Lost In France (Firebird Trilogy)

BOOK: Lost In France (Firebird Trilogy)
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Firebird Trilogy




Lost In France


Book 1




Adult Contemporary Romance Novel

Recommended: 18 +



Jani Kay

Book 1


Jani Kay

ISBN: 978-0-9923090-1-5

Copyright 2013 JANI KAY

All Rights Reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Cover Artist:
Cover It! Designs, Dress Your Books. by Ari


Edited by:
Marion Archer [Marion Making Manuscripts]


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To ALL my loved ones – family and friends –

who deeply touch my heart and my soul.

I love you.

More than you will ever know.

Thank you for your support and believing in me.

It means the world to me.

And yes, something of you is probably in this book.




Thank YOU!

Thank you for purchasing and reading my books.

You, the reader, writers wouldn’t have

audience for their stories.













[email protected]

Firebird Series:

Lost in France
(Book 1)


Lost In France is an erotic contemporary romance novel set in Paris, the city of Love and Romance.


Offered a thrilling new job, Rebecca flees her tormented past, putting as much distance between herself and her ex-lover, wanting a fresh beginning in a foreign city.

On the airplane she meets Alain, a dangerously handsome Frenchman,
winemaker and jetsetter, who doesn’t waste time introducing her to the Mile High Club and seducing her with his French accent and charming ass-slapping ways. Sizzling chemistry with her sexy tour guide leads to a panty melting romance on the Cote de Azure and Alain’s chateau in Bordeaux. Can Rebecca find the love she is yearning for with her Frenchman?


Alain is perfect. Or so it seems.

What is his secret?

What is he hiding?


Rebecca loves her new job. It’s just her alpha male boss, super arrogant CEO, Maxwell Grant, she dislikes. And Maxwell
Grant doesn't like her entanglement with the Frenchman.

he wants Rebecca to himself...

Is Rebecca jumping from one hotter-than-hell fire into another? And will she finally find what she is looking for?


The semi-cliffhanger will leave you breathless, screaming for book 2.


Book 1 of 3 in the Firebird Trilogy.

What readers think of ‘Lost in France’:

Katrina ~ 5 STARS

it is definitely an R18, it contains all the things we women look for in a book, explicit nature, delicious guys, fancy things, glamorous lifestyles, expensive cars... It is pure unadulterated passion, in the form of an anonymous lover who stalks you till you give in, you think he is one person, but really when you find out who he is, it’s like Oh My God. He is so possessive, he is so utterly desirable, he makes me go weak at the knees, and he will not tolerate any attention shown to me by another male, in any way shape or form.

Lisa ~ 5 STARS

Jani Kay wastes no time in getting to the good parts as the sexy sizzle between Rebecca and Alain starts when they meet on the plane from Australia to France. This is the first book of the trilogy, and Jani is off to a great start. There are plenty of erotic romance and hot, sexy, steamy scenes. The descriptions of the different sites in Paris definitely whet my appetite to visit there.

Unfortunately for Rebecca, she gets offers that she needs to refuse. She wants to have a man to call her own and who puts her first. It seems like Alain will fill her need, until the surprise twist. I'm looking forward to where the next novel in the series will go... I want more Rebecca, Alain, and Maxwell!


Amanda ~ 5 STARS

I want to start by saying WOW... I started this book having NO idea what I was getting into and honestly I don't think It would have mattered...THIS BOOK WAS AWESOME!!

This book has it all...Really HOT sex, love, scandal, heartache, and very hard decisions....I am seriously suffering from a book hangover after reading this book....Thank you Author Jani Kay for such great story that I could fall in love with.


Di D ~ 5 STARS
I was gutted when I had finished the book, for two reasons. The main one being that the book had ended. The second one was because the book went in a direction I had not anticipated and as soon as the leaky eye syndrome came to an end, I emailed Jani Kay to let her know how devastated I was at the end and prayed I didn’t have long to wait until the next book came out. Thankfully it’s not too long (YAY!)

Chapter 1

“Be happy for me, Sis.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled at a blurry Chloe. Her shimmering eyes caught mine for a moment as we said our goodbyes. Any more of this and I might just reconsider leaving. But I couldn’t. I
to go.

“I am. Now that you’ve landed a fancy job with a ridiculous salary…but I’m going to miss you.” She blinked a few times and smiled back. “At least Lily and I get to stay in your cool apartment while you are gone.”

