Lost In France (Firebird Trilogy) (9 page)

BOOK: Lost In France (Firebird Trilogy)
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Chapter 22 - Alain

I found myself thinking of Rebecca too often—even during business meetings—craving her closeness, for more reasons than the obvious. I had a sickening feeling that Maxwell Grant had been trying to get a grip on Rebecca, some kind of leverage that he could use to his advantage in whatever fucking game he was playing. I knew his type. He’d fuck anything in a skirt and not blink an eye when he went home to his wife.

But I had outsmarted the fucker. Urgent business matters in the south of France had been the perfect getaway. By stealing Rebecca from Paris, showing her the beauty of the rest of France, I was hoping she would fall in love with my country and want to stay.
Perhaps fall in love with me?

In spite of being a passionate lover, I’d always separated work and sex. I didn’t let women infiltrate my mind, especially at work. It was futile in a cutthroat business world. But somehow, Rebecca had not only done that, she’d crawled under my skin. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted her by my side.
Was this love?

I’d never taken a woman on previous business trips; it was simply too distracting. Besides, there were always plenty of eager and willing women wherever I went. It made it easy for a man to satisfy his urges, no strings attached.

Up until taking Rebecca to Nice, I had been easily bored by just one woman. After a few days together she’d get on my nerves, hinting that I buy her expensive jewelry, or designer clothing, so she could supposedly look good for me. That was just as good as paying her for sex, or being an expensive whore. After the first few times of wild sex, the newness quickly rubbed off, and she turned into just another eager wannabe.

Which was why I was taken by surprise with my hunger for Rebecca.
Every time I said goodbye, I left wanting more. I wasn’t sure I liked the effect she had on me. It certainly was new to me. I was very much in control of my emotions, and normally, how invested I became in the lady I was bedding at the time. If she pleased me, I’d let her hang around for a few weeks, fucking her brains out when I needed it.

My number one rule was simple. No woman slept over in my bed.
Ever. After sex, Gaston dropped her at home, it didn’t matter what hour it was. And if I stayed over at her place, Gaston knew to be on standby to pick me up after a couple of hours.

I refused to wake up with a woman and subject myself to morning rituals that would bore me out of my mind. It was for
her own good. I didn’t want any woman to get ideas of settling down, marriage or babies, just because I woke next to her in the morning.

In keeping with my habits, I’d let Rebecca sleep in the guest room. That way, it wouldn’t put pressure on either of us in the morning. Spending five full days, with the same woman at the villa, was a first for me. I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it, given my past. But, I had a sneaky suspicious it would be different with Rebecca; I was keen to see what unfolded; to see if she could hold my interest for that long.



Never before had I had so much pleasure just giving a woman an orgasm. I’d been dreaming of her mouth on my cock for some time, as it was just what I needed to release the intense pressure. My selfish persona would have expected that she pleasured me, at the very least. And, if she were any other woman, I would have fucked her brains out right there on the kitchen counter.

But it was Rebecca; I wanted to have the chance to replace every man that had come before me. 

Rebecca was a strange contradiction: she made me want to wait, putting her wants and needs before mine.

Her sleeping in the guest bedroom was a smart move. Not because I didn’t want her in my bed. Nor that I didn’t want to wake up beside her. But, just to keep me in check. I wouldn’t be able to have her in the same bed without burying myself deep inside her. She wasn’t quite ready for me yet. I had to wait.

Besides, I was not quite sure where I stood with her. Although she didn’t think I noticed, I saw a cloud pass over her face when we flew over Mont Blanc. Who was she thinking about then? Was it the foolish ex-lover she left behind? Or was it her cocky bastard boss? Jealously tore through my gut like a tornado. I didn’t want her thinking about any other man.

My patience was wearing thin…

If she ended up in my bed, she would get no sleep at all.

Chapter 23

I woke up to the smell of something delicious coming from the kitchen. I pulled the bedcover to my chin as Alain entered the guest room, with a tray in his hands. Embarrassed, my hair all messy from tossing in my sleep, I hadn’t even had a chance to brush my teeth or check my appearance in the mirror.

If I look anything like I usually do, it’s a goddamn mess.

Alain laughed. “Good morning, ma
cherie,” he said cheerfully. “You look ravishing.”

“Ravenously hungry,” I replied cheekily, playing on his words.

