Lost in Flight (39 page)

Read Lost in Flight Online

Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Riley watched Christina grimace then she started laughing uncontrollably and he joined her.  He pulled her out of her chair saying, “You have to dance to it.”  They waltzed to a version of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” that could only be described as atrocious. 

Christina said, “You have to stop.  I’m going to pee my pants.  Actually, I think I already have.” 

He threw his head back and laughed until his whole body shook.  He didn’t let her go until the song ended – peed pants or not.  They sat back down in their chairs and he heard her say, “Do you still have your truck or have you sold it?” 

Riley smiled.  “I still have it.  I’m never selling that truck.”  They looked at each other and grinned, then laughed.  The truck had history, character, and a soundtrack all of its own.  

“It would be awesome to watch planes on top of the truck again,” Christina said wistfully. 

He shrugged.  “You can do that on my car if you want to,” but she shook her head.  “I’d be worried I’d damage it.” 

Riley shrugged.  “I don’t care if you damage it.  It’s just a car,” but Christina cared.  It was all shiny and sleek, not sturdy, and strong.  She had no connection to this car.  It belonged to someone else and another life. 

The two sat in silence for a bit and then Riley heard her say, “Why didn’t you tell me you owned the townhouse?  You’ve been staying at a hotel and I’ve been staying in your home.” 

Riley sighed.  Someone must have told her.  He knew where this was going, so he cut in.  “Dina, that place is not my home.  I stay there when I’m in Seattle – that’s all.  It’s no biggie and I can write the hotel off as a business expense.” 

“I just didn’t want to put you out,” she said quietly.

He smiled.  “You haven’t.” 

Riley turned toward her when he heard her ask.  “Why are you being so nice to me?” 

He hesitated because he wanted to be careful with what he said.  This was going to be all sorts of trouble, but he thought it was worth the risk.  “Would you rather I was horrible to you?” 

She laughed.  “No.  I was just curious, that’s all.” 

“Well, you know what they say about curiosity killing the cat...”

Christina pursed her lips and glared at him.  “Riley…”

“Dina,” he mimicked her tone and pulled a face.

“I don’t want this to be… complicated and awkward.”

“I think it’s already pretty complicated and awkward, Dina,” he laughed.  “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on Mrs. Gustafson’s face as long as I live.”  Christina buried her face in her hands and groaned, making Riley laugh harder. 

Riley nudged her with his shoulder.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have said those things to you and made you angry.”

Christina laughed and nudged him back.  “I’m sorry too.”

They sat in silence for a bit and Riley put his arm around her, and she leaned into him.  He kissed her on her temple and said soberly, “I make no promises, Dina, but there’s always been something between us and it’s not over.  I mean what are we going to do?  Are we still going to be chasing each other at 80?”

Christina raised her head and stared at him, pressing her lips together.  “Check it out,” Riley joked, “we run into each other at an old folks home.  I’m in my wheelchair – you’re in your walker…”

“Why don’t I get a wheelchair?”

“Because you’re like the worst driver in the world,” he dodged her first slap and blocked her second.  “So we start chasing each other around with limited mobility.  I mean that’s just… sick.  We may as well deal with this now while we’ve both got our own hips and good eyesight.”

Christina started laughing until she was crying.  “That’s crazy…”

“Hey,” he said nudging her arm and wiggling his eyebrows, “you could take your teeth out, and it could be all kinds of kinky.”

“What?” she spluttered, making him laugh harder.  “That’s disturbing.” 

“But worth considering…”

“No – it is not,” she laughed.  “Why wouldn’t I have my own teeth?  And where did you get this from?”

Riley shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I’ve just been thinking about stuff.  Maybe we owe it to ourselves to– you know – try another way?”

“Like – without all the fighting and accusations?”


Riley felt her eyes on him and when he looked at her, she had a tender look on her face.  She grabbed his hand and held it, and he brought hers to his lips kissing it.  “Okay,” Christina agreed, “but if this doesn’t work out there’s to be no hard feelings or acting crazy.”

He nodded, but stayed silent.  He was more curious what would happen if it did work out.  He’d learnt his lessons from the past and was prepared to be patient.  He wouldn’t make any demands on her, even though he knew they had a limited amount of time together.  Maybe that would be a good thing?

