Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) (6 page)

Read Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) Online

Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #werebear, #bbw

BOOK: Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)
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Maybe later.

“Sorry.” He cleared his throat and thumped his inner bear on the nose at the same time. “My bear’s just a tad hungry.”

“Uh-huh.” She resumed her trek, not commenting further.

Her strides brought her to the edge of the steps, and it took everything in him not to reach out and carry her to the porch. But he didn’t. Instead, he fisted his hands, his bear’s claws making his fingertips ache. The beast wanted to keep her from harm at all costs. Period. End of story. Pick her gorgeous ass up already.

Isaac wouldn’t do that, though. He recognized her need for independence. While he didn’t like the fact she wouldn’t lean on him, he could respect it. He was doing something similar by leaving Grayslake, wasn’t he? Finding his path and hopefully happiness.

The animal snarled, letting him know that leaving was slowly shifting from a certainty to a maybe-probably-not. Especially if Kira planned to settle in Grayslake permanently.

If he had her at his side, he thought the town might be tolerable.

He banished the thoughts from his mind. He’d already pissed her off, invaded her privacy, and now weaseled his way into her making lunch. Bulldozing a woman wasn’t a relationship no matter what the bear said.

She slowly made her way up the steps with a careful shuffle until she reached her back door. She jumped in place, punching the air with a wiggle of her ass and a sharp “yes!”

Her excitement was contagious, her happiness transferring to him as if it were his own. She was thrilled with her progress and he was thrilled… just to be near her.

“Ha! Take that, Alpha Asshole!” She did another wiggle and her words solidified in his mind. “Who’s finding shit now?”

“Who’s Alpha Asshole?” His animal was no longer intent on pouncing on Kira and was more concerned with why his little weremole was mentioning an alpha.

The adorable, tempting wiggles and jiggles ended in an abrupt jerk and she took a sharp breath. “Uh…” She gulped, her neck undulating with the swallow. “You see… He’s… I bet you’re hungry, right? I’m hungry, so you’re hungry. Let’s eat.”

She scrambled for the knob, scratching at the aged wood and metal until she finally grasped the handle. A quick turn had her tumbling into the house. He grasped her, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her from falling. She could yell at him about helping her later. For now, the bear wouldn’t entertain the idea of Kira getting hurt.

He hauled her against him, fighting to ignore the pleasure that filled him at having her curves aligned with his hard body. He was a study in stark, muscled lines while she was sweet softness. He could sink into her over and over again and never tire of her touch.

The thought had his cock twitching, blood slowly filling his length, and he was quick to release Kira before she realized the level of his attraction. He’d been interested even after she destroyed his things, but seeing her care for her garden and her strength as she fought to do things on her own… Well, that just sealed the deal.

Isaac wanted her. Badly. And he wouldn’t stop until he had her in his arms, in his bed.

Because something else hovered between them, something that bothered him more than he’d ever admit to his family. Something that tarnished his day-to-day life. His parents thought they knew. Even his brothers felt as if they understood his pain.

But they didn’t. Not even a tiny bit.

Kira did, though. He had no doubt she understood what it was like to be thought of as less. As worthless. To be whispered about and shunned.

He sounded like a fucking girl, but he didn’t give a damn. The hyenas hadn’t just torn his flesh, they’d stolen a part of him that he’d never get back.

Kira made him wonder if he ever needed it in the first place.

The sudden jumble and clang of pots and pans had him striding through her home, following the continued sounds until he came to a jarring stop in her kitchen. A few cookie sheets peppered the ground as well as a skillet or two. Then there were the pots…

“Kira?” He stepped over a flat sheet that’d seen better days and steadied himself by grasping the kitchen table when he slid on another. “You okay?”

She stood stock still in the middle of the mess, hands fisted, and he imagined her digging nails into that unmarred skin. Her face flushed, red inching past her ratty top and slowly painting her neck until it filled her face as well.

“Honey?” He reached for her, ignoring the tension that still pummeled her body. She didn’t resist when he grasped her wrist or uncurled her fist. Nor when he tugged her close and ran his hand down her back. “You all right?”

