Love Came Back (a Pyro-Princess Design and Style novel Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Love Came Back (a Pyro-Princess Design and Style novel Book 1)
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It was only five more minutes until Konner would be here. I was ready. The girls had left about fifteen minutes ago and to settle my nerves, I had grabbed a high ball glass and took my secret Jameson whisky stash and put two fingers full. The amber liquid was smooth and warmed my chest and tummy.

Just what I needed. Something to calm all the nervous energy racing throughout my veins. Mikhail had taken me out only on a few dates and after that disaster, I just couldn’t bring myself to really date much. Or at all. Mags took me out on friend dates. Even with all the self-defense classes I took and all the therapy. Guys, any kind, still made me jittery. Until Konner. His arms around me that first time, I didn’t feel fear or unease. It was crazy how he could not only make me feel so secure and safe but hot and lusty, too.

I had been thinking about the fire and I know Konner just wanted to give me something to take my mind off of it. So for tonight, that’s what I was doing. Last night, did not happen. Nix on the fire crap for a night, Siddaleigh ole girl. Your man’s gonna take you for a night out.

That’s when the doorbell rang. Shit. I swallowed the last finger of whisky in a rush. Good Lord, that fired my body up and I walked myself in front of the foyer mirror to make sure I looked nice and tight. I might not stop traffic with my plus size body, but Konner has never seen me dressed like this before.

I smoothed out the imaginary wrinkles and fluffed out the fifty’s style swing dress and silk petticoat, then opened the door.

Oh. My. God. I think I’ve just died and gone to Heaven! Konner looked like…


That was the only way to describe his attire. He had on a pair of well-worn but shiny cowboy boots with an intricate design and the denim that wrapped around his magnificent legs and thighs looked so good. Only snug in the crotch area. My eyes were glued. I wondered how the back would look. Konner had a great ass and the way his front looked and then-holy mother-twitched-.

My God. It just twitched. His dick is getting hard! Get your eyes off his package. GET. THEM. OFF. You hussy

“Up here,
.” Konner chuckled when he noticed where my eyes had got
stuck. Making the rest of the way where his black button up long sleeve shirt gripped his chest, shoulders and biceps appreciatively, I was amazed he could fit them in there. My God. He wasn’t the most handsome or model hot, but his ruggedness and sensuality made him hot in my book. A manly man. The smile on his face was lit up like the fourth of July.

“Damn, baby. You look so absolutely perfect.”

He trimmed his hair even closer to his scalp. He wasn’t bald but it was close enough and I was dying to tickle my fingers with the short hairs. To me, he was all that was man and perfect. Tall, dark, all alpha male specimen ready for just me. In my mind and heart, I thought it was a good thing to go out, but if I was listening to my pink parts? She’d be saying, ‘Do not go anywhere. The bedroom is right down the hallway.’

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Sidda, that’s my line, babe. You ready for me to rock your world?”

“You already have. But yes. Take me wherever you want.”

Not twenty minutes later he had us parked at a steakhouse I’ve never been in Downtown Houston. He had reservations, how I didn’t know and I didn’t ask. We were seated quickly. Instead of sitting across from each other as I thought we’d do, he scooched me over and sat next to me with an arm around the back of the booth seat.

While ordering our food, his hand drifted from the seat to the curve of my neck, down my arm closest to him and settled on my knee just underneath the petticoat.

I looked up at him and he turned to glance at me with raised eyebrows.

“Well, babe? What are you wanting?”

As the scoundrel was saying this, his hand crept up my thigh where he proceeded to caress and knead my inner thigh.

“Huh?” I knew my voice came out husky and just a little rough. I thanked God there was a tablecloth to cover the little wicked touches he was giving me.

Siddaleigh. Did you have enough time to look at the menu?”

His work-rough fingers squeezed my thigh and I felt a finger or two brush up against my already dampening panties.

“I want sausage.”

Oh. My. God. I’ve just made ignoramus status. Sausage?

“I mean meat.”

Fuck. That didn’t come out right either. The waiters face was beet red and Konner couldn’t help but chuckling at my verbal faux pas. I couldn’t help but turn my head to stare at the designs on the table. Thank God I don’t normally come here.

“She’ll have a well-done rib eye, a loaded potato and greens. Thanks.”

The waiter took our order and scurried off. Must be to get away from my idiocy. Tonight was not starting out great and I was getting frustrated. I trapped his hand between my thighs.

