Love In A Nick Of Time (13 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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Michael wrapped his arms around Jenna putting her head on his shoulder. “Honey I’m a detective and I’m an expert on you. Over the last month, you’ve been cranky, tired and moody. So I just put two and two together and assumed that you’re pregnant.”


“I didn’t realize until this morning that I might be pregnant. This was the first day since Samantha’s accident that I wasn’t running around taking care of something at home or the office. I was looking at the calendar, when realized I missed my birth control shot more than three months ago. I went to the drug store and picked up several different pregnancy tests and all of them confirmed that I’m pregnant.”


“How do you feel?”


“At first I was worried about the awful legacy I’m giving our child.”


“I’m not going to let your worry yourself to death about passing your genes onto our child. Your parents won’t be raising our children and I couldn’t have picked a better mother for them. We been through a lot together and parenthood will be one more experience I’m thankful for.”


“I love you.”


“I love you too mommy!”


Jenna fingers fluttered down Michael washboard stomach and kept going until she felt his semi-erect cock. She took her thumb ran it over the tip of his cock. “Now tell me what you and Allen talked about at lunch.”


Shit, Michael wasn’t expecting that. If Jenna kept that up he would come in her hand. “Very sneaky, but I’m the master at this baby. I won’t crack under pressure, even under you talented hand.”


“Oh really!” Before Michael could respond Jenna quickly climbed onto his body and replaced her hand with her mouth. She could taste her and Michael’s come on his cock. She like the flavors, it made her hot. Jenna swirled her tongue around his veined cock then she began sucking the tip while messaging his balls. “Now what did you and Allen talk about at lunch?” Jenna resumed sucking his cock.


Michael lost his train of thought, which didn’t happen very often. “I just wanted Allen to know that I’d take care of Samantha when he couldn’t. Now quit playing around down there and finish me off.”


Jenna pushed her middle finger into Michael’s anal cavity and he shot off like a rocket. She swallowed as much of his come as she could, but she could feel it running down her chin. After Michael finished spouting off, she licked up every bit of his come and started the process all over again. Jenna wasn’t satisfied until she heard Michael’s groan. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s a prisoner to the baser instincts.”


“Jenna that was indescribable. The next time I come I’m going to be inside you, after I take a nap.” Michael pulled Jenna up and laid her head on his chest and they both went to sleep.



Chapter 12

Samantha had been out of the hospital for three weeks and Allen never wanted her to do anything except lay in bed. Her pain medication left her lethargic and groggy so she stopped taking it. Granted she wasn’t ready to do her pole exercises or the stair climber, but her physical therapist started her on more strenuous activities. She’d been to the pool several times. She even walked around the downtown area to build up her strength.


She had been making great progress on her special project before her accident. Samantha didn’t tell Allen that she started the search for his mother. She followed up on some good leads; one website in particular was very helpful. She wondered if Allen’s family had been searching for him all this time. A lot of the Americanese were abandoned children of U.S. service men and Vietnamese women. What if Allen wasn’t abandoned, but he somehow ended up in an orphanage anyway?


She amassed lots of documentation of children looking for parents and parents searching for the children. She filled out a profile on Allen giving his age and height. She guessed that his mother was Vietnamese. By Allen’s deep honey complexion she guessed that his father was more than likely African American. Allen told her that the Archer’s found him in an orphanage closed to the Cambodian border.


Samantha narrowed her search to the Bingh Long Province nine miles from the Cambodian border. She found the name of two orphanages in the area; one has been in existence way before the Vietnam War. The list of families searching for missing children was in the thousands, sending in Allen’s profile cut the list in half. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to follow up leads. Most of the registered families had been looking for their loved ones for years.


She closed her laptop and got out of bed and did some stretches. Samantha had on a tank top and a pair of cheekies. Usually she slept in the nude, but she didn’t want Allen to accuse her of teasing him if he happened to come in her room. The doctor told her it would take months before she would fully heal from her surgeries, but she could resume physical activity as long as she didn’t do too much.


She was so bored it was unreal every time she mentioned going back to work Allen became extremely disagreeable. At least she had her laptop, she was able to make contacts and tell them about their company. To top it off, Allen acted like he was afraid to touch her. The accident was almost four weeks ago, and she was hornier than a wet hen.


“What in the hell are you doing?”


Samantha turned around to face an angry Allen. He was bringing her breakfast in bed and the morning newspaper. She was touched by his thoughtfulness and pissed off that he was still treating her like an invalid. “I’m stretching, what does it look like?”


Allen couldn’t really concentrate. Samantha stood before him in a tank top and skimpy panties. What he really wanted to do is throw her on the bed and keep her there for the rest of the day. She was in no way ready for the physical demands he wanted to place on her body.


A few weeks ago she was in ICU. If she kept pushing the envelope, he’d give her the spanking she was begging for. “I can see that you’re stretching, my question is why are you doing it? I know that you’re frustrated and bored, but you just had major surgery and you need to get your rest.”


Samantha walked up to him and took the tray from his hands and put it on the desk. She wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him down for a long soulful kiss. “The only way I’m getting back into bed is if you join me. I need your hardness deep inside me before I go crazy, masturbation is not enough.”


Allen groaned her name he wanted nothing better than to get into bed with her, but he didn’t think she was ready. “I have to leave soon to pick up my secretary from the airport, you haven’t met Mary yet, but I think you’ll like her. Also, we’re having dinner with Jenna and Mike’s tonight.”


“Jenna called.”


“No I spoke to Mike.”


Samantha started undressing, she pulled off her top and lowered her panties and stepped out of them. “Thought so, there’s no way Jenna would call and not speak to me.” She could see the desire in Allen’s eyes as she parading around the room naked.


