Love Finds You at Home for Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Annalisa Daughety

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He chuckled. “Keep your eye on the ball. Maybe that will help.”

Cliff heard Andrew Wallace laugh from his position at shortstop. “Don't give her pointers, Cliff. Remember, she's not on your team no matter how pretty she is.”

Cliff grinned. Andrew might not understand it, but even playing for the opposition, he was always on Ruby's side. He stood for a minute on the mound, then threw the ball over the plate.

Ruby swung and connected. The ball went flying toward left field, and she took off running. Her teammates cheered.

Cliff watched her go. She sure could run.

The trouble was, he wasn't sure if he could ever catch her.

* * * * *

“That was so much fun,” Ruby said after the game. She plopped down on the grass next to Cliff. “I'm glad we did this.”

Cliff nodded. “And congratulations on your victory.” He leaned close to her. “Don't tell anyone from my team, but I was rooting for you,” he whispered. His breath tickled her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

She grinned. “Thanks. You were the best player out there. And too bad that fellow struck out at the end or else y'all would've won.” It had been a real treat to see Cliff in action. He'd told her about his years as a football player, so she'd known he was athletic. Getting to see it firsthand was fun. “You were a good coach too. Why, Lola could barely even swing a bat at first, but after you showed her what to do, she scored a run.”

“Thank you, Ruby. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be a coach. Maybe someday I'll get the chance.” He smiled. “You never know what the future holds.”

Ruby dusted off a smudge of dirt from the knee of her dungarees. “You're right. You never know.” She grinned. “A year ago if you'd told me I'd be staying here for the fall, working instead of going back to school, I never would've believed it. But the decision just felt right.”

“What did your parents say?” The concern in his blue eyes was evident. He knew how worried she'd been about broaching the subject with her family.

“It wasn't the easiest conversation. But they finally agreed.” She shrugged. “Even though Papa made it clear he'd rather I return to school, he left the final decision up to me.” She smiled. “I could tell he was proud of my promotion to line inspector.”

“As he should be.” Cliff grinned.

“Plus, I think they feel better about my being here since they know I have a good friend like you.” She'd never admit it to him, but she was pretty sure he was a big part of the reason Mama had been on her side when she'd found out Ruby wanted to stay.

Cliff raised his eyebrows. “Your parents know about me?” His pleased expression made her laugh. “Well, no wonder they let you stay here.”

She slapped him playfully on the arm. “And they also understand how much I want to contribute to the war effort.”

“Well, I for one am glad you're here, regardless of the reason.” His eyes twinkled. “I mean, think about how sad your life would be if you'd never met me.”

She threw back her head and laughed. “That's right. I'd probably just be sitting in my dorm room, refusing to go outside except for classes or meetings.” When he didn't say anything, she looked over at him. His normally sunny expression was serious. “Everything okay?” She nudged him with her shoulder.

“Maybe it's none of my business, but I'm kind of curious about something.”

“What's that? You know you can ask me anything.”

Cliff nodded. “I know that. But there's something we've never talked about before. I've been too chicken to ask.”

Ruby's heart dropped. She wasn't ready to have this discussion. She only knew that she enjoyed spending time with him. But she couldn't give him more than that. “What?”

“Do you have a boyfriend back at college? I mean, is there a steady guy who'll be waiting for you when you go back in January?”

Relief washed over her as she realized he wasn't going to press her to talk about her feelings for him. “No. Nothing like that.”

“But you must have fellows clamoring for your attention and asking you out for dates all the time.”

She grinned. “I usually say no. Some girls always have a boyfriend. I've never been one of those girls.” She sighed. “I've only had one steady guy, but it was a while ago.”

“What happened?”

Ruby knew she'd avoided telling Cliff because she didn't want to remind him of his own loss. But there was no point in keeping it from him any longer. “Joseph and I met when we were freshmen and went steady for almost exactly a year. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, he joined the army. Said it was his duty as an American.” She plucked a clover from the ground and twirled it between her fingers. “He didn't make it back.” She tossed the clover to the ground. “He was killed at Guadalcanal.” She shook her head. “Since then, I've kept to myself.”

