Lost Property (8 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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She was on her knees before Steve and he waited until she had finished before he stood her up and clipped a lead to her collar.

“Last ones out, turn the lights off!” he called as he led her up to his bedroom.

In the dark she was compliance itself, her soft body sliding against his under the duvet, performing whatever service he required with no murmur of dissent or hesitation.

Having sampled her vagina before, he wanted to see how her oral skills were and was pleasantly surprised, her lips were even more gently passionate than they had looked to be. Originally he had intended merely using her mouth to lubricate his cock prior to sampling her bottom, but her eagerness to take as much of him down as she could, seduced him into staying and spilling himself into her throat. She purred with delight as he came and swallowed quickly and smoothly. To cap it all, she was in no hurry to finish sucking him and carried on until every last tremor had been wrung from him and every last inch of his cock and balls had been licked in case a drop of sperm had escaped her.

When she finally slid up to lie beside him again, he told her that she had disrupted his plan to bugger her. She giggled huskily and he felt her lips brush his cheek.

“Better punish me then, Sir,” she whispered.

“Oh I will! But not just now,” he said.


Chapter Six


At breakfast the next morning the girls slipped into role with no need for any instruction and served their men perfectly before joining them at the table. Brian glanced around in amusement at the dark circles under various eyes and the occasional wince of discomfort from one or other of the girls.

“Any complaints, gentlemen?” he asked.

The men all shook their heads but Brian pressed on. As grooms there would be no place for modesty in their lives and they might as well learn that straightaway.

“Any disobedience?”

Again there were no takers.

“Any holes not entirely satisfactory?” he went on, helping himself to more coffee.

There were some blushes from the girls who were now keeping their eyes firmly fixed on their plates.

“Jenny’s pelvic floor muscles could do with some work. Ideally she could grip a cock a bit more firmly,” Mike suggested.

Brian glanced across at Jenny to see her reaction. Her cheeks were scarlet with embarrassment but she held her tongue.

“True,” Alex agreed. “But her mouth is terrific.”

“And her arse, and that definitely doesn’t want to be any tighter. You only just slip in comfortably as it is,” Steve added.

“Chris could do with some widening to her arse,” John put in. “But she’s willing enough and took the stretching well. Made a bit of noise but nothing too serious.”

Beside him, Brian felt Carol stir. He had tried buggering her in the night but she had admitted it was her first time and had been too tight to take him, even with lube. Still, she had to learn that she could have no secrets any more.

“Carol needs widening too,” he told the others and could practically feel the heat of her blush. “But she’s virgin there so that’s understandable.” Tanya and Chris looked up in surprise and Carol hid her face in her hands. Brian winked at the lads who had cottoned on to what he was doing.

“But are we agreed that all four are keen to learn and can take discipline?”

There were nods and murmurs of assent.

“Good. I’ll talk to The Lodge in a minute. You girls go back home and put your affairs in order, give notice to work and landlords.”

There were voices raised in complaint immediately. None of them wanted to leave.

Brian raised his hand for silence.

“We don’t want missing persons enquiries do we? You can come back next weekend or sooner if you’ve tidied up your affairs.”

There were happier noises at the news – as much from the males as from the girls. Brian put his hand down and gripped Carol’s thigh under the table.

“Not you,” he whispered. “You’re staying here and you can tie up loose ends as you move in. The rest are going to The Lodge but you’re serving me here and helping Helga.”

She turned a look of undiluted joy on him.

As farewells were said after breakfast, Brian phoned The Lodge and told a delighted John Carpenter that a fresh batch of grooms would be dispatched shortly for training under Patti Campbell. He also told Clive Mostyn that the new stable would have some staff trained up and ready to go as soon as the slaves themselves were ready.

Then while Helga and her new assistant went to sort out Jet and Cherry for their day, Brian got back to the business of developing his new trainers’ skills. Time was getting short.



Kath knew that her Mistress was just not going to be able to resist it. They had spent the whole weekend preparing the sting for Clive Mostyn in a hotel bedroom. They had made sure that the cameras could follow Kath over every square inch of the four poster bed and that they could get a clear view of whoever sat on the chairs prior to moving to the bed.

After that promising night at the hotel in the market town in Berkshire, nothing further about Proteus had emerged and Angie’s boss was now insisting that they move to a straightforward ‘politician found with leg over’ story. It wasn’t as good a scoop as Proteus had seemed to be but it looked like it was all they were going to get.