“What are you doing? I told you we couldn’t have sex without hurting you?”


“Yes I heard you.” Samantha took out the bag of goodies Connie brought for her yesterday.


Allen grabbed the bag from her hands, he dumped the contents on the bed: two dildos, one thick and one long, nipple clamps, finger stimulators, a couple of bullets, and lube. “What did you plan on doing with this stuff? Where did you get it?”


Samantha ignored Allen. She grabbed the nipple clamps and one of the bullets lying back on the bed and spread her legs. She pinched her nipples and reached for the clamps, but Allen grabbed her hand. “Don’t even think about it! Did you really think I was going to stand here and let you pleasure yourself without getting involved?” Allen snatched off his shirt dropped his pants and underwear in one fluid moment he stood before her naked and erect.


“You told me you weren’t interested. So I was going to handle my needs by myself.”


“That’s what I’m here for to satisfy my woman’s needs. Allen joined Samantha on the bed lying on his side not putting any weight on her body he pinched and sucked one nipple before clamping it then he pinched the nipple again. He got on his knees leaned over her and did the same thing to the other nipple. “Scoot over onto the middle of the bed.”


Samantha quickly followed Allen’s instructions she was a hair trigger from coming. “Allen please...”


“Oh I will please you baby.” Allen got between Samantha’s legs he picked up the bullet and he turned it to the highest speed and smoothed it around her nether lips. He took the pulsating vibrator and gently took a tour of her labia and clit. Allen could feel the wetness leaking out of her as she came. He put the bullet aside and replaced his hands with his tongue he would never tire of her taste.


Allen removed one nipple clamp and devoured the sight of Samantha climaxing again, he penetrated her heat with his hard, pulsating cock he was careful not to jar her as he slowly pumped in and out. He removed the second nipple clamp and replaced it with his mouth, he was resting most of his weight on his elbows as he rode her slow and hard.


Samantha bucked up against him she felt like she was having an out of body experience, never had the loving between her and Allen been so emotional. Mostly it was hard and fast just the way she liked it, Allen was hitting her in some places that had never been reached. She came again and Allen came a few minutes later. He laid back on the bed and pulled her onto his chest. “Jenna was right, nothing beats the slow pole.”




Samantha didn’t tell Allen, but their sexual rendezvous this morning wiped her out. Shortly after he left to pick up his secretary from the airport, she went back to sleep. She woke up late in the afternoon, the muscles in her stomach and side hurt so bad that she laid back down. Allen told her that she wasn’t ready to resume a sexual relationship and she didn’t listen now she was paying the price. She took a long hot bath before dressing for dinner and it took longer than expected. If Allen suspected anything he kept it to himself. They arrived at Jenna and Mike’s house a little after six, Michael opened the door.


“Come on in you guys are the last to arrive. Hey I’m glad you could make it on such short notice, we have a lot to celebrate.


Michael hugged Samantha and to both their surprise he hugged Allen too. Samantha laughed at the expression on Allen’s face. “Don’t worry you won’t get cooties because a man hugged you.”


Michael took their jackets and ushered them into the dining room. The table was beautifully set; they really did have some important news. Connie was sitting on one side of the table with Mack and his wife Linda. She hadn’t seen them since Jenna and Mike’s Vegas wedding. Samantha went and hugged Linda and Mack, “Linda, Mack, I’d like you to meet my fiancé Allen Archer. Allen, Mack is Michael’s partner and Linda is his soul mate.”


Allen shook hands with Mack and tried to shake hands with Linda. “It’s nice to meet you both.”


Linda got up to embrace Allen. “Hey good looking you can’t get by me with just a hand shake.”


Samantha went to hug Connie. “Thanks for the emergency supplies girl they came in handy this morning.”


Samantha looked over the table again she’d never eaten dinner at Jenna’s house with the table set so formally. She took a seat at the table and Allen sat next to her. “Something’s up, Jenna never sets the dinner table.”


Allen whispered in her ear. “What do you think their news is about?”


Samantha turned to look at him, “why she’s pregnant of course. What else could it be? What other news would she hold back from me her best friend that they would have to announce?”


Allen put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a little squeeze. “You don’t sound excited.”


Samantha smiled but it was a little sad, “I’m very excited, but I’ve realized that Jenna doesn’t belong to just me anymore, she’s Mike’s wife. We’re still best friends, but I’m no longer her confidant I’ll always be second. But that no different than my relationship with you. When I was in the hospital I noticed how everyone deferred to you, as if you were in charge.”


Allen chuckled as he kissed her behind the ear. “I’m glad you finally accepted my place in your life. Now if you would just defer to me in all matters our lives would run a little more smoothly.”


Samantha turned and kissed his lips. “You are so dreaming.”


Jenna stood next to Mike, “enough of that you two. We called all of you hear today to tell you some important news: we’re going to have a baby.”


Linda screamed, Connie gasped, Mack got up and slapped Mike on the back, and Samantha smiled and winked at Allen. She got up to hug Jenna and Mike. “Congratulations you two, you’re going to be great parents.”


Allen sat back and watched the glad tidings, he wanted what Mike had. He wanted to bind his woman to him with marriage and children. He could just visualize Samantha pregnant with his child. He never thought he would become a parent. At that moment he wanted it more than anything almost as much as he wanted to marry Samantha. He got up from the table and congratulated Jenna and Mike. “Mike you’re a very lucky man. I would give everything I have to be in your position right now.”


“Thanks man that means a lot.”


Allen hugged Jenna. “Jenna you’re going to make one tough momma!” Everyone laughed and sat back down at the table and began fixing their plates.

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