“What was that Konner? What are you doing to me?” I took a napkin to my flushed face and patted the sheen of sweat from my brow.

“Tempting you,
mo féin
. As well as myself apparently. Here, feel.” He easily grasped my hand and brought it to his thickening jeans.

“Oh, my God.”

I was becoming intoxicated, without the help of any alcohol. Or maybe from the highball I had earlier but this was like ten times worse. I loved the feel of him. It made me feel powerful and beautiful. I released my legs and he laid his newly freed hand back to my knee and massaged it. Kneading out the kinks in his hand from being squeezed.

He brought his lips to my ear, tugged on it with his teeth for a moment before saying, “You gonna keep your hand on my dick, babe?”

“Crap!” I snatched my hand and hastily looked around to see if we had any onlookers. Then I saw an older couple staring at us with genuine smiles planted on their faces. Yup, my face has learned every shade of red by now. The woman shook her head and mouthed, ‘Men’.

Oh. God. Luckily, I had nothing to eat yet because my stomach was rolling.

I looked over towards the gentleman. He just smirked and it looked as if he nodded his head approvingly at Konner.

Double oh, God. I wanted to face-plant the table, but I didn’t want to leave a mark. That’s how our dinner went. Little teases. Konner got me so worked up, I felt as if I was going to combust right there at the table. Dastardly man.

For part two of our date, he took me to some backwoods country club. Or so it looked from the outside. There was a line of smokers in one designated area and a line that waited to get in.

“Konner, I don’t want to wait in a long line.”

“Oh, m’love, so little faith in your man. Don’t worry.”

He took my hand and walked me to the front of the line. Several people looked at us with disdain and I was getting uncomfortable.

“O’Brian, you dog. About time you showed your ugly mug,” he noticed me and did a toe to head look with appreciation. Whistling he said, “Damn boy, this one looks-“

“Danny, no.”

The bouncer Danny just gave me this wicked smile and opened the door to let us through. Obviously Konner knew this guy, and I’m just glad I didn’t have to wait in that atrocious line.

The place looked filled to the max. There were tables everywhere, where chicks in tight tops and skimpy shorts wearing straw hats floated around offering tubes of drinks and the dance floor took up a third of the building. On it, many people danced to Jason Aldean’s ‘She’s Country’

I felt the beat vibrate through my body and my foot tapped to the beat. Konner looked down at me with a sweet smile and nodded his head towards the dance floor in invitation.

“No, Konner. I don’t dance in public, or anywhere. Please. I don’t need my extra bits jiggling and bouncing all over the place. I didn’t think you’d be the type to dance anyways. I figured you were wanting a drink or two and talk.”

Konner’s smile disappeared and he grabbed the lapels of my cardigan and brought my mouth up to his, where he kissed me roughly. Silently demanding my surrender. I let him because when he kissed me so desperately, I melted into Sidda-goo. When he released me, we were both breathing heavily and his eyes darkened with some untold force and he snuggled his nose against mine.

Konner looked into my eyes and I felt trapped in. How can this man ensnare me so deeply? Everything that surrounded us faded into a haze of nothing as he told me, “Never, and I mean never, let me hear you talk like that again. You, and your body are perfect. And all mine.”

He trailed his gaze over my body and with a gentle but firm grip of my hand he practically dragged me to a back area where the rest rooms were and many doors that lead who knows where. He grabbed a random door knob and walked me backwards into it.

“Konner how-

“I worked here during leaves sometimes, when I came home. I’m going to show you just how desirable all your hot little bits are.”

My back met a wall where Konner dropped to his knees. I know my eyes must’ve bugged out because this was seriously getting out of control. His hands were stroking over my ankles, up my calves and smoothed their way up my thighs. His fingertips trailed the line of my panties where he slowly tickles the apex of my thighs then grabs the hem. All I heard was fabric ripping and Konner looking at me salaciously. It was dark, but the light from the door frames us in dull light so I saw mostly everything.

Konner trailed my ruined panties down my legs and allowed me to step out of them. He lifted them to his nose where, oh. My. He was not doing what I think he’s doing.

“I can smell your need right here Sidda. All for me.” He stuffs them in his jeans and lifts one of my legs to drape it over his shoulder. Pushing up my petticoat and dress, he said, “Hold this, my hands are going to be busy.” I took the fluff into my hands and grip them tightly as his mouth eagerly meets my newly sensitive parts.