He waited till I sat up then placed the tray on my lap.

“You’re spoiling me.” I grinned at my good fortune, happy to enjoy this luxury. Alain opened the curtains and I gasped at the view. My window opened onto a balcony overlooking the ocean. I ate every morsel on my plate, swallowing it down with a cup of steaming coffee. I could get used to this.

“Get dressed, ma cherie,” he said, kissing my temple softly as he took the tray from me.

“This morning we’ll first go for a walk on the beach, to get some fresh air,” he said, as he left the room. I jumped up and dressed before he returned. A short denim skirt, sleeveless blouse, and flat sandals were perfect for the beach.

I heard him whistling in the hallway as I finished brushing my hair. He waggled his eyebrows approvingly and grabbed my hand, kissing my palm before pulling me toward the door. I followed him down the stairs, only to discover we had our own private beach.

He grabbed a sun hat off the rack, and with a cheeky grin, placed it on my head. I stood gawking as he bent over to roll up his jeans—his pecks stretching the fabric of his white T-
shirt. Barely able to stop myself from reaching out to touch him, I watched as he casually pulled the T-shirt over his head and threw it on the chair. Finely chiseled, the sight of his tight abs and smooth chest, did funny things to the now permanently damp place between my legs. It was the first time I’d seen him without his shirt and I definitely liked what I saw.

He put his sunglasses on and passed mine to me. It was hard to breathe. Alain could easily be mistaken for a male model of a girly magazine, showing off his olive skin and glorious six-pack. My hormones were running wild, his jeans hung so low, that the
v of his loins were showing. Glued to his happy trail, pointing south, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was every woman’s fantasy.

I can’t believe he is all mine for the next five days, maybe more if I’m lucky. I couldn’t wait for him to take me.

I swallowed hard, grateful that I could hide the lust in my eyes behind my sunglasses. Involuntarily, my tongue licked over my lips as I tried to get a grip on my libido.

I'm turning into a goddamn nympho.

“Stop staring,” he said, groaning. He took my hand and placed it on his hard length, throbbing against my hand through his jeans. “See what you do to me?” Laughing at the shock on my face, he leaned over and kissed me hard, leaving me breathless.

“If you want to see the beach, you better come along now,” he said gruffly, “before I lose control and fuck you right here and now.”

God, yes.
I would not be complaining. But, why doesn’t he? There is no rush to get to the beach. He knows I want him.

Chapter 24

We took a leisurely stroll along the beach, my arm hooked into his, as we comfortably chatted and joked with one another. Sometimes we both fell quiet, it wasn’t necessary to force a conversation just for the sake of talking. He gently stroked my hand, occasionally nodding in the direction of passers-by as we went beyond the beach directly in front of our villa.

The water was shimmering indigo. We reached a spot where several boats had anchored and people were swimming nearby. The water was stunning. In some patches, the pale blue water was completely transparent. A contented sigh escaped my lips as I drank in the beauty surrounding me and burned the memory of this moment into my brain forever.

We eventually got back to our villa, where we sat on the rocks to rest for a while. I couldn’t resist splashing Alain with the cool water. He laughed and splashed me back. Before long, I was soaked, my blouse and skirt clinging to my body.

“Mademoiselle, I think I want to have my way with you here on the beach,” he said, as he stared down at my breasts, my nipples were hard and completely visible through my wet shirt. Laughing, I jumped up and playfully ran away from him, hoping he would come after me. 

He caught me within a few strides and tumbled me to the ground. His arms caged me in and I felt the weight of his body on top of me. I tasted the salt on his lips as he kissed me, passion raging through us both as the water lapped at our ankles. He kissed my eyes, my mouth, and down my neck.

“I like the taste of you salty,” he said huskily. His head dipped lower as he kissed and sucked the saltiness from my skin. His hand disappeared under my skirt, stroking me through the wet fabric. I moaned like the needy woman I was. I didn’t know how much of this I could take. I wanted him inside me. 

What if some random people found us here? The possibility turned me on even more.  But before I could think about it further, he jumped to his feet.

Just as I was enjoying our little interlude.

“Come,” he said, as he pulled me up, “time for a shower.” I followed him up the stairs, grinning as I checked out his fine ass. I couldn’t wait to get to the
shower. I’d had enough of these games.

My turn now.