It was Sunday night and Kath would have to go back to working for Mostyn in the morning. During the week she would try and lure him to the room for what the paper would call a depraved sado-masochistic orgy. It sounded good to her! And her Mistress was sure to want to use the facilities once all the technicians left.

“All right, you slut! Get your kit off,” Angie growled almost immediately the last of the men had gone. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you flaunting your arse and tits at me all afternoon!”

Of course it had been Angie who decreed that she wear the low necked T shirt and the tight skirt that ended three inches above the knee. And of course it had been Angie who had decreed that no underwear was allowed, but there was really no point in Kath bringing that up.

She stripped obediently and saw that Angie had unpacked some lengths of the bondage rope they used at home and a flogger from her shoulder bag.

Kath’s hands were tied behind her back and she was made to lie on her back across the bed about half way down it. Then Angie had her raise her legs in turn and tied each ankle to a post, one to the foot of the bed and the other to the head, leaving her cunt very exposed between her widely spread thighs. Kath’s heart was thundering in her chest as it always did when her Mistress prepared to enjoy her. And now she ratcheted up the excitement by laying the whip on her so that the leather tails trailed down along her cunt and the handle weighed heavily on her stomach. Kath craned her head up to watch her Mistress as she stood, framed in the V of her legs as she too stripped off for action. And as she looked closely at her Mistress’ face, her excitement fizzled out instantly.

She was regarding Kath with a coldness that was almost contempt.

“I’ve been coming under real pressure because you haven’t come up with the goods, Kath. So I think you need to understand just how I feel about that, I don’t like my professional judgement being called into question by the incompetence of my slut! You have just one week to break open Proteus or to get Mostyn in here. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, I have tried!”

“Can it! I’ve had enough excuses,” Angie said curtly. “You’ll certainly understand that by the time I finish with you today!”

There was a knock on the door and Angie called out for the person to enter. Kath panicked and tried to crane her head around to see who was coming in. Desperately she tried to close her legs, suddenly feeling hideously exposed and vulnerable. But the person who entered was a petite blonde that she had seen at some clubs and parties they had been to but couldn’t recall having played with. The girl was wearing a simple, dark blue, shift dress and giggled excitedly when she saw the scene before her.

“Get that off,” Angie ordered and leaned over to tie a blindfold onto Kath.

“Please, Mistress!” Kath began to protest, it wasn’t unusual for her Mistress to introduce a third party into their sessions but there was something new about Angie’s demeanour this time. She was being punished – and for real this time.

Isolated in the darkness, Kath wondered whether to continue to plead with her beloved Mistress, but in the end decided against it. With her being in this sombre mood, it was probably advisable just to ride out the storm.

She heard the rustle of clothing as the new girl stripped and then there was silence, followed by soft mews of pleasure, Angie was kissing and caressing her new toy. It was nothing that hadn’t happened before, but never with Mistress in this mood.

Then Kath felt the whip taken up off her stomach and she tensed just in time as the heavy tails bludgeoned down onto the inside of her left thigh and then her right. The lashes were repeated, moving close to her defenceless cunt and then thudding home on it. Kath arched and twisted against the stinging that lanced into her and set her senses ablaze in the darkness. The lashes kept coming, moving from thigh to thigh, up and down and then hitting dead centre, making her light up with pain and desire. She couldn’t tell who was wielding the whip but by the time it stopped her whole groin was a throbbing, hot mass of lustful excitement. She was panting for breath and could feel sweat running off her. Someone grabbed her breasts and gave her nipples the kind of treatment she craved and she arched upwards again, offering them shamelessly.

“Careful. She comes easily under tit pain.”

It was her Mistress’ voice, so at least she knew who was doing it, but the hands left her and Kath had a horrible feeling that at least part of her punishment was to be orgasm denial. She felt the mattress sink and move under her. There were the sounds of people positioning themselves and her Mistress’ husky chuckle that turned Kath’s knees to jelly normally, but now the breath was knocked from her as a body fell across her chest, squashing her breasts, soft skin brushed her face and automatically she licked and kissed it. More weight came onto her, the flesh against her face moved again and she realised it was a woman’s thigh, the outside of it and suddenly in her mind’s eye she pieced together the scene unfolding across her helpless body. One woman was lying on her back with her legs wide open and another was lying on top of her, between them. There was more movement and another husky laugh from her Mistress, followed by the unmistakable sounds of a tongue eagerly licking and probing a very moist cunt.

