Love and Hate (16 page)

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Authors: Chelsea Ballinger

BOOK: Love and Hate
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Jason’s father was an abusive
prick who was married to my cousin Karen and worked for my father until he
found out how abusive he was. A week later he disappeared, but we all knew what
happened. Jason did too, but he didn’t care. He was happy he was gone.

“They made fun of my limp.” He

When we were ten, Jason’s father
repeatedly stomped on his leg so hard that he shattered it and ever since then
Jason has walked with a limp. I can’t stand a bully. Especially spoiled ass
preppy boys who think they can push over whoever they want. Jason is my cousin,
my family, and we protect our family.

“Emile lets go.”




Eric is a complete prick and I
can’t believe I ever dated him.

I didn’t witness the fight
because I was upstairs in the bathroom crying. It’s the fourth time I cried
since me and Donovan’s argument. Also I’m a little drunk so my emotions are all
over the place. It’s been a week since our fight, I mean since I was a psycho
bitch and slapped him. He called me so many times and it took everything in me
not to respond. I even had to give my phone to Jade during school hours. I just
couldn’t talk to him. I needed time to clear my head. I miss him. I miss him
more than ever. Eric and his friends are over there laughing at what they did
to Jason Evans. He’s Donovan’s cousin. They said they made fun of his limp. I
mean big freaking deal the guy has had a limp since forever. Who makes fun of
someone’s disability?! Grow up! I hate this party I need to leave.

“Jade, I’m ready to go.”

“Thank God, Me too.” Jade jumps
up out of her seat.

Wow, I can’t believe she is.

“What? Why?” Dawn asked us.

“Because it sucks, and I also
feel bad for that kid.” Jade says.

“Oh who cares it was hilarious” Naomi
says smiling.

Naomi is such a bitch.

“Well it’s not funny” I say.

“Oh well I’m sorry things got a
little too rowdy for little miss perfect.”

“What does that even mean? Come
on Jade.”

We walk past Naomi and Dawn and
head through the living room of Warren Gregory’s mansion.

“Where you going” Eric stops me
in my tracks.

“I’m going home Eric”

“Why? Maybe we can talk.”

“No, your drunk.” He reeks of

Jade grabs my arm to go through
the other way.

“Eric!” I turn instantly at the
sound of Donovan.

He is standing in the entry way
of the living room with his denim jacket and a white tank underneath. I can see
the shape of his body through it and I can see how angry he is. It’s like he is
about to explode.

Jade pulls me to the side as
Eric’s friends Dean and Anthony stand next to him.

I see Emile next to him angry and
ready for what is about to happen.

Donovan walks towards him until
they are inches from each other.

“You have an apology to give to
my cousin.” He says calmly.

“Really” Eric laughs.


“Well, I really don’t have to do
shit, Pierce. If your little gimp wants an apology he can come get it himself,
but he’ll probably cry again once we whoop his ass.”

Dean and Anthony laugh. 

“You know, I know guys like you.
Spoiled guys who get what they want, they think they don’t have to answer to
anyone, but I got news for you, you’re a bitch because only a pussy like you would
need two other guys to fight one person … who has a limp by the way.”

Well Put Donovan. I find myself
very attracted and proud at the same time.

“Well on the contrary I had more
than two people help. Donovan and Emile looks behind him, to see three tall
guys standing over them, grinning and pounding their fists. He glances at Emile
giving him a nod. Emile smiles and gives him a nod right back. Yeah there not
backing down at all.

            “Well, more fun for us” Without
hesitation Donovan head butts Eric right smack in the face.

 Emile turns around and punches
one of the three guys in the stomach, bringing him down to his knees. This
gives Emile reach and access to punch him dead in the nose. The other two
tackle him down. Anthony punches Donovan in the face, but it’s like it doesn’t
faze him. He instantly punches him back harder. Dean grabs him from behind bare
hugging him against his chest. Anthony gets up and is about to strike when
Donovan hits Dean in the face with the back of his head and kicks Anthony right
in the nuts. Ouch. That had to hurt. Anthony falls down crying. No like really
he is literally crying on the floor. Donovan turns around and kicks Dean into a
group of people near me and Jade. Suddenly Eric tackles him from behind. He
gets on top of him and starts punching Donovan, repeatedly.

I start moving, but Jade grabs my
arm. It’s like it was my natural instinct to help him. I finally calm down once
Donovan pushes Eric off of him. He gets up and kicks Eric right in the face. He
turns around to see Emile getting pummeled on by the two other guys. With two
quick punches Donovan stops them.

Donovan goes back to Eric, who is
lying on the floor. He kneels down and lifts him up by his shirt. He starts
punching him over and over again in the face. It’s like he’s a different
person. This Donovan has nothing but fury inside him as he continues beating
Eric like he’s nothing.  He needs to stop or he’ll kill him.

“Donovan! Come on!” Emile finally
drags Donovan off him. He jerks away from Emile and looks around the room.

‘Anyone else?!” He yells at
everyone daring them to come at him.

He finally stops his circling
around once he sees me.  His face is filled with so much rage, but also pain.

“Come on man. We gotta get out of
here.” Emile says pulling him by his arm. Donovan looks down at Eric whose face
is bloodied and bruised. His face goes blank at the sight of the damage he has
done. He finally snaps out of it and follows Emile out.

We all continue looking down at
Eric and his friends, who are in physical pain over their defeat.