Cliff's jaw tightened. “Ruby, I'm so sorry. This war has brought so much grief. I hate to hear that you've suffered a loss too.” He reached over and patted her on the back. “Was it very serious between the two of you?”

“Just before he left, he asked me to marry him. I said yes.” Admitting it to Cliff was easier than she'd expected. “It was the last conversation we ever had.”

Cliff let out a low whistle. “Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about this. That must have been a horrible thing to go through.”

Ruby nodded. “It sure put things into perspective. I know lots of girls are happily engaged or married, but I can't imagine risking my heart like that again.” She pushed a wayward strand of hair from her face and glanced over at him. “I just want to enjoy my independence.”

Cliff nodded. “After what you've been through, that's only natural.”

Ruby appreciated his understanding. “It seems like a lifetime ago—almost like something that happened to someone else.”

He wrinkled his forehead. “What do you mean?”

“I was only nineteen when we met,” she explained. “We celebrated my twentieth birthday together. It was one of our first dates. And in just a couple of months, I'll turn twenty-three. I know it seems like not much time has passed, but it has. When I met him, I was just a girl straight off the farm. But now…I'm grown up, living away from my family and working.”

“So you're not the same person now that you were then?”

She sighed. “Yes, I think that's it exactly. I'm a different person now. I've watched my friends and my brothers go off to war. I've seen the world change around me.” She shrugged. “I wonder sometimes if Joseph would even recognize me now.”

Cliff reached over and squeezed her shoulder. “I'm sure he would. And he'd probably be proud of the woman you've become.”

She blinked back tears. Was Cliff right? She'd often wondered what Joseph would think of her decision to work at the ordnance plant. Would he be proud of her service, or would he be more like Wade and think she was better off at home? She'd never know. “He was a good person. Sweet and kind.”

What she didn't tell Cliff was how much turmoil accepting Joseph's proposal had created for her. She'd wondered if he'd only asked for her hand because he was headed to war. And likewise, she wondered if her acceptance had been for the same reason.

She'd loved him. But had she loved him in a happily-ever-after, soul mate kind of way? She wasn't sure.

But she knew that as long as she didn't give her heart away to anyone else, she would be safe from being hurt. She'd never have the kind of hard farm life that she'd seen Mama and Lucille have. She'd be her own boss and make her own rules.

The problem was that she couldn't quite figure out where Cliff fit into that plan.

Chapter Ten


Cliff tossed his screwdriver on the work bench with a clatter. “Jeepers. This radio is driving me crazy.” Even though he was off today, he'd decided to come to the shop and spend some time working on Ruby's radio.

“That thing still on the blink?” Harold asked. He grinned. “I would offer to help, but I'm still a little sore that I'm not going to the football game today.”

Cliff chuckled. “Sorry about that. Maybe next time.” He rubbed his chin. “Must be a short in this thing or something.” He sighed. “And I'm getting a bum rap. Ruby's starting to think I'm just hanging on to the radio so we'll have music in the shop.” She'd teased him yesterday, accusing him of pretending he was Ol' Blue Eyes and singing along while he did his work.

“Don't tell me you're throwing in the towel. What will Ruby think?”

Cliff shrugged. “I just don't know what else to try. It seems like every other day I have it working, but then the next day it stops.” He glanced up at Harold's freckled face. “You have any suggestion?”

“Maybe you have to hold your mouth just right.” Harold snickered.

Cliff looked at the mischievous grin on Harold's face and realization dawned. “Have you been monkeying with the radio?”

Harold doubled over with laughter. “Me and Andrew have been taking turns disconnecting the wire after you're through fixing it.” He wiped his eyes. “It's been the funniest thing to watch you toiling over that thing, not being able to figure it out.”

