Love in Fantasy (Skeleton Key) (23 page)

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Authors: Elle Christensen,Skeleton Key

Tags: #Skeleton Key series

BOOK: Love in Fantasy (Skeleton Key)
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However, he’s still glaring daggers at her, and she is quick to reassure him. “No, I haven’t worn this outside.”
As far as I know.

“No one sees you like this but me, angel,” he says, his voice a deadly calm. She nods and his expression softens minutely. “Good. Not only will you earn yourself a spanking, but I’d hate to have to kill someone for looking at my woman.”

She skips right over the spanking part (for now) and focuses on the second. His woman? But what about what she’d done? She’d met Dominick at a museum on the second day of her vacation. He was tall, dark, and sexy. And, to top it off, he was also an artist. Painter. Desire had exploded between them and it was so strong and intense, they ended up fucking each other’s brains out in his hotel room that night.

She’d thought it would be a one-night thing and even still, she let—wanted him—to take her virginity. When he’d realized she was untouched, it seemed to ship him into a frenzy. He was still gentle with her, but it was like he couldn’t get enough of her, he seemed crazed in his need and possession of her. In the morning, she’d attempted to make a graceful exit, but he got demanding and growly; sexy as hell. He’d taken her back to bed and kept her there all day.

More often than not, when she or her sisters travel, they use their mother’s maiden name so they don’t have to deal with the hoopla that comes with people knowing they are royalty. It was a chance for her to run away and escape the palace, figuratively speaking. So, she didn’t think much of it. But, as they got to know each other, she truly enjoyed the way he made her feel “normal” and let the charade go on a little bit longer until it was the day before she was to go home and she still hadn’t told him. One other thing she’d learned, he valued honesty, declaring he had no tolerance for liars.

She’d snuck out of his bed that night and cried the whole way home, as her heart slowly cracked further open with each mile that separated them. She didn’t expect him to come after her when he read the note she’d left, explaining her lie but not actually divulging who she really was.

“I don’t understand. I wasn’t honest with you.”

Dominick looks at her with censure, the way you would look at a naughty child. “And it won’t happen again. Will it, Sabrina?”

She shook her head, justly chastised. “You still want to be with me?” she asks nervously, afraid to hope.

“Do you think me so shallow that I would tell you I love you and then simply let you run away from me without chasing your ass down?” A glimmer of vulnerability enters his eyes. “Do you love me, angel?”

“Of course!” she blurts, desperate to reassure him that he is everything to her. “I love you so much it tore me up inside when I left. But”—her eyes drop, her cheeks heating with embarrassment—“I assumed you wouldn’t want me after you found I wasn’t who I said I was.”

“I’ll admit, I was mad as hell and I’m still not happy about it. But what put me in a rage, what still fans my ire, is that you snuck out like a thief in the night. You simply left, rather than face what you’d done and, more importantly, without giving me the opportunity to decide for myself whether I still wanted to be with you.”

“Um, exactly how mad
you?” she asks with wide, rounded eyes.

His head dips until his lips are at her ear. “Between the spanking and the fucking, don’t expect to be able to walk or sit for a while.” A shudder ripples through her and he groans, burying his head in her neck. He starts to kiss his way down but she stops him with a hand under his chin, encouraging him to look up and meet her gaze.

“You didn’t answer my question earlier.”

“Oh? What question was that, angel?” he purrs.

“Are you the genie from the magic lamp?”

He ponders for a moment, his eyes never leaving hers. “Let’s say I am, what are your three wishes?”

Her cheeks heat and she considers whether she’s brave enough to tell him. She is done lying to him, so she bolsters her courage and admits what she really wants. “I only have one wish.” She takes a deep breath. “You.”

“Done,” Dominick says, the fire in his brown eyes burning hotter than ever.

“Really?” she asks, her voice raspy with some disbelief and a lot of soaring hope.

“I guess it doesn’t matter if I’m the genie, after all.” He smirks.

“Are you?” she asks, insisting on an answer.

