Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Hi,” Alyson replied. “And thank you.” She watched Michelle play with her son. She could see the woman and her mates doted on him. He was a happy and very healthy little boy. Giving a wistful sigh at what she had missed out on as a child, she pushed her thoughts aside and turned to Chevy.

“Why don’t you go and sit with Michelle while I get you some food, darlin’?”

At first Alyson felt a bit awkward, but the more she spoke to Michelle and her mates and played with little Stefan, the more relaxed she felt. Just as she finished eating her sandwich, Rylan and Tarkyn came into the dining room with three other men and another woman.

Rylan sat next to her and introduced her to Jarrod, Malcolm, and Braxton Friess and their mate, Rochelle. He told her that Jarrod was the town sheriff and his brothers were his deputies. Then, to Alyson’s irritation, Rylan told them about her previous job and the threatening e-mails she had been getting.

“Jarrod, I want you to find out everything you can about Virgil Minogue.”

“Sure. I’ll look into it first thing.”

“Look, I don’t think…” Alyson ground her teeth when Rylan continued talking over the top of her.

“That bastard probably knows where Alyson is and has just been biding his time. I want to know where that fucker is if at all possible.”

“I said I’ll look into it, Rylan.” Jarrod sounded a bit annoyed with Rylan, and he wasn’t the only one.

She understood he was trying to help her and keep her safe, but to talk about her and her problems like she wasn’t even in the room pissed her off to no end.

She pushed her chair back angrily, leaned over, and placed her palms down on the tabletop. “That’s enough. I’m sitting right here and you are talking about me as if I’m not even in the room. How rude can you get?”

“You go, girl,” Michelle said loudly and smiled at her.

Alyson had forgotten she and her husbands were also in the room, and even though she knew they were the leaders of this band of people, she didn’t give a shit. There was no way she was letting Rylan take over her life.

“Sit down, Alyson,” Rylan demanded.

“No, I won’t.” She glared at Rylan and then slowly straightened when his eyes turned gold and he growled at her. Carefully skirting the chair, she edged away from the table toward the door.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come here after all.

“Uh, Alyson, can you please come here for a moment?” Michelle asked hesitantly.

“Stay out of this, mate,” Jonah said in a growly voice.

“Oh, bite me,” Michelle replied.

Alyson wasn’t sure if Michelle should have said that to the pack leader and bit her lip as she waited to see what he would do to her.
Will he hit her?

“With pleasure, honey, but let’s wait until we’re alone.”

“You are so bad.” Michelle giggled.

“Yeah, but you like it when I’m bad.”

Alyson released the tension she hadn’t realized she had been holding as she watched the lovers interact, but then her muscles tautened again when she caught movement in her peripheral vision. Rylan was standing virtually on top of her and glaring at her, but it was a relief to see that his eyes were now back to their normal color. He gripped her wrist firmly but without hurting her and began to pull her from the room.

“Hey, let go.” She pulled, trying to get him to release her. When he just kept going, she stuck her leg between his and tripped him.

Rylan let her go as he stumbled then spun around after he had gained his balance again. She stared at him in fascinated horror as he stalked toward her, his eyes narrowed to mere slits and his jaw clenched tight. Alyson backed up, knowing she had gone too far, and even though she regretted her actions, she was determined not to apologize or back down.

He moved so fast he was a blur, and then she squealed as her world turned upside down. He slung her over his shoulder and took off at a fast clip. The floor whirled by, and she realized she was in deep shit. Not willing to give in to him without a fight, she pummeled her fists against his back and bucked, careless that his broad, muscular shoulder dug into her stomach. A hard slap landed on her ass, and she screeched with excited fury. She knew deep down that Rylan or his brothers would never hurt her. Her pussy clenched and more juices leaked out onto her panties.
What is it about these men that gets me so excited?
But she wasn’t about to let him or his brothers know how much they affected her. She was worried that if she gave in to her desire for them, she would be lost. She wasn’t about to let that happen. Alyson went wild, cursing and screaming, trying to get him to release her.