They drove back to the townhouse in companionable silence and Riley was trying to pluck up the courage to ask to stay.  He parked the car in front of the house and watched her get out.  She came over to his window and he finally found his voice.  “Dina, can I stay?” 

Riley saw her hesitate.  “I, um, still have my…” but he interrupted her with a grin, putting his hand up and mock shuddering.  “I remember the conversation and in some detail.  I’d still like to stay.”

Christina’s smile stretched across her face.  “I’d like that too.”

They stayed in the room downstairs because the one upstairs was filled with boxes.  They then fought about Christina’s pajamas, which Riley thought were disgusting.  When he refused to get into bed with her if she didn’t change her attire, they compromised.  He gave her his t-shirt and after she’d put it on, they climbed in. 

Christina went to sleep almost straight away, but Riley stayed awake listening to her breathing and smelling her hair.  She smelled of lavender, vanilla, and something citrusy.  It suddenly struck him that he no longer knew the names of her favorite scent, color, food, movie, or TV show.  She used to be fanatical about stuff from the Body Shop and her wardrobe was once almost entirely black, like his used to be. 

They used to love alternative music and the X-Files.  Her favorite movie had been some French film that he hated, “Betty Blue”, about a passionate love affair that ends in tragedy.  He wrapped her in his arms and drifted off to sleep with his chin resting on her head.




Riley, Seattle, The Present, Friday 12 October 2012


Riley woke up to the bedroom door opening and he checked to make sure Christina was covered.  Jed was standing there grimacing and making: “I’m sorry” hand gestures.  Riley eased himself out of bed and motioned for Jed to get out. 

He watched Christina move into the spot he’d just vacated, burying her face in his pillow.  Her hair spilled out and he wanted to run his hands through it.  Right now, he was pretty pissed with Jed.

As soon as he got outside the door, Jed started to apologize.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize.  I saw your car in the garage…”

Riley nodded at him.  “Okay, but for future reference, if my car is in the garage and she’s here, I’m probably with her.” 

Jed grimaced and they moved away from the bedroom, so they didn’t wake her.  Jed looked at him with a twinkle in his eye.  “She’s usually up by now.  Did you tire her out?” 

Riley just glared at Jed until he put his hands up and changed the subject.  Jed had the day and night off, so he was going for a bike ride before the band arrived tonight.  He had cover for tonight, but not today, because Andy James spent every spare moment he could at the hospital.  Apparently, Gabby was on her best behavior with Andy and he was up-skilling her on tech practices, which made Jed a bit nervous.  Jed felt the Princess of the Underworld didn’t need any more dark gifts.

When Jed left, Riley crept into the bedroom, grabbed his clothes and got dressed in the bathroom.  Christina still wasn’t awake, so he left her a note and told her he was getting breakfast, and would be back soon.  Then he gritted his teeth and went to do something he hated. 

Riley waited by the counter to attract the attention of any of the shop assistants that were milling about.  He seriously hated clothes shopping for women and being in a lingerie shop made him feel like a pervert.  He kept as far away from the bras and panties as he could, but every now, and then his eyes would fall on something he was tempted to buy. 

He didn’t know if she liked lingerie and thought next time he’d bring Bonnie or Mandy.  He then caught himself and gave himself a virtual uppercut.  There would be no next time.  This was an emergency.

Riley finally gained the attention of a very thin, blonde that he silently named “the stick insect.”  Riley waited until they made eye contact and she came over.  Giving him a brightened white smile, she asked, “Can I help you?”  When he nodded, she gave him a sideways look and a flirty smile. “Wife?  Girlfriend?  Mother?”

He paused for a bit.  “Girlfriend.”  He went to automatically say “wife” and caught himself.  The stick insect pouted. “Do you know what size she is?” 

Riley shook his head.  He didn’t have a clue, so he improvised by pointing at a woman in the store.  “She’s about the same size as her, but she’s bigger in the, um, chest area.”

The stick insect giggled.  “Well, lucky you” and he found himself going red, then laughing.