Dominick laughs and gives her a short kiss. When he pulls back, his eyes are a little more serious and his expression becomes earnest. “Sabrina, I will always do my best to give you anything you wish for.”

“In that case, maybe I do want my other two wishes,” she quips cheekily making him chuckle again. “I wish for you to take me to bed and I wish for you to ask me to marry you.” She holds her breath as she waits for his answer. Had she been too bold, asked for too much too fast?

“Also done, and done. Like I said, angel—anything.” He swept her into a tight embrace, sealing his mouth over hers. They both shudder at the contact, already anticipating what’s coming (no pun intended).

Dominick lifts her onto the bed and she scoots to the middle, watching him as he shucks his linen pants and shirt. His erection is thick and hard, standing up against his stomach, and her mouth waters. “I think I should make things up to you,” she says raggedly.

“Is that so?” His eyes twinkle with amusement, but they are still filled with hunger. “What have you got in mind, angel?”

“You, in my mouth.” Saying it out loud has her body erupting with tingles.

“All right, angel. Whatever you wish. But, I want you naked first.” He climbs up on the bed and straddles her legs before he starts to slowly remove her clothing. It doesn’t last and in their impatience, they both end up tearing at the fabric to get it off as quick as possible.

Dominick scans her body up and down, open appreciation in his eyes. “You’re gorgeous, angel.” She blushes and it spreads down over her chest. “Hmmm,” he hums. “I love to see you like this, naked, flushed with need. So damn fuckable.”

Sabrina eagerly reaches for his long and full cock with one hand, attempting to wrap her fingers around the girth. It’s too big, so she joins it with her other and pumps up and down his length twice, her thumb spreading the pre-come over the tip. He groans and her pussy is so wet, she feels some of it gliding down to the bed.

“I want to taste you, Dominick,” she says as she leans up so she can slide her hands around him and grip his incredibly firm ass. He drops to his hands and knees, moving up so the tip of his cock rubs against her plump lips, making them shiny from the come leaking out. Her tongue darts out to taste him and she moans in delight.

“Take me in your mouth, angel,” he commands. “Suck me.”

Using her hands, she guides his thickness between her lips, then twists and pumps them as she takes deep him deep until he bumps the back of her throat and she gags.

“Fuck! It’s the hottest thing in the world to see you gagging from taking my cock down your throat, angel.” His hips buck when she hollows out her cheeks and takes a deep pull. “Oh, fuck yes! That’s so amazing.” His eyes had closed tight, his face a mask of concentration, but now, he looks down at her and she can see the barely restrained control. It’s about to snap. “Are you ready, angel? I need to fuck your mouth, to come down your throat. You’ll take it, angel. All of it.” His voice is gruff from the effort it’s taking him to hold back. He rises to his knees and reaches under her arms to pull her through his legs, sitting her up so her mouth is lined up with his groin.

She lets go of his cock long enough to whisper, “Yes, all of it.” Then she licks around the head, takes him back in and hums.

“Yes!” he yells, right before he grabs on to the headboard and he begins to fuck her mouth, hard. His tempo keeps climbing until she is sucking in fast breaths through her nose, keeping her mouth full to the brim with his dick. “Suck it, angel. Hard. Just like that. Yes! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he chants while his cock grows even bigger and harder until he suddenly grabs her behind the head and holds her still. He bucks one last time, going deep into the recesses of her mouth and erupting in an orgasm that fills her mouth, pouring down her throat. He roars her name as his body wracks with shudders, and she swallows seemingly never-ending jets of semen. Finally, he lets her go and slides his member from her mouth, grabbing her biceps and bring her up to her knees, crashing his mouth down on hers. “Angel,” he pants against her lips, “that was fucking amazing. Thank you.”

She smiles. “You’re welcome. But it wasn’t completely selfless. Remember what I said about turnabout being fair play?”

Dominick throws his head back and laughs while she giggles. Then the funny ends and he returns her gesture by making her scream so loud, after four orgasms, she’s lost her voice.

