Love in La Terraza (11 page)

Read Love in La Terraza Online

Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Love in La Terraza
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He thought back to his conversation with the brothers and Ruth the weekend before as they’d professed their undying love for Cain…

“Such a sweet boy. The apple of his grandmother Gladdie’s eye,” Ruth had praised.

“We know he needs to raise the rent,” Vito said, eliciting a nod of agreement from Ruth and Pixie who’d joined everyone outside for a potluck, alfresco community dinner under the stars.

Everyone accept Snead had turned up.

“That extra rent would help him keep the ship afloat and running smoothly,” Tony added.

“And if we were in the position to help we would,” Vito piped in.

“He knows we can’t afford to pay more, and he never asks,” Ruth said, clutching her pearls as she got a little misty-eyed.

“He’s a saint!” Tony declared.

Pixie’s large eyes bugged out, looking even larger than normal. “You said it, gramps.”

They’d all been well aware Cain was struggling, just not to what extent. Henry climbed the two steps up the stoop and took a deep breath, unsure exactly how he’d tell Cain he knew.

Part of him wanted to play along, pretending as if everything was all right and hoping Cain would tell him whenever he was ready. But Henry cared about him too much to let him suffer and fret in isolation. Plus he felt obligated at some point to spell things out for Cain, to make sure he understood the score. Whoever was interested in purchasing the property wasn’t backing off.

He’d table that last bit for now.

One hurdle at a time, right?

Henry suspected Cain would spend every last penny he made from the sale helping the people who now called La Terraza home find and relocate to a new one. As Henry stood there, staring at the door knob, his chest began to ache, knowing Cain wouldn’t suffer the loss of this place easily. He prayed it wouldn’t kill the man he’d fallen in love with, forever altering who Cain was, moving forward into the future.

“You gotta actually turn the knob to get the door to open there, Einstein,” Vito called out.

Henry turned. “Thanks, you wise-acre.”

He slipped inside as the brothers cackled at one another while arguing about both the origins of and why they’d ever been called wieners in the first place.

Dropping his leather messenger bag by the door, Henry stumbled into the living room while massaging the back of his neck. Cain was nowhere to be found, but he could be heard.

“That you, baby?” Cain yelled from upstairs.

“Assuming you don’t have more than one baby, the answer to your question would be yes.”

“Very funny, asshole!”

Henry smiled. “You coming down or want me to come up?”

“Depends on how badly you wanna see me, I guess,” Cain said.

There are no words.

“I’ll take that to mean I’m coming up.”

“God love a man who knows how to read between my lines,” Cain said, using that playful carefree tone that somehow never managed to betray how bad things were just under the surface, a fact that made Henry’s chest ache for Cain all the more.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Henry was already out of his tie and working on the buttons of his shirt by the time he came into the bedroom.

Cain stood next to the dresser which had one drawer pulled open, showcasing the fact it was empty. Henry laughed as Cain beamed like he’d just revealed the eighth world wonder.

“Before you say anything.” Cain closed the top drawer and opened another just underneath, which was also empty. “This second drawer is
empty because I’m cleaning it.”

He’d used finger quotations when saying the word “cleaning”.

“So there’s no reason to freak out, if that would happen to be your inclination upon receiving more than one drawer this early in a relationship.” Cain winked, closing the lower drawer then reopening the top one while whispering, “If it doesn’t freak you out, though, you can totally have both drawers.”

Henry stood in the doorway, shirt halfway open and un-tucked, not exactly sure when it had happened. Perhaps he always had, from the very first moment he’d lain eyes on the little shit. How could he not have fallen in love with someone whose generous spirit infected all those who’d come into contact with him.

“Okay, you’re totally freaking me out now.” Cain cringed, slowly sliding the drawer closed while moving in front of the dresser as if to further block Henry’s view. “Not ready for a drawer at all yet, check that.”

Henry quietly crossed the room, taking Cain into his arms and kissed him.

Cain moaned approvingly as Henry slowly took charge, their tongues intertwining in a sensual dance, with Cain following his lead yet again. Henry only broke away long enough to yank off both of their shirts, before going right back to where he’d left off.

Cain had begun working on getting his pants undone, and Henry backed them toward the bed. His fingers snaked underneath the elastic waistband of Cain’s gym shorts, thankful to discover he wasn’t wearing anything else underneath.

It was mere seconds later that they were both completely naked. Henry pushed Cain, who fell back onto the bed, wide-eyed and breathing heavily.

“You know…I could find you one, maybe even two, more drawers if you’d like. Just throwing that out there.”

“Shut up, Cain.”

He nodded his compliance as Henry crawled onto the bed, hovering over his body. They intently stared at each other as their hands gently wandered over the hills and valleys of one another’s bodies. Forcing Cain’s legs open with his knees, Henry let his full weight press down upon Cain, who sighed softly from the pressure, his legs wrapping around Henry’s waist.

They once again kissed and ground into one another, their combined pre-cum quickly lubricating and making each thrust that much more deliciously torturous. Cain already shook from the anticipation as Henry kissed and sucked his way down the man’s neck, nibbling on his earlobe which always managed to drive Cain slightly crazy.

“Henry,” Cain whispered, followed by a soft moan.

“I love you,” Henry whispered, saying it now, before the penetration, before the ejaculation so Cain wouldn’t have to wonder about the motivation that inspired his declaration.

He pulled back in order to make eye contact, still dry humping him.

Cain chewed on his lip, looking a little nervous or unsure as to what he should do or say.

“I love you,” Henry said it again, though this time, he wasn’t whispering.

Cain just nodded, looking slightly stunned until Henry started to lean in for another kiss, which is when he blurted out, “Me too…love you, I mean. Me too love you.”

