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Authors: Sandy Holden

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Lost Princess (8 page)

BOOK: Lost Princess
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He opened his eyes and gave me a sweet smile. “You did well, Katrina,” he said.

I didn’t know what to say. Did I thank him for hitting me? That didn’t seem quite right. So I leaned closer and licked his lower lip. He let out his breath in a low mmm of pleasure. I nestled into his arms until I realized he’d fallen asleep. Carefully I disentangled myself, moving about the room extinguishing the candles. I crawled slowly back into the bed with my husband, more bemused than ever.


Chapter Seven

The next morning I woke early, the sun not yet touching the horizon. I moved and realized that the pain in my behind had mostly gone now. I looked at Max as I thought about what had happened here last night. He’d said he wanted to punish me. Was that because I’d made him mad, or had he felt that odd sort of pleasure that I’d felt during the punishment? I’d felt like I’d given him something almost like a gift. And what did it say about me that I—while not exactly enjoying what he did—felt somehow like it had made what happened afterward, our coupling, more intense?

Max was proving to be more of a mystery to me than I’d ever thought he’d be. I’d thought he would be like I’d always seen him—remote and angry and heartless. I had thought he would come to me and impregnate me in the dark in a painful embarrassing way, and then would leave me alone until the next time he needed to do it again. Maybe it was because of my unusual upbringing that I hadn’t known that there was a whole lot more to being a man’s wife than that.

I thought about how he would wake and his eyes would fall upon me. I began to blush as I thought he might just ask me what in the world was wrong with me that I had been so very hungry for him immediately after he’d beat me. I could understand, a little, the satisfaction of getting revenge on someone who had wronged you, but to be pleased to any degree about receiving that revenge seemed suspect behavior in the extreme.

I just couldn’t sit here and wait for him to wake another minute. I quietly crawled from the bed and wrapped a shawl around me and went to a favorite place of mine, a window not far from the room Callista and I had shared. It had a wide ledge and I sat there, huddled in my shawl, and watched the sun rise. I waited there until I judged it time to wash and headed down, my mind turned inward.

I barely noticed those around me, and only partially noted the giggles near by. I washed quickly, dressed and went down to breakfast, trying not to quiver at the thought of seeing Max again.

Max had not yet arrived, and I went to sit where we’d sat the night before, waiting. He arrived within minutes and came directly over to me with his long stride. “I wake and find you gone. You will not do such again.” Several ladies of the castle were nearby and heard him. They looked at me and their heads went together as they enjoyed my shame.

“I’m sorry, my lord,” I said quietly. “I couldn’t sleep.“Max didn’t answer but sat down, the food immediately being served. I concentrated on my food, and Max gave me several long looks that I caught through the corner of my eye. Devlin finally arrived, and Max turned to him with a scowl. “You’re late.”

Devlin laughed and took a piece of bread from Max’s plate. “I am indeed, brother. Were you so famished that you couldn’t wait for me?”

Max snorted and said, “Today we go to Macking. I have something there I must do.“Devlin gave an agreeable nod. “And you want my company? I suppose I should feel honored that you have not cast me aside now that you have a much more palatable choice.” He waved the bread towards me.

Max gave me a sidelong glance. “I doubt she would find riding comfortable today.“I looked down at my plate and blushed.

Devlin looked over at me then back at his brother. “Well, your wife liked you for one day, at least.” His voice was light.

Max said in a flat voice. “Having my wife like me is not of any importance to me.“I bit my lip, refusing to look up as those cruel words crashed over me. What had I expected? I chided myself. Words of undying love?

Devlin said in a low voice perhaps not meant for my ears, “Max, you are sometimes a damned fool.” His voice was taut with anger.

Max looked up from his plate, honest surprise on his attractive face. “A fool? Because I care not what she thinks?” He looked at me.

Devlin stood up abruptly. “My appetite has fled,” he said shortly. “I will be ready to leave when you command, Regent.” With that he turned and limped from the table.

Max turned to me now. “What mischief have you been up to? Going again to Devlin with tales of woe?“I shook my head.

Max said, annoyance in his voice, “I could swear I told you just last night you are to answer when I speak to you. Have you forgotten?”