Dominick taps softly on the glass door of the jewelry store and waits, glancing around the picturesque town square where it’s located. The area has been well preserved for decades; most of the buildings even look to be pre-war. He finds himself wishing he had his supplies with him; he’d love to do a series of paintings inspired by this charming scenery.

The sound of the lock disengaging brings him back to why he is here. A young blonde woman opens the door, smiling, and standing back for him to enter. “She’s upstairs in her apartment,” she says as she leads him to the back of the store, all the way to a set of stairs. She clasps her hands together and excitedly whispers, “Good luck.” Then she’s gone, making her way back to the front, getting everything ready to open for business in a couple of hours. He’d hoped to be here last night, but his plane had been delayed, so he called his informant, Sabrina’s older sister Chloe, who put him in touch with the store clerk. He’d dreamt of his reunion with Sabrina the whole way, though he highly doubted it would be on the set of the next Aladdin movie.

It had only been through a stroke of luck that he even found Sabrina. Her country is on the smaller side and wasn’t even on his radar, nor had it occurred to him that she was a princess. After searching for a few weeks, he’d relayed the story to his childhood friend, Damon, who had in turn, recognized the name and description. Pretty confident it was Sabrina St. Claire, he’d handed the phone over to the pop singer he guarded, and she confirmed it was her sister.

She’d been invaluable helping him to get everything in order before going to Sabrina. It also didn’t hurt to hear she’s been moping since she got home. He doesn’t want his angel to be sad, but it gave him hope that she was as lost without him as he was without her.

He climbs the stairs to about halfway, then stops when he sees a figure huddled on the ground with her back against the wall, fast asleep. Jogging the rest of the way up, he reaches the landing and kneels by her side. “Sabrina.” He keeps his voice low and soothing so he doesn’t scare her. She mumbles something unintelligible in her sleep, and he chuckles at how cute she is. She’s also the most gorgeous woman he’s ever known, and despite her single act of dishonesty, he’d known she was genuine and kind. She was impossible not to love. He tries again, running a finger down her cheek as he speaks, “Wake up, angel.”

“Dominick?” Her eyes flutter and she stares at him with disbelieving eyes. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“You seriously underestimated my love for you, angel,” he responds.

“Your love?” she squeaks with surprise. “Aren’t you angry with me?”

He frowns. “I was furious with you, Sabrina, but you’re mine, and my anger couldn’t possibly dim my love for you. I’d rather move on to the good stuff, like taking you to bed.” His eyes narrow, making his expression a little fiercer. “It won’t happen again, will it, angel? Because I’m going to let it slide this time; I’m too fucking happy to have you in my arms. But, you can expect to get your ass spanked if it happens again.”

Sabrina’s face flushes red at his words and he raises an eyebrow. “Does the idea appeal to you, angel? Am I going to have to come up with a different punishment? One that doesn’t get you hot and bothered?” He stops and thinks for a moment. “Never mind, I’m all for anything that gets you worked up and desperate to be fucked.”

“Only if you realize turnabout is fair play,” she jokes.

“Bring it, angel,” he goads, laughing.

“I love you,” she says suddenly and he stops laughing, but the joyous smile remains.

“How about I take you to bed, then you marry me, and then I’m yours and you’re mine, forever?”

She looks at him strangely for a minute before murmuring, “Those would be my three wishes.”

It’s his turn to give an odd look, but he shrugs it off and kisses her passionately, then lingers over her lips for a moment. “Let’s go inside, angel.”

When she moves to stand, he beats her to it and helps her up. He glances around as if just remembering where they are. “Why are you out here?”

“My key wouldn’t work in the lock last night, I must have sat down to figure things out and fell asleep.”

He puts out his hand, palm up. “Let me try.”

She rolls her eyes and snarks, “Because you have magical powers?”

He grins and wiggles his fingers until she passes over her house key. He slips it in the lock, pauses and says, “Open sesame.” Then he rotates the key and the door swings open. “Looks like I’ve got the magic touch, after all.”

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