Love Inspired Suspense June 2014 Bundle 1 of 2: Undercover Marriage\Collateral Damage\Forgotten Past (16 page)

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Authors: Mary Hannah; Alford Terri; Alexander Reed

Tags: #Fluffer Nutter,

BOOK: Love Inspired Suspense June 2014 Bundle 1 of 2: Undercover Marriage\Collateral Damage\Forgotten Past
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“Hey!” he yelped.

“Serena.” Josh held something up.

She glanced back. The missing flash drive with the evidence Dylan McIntyre had collected. Surprise and disgust for Bud washed through her.

The judge groaned. “You idiot!”

“Shut up!” Bud instructed in a muffled voice. “Don't say anything.”

Josh nodded his thanks to the attendant, freeing her to stand and release Bud's legs. Then Josh yanked Bud to his feet. “Come on, let's go.”

Spittle flew from the judge as he yelled. “Why didn't you destroy that?”

“It's my insurance in case you turn on me,” Bud spat back.

“I never should have trusted you!” the judge muttered. “This is all your fault. We had a good thing going until you blew it with the marshal.”

Serena gasped, flooded with the need to know what had happened to her brother. “Tell me about Daniel!”

“He killed him!” the judge said with glee.

Bud sputtered. “What? No, I didn't. You hit him over the head with your briefcase.”

The judge shot back. “You left him to die!”

Shock siphoned the blood from Serena's brain. She met Josh's stunned gaze. The judge and Bud had just confessed to murdering her brother in front of a hundred witnesses.

* * *

“I thought you would like to know I have signed confessions from Judge Simms and Bud Hollingsworth. They both will be going to jail for a long time,” Attorney General Kannon announced as he walked out of the chief's office at the Marshals Service district office. Chief Harrison and Agent Bishop filed out behind him.

Feeling as if a black burden had been lifted off her shoulders with the news, Serena pushed away from her desk, where she'd been trying to work up the gumption to write her report regarding the capture and arrest of Fred and Matilda Munders, Judge Simon Simms and the retired U.S. marshal turned traitor Bud Hollingsworth.

Across from her, sitting at his desk, Josh seemed to be struggling, too. His fingers pounded the keys on his computer so hard she expected bits of plastic to whack him in the face any moment.

He, too, rose and came around his desk to stand beside her. She felt his presence all the way to her low-heeled, stylish pumps. She'd returned to work in her power pantsuit, but for some reason the need to prove herself was decidedly lacking. Maybe the time undercover had softened her. But at the moment, she couldn't get worked up about it.

“The judge and Fred Munders apparently concocted the illegal adoption racket,” Agent Bishop said. He made a face. “Though each is accusing the other of being the mastermind. Munders, however, is the man known as Mr. Big, since he was the one who brokered the deals and hired the henchmen. They are both facing charges of human trafficking, murder, assault and a whole host of other offenses, both on the federal and local level.”

“As well as Hollingsworth,” Chief Harrison added grimly. “Bud admitted that he'd been supplying Simms with information on the investigation in exchange for a piece of the profits. He's the one that set up the car crash and sent the thugs to the cover house. He'd traced your cell phone, Serena.”

Loathing and anger filled her. Needing to hear the details of her brother's death and to understand why he was killed, she asked, “Can we speak with Bud? I have questions about Daniel.”

Josh captured her hand. “Are you sure you want to put yourself through that?”

“I have to know what happened,” she insisted, searching his face. “Don't you want to know?”

Josh breathed in and out, his chest rising with the motion as he seemed to consider, then slowly he nodded. “Yes, there are details I'd like filled in, too.”

Serena looked at the FBI agent questioningly.

“I see no reason why not,” Agent Bishop said. “I'll defer that decision to Chief Harrison.”

The chief contemplated them for a moment. “I will allow it. I'd like to hear the details myself.”

Nervous anticipation fluttered in Serena's stomach as they filed out of the offices and headed to the detention center. Once there, they entered a boxy room with no windows to wait for Bud to be brought in. A blue metal table sat in the center of the floor. Two chairs had been placed on one side and a single chair on the other.

