Love In A Nick Of Time (11 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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He got out of the bathroom just in time to hear the knocking at the door; he peaked through the keyhole and saw Kevin outside his room. “How’s Samantha doing?”


Kevin gave Allen the once over, he looked as if he could use 20 more hours of sleep. “Samantha’s doing good she was moved out of ICU this morning. Her prognosis for recovery is great. Now, how are you doing?” Kevin walked further into the suite and sat on the sofa.


Allen shrugged his shoulders, “I feel good considering I almost lost my woman a several days ago. Once I eat I’m on my way back to the hospital.”


Kevin didn’t know why but he felt like baiting the tiger today. “How long do you plan on staying in Omaha?”


Allen frowned at Kevin; he wanted to tell Kevin it was none of his damn business. “Initially I planned to stay until the first of the year. Now, I’m staying here indefinitely, at least until Samantha and I come to an understanding.”


Allen responded to the knock on the door, he opened the door for room service. He tipped the young kid who delivered his food and sat down at the dining room table. Allen lifted the cover off the tray and was pleased with the sight before him. He couldn’t wait to dig into the Belgian waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, coffee, and orange juice.


Kevin followed Allen to the table and sat down watching as Allen carved his way into the huge breakfast. “You do realize that you’re about twelve hours late for breakfast.”


Allen proceeded to enjoy his food as if Kevin were not present. He checked his iphone for messages and began typing instructions for Mary. “Kevin you’re a good friend and an excellent employee. If you have any questions just spit it out and quit wasting my time.”


“Okay here it is Samantha said you were coming to Omaha for a visit, but she didn’t get real in-depth about it.”


Allen sat his iphone on the table. “Does Samantha tell you about all her relationships?”


“The important ones, yes!”


Allen ran his hands through his hair; he was tired of explaining his relationship with Samantha. “As far as I’m concerned Samantha is my fiancée. The only thing missing is my ring on her finger staking my claim.”


“I’m going to tell you this just once, if you hurt her I will beat your ass like you stole something.”


Allen grinned at him, “I’m real worried about that. A more important question would be when are you going back to Seattle? As far as I’m concerned you can take as long as you need.”


“I appreciate that; however, Debra and I can only manage a couple more days. We just got back from our honeymoon, plus I’ve got projects I need to work on. In addition, I don’t want to take advantage of the situation, especially the way you feel about Samantha.


I know you don’t want me in your business. The reason I’ve been so persistent is that you’re one of the strongest men I know. Your integrity, compassion is more than I ever expected from an employer. That’s one of the reasons I asked you to be in my wedding. When Samantha gets out of the hospital she’s going to need someone to lean on, I’m just making sure you’re up for the task.”


Allen gave Kevin is full attention, “I promise you that I’ll take good care of Samantha. Mary is in the process of finding me a temporary place to live. According to Jenna there’s no way Samantha will be able to climb the steps to her condo. So I will move her into my place until she’s able to go home, if she wants to leave.”




Samantha was tired of being in the hospital. The police finally left after questioning her about the accident. They were able to find the truck that rammed into her but there were no suspects so far. The police asked her if anyone wanted to harm her, but she couldn’t think of anyone who wanted to hurt her, not even Brian. He was still trying to get back with her. What motivation would he have for hurting her?


She did feel a lot better especially since the tubes were removed from her throat and nose. Her body was still sore. She had an ace bandage around her ribs and the staples on her side and lower belly were itching. Sometimes they hurt when they got snagged on her gown. She will really be glad when she’s able to go to the bathroom by herself, the tube in her urethra was uncomfortable, and using the bag was for the birds.


Samantha raised her bed and decided to watch television. Daytime programming sucked as bad as nighttime. Most of the shows consisted of ‘who’s your baby’s daddy’. Ten or more men were escorted onto the stage and the stupid woman sat there convinced that one of the ten was indeed her baby’s father. Of course the host had the answer in the manila envelope with DNA proof of who the father was. Then the host would say none of the men are the father.


How in the hell can a woman not know the identity of the man who fathered her baby? Then she thought back to her own childhood? How many times had her father questioned her parentage? Her mother was the biggest slut in Bellevue; no wonder her father questioned her paternity.


The one bad thing about being in a hospital is it gave you too much time to think. Thinking about a past you can’t change and a future that is uncertain. Samantha was pulled out of her musings when someone walked in her room carrying a large bouquet of roses.


“Hey baby, this is the first time I’ve been able to see you. They wouldn’t let anyone but your family members visit you in ICU.”


Samantha was surprised and disappointed to see Brian enter her room. “Brian what are you doing here?”


Brian sat the flowers down on the bedside table. Didn’t she realize how expensive they were? Sometimes she could really be ungrateful. “As you can see I brought your favorite flowers to brighten your room. I also came to see you sweet cheeks. Is there anything I can get for you?” Brian sat down by her bed and before Samantha could move her hand, he grabbed it and kissed her knuckles.


The roses were beautiful, but Brian had never listened to her. Samantha’s favorite flowers were carnations. How could he be in a relationship with her for two years and not know her favorite flower? Samantha tried to pull her hand away from Brian, but he tightened his hold kissing her hand with his wet lips. Unfortunately, Allen chose that moment to walk into her room. He looked good in jeans and a t-shirt; my God his ass really fit those jeans. She looked into his eyes, oh shit he was pissed at finding Brian here.


Brian gave the tall Asian the once over before offering him his hand. Who in the hell was this guy? “Hi my name is Brian Taylor. I’m a very close friend of Samantha’s.”


Allen ignored his hand and proceeded to kiss Samantha full on the lips. Only then did he acknowledge Brian’s presence. “I’m Allen, Samantha’s fiancé.”