Riley couldn’t decide on what she’d like, so he bought two sets of pajamas and hoped she’d like at least one of them.  Although the shop assistant tried to steer him toward some of the raunchier outfits, he declined, but he did get her some striped red satin ones and a tank top with bottoms.  He was pretty sure she’d go for those.  Once he’d purchased the items, he got out of there as quick as possible and went to get breakfast.






Christina was awake when Riley arrived back and was more focused on breakfast, until she noticed the packages.  She raised an eyebrow and Riley embarrassedly handed them over without a word.  She was momentarily speechless and asked the “duh-obvious” question.  “Are these for me?” 

When he nodded, she was shocked and blurted. “Seriously, but you hate shopping, unless, of course, you’ve discovered a penchant for it in your old age?”

He mock scowled.  “Less of the old, thank you, and no I haven’t.  Some things don’t change.” 

She was genuinely touched.  Riley hated shopping - like pathologically hated it.  On the few, rare occasions they had ever been shopping together, he would stand right behind her, breathing down her neck until she became flustered and stopped. 

Christina grinned and thanked him, but as she went to open the packages, Riley said, “Please don’t.  Can you wait until I’m gone?  I feel weird enough already.  I’d like to pretend it never happened,” which made her burst out laughing.

They ate breakfast in comfortable silence, with Christina resisting the urge to rip open the packages and embarrass him, and Riley bracing himself to grab them out of her hand if she tried.  She was surprised when she heard Riley ask, “What’s your favorite color?”  

“Officially, it’s blue, but in reality, I’m still a black fan.”

He grinned.  “TV show?” 

She had to think about that one.  “I don’t watch much television, but I do like Mad Men and Grey’s Anatomy.”  Christina looked down and then mumbled.  “I, um, have also been known to watch True Blood – by the season.”  It was a show she and her roommate, Marie, watched with popcorn and wine.  They could never wait for it week by week, so they’d avoid spoilers and watched the box set when it came out on a weekend. 

Riley looked at her and laughed.  “True Blood - the dirty vampire show?”

She cut back.  “Hey shut up.  You watch cartoons.”  When he denied it, she said, “Um, South Park?”

He rolled his eyes.  “It is genius and an animated sitcom.  I would never have discovered Wing without it and anyway – favorite movie?”  By this time, they were both laughing.  Christina was tempted to send hate mail to South Park for introducing her to Wing via Riley. 

She had to think about her favorite movie for a bit.  “Mmmmm.  It would have to be Chocolat with Johnny Depp.” 

Riley raised his eyebrows and smiled.  “Oh, Johnny Depp.  Right.” 

She grinned. “It’s the French connection and Johnny Depp.”  Her smile widened.  “And I still like Betty Blue.” 

Riley rolled his eyes and groaned.  “I hate that film.” 

She winked at him.  “I know, and by the way, I never liked Point Break.”  The look on Riley’s face was priceless.  His eyes went wide and he stared at her.  Johnny, Riley, and Dave had been obsessed with it.  They would quote lines from the film and pretend they were philosophizing stoner surfers.  They weren’t philosophers or surfers – just stoners. 

Riley stood up.  “You did not say that?  Why would you say that?” 

Christina couldn’t stop laughing and every time she looked up at him, it made her laugh more.  She could tell he was trying not to laugh as well, but he was offended.  Shaking his head he said, “I’m leaving now,” which made Christina laugh even louder. 

She said, “Ooooh, does that mean I can open my presents?”  He waved his hands over his head and went to get his stuff. 

Riley came out of the bedroom, gave her a kiss and sat down.  “I’ve got things to do tonight, but can we catch up later when the band gets here?  I’ll text you.” 

When she nodded, he left, but not before saying, “And I’m going to pretend you never said that about Point Break.  And I’m not going to tell Johnny or Dave about it either.  They would be disgusted.  But if you say anything harsh about Fight Club, I’m telling everyone you watched Beverly Hills 90210 until the end.”

“Hey,” Christina shouted, “that’s low and a secret.  You promised
to tell.” 

Riley turned and grinned.  “And, if you don’t like your presents, there’s a receipt in there.  You can take them back.  I’m not.” 

As soon as he walked out the front door, Christina ripped open her packages, pulling out the pajamas, and giving them the once over.  All of them were sweet, but she wondered if she should be worried that they were more functional and not sexy.

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