Kira sniffled and breathed deeply, releasing the air in a slow exhale. “I’m fine. A new friend came over yesterday to help me unpack and she… obviously didn’t listen or understand or… It’s fine.
” Another breath. “It just means I can’t exactly make you anything and I had this great soup in mind and—”

She was talking a mile a minute, and he didn’t understand half of what she said. The only thing he did understand was that she was upset by the mess.

“Okay,” he ignored all the warnings in his human mind and let the bear’s instincts rule. He eased closer, tugging slightly until she was alongside him. “How about you tell me what ingredients you need and we’ll go to my place. Even with all the boxes, I’ve got plenty of pots and pans and anything you’d need.”

She shuddered, releasing a soft sigh. “I’m being stupid, aren’t I?”

She rubbed her nose against his shirt, glasses going askew with the move. When they threatened to clatter to the ground, he snatched them.

“Do you need these?”

Kira huffed and pulled away, tilting her head back to peer up at him. His gaze met the most gorgeous pair of glacier blue eyes he’d ever seen. They were lighter than the clear water off the coast of Florida and sparkled just as bright.

“Huh?” She blinked, hiding behind her lids for a moment before focusing on him once again.

He brought his hand up, holding them within her line of sight. He wasn’t sure how much she could see, but he did it anyway. “Your glasses. Do you need them?”

“Oh.” A trembling hand rose, and he met her half way, placing them in her grip. “I… Most people…” She grimaced. “I stare through people sometimes, you know. I try to focus on the shape I
is speaking but I’m not always right and…” She sighed. “I prefer to wear the glasses rather than make others uncomfortable.”

Her grimace, combined with the sticky flavors of her embarrassment, called to his bear’s protective instincts. He didn’t want her to ever feel bad about who she was, about her body, or the way she lived.

It was
problem. Not hers. They didn’t like looking? Then they could turn their heads. Anger over his own issues of the past year and a half burned him, enraging his animal at the thought she’d endured the same her entire life.

She stirred in his embrace, gently withdrawing, but a soft squeeze had her remaining in place.

“When you’re with me, unless you need them, you don’t have to wear these things.” He stroked her nose, fingertip sliding over skin. She twitched, probably surprised at the touch, but remained still. “I like seeing your eyes. They’re gorgeous.”

She was breathtaking, but the disbelief rolling off her in waves told him he shouldn’t push. He’d already shoved his presence on her, taking advantage and wiggling into her day.

He could wait.

A careful step back had him releasing her and putting space between their bodies. The bear roared in protest, but they couldn’t exactly feed her if they didn’t let go.

It agreed with an annoyed grumble.

“C’mon. Let’s go to my place.”


“Grab your stuff, Kira, and then we’re going over.”


“Here, lemme get this sorted and stacked. We can wash everything and then we can put it all away—together—after lunch.” There, he didn’t think he said anything offensive and was even giving her a chance to order him around.

Kira slumped her shoulders. “You’re not giving up, are you?”


“Fine,” she mumbled.

“Perfect.” Isaac smiled widely, truly grinning for the first time since the battle with the hyenas.

And… he wasn’t self-conscious. Part of him knew she couldn’t see the scars, there was no physical reason for her to reject him due to the damage. But he also felt it wouldn’t matter to her even if she could spy the large swaths of twisted skin.

Maybe he had a chance with her.

The thought sobered him, had him backpedaling and reining in his emotions.

He was moving. Period. In five weeks, he was out of Grayslake. Yet some part of him said leaving wouldn’t be easy.

Shoving it aside, he focused on getting them to his place. He spun from her and bent down, gathering the mess of pots and pans, carefully stacking them according to size on the counter.


He glanced over his shoulder, hating the indecision on her face. He wanted her to trust him
, but he had to be patient. “I’m good. Piling things according to type and size. We’ll wash ’em after lunch. I promise.”

Kira nibbled her lip, biting that piece of plump flesh, and he held the bear in place when it threatened to rush forward and force his hand. Because, really, the action brought his attention to her mouth, and he’d love to delve into her with a passionate kiss.

