Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) (27 page)

Read Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) Online

Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #werebear, #bbw

BOOK: Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)
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Okay, time for the hard parts. She could do this. It was like a Band-Aid.

Though, really, that saying didn’t really work since if a Band-Aid was left on a person’s skin for a while, it sorta dug its heels in. Then when it was yanked off, it wasn’t a quickly banished pain. No, it lingered with icky, sticky residue and bright red, itchy skin in its wake.

She tossed the twisting thoughts aside and realized Isaac still stared at her. She wondered how long she’d debated the Band-Aid analogy.

“Right, you’re not the only one who gets to have a pity party.” He opened his mouth as if to interrupt, but she kept on trucking. “Women have rejected you because of your scars. They were idiots as far as I’m concerned, but it happened. Now, you seem to be okay with me being a little bit blind.” She ignored his snort. “But,” she squeezed her eyes shut tight. “But what about when you see
scars? I don’t even know what they look like, but I’ve felt them and they’re not pretty, Isaac.”

Kira ignored the sting in her eyes. “I mean, I was half-naked in the forest, but I doubt you were all that focused on anything but my vagina.”

“Oh, baby.” The words were whispered and then she was in his arms, cradled against his chest as he carried her to his bedroom.

He didn’t release her immediately, didn’t lower her feet to the ground. No, he strode right to the bed and gently laid her on the soft surface.

“Isaac, you’re the one who started this topic, you need to—”

“I need to show you that you have no reason to worry about how I feel for you.” His fingers went to the button of her shorts and she covered his.

“Wait a minute. Naked isn’t gonna—”

“Fix this? Of course it will.” He stared down at her and the full weight of his emotions slammed into her. Was this what love smelled like? It was new, unfamiliar, and it sure as hell better not be new cologne. “Because, while you saw nothing but my face, I saw so much more of you. Lemme show you,” his murmured plea struck her heart and she nodded.

The snap of her shorts was followed by the lowering of her zipper and then, once again, she was naked from the waist down before him. She wondered when she’d get to see, er feel, him naked.

Oh, wait, at his urgings she was now fully naked. The cool air bathed her heated skin, chilling her, but doing nothing to ease her growing need for him.

“Isaac?” Unease assaulted her. He saw it all now. Every lumpy curve and dip, every twisted inch of her skin. From the thin lines to the wide swaths, they were all bared.

He whipped his shirt over his head, the fabric covering his tanned body suddenly gone. Then his jeans were gone, leaving her with a large expanse of tanned skin filling her vision.

Isaac went into motion once more, easing her to the center of the bed and then knelt between her spread thighs.

“You don’t think I see you, Kira? That I’d be disgusted by your body?” He shook his head. “No way. Because, even as I knelt on the rocky ground, I saw you.”

He leaned over her, propping his weight on one arm as he reached for her chest. He traced the top curve of her breast with one finger. He’d kissed her there. Kissed and sucked and nibbled… He drew that digit down her body in… a… straight… line…

She’d been so caught up in the passion, in the heat, that she hadn’t even realized that…

“You kissed them all,” she whispered.

“I kissed every one I could find.” He leaned down, tongue lapping at that spot. “I made love to every part of you I could reach. Because I want you as my mate, Kira. Not just the good parts. Everyone loves toys that are new and shiny and perfect. And then the moment they get dented, they’re tossed aside.” He cupped her cheek with his free hand, forcing her to focus on him entirely. “Someone tossed away something perfect and I’m picking you up. You’re mine, bruises, scars, and oddly named dog. All mine.”

She grinned at him, loving him a little more with every breath. “Talking about the dog when we’re naked is not sexy.”

“No more talking,” he whispered the words a moment before he captured her lips.

It wasn’t the fast and furious meeting they’d shared in the forest. No, this was a soft, sweet seduction.

And Kira was very, very ready to be seduced. A lot. Times two.


Isaac had never tasted something so sweet in his life. She was delicious berries and pure woman, and he couldn’t wait to see if every inch of her tasted the same. He delved into her mouth, tracing her tongue and sucking lightly, swallowing her moans.