“Put me down right now, you fucking asshole. I am not letting you hurt me.”

Another hard smack landed on her bottom, making her cry out at the sting, and she renewed her efforts to get away. Her breasts were swollen and her nipples peaked as if they were begging to be touched. The deep-seated need she felt for Rylan, Tarkyn, and Chevy scared the crap out of her. She’d never experienced such internal fire or desire in her life. Just as she decided to take a bite out of his ass, she went flying through the air. Alyson screamed out with fear, but that noise was cut off as she landed on a soft surface and bounced a couple of times.

After a quick glance she realized that she was in one of their suite’s bedrooms.
How the hell did he get me here so fast?
Those thoughts left her head as she looked at Rylan. He was furious. She could see the heat from his rage emanating from him. The muscles of his biceps bulged and his hands were clenched into tight fists. His body was pumped and ready to fight.

Alyson backed away from him, crab walking up the bed on her hands and feet, and whimpered when her back hit the headboard. She was trapped and had nowhere to go. Tarkyn and Chevy stood just inside the doorway of the room, their eyes going from Rylan to her and back again. Even though Rylan looked so pissed off, she still wasn’t scared that he would hurt her. She was frightened of her own reaction to all three of them. The way they all looked at her made her feel sexy and feminine. Her arousal ratcheted up another notch and the itch to have them touching her was so needy her whole body felt like it was one massive ache of desire. Tarkyn looked just as angry as his older brother, but Chevy was frowning with concern.

“Don’t you dare back away from me, you little hellcat. I would never hurt you,” Rylan snarled at her.

“You already did,” she gasped between pants and then mentally cringed because she knew that wasn’t really true.

She recoiled as he moved around the end of the bed. He came closer to her, and then, to her surprise, he sat down on the side of the bed and just watched her. He took a few deep breaths and the tension slowly eased from his body. Alyson lowered her head in relief. It seemed that not all men took their anger out on women after all.

“Alyson, I would never, ever raise a hand to you. Please don’t be afraid of me. I spanked your ass, baby. I didn’t hit you.” Rylan reached out his hand, palm up, looking her in the eye as he waited.

Alyson’s apprehension slowly faded, and she reached out to place her hand in his. He turned his hand around until their fingers were threaded together.

“Baby, I know you are an independent woman and are used to taking care of yourself. I get that.” Rylan gave her a slight tug and then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. “But you have to realize it is our job as your mates to make sure you are protected at all times. You also don’t know that what you did just challenged my authority over you in front of my Alphas as well as other members of my pack. You have to remember that we aren’t human, Alyson. If you challenge a wolf, there are consequences.”

Alyson thought about all the documentaries she had seen on the TV regarding wild animals. She had recently watched a show on wild wolves, and when one of the lower pack members had challenged the alpha male over a meal, the alpha had bitten the other wolf and chased it off. She hadn’t even thought about what she was doing when she had stood up for herself. No wonder Rylan had been so angry. To do so in front of the other pack members and Alphas was just asking for trouble.

“I’m sorry.” Without thinking about what she was doing she stroked a hand over his pecs and lowered her eyes. “I didn’t mean to goad your animal, but you made me so damn mad when you were talking about me as if I wasn’t there.”

“I’m sorry, too, baby. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have included you in the conversation.”

A tug to her hair brought her head back up. The small bite of pain went straight to her pussy, causing fluid to leak out onto her panties and her nipples to ache. She shifted on his lap. The hard muscles of his thighs flexing beneath her ass only seemed to inflame her desire to a higher level.

A low sound rumbled up out of Rylan’s chest and she felt the vibrations beneath the palm of her hand. He leaned down and sniffed against her neck.

“You smell so fucking good. I want to make love with you.”

