite subject:  dirty.  Currently, she was entertaining Mandy and Christina with the story of a man with testicles so large they could fill a pitcher.  Christina was having trouble
visualizing that and was both intrigued, and grossed out.

Bonnie and Mandy had drunk most of the bourbon, and were now on tequila.  It was all going to get freaky from hereon in and the conversations were just going to get worse.  Bonnie’s story, however, didn’t have the desired affect on Mandy she wanted. 

After a pause, Mandy pursed her lips, grimacing.  “I hope no one drunk out of that pitcher after.” 

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