“What the hell do you mean you’re her fiancé?” Brian couldn’t control the rage that filled his body. He turned his gaze back to Samantha. “You’re engaged to him? That was quick we’ve only been separated for a couple of months. Where did you meet this guy?”


Before Samantha could answer, Allen took over the conversation. “Oh we met at a conference in Chicago and rekindled our romance at her brother’s wedding. As you can see we made a real connection.” Allen left no room for doubt as to his meaning.


“You bitch! You dump me and start fucking the first guy you meet...” Brian’s words were cut off when Allen’s fist connected with his face. He fell like a ton of bricks onto the floor.


Allen stood over Brian waiting for the opportunity to knock him down again. “Whatever you had with Samantha was over long before I came on the scene. Rest assured that our relationship is real and will definitely end with a wedding ceremony. Now, I suggest you leave and take your flowers with you. If I ever see you anywhere near my woman again, a beating will be the least of your worries.”


Brian got off the floor, grabbed the vase holding the roses and quickly vacated Samantha’s room. Samantha didn’t think for one moment that Allen was through. His blood lust was up. Hell if she wasn’t in a hospital bed Allen would probably be spanking her ass right now. Allen faced Samantha after Brian made his speedy departure. She could see the displeasure in his narrowed black eyes.


“What was he doing here?” Allen hissed at Samantha. He was sorry Brian ran off so quickly he wanted another opportunity to hit him. That coward got up and ran out of the room like a scalded cat.


“How was I supposed to know he would show up? You need to calm down or you can follow him out the door.” Samantha gave her attention back to the television and ignored Allen’s presence, which was impossible.


Allen came around the bed and took the remote from Samantha’s hand and turned the television off. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over Samantha giving her another full kiss on the mouth. “Baby I’m a very possessive man and finding some man slobbering over you didn’t put me in a good humor.”


Samantha couldn’t help smiling at him. Her battered body wanted him and she was in no condition for sex. “Uhmm, are you deliberately teasing me? I don’t think I’m physically capable for what you have in mind.”


Allen knew that once he started kissing her he wouldn’t be able to stop. He kissed her cheeks and throat, he raised her arm kissed his way don’t down to her hand. “Remember how it was in Seattle? We couldn’t get enough of each other.” Allen wasn’t satisfied until he heard her groan. Samantha’s doctor came in before Allen could continue with his torture session.


“Hey, hey, enough of that Mr. Archer. Miss Graham won’t be able to participate in any physical activities for at least another two to three weeks.”


Allen laughed as he got off the bed and took a seat as Samantha’s doctor examined her. Samantha had improved greatly in the last two days. She was determined to be independent no matter what the cost. When he got her out of the hospital, he would make sure she got the rest she needed. Smiling to himself, he thought she needed to be good and rested, for he planned to keep her in bed for a very long time.


“Everything seems to be going well. You keep this up we’ll release you maybe in three or four days. I want you to move around more so I’ll have a physical therapist see you later. Another thing, I want you to eat!” The doctor kept talking before Samantha could protest. “I know your throat is sore, that’s why I had you on a liquid diet, but now you need to build up your strength. I’ll check on you again tomorrow. You and Mr. Archer have a good night.”


“What did you do to my doctor? Whenever you’re around I can’t get a word in edgewise.”


Allen didn’t want to talk about the doctor he wanted to start making plans for when she left the hospital. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


Before she could respond another dinner tray was brought into her room. She refused dinner two hours ago and she still wasn’t hungry. “I still don’t want to eat, could you please take that tray away.” The girl who brought in the tray was confused, “the doctor said to bring you another tray, sorry.” The girl quickly left the room before Samantha could protest.


Allen uncovered the tray, opened her plastic silver ware, and put the straw in the apple juice. “What are you doing?”


Allen was unperturbed by Samantha’s attitude. The doctor had another tray sent in so he could make sure Samantha would eat. He would make sure she ate her dinner this time. “Sweetheart, you know you have to eat, just relax and let me feed you.” The food didn’t smell bad. It looked like chicken and rice, green beans, bread, and butter. Heck, there was even vanilla ice cream.


Samantha was in a playful mood. “What are you going to give me if I eat all my dinner?”


“Oh baby, you’re not strong enough for what I liked to give you. If you’re a good girl I’ll let you have some ice cream. Also, don’t you think it’s time we discussed our relationship?”


Samantha’s eyes got misty; she wanted to believe they had a relationship. “Do we have a relationship? I know that I’ve been told that I have a fiancé. As far as I can recall no one asked me to marry him.” Allen cut up her chicken and offered a small piece to her. She opened her mouth and chewed her food as Allen fed her waiting for his response.


“Let’s backtrack to Seattle. I told you I was coming to Omaha until the New Year. Do you think I just coming for sex? I can get sex by standing in the hallway. What we have is more than sex and I wanted to focus on us. I know you don’t want to talk about marriage and babies, but you’re deluding yourself if you think this is going to end any other way. With recent events I’ll give you some time. Time to heal and realized that I’m in your life to stay.”


Between bites Samantha responded. “So I’m just supposed to go along with everything you say.”


Allen offered Samantha another piece of chicken with rice. “If you did I would be very surprised. I’m counting on you not being a pushover, it keeps things interesting. If I wanted a yes woman, I could have had one of those years ago. Quit looking for excuses and get your strength back. I’m looking forward to rummaging through your toy chest.”



Chapter 11

Allen was sitting in Samantha’s room reviewing the information about the condominium he just bought. He liked it so much he purchased every unit on the floor. He didn’t want other people living on the same floor with him. Besides they’re a good investment. In addition, Mary would be coming to town soon and would need a place to stay until she found some place to live.


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