“Do me with the vibrator while you lick my clit,” she heard her Mistress say, urgent and fierce in her desire.

Kath heard the buzzing start and then fade as the device was inserted. Almost immediately her Mistress began her climb to orgasm, crying out and shouting in the way that Kath knew so well. Her buttocks began to bounce up and down on Kath’s chest, her thigh practically mashed itself against Kath’s face as she spread her legs even farther. Then there was the frozen moment of climax before the weight collapsed back down onto Kath again and the buzzing stopped.

“Roll off me,” she heard Angie say. “I want this slut to know what she’s missing.”

Some of the weight left her and she felt her Mistress shift so that her groin was directly above Kath’s mouth and nose. She could catch its post orgasmic scent and helplessly stuck out her tongue to see if she was to be granted a taste. But she wasn’t. Again there was movement and breath-expelling weight and then she felt her Mistress calmly sitting on her chest, legs apart on either side of her head, the scent of her cunt filled Kath’s senses and she whimpered in her need.

“Stoke her up with the vibrator. I want the bitch to beg.”

Kath felt the thing being plunged swiftly into her and switched on, she cried out in shock at the abrupt stimulation of her inner tissues after the peaks she had nearly achieved earlier had receded. And still the scent of her Mistress wafted over her face as she took pleasure from Kath’s suffering. As far as she could, Kath moved herself on the metal shaft inside her as it was thrust back and forth. Slowly she began to hope that she might make it this time and decided on a desperate series of pelvic thrusts and rotations to try and reach it before anyone knew, but her Mistress wasn’t fooled.

“Take it out!” she snapped and Kath cried out again in shock as she was emptied.

There was more movement on the mattress beside her and finally the weight came off her, but it was only so that the two women could lie in each other’s arms beside her and pleasure themselves all over again. She could feel the hands and legs moving, brushing her own bound body. After the unmistakable sounds of orgasm there was more movement and she heard the blonde being whipped and being allowed to come again and then lick out Angie again.

Then they played with her some more. This time the blonde – her Mistress would never go down on a sub – licked her out while Mistress whipped Kath’s tits but stopped short again before she was anywhere close to orgasm.

By the time the session ended, Kath was weeping and begging dementedly, tugging at her ankle bonds, desperate to close her legs and see if she couldn’t bring herself off. But once her blindfold was removed and her legs lowered, her Mistress, still with that horribly cold expression told her that if she brought herself off she could start packing when they got home.

Then she turned to the blonde who was getting dressed and embraced her and thanked her for her help, patting her on the bottom fondly as she sent her on her way.

Miserable, frustrated and confused, Kath put back on the few garments she had been permitted.

“It’s either Mostyn in here or Proteus by the end of this week or you’re out,” Angie told her once she was dressed and indeed she really did understand that she absolutely had to make progress, life without her Mistress was not to be considered.


She pulled out all the stops at work. She turned up late, she wore jeans, she even had a drink at lunch and returned late, breathing alcohol fumes over her supervisor. By Wednesday she was carpeted in Mostyn’s office.

“Are you deliberately provoking me, Knowles?” he asked once the supervisor had gone, smiling triumphantly, Kath’s list of offences duly read out.

“Yes, Sir,” Kath confirmed.


“Since…since that night in the hotel, Sir, I haven’t been able to think of anything else but doing it again! So I saved up and I’ve got a room on Friday night…if that’s ok, Sir.” The lines had been carefully rehearsed and Kath felt she delivered them with heart-felt sincerity.

“No. It isn’t,” Mostyn said, getting to his feet and coming to stand beside her. One of his hands found its way to her bottom and cupped a buttock appreciatively. “And it won’t be necessary. Trust me on this,” and that was all she could get out of him.

She reported to her Mistress that night. Since the weekend she had been banished to the spare bedroom and was desperately hoping that this piece of news might allow her to return to her rightful place in her Mistress’ bed.

“Did he actually say what was happening on Friday?”

“No, Mistress, but he knew what I meant alright and said it wouldn’t be necessary, so it must be Proteus!”

“Why must it? We might suspect but we don’t know for sure that Proteus has anything at all to do with SM. Maybe he wants to take you to another hotel that he’s booked! It could mean anything, so you’d better just hope it means what you think it means.”

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