I swallowed. “No, my lord. I have not spoken to Devlin since we ate together last eve.”

“Women lie,” Max said dismissively.

“And men always tell the truth? This is indeed news to me.” I said, my anger rising.

Max eyed me. “It doesn’t concern you in any way what men do. You’re mine alone, so you will keep your thoughts on me.”

“I am yours, my lord,” I said simply, not disputing it.

He stopped at my sudden acquiescence. “Then leave my brother free from your tales.”

“I told him nothing of last night.” I leaned closer to Max now, my eyes beginning to snap with temper. I didn’t like being called a liar, especially when I was telling the truth. “You are the one who took something he said in jest and turned it into a chance to show how emotionless you are. He is angry with you, not me. And the fault is yours, not mine.”

Max caught my chin and said in a low voice, “Watch your words, wife.”

“Ahh, so it isn’t the truth you seek after all. You wish not to be liked? That is very fortunate indeed,” I hissed.

Max rose without warning and took my arm, forcing me up as well. He dragged me out of the hall to the entertainment of the people gathered there. He pushed me into the nearest unused chamber and didn’t even bother to shut the door before shoving me up against the wall. “You want to anger me? You’ve succeeded. Your manners are not those of an obedient wife but of a low-born shrew.” A cold smile touched his lips and he left the room, pulling me behind him. He released me when we reached one of the maids who served in the great hall. “My wife is to serve as you do today. Make sure she stays busy doing the sorts of things you do or I’ll take it out of

He said to me, “Consider as you work today how you will speak to me when I return.“With that he turned and left me standing there, shocked. I looked at the serving maid, and she looked back at me. Neither of us knew what to do as the mistress suddenly became the servant.

“My lady, I—” she began, but I stopped her.

“Do as he says,” I instructed wearily. “I’ll not hold it against you come tomorrow.”

The girl, Crissy, seemed about to cry. “But, my lady!”

I held up my hand to forestall her. “Neither of us has a choice in this. Had he simply threatened me, I’d ignore it and let him do as he would. But I can’t let you suffer for my impertinence.” I realized that Max no doubt knew I’d feel that way. I couldn’t help but be impressed at his ability to manipulate me. Sneaky bastard. Fine. A day as a servant might be interesting at that. I did like to learn new things. My anger faded away as I acknowledged, at least to myself, that he’d won this round. “Well, let’s get started.” I said to Crissy.

The work wasn’t particularly difficult, but it was tiring. I regretted not staying in bed and sleeping later. The servants were kind to me, trying to do my work for me whenever they could. I finally had to be quite frank and tell them they’d get both Crissy and I in trouble if they continued. They didn’t exactly stop then, but they were subtler about it.

The ladies of the castle were another story. Callista had come down and upon seeing me had been so upset that I’d insisted she stay away during my day as a servant. She’d done it, probably to spare me the shame of having to wait on her. Some of the older ladies, possibly around from when Max’s second wife had been alive, were growing bolder with their insults as the day progressed.

Kasta was the leader of that nasty group of crows, and what started as whispers had now turned to ordering me about on needless tasks that were interspersed with openly mocking comments.“Married two days and punished at least twice.” Kasta said to another lady. “I wouldn’t stand for it.” I realized they’d seen my reddened behind when I bathed.

Vendavar, another lady, said, “She’s probably pleased he’d take her at all. Must have been pity that moved him.” There was laughter at this. I stumbled as I felt the jibe hit home.

“Careful!” Kasta snapped. “You make about as good a servant as you do a wife, apparently.” I gritted my teeth and continued to ignore them.

The comments continued in this manner until I wasn’t sure I could manage much longer. I could feel tears pricking at my eyelids, and I swore repeatedly to myself that if I hadn’t cried when Max had taken out his dagger to kill me when I’d been caught, then I damned well wouldn’t cry now.

I bumped the edge of a table taking yet another tray of drinks to the ladies as they sewed together near the warm hearth in the hall. They almost never congregated here, but since I was here for them to torment, they’d changed their habits. The bump against the table caused the tea to spill, and I hissed at the burn as it splashed on my arm. Laughter rang out from the ladies as I put down the tray and walked off with the tiny piece of dignity I had left.