“Dear God Almighty. Holy, holy mother of-oh, boy. That’s so wicked, Konner. So good. Just in case you didn’t notice, I waxed.” With that little bit of information, he stilled. He nuzzled into the flesh above my vagina and felt the smooth span of skin with his barely there stubble.

“Jesus, Konner that feels amazing. Love that. Love you.”

His quiet laughter tickled my skin even more. His tongue quickly made its way back to torturing my clit and he ran a finger against my arousal before slipping it inside. I could feel my legs begin to quiver in pending release. My knees were wobbling and liable to make me lose balance soon. A few more minutes of him devouring me and I was almost to my breaking point, but my knees couldn’t take standing anymore. Before I slid down the wall, his hand that gripped my thigh came to my waist to anchor me to the wall. The orgasm that came shortly after rocked my world.

Beads of sweat came down my face and my breath was erratic and he lapped up my release and didn’t stop. His finger slipped from my entrance and he ran it over the lips of my vagina and back to my rear.

“Whoa. Konner. What-wait.

He sucked my clit harder and the words fell from my lips. He was taking my release and teasing my other entrance. Never have I ever felt something so intense. He was never stopping and making me buildup to another orgasm. I couldn’t take it. I told him this and the teasing finger penetrated my rear gently and the pain was barely there because all I felt was pleasure.

“Fuck. Yes. Konner almost there again.” I was starting to get more sensitive down there and with it I was getting ticklish. I couldn’t help but release a much needed giggle in response. I begged Konner to stop. He slowed down and took one long slow lick down to my entrance and tongued it with enough force that I came instantly. My eyes flittered closed and it was like seeing white hot flashes and I felt more heat spool between my legs. His mouth took my release and his hand came from my rear and cupped my vagina as he backed away.

I released my dress from my white knuckled grip and as he stood he rubbed his hand back and forth to cover my center and my inner thighs.

He stared at me with sweat beaded at his brow and I stripped from my cardigan and wiped it off him, then myself. His eyes were heavy lidded and lust filled. The hand at my waist was then planted on the wall over my head and he got super close. He licked his lips and brought the hand from my legs to my lips. I could inhale my sexual scent and he ran his finger over my lips like he was putting lip gloss on me.

“Open, love.”


Dancing and Pissing Contests






Some odd sensation came over me, because I instantly obeyed. It was insanely erotic to taste my own arousal.

“Taste how sweet and delicious you are. Like sweet vanilla and lavender. I could stay between your luscious thighs all fucking day. Now, you’re all sated and languid, dancing with me won’t be an issue. We are going out there where I’m gonna hold you close and have an amazing time showing everyone else how irresistible I find you.”

Konner shifted closer, bringing his lips to mine tenderly. Then trailed a hand to take a hold of mine.


I couldn’t do or say anything but agree. His taking me apart zapped all of my senses, because I squeezed his hand with reassurance and couldn’t look away from his magnetic gaze.

A triumphant smile that always seemed to shake my senses showed upon his face. He led me out of the closet, where thankfully no one noticed us or paid us any attention, and went to the restroom to clean up what we could. Then we made our way to the dance floor.

Chris Young’s ‘Getting’ You Home’ was starting and it was a sign. Chris Young was my favorite country male artist. His voice was so sexy and he was not bad looking either. The one time I saw him in concert, he was so much hotter in real life and up close. I told Konner how I loved everything Chris Young and he laughed and just shook his head.

When that song was over, I was still in a euphoric state of body and mind. Konner pulled me even closer into his embrace and Blake Shelton’s ‘Sure Would be Cool if you Did’ came on the speakers. I wasn’t a big fan and I only liked a few of his songs. This, was one of them.

That’s when Konner took me by total surprise by singing the chorus against my ear.

No way. Konner’s voice was sexy as sin, and I was not hearing anything but his voice. His brogue made the song lyrical and trance-like. Definitely not helping me calm down from our earlier tryst in the closet. His hand was centered at the small of my back and the other was on my neck leading my mouth a breath away from his.

“Chris who?”


Figures. I couldn’t help but laugh happily. Looking into his green eyes and his panty melting smile made me light up like a thousand watt light bulb.

“Konner, if I knew your singing would be so deliciously sexy, I’d have come out here sooner just to hear it.”

