Love in the Time of Zombies (30 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Love in the Time of Zombies
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seemed thrilled to hear that.  “I am a financial genius.”

don’t even know how much it

don’t care how much it cost.”  His thumb slipped under the nearly invisible
strap of her bra.  “It was the best investment I ever made in my life.”

lingerie put me a month behind in my utilities.”

it was worth every penny.  And if you’d explained what you planned to buy, I
would’ve tripled your salary.”  He swallowed.  “Actually, no.  It’s good that I
know or I would have been reduced to rocking in a corner months
ago.”  He rubbed the delicate silk between his fingers like he was expecting it
to evaporate in his hand.  His eyes met hers.  “You got this for me?”

else?”  She dipped her head to find his lips.  “You’re my person, too, Ezekiel

time you noticed that.”  He set about freeing her from the lingerie he so
admired.  “God you have no idea how much I want you.”

to waste your Ph.D. managing a golf course, apparently.”  Scotlyn reached
behind her body to unfasten her bra before he ripped it right off of her.  She
doubted Versace would be making more.  “You’re lucky it’s the Armageddon, by
the way.  Otherwise, I’d be insisting you fulfill your potential and get a job
at a university or something.”

second the black lace fell away from her breasts, he groaned.  His palms found
the naked globes.  “Jesus, you have no idea how much I’ve needed this.”  His
thumbs brushed over her nipples.  “I knew you’d be perfect.  I was going out of
my mind with wanting you, baby.”

bit down on her lower lip.  “Of course, you do have
a lot
of talents.”  She
got out.  “It would be a shame to lock you up in a classroom.”

true.”  He nipped the curve of her neck, his mouth sliding down her skin.  “Although,
I always enjoy exposing impressionable minds to new ideas.”  He lifted her
breast, his lips suckling and his teeth grazing.  “Christ, you’re soft.”

.”  Scotlyn’s hand came up to tangle in his hair, her head falling
back languidly.  Zeke really was a renaissance man.  She rocked against him,
wanting more.  “I am so in love you.”  She whispered.

liked hearing that.

gave a startled laugh as he picked her up and tumbled them both onto the sofa. 
Somehow he got his clothes off, his hands never leaving her skin.  The man
truly did have a talent.  When he finally leaned back to get her out of the
last of her lingerie, her gaze fell on his erection for the first time.  Her
eyes went wide.  “Alright, that seems really big.”

liked hearing that, too.

in love with you.”  Zeke teased.  He left her garters in place,
apparently enjoying them right where they were.  “Don’t worry, baby.  I’m not
going to hurt you.”  He nuzzled the valley between her breasts and headed south. 
“I would die before I hurt you.”

know.  I do.  I think I’m just a little nervous.”

be.”  He kissed the curve of her stomach.  “It’s going to feel good.  I
promise.  Just like in the hotel, only better.”

swallowed as he eased her legs apart.  “But… um… isn’t that kind of advanced
for… Oh my
.”  Her whole body arched.  “Oh
, yes.”  His
tongue did fantastic, miraculous, magical things and she never, ever wanted him
to stop.  “

knew you were ready for the advanced class, Trix.”  He lifted his head long
enough to flashed her a wicked grin and she shove him back down.


chuckled and redoubled his efforts.

couldn’t do anything but feel.  Everything got tighter and hotter… and tighter…
and hotter…  “
”  The rush of pleasure was so intense that her mouth
opened in a soundless scream.  Waves of ecstasy rushed over her, wiping out the
ability to think.

girl.”  Zeke crooned.  “You and I are going to fit together perfectly.”  He moved
above her and slid deep inside of her while her body was still quaking from her
orgasm.  “See?  My ideas always work.”

was a brief moment of uncomfortable pressure and then she was coming for a
second time.  Zeke entering her when she was already caught up in her climax
sent her right over another ledge.  All she could manage was a helpless
whimper, her eyes squeezing shut as she was pulled under again.

looking at me, Trix.”  He sounded strained.  “You okay?”

focused on his stunning face, her head swimming with the incredible sensations. 
She somehow managed a nod.

girl.”  Zeke’s gaze locked on hers, increasing the feeling of intimacy.  “It’s
me and you.”  He murmured.  His palm found hers, holding so tight that the ring
bit into his hand.  “Now and forever.”

and forever.”  She agreed.  As the aftershocks faded and she got used to the
hard length of him inside of her, she found that she wasn’t finished with this
lesson.  Not even close.  “But right now, it’s mostly
.”  She
undulated against him and smiled when he swore.  “Continue, professor.”

Zeke pulled back and then eased into her, again.  “Don’t do anything to kill me. 
I’m trying to be a White Hat and it’s testing the limits of my strength.”  She
could feel him struggling to be gentle and maintain control.  His body shook
with the effort, which was sweet, but completely unnecessary.  “I told you I
was nobody’s hero.”

sure about that?”

positive.”  He dropped his face, so his forehead rested against hers.  “I just
don’t want you to be frightened, baby.  I want this to be perfect for you.”

perfect for me.”  She nipped the line of his jaw.  “I trust you.  Do what you

sure?  I’ve thought some pretty lascivious thoughts since I met you.”  His
voice was a promise.  “Many bad, twisted, lascivious thoughts about your pretty
little body.”

me.”  She whispered.