Henry ground their hard cocks together again, slowly humping Cain.

“I do love you, Henry Abrams,” Cain said, finally getting it out the way he’d no doubt intended the first time.

Henry kissed him roughly, claiming his mouth as he forced his tongue down Cain’s eager throat. Cain pulled his body farther up the bed, now moaning more loudly as the head of Henry’s hard, wet cock pressed into his ass. Cain attempted to push down in order to force Henry all the way in.

Henry pulled away. Breathing haggard, he shook his head no, while reaching back to grab a condom and the lube.

“But I want you like that,” Cain whispered. “Just you.”

Henry ripped open the plastic wrapper and rolled on the condom. “And we’ll go there once we’ve both been tested.”

“Never wanted anyone inside me the way I do you,” Cain said, as Henry worked the lube over his dick.

Henry was quickly back on top of him, giving Cain the thing he craved most. Cain’s mouth opened and his eyes squeezed shut as the thick head passed through his tight muscle.

Cain’s hand slapped on Henry’s shoulder as he braced himself, panting as Henry pushed farther inside, slowly and steadily. His eyes popped back open once Henry was all the way in.

“I found out today what you’ve been keeping from me.” Henry oh so slowly pulled back out only to repeat the process all over again. “I know how bad things are, how close you are to losing La Terraza.”

Cain dug his fingers into Henry’s shoulders, legs tightening around his waist. Henry saw the discomfort playing out on Cain’s face, not knowing if it were his words or his cock that was responsible.

“I wish you’d felt like you could’ve talked to me, trusted me enough to confide in me.”

“I…” Cain’s breath caught in his throat. “Didn’t wanna bring things down—oh god, Henry.” Cain moaned, his eyes rolling back into his head. “Didn’t need that kind of strain on something so new.”

Henry bit down on his lip. The pressure on his cock, now deep inside, was intense. His pelvis pressed firmly against Cain’s ass.

“You don’t need to hide from me anymore,” Henry said, repositioning Cain’s legs over his shoulders so he could slowly begin to take him over the edge. “There are no parts of you I don’t want to see.”

Cain nodded, twisting Henry’s nipple.

“You don’t have to go it alone anymore.”

Cain turned away and closed his eyes.

“Don’t look away from me, baby.” Henry’s voice shook, the friction and pressure nearly enough to drive him insane. “Look at me, Cain.”

Cain took in a deep breath of air and did as Henry had asked.

“You’re so safe with me. I won’t let go.” Henry watched the walls come down as Cain’s eyes began to well up. “I can’t promise to have any solutions for you, but whatever happens, you won’t have to go through it alone if you don’t want to.”

When the first tear rolled down Cain’s temple, Henry picked up the pace.

“I love you, Cain,” he said, his own voice now strained and raspy.

Cain fisted wads of the comforter as Henry took him even faster, the moaning in the back of his throat getting louder and more frequent.

“Don’t close your eyes.” Henry fought to hold on until Cain was ready to blow. “Stay here with me.”

“God…Henry!” Cain screamed, never breaking eye contact and shooting straight up the center of his chest without ever laying a finger on his cock.

Henry lost the fight, his own orgasm filling the condom now buried deep inside Cain’s ass. His entire body tingled as he too went over that cliff, free falling while wrapped up in Cain’s arms, never looking away, never breaking contact.

* * * *

Cain had slept better last night than he had in months. For the first time, he was able to truly relax and let go of some of the fear and feelings of self loathing. While a part of him would have loved for Henry to never know exactly how dire his situation with the building was, he couldn’t deny how much it helped having someone to talk to about it.

They’d lain naked in bed for hours after having sex, and Cain had just let it all go, talking until he thought he might lose his voice. Henry hadn’t said much, other than the occasional,
I’m so sorry, baby
, but he held Cain and listened. No one had ever done that for him, and Cain couldn’t deny that something inside of him had been altered by that one simple act of kindness.

Henry had become more to him than just the man he’d fallen in love with. He was Cain’s hero, as well.

Now, Cain laughed at Henry who was on the phone with his mother as they each lay sprawled, naked, across the living room floor.

“No, Mother, I have no idea why Dad would do something like that. You know damn well I think you’re both mad as hatters.”

It was still early on Friday evening, and they’d just eaten an enormous Italian dinner which Henry had delivered. They’d not left the apartment since Henry had come home early from work the day before. He’d placed a moratorium on all clothing or anything else that might otherwise prevent skin-on-skin contact, calling it a
naked weekend

The bathrobe hanging on one of the wrought-iron hooks next to the front door was the only thing either of them had put on, figuring the delivery people might not appreciate or understand the rules of the naked weekend.

“You’re quite right. It’s not at all acceptable behavior for me to speak about my parents that way. Very disrespectful, I agree.” Henry placed a finger to his temple, his hand in the shape of a gun as he pretended to shoot himself in the head. “Yes, ma’am, I likely do get that from Daddy.”

Cain made a
sound, signaling his own disapproval over his boyfriend’s atrocious behavior.

Henry sneered at him then grabbed his crotch while mouthing the words,
Suck it.

He burst out laughing when Cain wiggled his eyebrows and nodded he was good with that.

“Yes, I’m eating very well, I assure you.” Henry rolled his eyes, which suddenly widened. “Jesus, Momma!”

Cain was now frightened himself, considering Henry’s face went white.

“I was referring to actual food and not my new boyfriend, yes.” Henry placed a hand over his eyes, visibly mortified.

Cain bit his lip to keep from laughing.

“No I was not being facetious or attempting to placate you. I’ve no doubt even put on a few pounds.”

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