Alyson squeezed her legs together, trying to relieve the ache between her thighs and stem the constant flow of juices weeping from her pussy. She had been drawn to Rylan and his brothers from the first time she had laid eyes on them in the club’s cellar, and now she could imagine what it would be like to have three sets of hands and three mouths touching her.

Rylan had already shown her that he could control his temper, and he had vowed he would never hurt her, not physically. Emotionally, however, they could hurt her badly without even realizing.

He was waiting for her answer. All three of them were. Though she wanted to say yes, deep down she knew that if she stayed with them for any length of time, her heart would end up more seriously involved than it already was.

I trust them. But can I trust them with my heart?

Chapter Eight


Tarkyn watched as expressions flitted across the face of his mate, and he waited with bated breath for her to acknowledge Rylan’s statement. When he’d smelled her nervousness as his brother had stalked her, he had wanted to scoop her up into his arms and hold her tight, reassuring her that none of them would ever hurt her. But since it had been Rylan she had backed away from, he’d let his dominant brother deal with their recalcitrant mate. Now that she’d calmed down, Tarkyn could smell her arousal. The scent was so sweet and musky it was driving him and his wolf crazy. When he glanced at her chest he could see her nipples poking against the material of her shirt, and then he noticed how hard she was squeezing her legs together. As if she was trying to scratch an itch or appease an ache.

Nah-ah. Not happening, honey. If you want someone to help relieve that ache, then we are gonna do it for you.

Tarkyn took the three steps needed and stood so close to Alyson that his knees touched hers, and since she was sitting on Rylan’s lap he had effectually blocked her escape route if she decided to shy away from them. She slowly looked up, and when her gaze connected with his, he could see apprehensive acquiescence and heat all warring together in those pretty eyes.

“Yes,” she finally whispered.

He and his wolf couldn’t take any more.

He knelt down and rubbed his hands up and down her denim-clad thighs, getting closer and closer to that sweet-smelling pussy. Tarkyn leaned in and took her mouth with hunger. She moaned into his mouth and slid her tongue along his. Her little sounds of pleasure were music to his ears. He wanted her closer, needed her up against his body so he could feel all her curves and her heat. Tarkyn wrapped his arm around her waist and with the other hand helped her maneuver until she was facing him, still sitting on Rylan’s lap. Her back pressed against his brother’s front, her legs hooked over his thighs. Tarkyn felt his brother move his knees wider, opening her body to him even though she still had her clothes on.

He pressed his lips to hers. Her mouth was so sweet, he could just imagine how delectable her pussy would taste once he got his mouth on her wet, musky folds. He released her waist and slipped his hand up under the hem of her T-shirt. Alyson’s skin was soft and warm and silky. One touch would never be enough. While keeping her mouth engaged with his, he slowly caressed her flesh, over her belly and up to her side, where he could feel the outline of her ribs. Drawing his mouth slightly from hers, he pulled her lower lip between his and sucked on her soft flesh. She moaned, and he felt the vibration of that sound against the palm of his hand. He wanted to hear more of those sweet hums and moved his hand the last couple of inches until he was cupping one lace-covered breast in his palm.

Tarkyn groaned when her nipple peaked and stabbed into his skin. He kneaded and molded her fleshy globe, and then he rasped his thumb back and forth over her turgid peak. She threw her head back until it thunked against Rylan’s shoulder and mewled with her desire. Using his finger and thumb, he squeezed her nipple between his digits and watched as the muscles in her face went slack with heightened arousal. But he still wasn’t satisfied. Tarkyn needed to feel her naked skin beneath his mouth, hands, and body.

“Help me get her clothes off.”

Chevy moved in closer and reached for the hem of her shirt. Between the two of them they had her naked from the waist up in seconds, and then Tarkyn slipped the button from her jeans and lowered the zipper. Rylan lifted her hips and Chevy helped him tug her jeans and panties down her legs then quickly removed her shoes and socks when her pants caught around her ankles and drew them the rest of the way off.

BOOK: Love Found [Pack Law 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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