His cock pulsed and ached and his bear demanded he claim Kira already, but Isaac was going to take his time. They’d only have one shot at this and he refused to be rushed.

Fast and furious could be saved for round two.

He lapped at her skin, following the lines that marred her body. Back in the forest, when he’d first brushed his lips over her breast, he’d nearly gone into a rage. The line was wide and had obviously gone deep. It was puffed and raised against her smooth flesh. It’d been painful and he did his best to kiss away the past.

He repeated the process now as he did then. Lick, kiss, suckle, and then nuzzle. He wanted to banish them all, wanted to draw out the pain and replace it with pleasure. She would know nothing but happiness and freedom now. She would never again be afraid of what the world held. Not with him at her side.

Each touch was a promise. A promise for the future.

He loved every inch of her body. He began at her collar, tracing the thin, pale lines. Probably a razor blade. The remnants were too small to be a wolf’s claw. Maybe a knife? The instrument did not matter.

The next was the largest and one that’d nearly sent him over the edge in the forest. He traced the top edge and then continued following the path between her breasts. He paused a moment to kiss one large globe and then the other, flicking her nipples before moving on. He wanted her aroused and needy by the time he finished exploring her.

Wait, her nipples were like ripe strawberries and he went back for another taste of those hardened nubs.

He was rewarded with a low gasp followed by a soft whine. “

He fought his grin and repeated the caresses, bringing one into his mouth, sucking hard and flicking the nub with his tongue. She fisted his strands as she arched her back, pushing deeper into his mouth, and he gave her exactly what she desired.

She ached for more and he was resolved to give her whatever she desired.

Kira rocked her hips, lifting them from the bed and he gripped her side, stilling her movements. At her pleading whine, he released the nipple he’d tormented. “Let me love you, Kira. You can do it your way next time. It’s my turn, right now.”

She narrowed those clear blue eyes. “Does your turn include mating bites and orgasms?”

Isaac grinned and then bit her breast, tightening his grip until a tremble overtook her. He loved that she got off on that tiny hint of pain and he couldn’t wait to see what else she enjoyed.


She grinned and twirled her hand at him. “Carry on, then.”

He chuckled and nipped her breast, loving when her grin morphed into a wide smile. “I’ll carry something on.”

Kira didn’t have much else to say because then he focused on the task of making his mate writhe, scream, and moan.

All the while, his cock throbbed. Each time he pressed his lips to her skin, it pulsed. Nibbles had that part of him twitching and long licks sent a shudder down his spine.

His bear roared at him, demanding he take Kira and claim her. She was ripe and ready to belong to them.

Isaac didn’t deny the animal’s assertions. He just wasn’t prepared to give up his feast. Despite the beast and his aching shaft, he wanted to draw out the sensations of her body beneath his.

She wasn’t a hurried snack. She was a lush, delicious meal.

And he would take his time.

He continued working his way down her body, his heart aching when he got to a mass of twisted flesh below her right breast. His eyes stung as he washed the past away with his care.

“God, Kira.” He rubbed his cheek against the marks, coating her in his scent so any male who got close would know if they threatened her, if they hurt her, they’d die.

Not sexy, but true.

Her hands were soft, the touch light, when she stroked his head. “It doesn’t matter, Isaac. Not anymore.”

He nodded, scruff chafing her soft skin. “I know.”

It didn’t. Nothing beyond them mattered any longer.

He moved on, memorizing every blemished spot. Each one made him love her more. Each one had him desperate to see her family dead at his feet. Based on the condition of her body, he figured God would give him a pass.

Isaac continued his journey south, exploring Kira, learning her. He didn’t just map her body, he memorized what his touches brought from her lips. He tucked her responses away for future use. Someday he’d drive her to release without touching her pussy, without entering her. Words and whispered kisses would get her there.

Definitely not today.

He crossed her stomach, tracing the long line that spanned her from chest to hipbone. It was long, thick, and deep as hell. It’d hurt, it’d burned her from inside out, and it had probably come close to killing her.

His bear roared at the idea, at the mere thought of someone ending his beautiful Kira’s life.