Not now. Not today. Maybe never.

It really wasn’t smart to get involved with her only to leave her behind.

Then she presented him with her back, with her rounded ass that begged for his hands.

Yeah, bad idea. Really.

She glanced at him over her shoulder and he tore his gaze from her butt. The one he’d like to nibble and lick and taste and… “Isaac?”

He cleared his throat. “Yeah?”

“Can Ebie come?”

Swallowing his groan and figuring he’d just have to buy a lot of new things when he got to the Southeast Itan’s compound, he answered her. “Of course.”

Kira’s blinding smile, the one that sank into his soul, was more than worth the money he’d have to spend.


Nerves assaulted Kira, butterflies and rhinoceros battering her stomach as she snared Ebenezer’s leash and clipped it on her dog’s collar. The clang and scrape of metal meeting metal sounded from her kitchen as Isaac did exactly as he described. She was giving him a bit of her trust. For now. At least until he betrayed it… Like everyone else in the world.

She shook her head. She really needed to stop being such a fucking pessimist. Not everyone was like Alpha Asshole and her brother.

Well, there were a few bears… Nah, Grayslake was better than her life with her family.

Isaac’s feet thumped down the hallway, and she turned her head toward him, watching his blurred shape approach.

Yes, it was definitely better.
At least until he moves.

Which reminded her that she shouldn’t get attached. Then he placed his large, warm hand on her lower back, sending a shiver down her spine, and urged her toward the door. Maybe it was already too late.

“Ready?” His deep baritone thrummed through her, vibrating her from outside in.


“Okay, then.” He reached past her, gifting her with more of his scent. She quietly drew it into her lungs.

She’d never get enough of him and yet… she’d have to, wouldn’t she?

It took no time for him to open the door and escort her out. Without a word he tugged her keys from her hand and locked up her house before moving to the steps. That’s where he paused, his indecision practically choking her.

“Uh, um, do you want to… Or should I…” He sighed. “Am I leading you to my house or am I leaving you alone?”

Kira paused and tilted her head to the side, considering him as she absorbed the surrounding scents. She didn’t sense any pity, merely a desire to… what?


“Huh?” He sounded confused and she couldn’t blame him. He didn’t know what it was like to live with pity and scorn. “Why what?”

“Why do you want to lead me down the steps? To your house?” she explained.

“Would it scare you if I tell you I just wanna hold you for a minute? If it would, then I’m merely a concerned citizen.”

She grinned and shook her head as she padded forward, Ebie at her side. “Bend your arm and hold out your elbow. Don’t pull. Lemme follow your movements.”

With a gentle hand, she reached for him, letting her fingers trail over his bicep, softly pressing to cop a feel. They were as big as tree trunks, solid and wide, tensing beneath her fingertips. Then she slid her palm to his elbow and forced herself to stop. More than anything, she wanted to keep going, to take a moment to “see” him with her hands.

Instead, she did as she’d indicated and gripped the bend at his elbow with a firm touch. “All ready.”

She listened as they moved, slowly going down the set of stairs and then counting the steps to the front gate. The hinge squeaked as always and the little bell announced that it’d opened.

“Is that so you know you’ve got the right house?” he murmured, and the question brought a smile to her lips.



She almost told him it was necessary, and that she had a few dozen replacement bells in the house. They’d been stolen more than once. Not necessarily in Grayslake but there was always a chance she’d come across someone…

The rest of the short trip was made in silence, Isaac’s worry easily reaching her. It seemed like their travels were over in moments. With him being next door, she imagined only a few dozen feet separated their yards.

The jiggle of his latch penetrated their quiet, and it was further destroyed by the roar of a vehicle coming near. And nearer and then even nearer.

Images of the past, a dark SUV rushing forward as she remained held fast by her pack mates. The vehicle bearing down on her while she could do nothing to stop the impending collision. The scrapes and bruises caused by being shoved before the massive machine and the cackling laughs that followed her fresh tears. The wounds that’d been healing were then torn open, spilling her blood on the concrete.

Panic assaulted her, filling her body until it overflowed and air rasped in and out of her tightened lungs.

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