In the bathroom, Alain turned the shower on and placed fresh towels on the shelf. His hair hung over his forehead, his jeans totally wet from rolling in the sand. As he turned to leave the bathroom, I dropped my shirt to the floor, and his eyes widened as I stepped out of my skirt, and stood before him in my wet clingy underwear, that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He groaned loudly.

“Cherie, you don’t know what you are doing.”

Oh yes Alain, I know exactly what I’m doing. Payback time, baby.

I fell to my knees and undid the buckle of his belt. He hissed through his teeth as I pulled the zipper down and released his cock. Commando, he stepped out of his jeans, then, drew in a sharp breath as I fisted his erection, stroking his length. He closed his eyes as I leaned forward and took him in my mouth, slowly licking around the rim, as his cock became even harder.

“Sacrebleu.” He threw his head backward and fisted my hair, holding my head in place as he thrust deep into the back of my throat. I ran my hands up the insides of his beautiful muscular thighs and cupped his balls in my hand, gently stroking them. All the while, I ran my lips up and down his long shaft, flicking my tongue over the tip.

The taste of him mixed with sea salt was intoxicating. He leaned forward as if he couldn’t get enough of my mouth on him. Taking his length to the back of my throat, I sucked harder, his fingers intertwined in my wet hair, finally surrendering to me.

“Rebecca.” The primal roar echoed through the bathroom as he found his release.

Still on my knees, I looked up at him through my lashes. He growled and pulled me up to him. Hearing my name on his lips sent shivers down my spine, happy that I could please this man who up till now had put my pleasure before his.

I smiled sweetly at him as he held my face in his hands. His mouth came down hard on mine and I was sure he could taste himself on my lips. It was beyond sensual, I wanted him badly.

With a deft hand he undid my bra and pulled it off my shoulders. Spinning me around so my back leaned against his chest, he cupped my breasts from behind, rubbing both my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers till they were hard and elongated, my breasts growing heavier as my arousal grew. His breath hot on my skin, he kissed the back of my neck as he pushed my legs apart and his fingers found my clit. My head fell back onto his shoulder as I let out a moan of satisfaction.

Pushing me against the cool tiles, Alain fell to his knees with a groan. He lifted one leg onto his shoulder, opening me up to him. His head disappeared between my legs: licking, teasing, and sucking until I could stand it no longer. Writhing against the wall, I let out a deep moan as I exploded in his mouth. 


“Alain, I want you inside me,” I moaned, shuddering.

“Soon. You are so ready for me,” he promised with a choke in his voice.

I nodded. “Yes. I am.
Ready for you.”

Julian had not entered my mind for days. I had stopped pining for him.

That had to be a sign that I was ready for my new lover. But, despite feeling so desperately ready, Alain did not claim me. He stepped away, leaving me to shower alone. Although sated, I still felt frustrated.
When would he claim me as his?

Chapter 25

“I have a surprise for you,”
Alain said casually, after I finished every delicious morsel of my meal.

“Oh, I love surprises. What is it?”

“Tonight we go to the Cannes Film Festival. Our company sponsors the wine for the event. I’m expected at the opening ceremony.”

I clapped my hands in glee—I’d always dreamed of going, even though I knew the chances were pretty slim.

“I love making you so happy,” Alain said, “that alone is my reward.” His innuendo wasn’t lost on me; I remembered his words at the kitchen counter a few days ago.

“There’s more,” he said as he winked. “I’ve had a dress sent for you, I hope you don’t mind. It’s in the bedroom.
With all the accessories.”

Somewhat taken aback, I tried to hide my surprise. I’d never had a man choose my outfit or tell me what to wear. How would he know if it would fit or suit me? I didn’t want to risk looking silly at the Cannes Film

“Come see?” Alain held out his hand. I followed nervously into the bedroom. What if I didn’t like it? I couldn’t hurt his feelings. He had been kind and generous since the moment I met him. I just had to pray that I looked OK and didn’t disgrace him.

At the door he told me to close my eyes. I held my breath, my heart racing.

“OK, open your eyes now.” He chuckled, sounding very confident.

I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw the dress. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

“For me?”
I whispered.

“Just for you.”
He laughed reassuringly. “It’s your size,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

How lucky could a girl get? I got to play dress ups, and go to one of the most prestigious events in Europe, with my amazing, generous man.

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