Cliff shook his head. “You got me pretty good.” He should've suspected something. Come to think of it, Andrew had been there the day Cliff brought it in. He grinned. “But the joke's over. And I owe you one.”

“I look forward to your retaliation. It has been well worth it.” Harold chuckled again.

Cliff unplugged the radio, grinning. At least he'd finally be able to give the radio back to Ruby. She'd be thrilled.

He tucked the radio under his arm, told Harold good-bye, and hurried toward his car. The whole day with Ruby stretched out before him, and he had to admit, he was really looking forward to it.

She had told him she wasn't ready to risk her heart again, probably because she needed to heal. He understood that. So he would give her time and be a great friend to her. But when the time was right, he couldn't wait to sweep her off her feet.

* * * * *

Ruby glanced in the mirror one final time. She'd chosen a red sweater today to match the team colors for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Cliff had assured her that many of the fans would wear team colors, and she wanted to fit in. Besides, every time she wore red, he told her how pretty she looked.

She dabbed on some red lipstick and slipped the tube into her purse.

“I'm so jealous that y'all are going to the game.” Lola looked up from her bed where she was flipping through an old issue of
Modern Screen
that had Clark Gable on the cover. “Harold was going to get tickets, but he wasn't able to get off from his shift.”

Ruby grinned. “I'll cheer loud enough for you.”

“Thanks. I'm touched.” Lola made a face. “It's okay, though, because Harold is supposed to make it up to me tonight. We're going to the dance, and he's promised me a jitterbug.”

“That'll be fun.” Ruby started toward the door but then stopped. “If you want to wear my green dress, it's hanging in the closet.”

Lola jumped up from the bed and pulled Ruby into a hug. “Do you mean it? I know that's your favorite. But it sure is pretty, and Harold's already seen me in everything I own.” She widened her eyes. “Are you sure you mean it?”

“I mean it. You'll look beautiful, and I know Harold will love it.”

Lola snatched the dress from the closet and danced around the room. “Thanks. You're the best.”

Ruby laughed. “You're welcome. I'll see you later.” She closed the door on the image of Lola still waltzing the green dress around the room.

“Are you excited to go to your first Razorback game?” Cliff asked once she made it to the lobby.

She nodded. “I sure am. I thought Lola was going to steal my ticket and go with you until I loaned her one of my dresses to wear out tonight.” She giggled and filled him in on Lola practicing her dance moves in the dorm room.

He chuckled as they walked out to the car. “I think those two might be a perfect match. Harold's been smitten with her ever since they met.”

“I still think it's funny that they wanted to introduce us to each other.” She grinned.

Cliff looked down at her. “Well, maybe that means we're a perfect match too.”

Ruby never knew how to respond when Cliff joked about such things. “Maybe.”

Cliff stopped at the car and pointed toward the backseat. “Guess what's waiting there for you to take to your room tonight?”

Ruby peered through the glass. “My radio!” She turned to face him. “You fixed it?”

He nodded. “I sure did.”

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “You're my hero. Thank you so much.” His arms went around her and he embraced her back. He was so close she could smell his soap. Ruby let go and willed the heat to leave her face. She and Cliff were great friends, but she'd never hugged him before. It was kind of nice. Very nice. Something she wouldn't mind trying again.

Ruby climbed into the car, her heart still beating faster than normal. Maybe that hug hadn't been such a good idea. She glanced over at Cliff once he slid behind the wheel. “So tell me about today. What will we see?”

“We're in luck. The Razorbacks play only one game in Little Rock this year. Usually they play their home games in Fayetteville next to the university.”

“Did I tell you that's where Lola is from?”

Cliff shook his head. “No, but Harold did.” He grinned. “I'm telling you, he can't stop talking about her.”

“That's sweet.” Ruby was truly happy for her friend.

“The Razorbacks are playing Texas Christian University today. And just to warn you, they're supposed to be pretty good. I think they've got a pretty good defense.” He frowned. “So we might be in for a fight.”

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