“Yeah, so count your blessings, chicken.” I laughed at her excitement, even though my stomach dropped. I loved my apartment. It had been my home for close to a decade and it held everything I treasured in it. It was roomy by Melbourne standards, and extremely well located, so I was sure my two younger sisters would have a ball living there for the eight months I was away.

Eight months.

Lily stepped into my embrace. “Take care of yourself, Becca. I know you’re going to be a huge success. You deserve it.” Of the three of us, my baby sister was the eternal
optimist—she always saw the glass half full.

“I hope so, sweetheart,” I said, as I hugged her tight.
Of everything I was leaving behind, it was leaving my sisters that was the hardest.
OK, that’s not quite true.
There was someone I would miss even more, but he was the exact reason I was doing this. My heart squeezed as I glanced at my watch—I was already running fifteen minutes late.
He hadn’t come.
It had to be a sign. I sighed and turned away so that Chloe and Lily couldn’t see the tears well up in my eyes.

“Mom’s already waiting in the car.
Gotta run.” I didn’t wait for the elevator; I had to leave before my courage left me.

Halfway down the stairs, the shrill ringing of a phone brought me to a stop. I couldn’t breathe. Was it Julian? No. Why would he phone and not be here in person? Of course, it was just wishful thinking on my part. If Julian really wanted to stop me from leaving he would be here, wouldn’t he? Without looking back, I pushed through the door and scrambled into the waiting car.

“Everything OK, Rebecca?” Mom had that look in her eyes that said she thought I was making a huge mistake.
The biggest mistake of my life
, she’d said last night. But we’d had the discussion and she knew I was determined as ever to do this. It was the opportunity of a lifetime—I’d assured myself of that over and over. Why wouldn’t I grab it with both hands?

I'm ready.” My voice sounded hollow even to myself, I just hoped I could bluff my way through this until I was finally on the plane taking me as far away from Julian as I could. I put on my brave face, especially for my mother, yet I knew by the way her mouth was set in a thin line that she wasn’t buying my story.

“I still don’t understand why you have to go to another country to get away. There
are plenty of jobs right here in Australia. You can still be close to us and be at another firm to where Julian is working.” Luckily she had to concentrate on the traffic, so she didn’t see the way I rolled my eyes.

“Melbourne is a small place when you work in the same industry. There is every chance I will bump into him at work and client functions. And I just…can’t

Hell, now that I’ve made up my mind,
I won’t.
Never again if I can help it.
It’s over

She swerved for a taxi and cursed loudly, refusing to give way. I was used to that by now; we were similar in so many ways. I inherited my flaming red hair and my fiery temperament from my mother.
Absolutely no doubt about that. Throw in the fact that we were both ruled by the planet Mars, and most people tried to avoid locking horns with us. Luckily we were the only the two Rams in the family.

Once we made up our minds about something, there was little that could persuade us otherwise. Mom knew there was no way she was going to convince me to stay. Yet, remarkably, she still tried.

“Anyway, imagine the fun I’ll have working in Paris? It’s every career woman’s dream after landing her PHD with honors. Besides, it’s only a flight away, you can visit when you miss me.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

She smiled as she patted my hand. “I miss you already and you haven’t even boarded the plane. Since Dad died you have been my rock, helping me with your sisters—”

My throat tightened. I didn’t want to start bawling my eyes out, so I stared out of the window, even though everything was blurry. “You know why I have to go. I need to get away from Julian. Or else, it may not end well. And I can’t let that happen, I don’t want it on my conscience.”

“Becca, he loves you…no amount of running away is going to change that.”

I shook my head. “I'm not running away, I'm merely starting my new career with a killer job in the most glamorous city in the world. What’s wrong with that?” I said brightly, trying my best to hide the sudden anxiety that gripped my insides.

“All a mother ever wants is for her kids to be happy. I'm not sure hiding halfway around the world is going to help you find happiness.” 

Fortunately we had pulled up outside the departures gate. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I sucked at goodbyes. Before she could say another word, I’d jumped out and rapped my knuckles on the boot for her to open. I quickly grabbed my suitcases and made my way toward the sliding doors. She stared at me with her mouth half open as I turned to blow her a kiss.

Large tears were splashing on the lapel of my suit jacket. Sniffing, I wiped them with my shirtsleeves.
Suck it up Rebecca
. This isn’t how the new Director of Marketing of Grant Global Industries should behave.

A cocktail of emotions ran through me.
Guilt. Apprehension. Excitement.

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