I have been waiting for you to say that.”  Zeke shifted her hips, so she was
tilted at some amazing new angle, flipped her legs up to his shoulders, and slammed
inside of her as deep as he could go.

eyes crossed in rapture.  “Oh
.”  She gasped.

gave a snarl of pure lust, his fingers locking with hers, while his free hand
did very naughty things. 
naughty.  “Every single night in the
office, I imagined just closing the doors, ripping your clothes off, and taking
you in every single way I could think of.”

loved that idea.  Loved all of this.  Loved him.

would’ve told him so if she could’ve managed to talk.  As it was, though, all
Scotlyn could do was hang on and try to stay conscious.

His eyes glowed so dark they looked like amethysts.  “Maybe I am a werewolf,
because I could
you, baby.  I just want to use every inch of your
body until you’re screaming for mercy.”

he went and played dirty.  He used that shifter telepathy thing to show her
everything from his point of view.  Scotlyn saw herself and the passion on her
face and the love in her expression, though Zeke’s gorgeous eyes.  Felt how
much he wanted her.  It was the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced.  He
hit some new spot and she came again in an incredible explosion of bliss so
sharp it was almost painful.

Zeke, Zeke, Zeke,
”  Scotlyn shrieked his name, not caring if
everyone else in Vegas heard her.

Christ yes
.”  Zeke erupted inside of her, his palm still clutching
hers.  “
”  His huge body went taunt and then collapsed against
her, his face buried in her hair.  “Finally.”  The word was a sigh of
completion, as he held her close.  “Finally.”

cuddled against his chest.  “Wow.”

love it when you say that.”

is what you deserve a doctorate in.”

would’ve made for an interesting thesis, that’s for sure.”

let out a long breath and waited for the world to stop spinning.  Eventually,
she raised her head to look at him.  “Don’t laugh, but did I do everything

burst out laughing.

serious, you ass.”  She batted his shoulder.  “You’re super good at it and

super good at it.”  Zeke corrected, cutting off her words.  “You and I together
make it good.”  He brushed back her hair and gave a tender smile.  “Believe me,
I’ve been with a lot of women…”

Just what I longed to hear.”

it’s not the same.”  He continued like she hadn’t spoken.  “You were right.  Sex
doesn’t mean a damn thing unless it’s with someone special.”  He gave her a
kiss.  “I should’ve waited for
, Scottie.”

you should have.”  Scotlyn agreed staunchly.  She didn’t like the idea of him
being with another woman.  Zeke was hers.

hand went back to exploring her body.  “Forgive me?”

tried to look stern and failed.  “No.”  She decided.  “You’re going to have to
make it up to me.”

sounds promising.  How do you want me to apologize?”  Black eyebrows waggled. 
“Feel free to use your imagination.”

.”  She assured him, sweetly.  “I know!  You can begin by helping
me plan our wedding.”

face fell.  “Right now?  Really?”

Scotlyn grinned, delighted in his pouting.  Unable to keep up the game when she
felt so good, she gave him a smacking kiss.  “
you teach me some

eyes traced over her, bright with emotion.  “Jesus, Trix.  Comparing you with anyone
else is like comparing a tsunami to a ripple in a pond.  You are my entire life.” 
He lifted her hand to his mouth and his lips finding her palm.  His thumb
brushed over her engagement ring, like he enjoyed seeing it.  “About the
wedding… You get it’s probably going to be hard to find a caterer and a white
dress and all, right?  It’s not going to as perfect as you deserve.”

it will.  Don’t worry.  I’ll figure something out.  I have it all pictured in
my head.”

don’t doubt that.”  His teeth tugged on her earlobe.  “Tell you what… why you
concentrate on organizing the ceremony and I’ll be charge of the honeymoon

sighed in delight as his new seduction techniques got increasingly interesting. 
How in the world had she resisted the man for so long?  “I could probably be
persuaded to…”

pounded on the door, interrupting the fun.  “Ya better come take a look at
this.”  Brewer called in a nonchalant tone.  “City’s burning down.”



Bright side
to the zombie apocalypse:

No clocks
mean it’s always happy hour.


stared at the skyline.  In the distance, smoke rose from the buildings, turning
the sunset into a diffused rainbow of eerie yellows and smoggy reds.  “Yeah…
that can’t be good.” 

Strip was burning to cinders and nothing was going to stop it.

those fucking humans.”  Brewer surmised.  “They lit up Fremont and now the
fire’s spreading through souvenir shops, strip joints, and McMansions all over
town.  Ain’t like any firefighters are gonna show up.”  He arched a brow. 
“Vegas is toast, kid.  Trust me, I was there went Chicago got incinerated back
in ‘71.  I know what it looks like.”

eyebrows climbed.  “The Chicago Fire of
71?  You were alive in 1871?!”


looked over at Zeke, like she still didn’t believe it.

told ya shifters live for a long time.”  He shrugged.  “Brew was on the

and rats.”  Brewer summed up with a shudder.

blinked and turned back at Zeke.  “Hang on, how old are


at least three hundred and ninety and you’re

who gets to be three hundred and ninety was thirty-four at some point.”  He
pointed out.  “Cale, Darcy, and I are the babies of the pack.”

nodded.  “And Brewer never lets us forget it.”  He sat on the edge of the
pawnshop roof, watching the city burn.  “How long do we have before the whole
place is ash?”

know.”  Brewer took a bite from a Snickers bar.  “We’d better figure it out,
though, if we’re going to get to the airport before the flames do.”

Zeke pinched the bridge of his nose.  “We’re approaching full on

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