The chief pulled one of the two chairs out and sat. Josh moved to a position in the corner, his arms folded over his chest, his face set in stoic silence.

Serena couldn't sit. Her nerves were jumping, her heart racing. She paced, aware of Josh's gaze tracking her movements. How could he be so calm?

This was one of the many attributes about Josh she'd grown to admire and cherish. No matter how bad things grew, he stayed in control, of himself, of the situation.

The door opened and Bud, wearing a tan jumpsuit and his hands and feet shackled by cuffs and link chain, shuffled in. Surprise flashed briefly in his eyes before shuttering to the mulish expression he'd had on the plane.

Serena stopped to glare at the man who'd taken her brother from her. Josh moved to stand beside her, his quiet support bolstering her courage to face the details of her brother's murder. A million questions flew through her mind. Why? How did Daniel end up in that alley? How had Daniel learned about the illegal baby ring?

Harrison spoke, preempting Serena's barrage. “Bud, thank you for agreeing to see us.”

Bud shrugged, lowering himself to the seat across the table from his former boss. “Figure if I cooperate it'll go easier.” His gaze encompassed them all. “Isn't that the line we tell the criminals we put away?”

Serena's hands fisted. Now Bud was one of those criminals. Josh's hand skimmed down her spine to settle on her lower back, the soothing gesture calming the tide of rising rage.

“Tell us about Daniel,” Josh said, his voice cold.

“What's to tell?” Bud said. “He took a call that never should have been allowed to happen.”

“What call would that be?” Harrison asked, his deep voice low.

“Joe Delacorte. He contacted the Marshals Service. Daniel caught the call. Delacorte told Daniel that he was meeting someone named Mr. Big and was supposed to exchange his daughter for a wad of cash. But Delacorte backed out and gave Daniel all the information. Daniel planned to show up and take down Mr. Big. Somehow Simon found out what was taking place and reached out to me for damage control.”

Outrage exploded through Serena. She took a step forward, wanting so badly to wipe that smug expression off Bud's face. Josh's hand slipped to her hip, his fingers pressing lightly, holding her back.

“You lured Daniel to the alleyway and killed him,” Serena said between clenched teeth.

Flicking his gaze to her, Bud shook his head. Was that true regret in his eyes? “I never planned on that happening.”

“You were the one he talked to while he was leaving me a message on my cell,” Josh said.

Bud's lips twisted. “Yeah.”

“Why didn't he inform me about the call?” Harrison asked. “He broke protocol.”

Bud smirked. “I convinced him the call was a crock and that we should check the situation out before we raised a ruckus over something that could turn out to be nothing.”

She could hear it now. His was the voice they'd heard on Daniel's message.

“You said Simon hit him over the head,” Josh said. “Why did Simon show up if he knew Daniel would be there? To what end?”

“I was as surprised as Daniel when Simon arrived. I was expecting Munders.” Bud shook his head. “Simon didn't want the scheme to go sideways, so he came up behind Daniel and hit him over the head with his briefcase before Munders arrived. Simon had it all worked out in his overinflated brain. Daniel would wake up with a headache. I'd pretend to have been hit as well and the whole thing would disappear.”

“That wouldn't have worked,” Josh said. “Daniel would have known something was up.”

Bud shrugged.

“He was lying there on the ground bleeding, dying, and you walked away!” Serena couldn't take it anymore. She lunged at Bud.

Josh's arm snaked around her waist, restraining her, pulling her backward up against his muscled chest and propelling her out of the interrogation room.

“Let me go!” She pushed at his arms.

He released her, his hands raised as he stepped back. “Okay, sweetheart.”

“Nothing will bring my brother back!” She paced away from him, her hands fisting at her sides.

“But we caught his killer.”

Josh's softly spoken words wrapped around her like a tether drawing her back to him. Standing in front of him, her breaths coming in ragged waves, she let the adrenaline spike flow out of her. “You're right. We did. Together.”

“And our undercover marriage is over.” There was a note of finality in his tone that set off unease sliding through her. “It's time for us to get back to our real lives.”