I was near the kitchen when Max strode into the hall. Some insane part of me was pleased to see him, while another part of me wanted to scream at him in fury. I simply continued on into the kitchen, ignoring him completely.

Dinner would be served soon, and the tables were being readied and the kitchen hummed with activity. The ladies had insisted that I serve them alone, and Crissy, afraid to anger them, had agreed only after getting my nod. I was hoping I would have some peace from them now that Max was back. They wouldn’t taunt me with him right there, would they? Not that it would make any difference to him. But they didn’t know that, did they?

Max walked into the kitchen and as if he had cast a spell on them, everyone froze. He seemed oblivious of the disruption he’d caused, coming to me and looking down. “Have you learned anything today?” he asked.

I made myself look away before I could tell him I’d learned he was a damned bully. “If you wish it so, my lord,” I said.

He took my wrist in his hand and led me out of the kitchen. He took me to the same room as he had taken me to that morning, but this time it was lit. I could see it was an office of sorts, with books and paper in evidence. He shut the door and turned to me. “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked again.

“Yes, my lord,” I said, eyes on the floor.

He stood over me until I was hard pressed not to look up to see his expression. I managed to stay as I was. “I will find out if you did not do as I ordered,” he warned.

I was torn between anger and sadness. “Yes, my lord,” I said.

Max seemed to be waiting for something, but whatever it was I didn’t know and since I refused to look at him I wasn’t going to be enlightened any time soon. Finally he went to the door and left. I stared after him for some minutes, wondering what to do now. It seemed my punishment was over for today. It was almost dinnertime, but I was feeling dirty, so I rushed up to the bathing area and stripped quickly, washing myself quickly with the buckets of water left there for that purpose, and dressed again. I didn’t have time to go to get a clean dress, so I was forced to enter the hall for dinner wearing the same stained dress.

I was feeling ashamed, and kept my eyes on my feet, not wanting to have any of the ladies catch my eye. I sat next to Max and pushed my food around on my plate, trying to hide my yawns. I didn’t look up at all until Devlin said in a light voice, “My lady, what have you been doing this day? Do you not trust the servants to do their job? Did you feel you needed to show them how it was done?”

I realized he didn’t know what Max had done and was simply commenting on my appearance in a teasing way. I looked up at him just as I saw Callista sit next to me. “I’m sorry, my lords,” she said in her clear sweet voice. “I was indisposed earlier, but I would like to eat here next to my cousin if you’ll allow it.”

Devlin smiled. “Of course, my lady. Your presence is welcomed, is it not, Max?“Max gave an indifferent nod. I let my eyes return to my plate. Callista was publicly showing her support of me. She had braved the Regent and had come to sit with me because she knew my day had been wretched. She was too kind. Tears pricked my eyes again, and this time kindness did what cruelty had not and they leaked out.

I kept my face lowered and hoped fervently no one would notice. I felt Callista reach over and take my hand in hers, and I bit my lip hard to keep from making any noise. I wanted to tell her to stop being nice to me before I completely broke down, but of course I could say nothing.

Devlin said to Callista. “You were ill earlier? I hope it was nothing serious.”

Callista said softly, “It only lasted the day, my lord. I thank you for your concern.”

Devlin and Max began to talk of people I didn’t know, and I felt Callista lean closer to me. “I’m sorry, dear cousin. I only just heard about those wicked crones.“I nodded.  “Why did he do it? And how can he sit here as if nothing happened?” Her voice rose in her anger.

Devlin had apparently been paying more attention to our conversation than we had to his. “I’m sorry, Callista, if I’m intruding on a private conversation, but you’ve piqued my curiosity. Why did he do what?” he asked.

Callista stuttered for an answer and gave my hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry, my lord, but my cousin is distraught. Would my lords mind if I take her to my room to comfort her?”

Devlin said slowly, “Go, if that is what you need.”

Max said to his brother, “Katrina can wait until I am finished.”

Devlin said, “What is happening here? I feel as if I’ve come into a play that is half-finished.”

Max said, “Katrina pouts in a misguided attempt to….” He shrugged. “Well, I know not what she hopes to accomplish.”

BOOK: Lost Princess
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