It wasn’t until she tugged on his hair and forced his head away from her that he realized he was growling.

“It’s over. Done. No one else will get near me ever again.”

Isaac swallowed the sounds pouring from his throat and shoved the bear back into its cage. “They won’t,” he promised.

“Then forget them all, Isaac. They don’t exist anymore. You and me? We’re it. Nothing else matters.” Her smile was sweet, her eyes glazed with passion and the scent of her arousal wrapped around him like a needy cloak.

His mate wanted him to discard the past?

He would do anything to have Kira in his life, including forgetting about the males who’d nearly ended hers.

Isaac nuzzled her hip and then rubbed his cheek against her inner thigh, enjoying the smooth flesh against his face. Once again, her musk surrounded him and drew him toward heaven. She was so sweet and delicious on his tongue and he wanted more.

He lapped at her slit, gathering the moisture waiting for him and swallowed, enjoying the salty sweetness. Again he licked her, gathering more, enjoying every hint of her. Her gasps and moans told him he was doing something right, her body reacting to him and telling him he was on the road to satisfaction.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The road to happiness is paved with hardness.

Isaac figured the men or women who originally wrote those words had never tasted Kira. Her pussy was the road to happiness and hell.

She rocked against his lips, giving him more of her and he took it gladly, breathing her in as he tasted her. She begged and pleaded, but he didn’t listen. He was too busy devouring her.

Of course, that was about the time she nearly yanked the hair out of his head.

He released his treat and raised his head. “Kira?”

“Oh my God, will you mate me already!” Her face was flushed red, sweat dappling her brows and her chest heaved as she fought for breath.

“But…” He still had to explore her legs. And feet. Her toes really were adorable and he wasn’t even a feet kinda guy.

“Isaac, if you don’t get your cock and teeth in me in a second, I will tie you to this bed and take what I want.”

All right then.


Kira was gonna kill him if he didn’t get the show on the road. Yes, she admitted things were very touching and wonderful and emotional as he fought to rid her of her past. Yada yada already.

She wanted to be

When he didn’t respond, she opened her mouth to repeat her demand. He wanted her, she wanted him, she just needed him to do his duty.

With a growl, he crawled up her body and then shifted to his knees between her spread thighs. She couldn’t depend on her sight to guide her. All she had was her nose. And even with only that part doing its job, she knew every emotion that coursed through him.

He wanted her. He was attracted to her. He… loved her.

He was also ready to burst if he didn’t take her. The edge of his release lingered and she wanted him buried deep before he succumbed to pleasure.

Kira spread her thighs wider, exposing herself to his gaze. “Please.”

One word had him gripping her hip with one hand while the other encircled his cock. A shift of muscle had the blunted tip pressed against her opening and she shuddered with the connection. He was hot, heavy, and thick, and about to be inside her.

Yes, yes, and yes again.

He rubbed that tip along her slit, teasing her with the heated pressure, until she thought she’d go insane. Up and down and up again, each pass nudging her clit and sending sparks of pleasure down her spine. She was ready, willing, and able as soon as he got inside her.

Her teeth ached in anticipation, waiting and ready to lengthen and pierce his shoulder. The mole was more than onboard with that plan.

Hell, it was waving pom-poms and doing its own version of a weremole dance.

Isaac froze and his heavy gaze landed on her. “Are you sure, Kira?”

Doubt still lingered inside him and that was unacceptable.

She pushed herself up, resting her weight on one arm as she reached for him. He shifted as if to move away, but she captured him. It didn’t take a strong grip or a rough yank. No, it was nothing more than her palm against the rough side of his face. Her fingers teased the scarring, the rough line drawing her touch.

“I want you to be mine, Isaac Abrams. You haven’t given me a chance to explore your body, but I bet it’s in better shape than my own. How about we both quit worrying we’re not enough for the other? Accept that I’m not lying to you and claim me already.”

Isaac rushed forward, pushing her back and his cock was there again. Only this time, he wasn’t teasing or caressing. No, he pushed into her, spreading her with his thickness as he slowly consumed her. He stroked her inner walls with his length, rubbing against nerves ready to sing for him.

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