My arms reached around his neck where my fingertips grazed his shaven head. I let myself laugh generously and laid my head against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. It was like a lullaby and I was falling helplessly into a haze of wonder.

Then Carrie Underwood’s ‘Good Girl’ belted out and Konner then started to spin me around the entire dance floor and we danced into a sweat. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.

The songs took a turn for the faster and I didn’t know I could dance so well. I guess having the right and perfect partner always helped. After three fast paced songs I was ready to collapse.

“Put a fork in me, Konner, I’m done. I need some water.”

He led me off the dance floor, and found us a tall table close by and placed me gently in the seat. With no panties, I felt weird. I’ve never went panty-less outside of my home. This was different. I felt my arousal still coating my thighs and it felt erotic to my senses and I was smiling like a mad woman. Konner told me to sit tight and he left to go grab us a few bottles of water.

Watching the other dancers start to two step a song, I was able to catch a good steady breath. When I was back to rights, I noticed a guy standing not too close but close enough to me to grab my attention.

Looking at the stranger, he smiled shyly and he wasn’t what I would call handsome but he looked a little rugged and sexy in a shy way. He was a lot shorter then Konner, but he looked all cowboy with the whole Stetson, starched shirt and wranglers and shit-kicker boots. He motioned his head towards the dance floor and held out a hand.

“Would you like to dance with me?”

I looked around for Konner and his back was still towards me, so I guess he was still waiting for our drinks.

“I am here with my fiancé, but I’ve caught my second wind so I suppose one dance can’t hurt.”

I got up and followed him out to the dance floor. I didn’t think Konner would have a problem. He knew I was his and this was only a little fun. No guy has ever asked me to dance before. I felt so flattered that I couldn’t help but say yes.

‘How Country Feels’ by Randy Hauser was playing and it wasn’t a slow dance or too fast that I wouldn’t be able to keep my breath. In the middle of the song, I was pulled away from the dance a little roughly where Konner then planted himself between me and the stranger.

“You are dancing with the wrong woman, pal.” It came out between Konner’s clenched teeth in a growl and his face was turning a light shade of red.

“Whoa, man. I just wanted to dance with a pretty girl. Nothing more.” The guy was putting his hands in the air pleadingly.

“Konner, stop.” Konner’s head whipped around to stare at me as if I had grown another head.

“You!” He pointed his finger right in my face. I was astonished as he continued his tirade. “You, do
go off with strangers, especially men. It’s not smart or safe. Wait here.”

He turned his head back to said stranger and my face was flushed with embarrassment and rising fury. How dare he speak to me that way? As if I was a child needing scolding. Complete and total asshat. I turned on my heel and cursed him and myself because in spite of him being right about going off with a stranger, I was still happy that someone asked me to dance. There was no harm in dancing. Single women did it all the time. No, I wasn’t single, but it didn’t mean I was cheating.

Ugh! It was a harmless, stupid, damn dance. No guys ever danced with size fourteen chicks. Can’t I feel flattered that someone did? I mean, that was a first for me. I was with Konner and no one could make me happier but when a random guy asks you to dance, and that random guy is decent looking, you didn’t say no. Right? Agh! It was a stupid dance. There was nothing wrong with what I did.

He might be initially right but still. I wasn’t going to let him tell me what I could or couldn’t do. Been there, done that. Never again. Good grief. I’ll have plenty of stuff to talk to God at church tomorrow.

Still fuming, I contemplated calling a cab I was that angry. I knew that would indeed be childish. I just strode towards his Camaro and leaned on the passenger side door to wait on him. Pissing contest, indeed.





“You, do
go off with strangers especially men. It’s not smart or safe. Wait here.”

I knew I was becoming a jealous and possessive asshat of a fiancé but seeing Sidda in the arms of another man flipped the caveman switch. I turned back to the jerk who had his paws on my girl.

“Next time ask if she’s with someone.”

“Dude, all I did was ask for a dance. I did see her out there with you and she did tell me she had a fiancé but it was just a harmless dance with a pretty woman. Maybe you should put a ring on her finger. Make it less tempting.”

The smug look at that fuckers face made me see red and I was about to lay into him when I turned to check on Sidda.

She was gone.

“FUCK!” Dammit. I turned with a right hook to the guys face and stormed off in search for Sidda. Being taller than most, I was able to see over many heads to look for her wavy dark blonde hair that had a purple headband that matched her beautiful dress.

Nope, not anywhere in sight. Great.

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