Everyone at school is staring at
me like I murdered someone. Well I did almost murder Eric. I feel like shit. I
don’t want people to see me this way, like I’m some kind of a monster. I know
that’s probably what Claudia thinks of me. I saw it in her eyes. She thinks I’m
a monster.

“Excuse me Mrs. Hairston, “We all
look up to see the principal enter the classroom.

Seconds later the police come in
with Henry Stonem.


“I’m sorry to interrupt your
class Mrs. Hairston, but we have a situation here.” Stonem says with that same
smug smile he had the first time I saw him.

I don’t even wait for the cops to
come towards my seat. I stand up and place my hands behind my back. I am very
familiar with this routine.

“Is that really necessary?” Mrs.
Hairston asks. I guess the teacher isn’t so bad after all.

“Donovan Pierce you are under
arrest for the assault and battery of Eric Anderson, Anthony Wade, and Dean
Garrity…” I instantly zone out with what the rest of the cop says as I look at
the class. My sister who is looking at me hurt and like she wants to shoot Henry
Stonem. Then there is Claudia who looks angry and upset. Probably at me. I’m
embarrassed that she has to see me like this. I’m embarrassed that she possibly
sees me as a criminal.




I can’t believe my father is just
standing there with a grin on his face like he’s so proud of himself for
arresting a high school kid who did nothing, but protect his friend. If he is
going to arrest Donovan, he might as well arrest Eric and the rest of his idiot
squad. This is a waste by the way because no one is going to come forward as a
witness. They’re all scared.

I’m just scared for Donovan. I
don’t want him to be arrested like this, in front of everyone where they can
all talk about him. This isn’t cool at all.




“We know what happened, Donovan,
so you might as well tell us.” Cop one says.

“It will make things a lot
easier.” Cop two chimes in.

I say nothing. This is always a
waste. In about ten seconds my lawyer is going to be here.

“Gentlemen I request that you
release my client right now.” In walks Jackie Reynolds, my father’s top lawyer.
“I believe you are wasting your time.”

“Excuse me Mrs. Reynolds but we
have three beat up boys who say Donovan Pierce attacked them.” Stonem says.

“Well do you have other

“I don’t think we need any.”

“Well I have witnesses who say
your three clients attacked Donovan Pierce’s friend making fun of his
disability. Then they committed a very horrible act and beat him up in front of
their peers. Also, Henry I find it very odd that you’re here when you’re a part
of the organized crime unit. Does my client look like Al Capone to you? I don’t
think Anderson would appreciate personal vendettas being masqueraded at routine
police arrests, do you?”


“Now Henry, unless you want to
waste your money and make a fool of yourself by going to court on this, then I
suggest you stop your little vendetta and release my client.”

I don’t even try to hide my grin.       

Thank you, Jackie.




C: “
I need to see
you. Meet Me at our spot.”


Ok I’ll be there
at 5”


I really am glad Claudia text me.
I need to explain to her how sorry I am. I’m also nervous as hell. She probably
wants to end things with me, for good, because of the fight with Eric and his

 I’m hit by a very broad shoulder as I drop my cell
phone on the floor.

“I’m sorry” I say as I scoop up
my phone off the floor at the police station.

“I bet you are.” I glance up to
see a cop staring at me with a smug look on his face.

This is the usual treatment I get
from cops.

“I hope you know your father
won’t be able to protect you for long.” Stonem says walking past the cop to get
to me.

“You know your problem is with my
father, not with me.”

“Oh come on Donovan, you’re a
smart kid. It’s inevitable. A kid like you, the way you grew up. I saw Eric’s
face, it was just the beginning, soon you’ll snap. All that anger inside of you
is just itching to come out. There isn’t any good in you.”

“Donovan, lets go” Jackie says
pulling my arm.

“You just wait Pierce. You and
your father will be sharing a jail cell years from now. ”

“Donovan.” Jackie says again.

I clench my fists as we walk
away. I swear if we weren’t in a police station I would beat the shit out of
that guy.

Who the hell is he to label my
future? I could give a shit about any of these people. I know it’s not right,
but the asshole in me just wanted to answer him and say, “Well your daughter
doesn’t think so.”

In the end I would never say it.
For Claudia, I wouldn’t.



After leaving the police station
and having a very long talk with my parents. I headed straight to Claudia. I
told my parents I was going to the library for a school project and that it
will be an all-nighter. They’re having a date night so it was easy for them to
say yes. They have date nights every Friday.

Once I enter the house, I see
Claudia in the giant foyer pacing back and forth, glancing at her phone.

“Hey.” She stops once she hears

“Hi.” She says quietly.

I don’t know where to start. I
guess I should just go with the first thing that crosses my mind.

“I’m sorry” We say in unison.

I guess that’s the ice breaker for us because we
laugh at our cute moment.

She pauses and looks at me with
her beautiful gray eyes.

“I shouldn’t have said those
things” She says.

“No. No. I know why you said it.
I shouldn’t have listened to my sister.”

I take a step towards her.

“And I shouldn’t have brought
your sister in it. Of course you would stick up for her, she’s your sister.”

She takes two steps to me.

“Yeah, but I just didn’t have to
be an ass about it.” 

I take two more steps toward her.

“And I didn’t have to be a

She takes her last step putting
us inches from each other. I can smell her usual coconut smell she has from
that scented lotion she uses. I missed that smell.

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