She tried to swallow past the emotion constricting her throat. It was now or never. She had to tell him how she felt before her courage deserted her. “Josh—” She stopped when a woman turned the corner and headed their way. Frustrated she grabbed Josh by the hand and tugged him down the hall toward the exit. “We need to talk, but not here. Let's go back to the cover house.”

* * *

Josh followed Serena inside the house in Compton Heights. He paused in the entryway as his gaze immediately went to the place where their mock wedding portrait had hung. It was gone now. Linda had wasted no time in dismantling their equipment. Josh and Serena needed to pack up their personal belongings, and then this special operation would be behind them.

And then they would return to their separate lives. Only seeing each other on the job. Never again would he be free to take her hand, hold her close. Kiss her.

“Josh,” Serena called to him.

While he'd stopped to ponder the destruction of their fake marriage, she'd continued on to the backyard. She stood on the porch, facing the beautiful yard. She'd said they needed to talk. He wasn't sure there was much to say. Despite his feelings for her, they had to reclaim the careers, the lives they'd had before being tasked with the assignment of bringing down the illegal adoption scam.

Serena faced him. Her lovely eyes were so full of emotion that his heart ached at the sight.

“I love you, Josh,” she said without preamble.

Stunned joy exploded in his chest. But he quickly tamped it down. “Serena—”

She held up a hand. “I had to say it before I lost my nerve. I know I haven't been easy on you these past six months. I was wrong to be so selfish by blaming you for something that wasn't your fault. I—”

“Serena, please don't,” he cut her off. “You weren't being selfish. You were being human.”

She chewed on her lip.

Tenderness filled him. And he knew, deep in his soul, that nothing else mattered in this world but this wonderful, beautiful, tough and kind woman. “I can't give you up.”

Her eyes widened. “You can't?”

“No. I'll have to quit the marshals and become an FBI agent.”

She made a face. “What? Why?”

“Because if we're going to make a go of a real marriage, we can't work together.”

Her eyes widened. Her mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out.

“In case I'm not making myself clear,” he said, tugging her close. “I love you, too, Marshal Serena Summers.”

Elation spread across her face. She snaked her arms around his neck. “I'm not letting you quit. We can be marshals and married.”

He grimaced. “What if I break your heart? Working together would be impossible.” Images of the heartbreak on his mother's face after learning of his father's treachery marched through his brain. The memory of the pain on Lexi's face when she walked out set up camp in his mind. He couldn't risk hurting Serena.

“Oh, Josh,” she said, her voice full of tenderness. “You are nothing like your father. You're the most generous, steady and compassionate man I know. You were there for me when Daniel died. You've stuck by me even though I was difficult to be with. You've had my back more times than I can count. Josh, you won't break my heart. You have to have some faith. As long as we seek God's help, we can withstand anything.”

He believed her. Faith would see them through. He bent his head, seeking her lips, her kiss. She met him all the way, giving of herself, her heart. His heart swelled with love and adoration for the incredible marshal in his arms.

“Hmm, now that's what I'm talking about,” she murmured.

He dropped his forehead to hers. “You were wrong, you know. About Lexi.”

“I was?”

“She didn't break my heart.”

Serena drew back to look at his face. “No?”

“She broke up with me because she knew that I was in love with you.”

A surprised and joyful smile spread across Serena's face. “Oh, really. Do tell.”

He grinned. “I've been in love with you since the day Daniel introduced us. I just was too dense to realize it.”

Tugging him back in for a kiss, she murmured against his lips, “Daniel would be pleased.”


n the day she learned of her brother's murder, Serena had thought she'd never feel anything but sorrow and misery for the rest of her life. But as she gazed into the loving eyes of her newly wedded husband, she realized she'd been wrong. So wonderfully, thankfully, blessedly wrong.

Despite the humidity on this Fourth of July evening, she swept the train of her fitted silk column wedding gown aside and pressed closer to the tuxedoed man she loved. Her husband, friend and fellow marshal.

She couldn't get enough of him and impatiently waited to start their life together as husband and wife. Such was her nature, as he'd probably tell her. The thought made her smile. He knew her so well.

From where they sat at the place of honor reserved for the bride and groom, beneath the stars in the outdoor reception Emerson Park pavilion on the shore of Lake Owasco, she watched a brilliant display of fireworks streak across the dark night sky and thought she could imagine her brother smiling down on them. She knew in her heart he'd be happy.

Delighted contentment crowded the grief of losing her brother to the far corners of her heart. She would always miss Daniel. His death left a hole in her life. Nothing would ever heal that wound, but Josh's love soothed the hurt and stirred her soul with longing and love.

“I propose a toast.” Hunter Davis, Josh's best man, stood, looking handsome in his tux, and raised his glass of sparkling apple cider, served in honor of his pregnant wife, Annie.

Annie, dressed in a pretty pink dress, which set off her rosy cheeks, sat next to Hunter, glowing with an inner bliss that couldn't be missed. On her lap sat her daughter Sophia, playing with a doll.

“To the bride and groom,” Hunter said. “Josh, Serena, may your years together be happy, healthy and full of love and faith in God, who gives us abundant blessings.”

Hunter's gaze moved to his wife and softened to adoration. They had made the decision to return to St. Louis for the event, but intended to go back to their new Montana home, where they had several acres of land and room for their children to grow. Josh understood, but Serena knew he missed his friend.

“To the happy couple,” Chief Harrison's voice boomed. He'd brought his lovely wife. Serena had liked her instantly.

“Here, here,” Colton Phillips called out, lifting his glass. Sitting to Colton's left, FBI special agent Lisette Sutton beamed. They'd flown in from Denver to attend the nuptials. They were engaged, their wedding date set for after the New Year. Josh and Serena were already planning their trip west for the event.

“To the newlyweds!” Burke Trier shouted. He'd brought a date with him tonight. When they'd arrived, he'd whispered to Serena that he thought this one might be “the one.” The day Burke settled down would be a banner day.

More cheers and good wishes were uttered from the small, intimate group of friends and relatives. Serena's gaze swept over those gathered. Love and gratitude flooded her.

Josh's mom and grandparents had come from Florida. Serena's parents had shown up as well, but sat at separate tables from each other. Par for the course.

Linda Maitland sat with Eve Cardinalli and Lonnie Bogler. Eve and Lonnie had declined going into witness protection. Eve had said what good was faith if she didn't believe God would protect her.

Emma Bullock and Officer Zach Jones were at that table, as well. The couple had been visiting Eve and Lonnie often this past month as they worked with Linda tracking down the babies and mothers separated by everyone involved in Perfect Family Adoption's despicable actions.

Serena heard Zach tell Josh he was planning to propose to Emma this week. Giddy anticipation for Emma's happiness raced through Serena. She wanted everyone to be as full of joy as she was.

Little Crystal Kay toddled around the tables, looking adorable in a frilly dress and shiny shoes. Watching her filled Serena with a deep yearning that was getting harder to resist. She wondered how soon was too soon to start a family. Hmm, something to discuss with her husband. Elation bubbled up and she giggled. She liked calling Josh her husband.

Off to the side was a table laden with gifts. Serena had poked through them, feeling like a kid at Christmas, anxious to unwrap the presents. Her heart had swelled with love and gratitude as she recognized the WitSec names given to Dylan and Grace McIntyre, and Morgan and Alex Reardon, and Hunter and Annie Davis.

In the days following the arrests and arraignments of the Munderses, the Simms brothers, Bud and all the henchmen they could round up, Serena and Josh had made trips. One to Hawaii, where the McIntyre family now resided, content in paradise. And one to the Seattle area where the Reardons had been relocated to. Morgan and Alex had started a home for at-risk youth.

Needless to say they were all elated and thankful to hear of the arrests and looked forward to testifying at the trials. But to be safe, each family had elected to stay within the program.

Serena clinked her glass to Josh's. “I love you,” she said.

“I love you, too. And I'll always be there for you.”

“You won't always have to be, Josh. Because God will be there for both of us.”

He laughed. “Now that's what I call backup.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from FORCED ALLIANCE by Lenora Worth.

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