Love Is in the Air (83 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray

BOOK: Love Is in the Air
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“Are these frog legs in here? Boy, somebody must have gone to…” Natalie’s voice trailed off before Regina could whisk the box away.

“You know, I kind of got ill on those. Let me throw them away,” Regina said, but Natalie would not let go of the box.

“It’s you! Oh, my God! Regina!”

Nearly distraught, Regina jerked the box away from Natalie and poured the contents down the garbage disposal. The sound of the blades grinding the bones was nearly sickening. Regina felt ready to vomit. How could such a perfect evening be transformed into this horrible feeling? Finally, Natalie turned off the disposal and forced Regina to turn back toward her.

“Regina, honey. What were you thinking? You can’t be out catting around with Quinton just because Wayne is gone.”

“What?” Regina said in shock. “But you said the other night… You know… that… you did…”

Natalie led her back into the front room like Regina was a feeble old woman, which was not far from the truth. Regina was glad to sit on the couch and let her wobbly knees recover.

The younger woman patted Regina’s knee. “Honey. Gus and I have an arrangement. You and Wayne don’t.”

“But you couldn’t believe that I had stayed faithful. You made it sound like I should have—”

“Regina. I was as high as a kite that night, hon. I’ve got to screw up all my courage and act all brash if I’m thinking about cheating. I’ve got to
brave and crass. You can’t listen to me! Your husband owns this town. He’s going to blow a gasket if he finds out.”

Shaking, Regina had to hug her knees. Reality was not nearly as appealing as fantasy. Why had she let herself and Quinton cross that line? Why had she not just let the relationship stay safe and perfect in her head?

“Don’t worry, Regina. I won’t tell a soul. I swear,” the younger woman actually sounded sincere. The usual bubbly, blank expression was replaced by a somber frown. “But you’ve got to end it with Quinton. I’m pretty sure that Ralph hasn’t told anyone else. If you play the good wife from here on out, Wayne may never find out.”

Choking sobs erupted from Regina before she could stop them. Natalie held her and rubbed her back. “Shh. It’s all right. I felt like this the first time I strayed. You’ll be okay.”

“But I think… I think…”

“I know. We always think we’re in love with ‘em until they squeeze the toothpaste wrong, then we figure out they’re just another guy. Somebody to keep us occupied while our husbands are off occupying themselves. It’s all right. This stage will pass. Just cry it out, hon.”

Regina had this incredible urge to call Quinton and talk to him about this, but that notion was ridiculous. It was that type of thinking that had gotten her into trouble in the first place. If this flamboyant, risky blonde thought that seeing Quinton was a bad idea, it had to be an absolutely horrible plan. Regina sobbed more as she realized she could never meet Quinton again. This near miss with Natalie was bad enough. Now that reality had set in, she could not imagine facing Wayne over the truth. Sickened, Regina leaned into Natalie and cried for all the dreams that would never come to fruition.

* * *

Quinton was getting tired of arguing with his assistant. “Help me or don’t, Ralph. But make up your mind.”

“Boss, look. We snuck out and told our women what was going on. We’ve done our duty. Give it up.”

Fixing his bolero, Quinton answered hotly. “Fine. I’ll do it myself. Just be sure to walk Hurricane before you go to sleep.”

The younger man grabbed his arm. “Quinton. Jesus, man. Stop and think about this. I mean, with all the tension around here, I’m as ready to get laid as the next guy, but you’ve got to think with your other head. We are under suspicion for felony crimes. You can’t just sneak off like this is some kind of—”

Quinton turned and gripped his assistant by the shoulders. He tried to convey his absolute sincerity to the younger man. “I am going. No matter the risk. Are we clear on that?”

“And what if the cops come by? What in the hell am I supposed to tell them?”

“Tell them I went out to buy some sex toys or something. I don’t care. All I want from you is to distract the office manager while I head out.”

“Quinton! Regina is not worth it, man.”

He did not have to think before he answered. “Yes, she is.”

Ralph looked like he wavered for a moment, but then shrugged. “Everyone said you had balls of brass. I’m glad I got to see them in action. Give me a few minutes, and I will have the old biddy eating out of my palm. She won’t notice a thing.”

“You’ll order the large pizza?”

“And turn on the shower and pay with your credit card. Just like you said, boss.”

Quinton shook his assistant’s hand. “Thanks.”

“You owe me.”

He had no doubt at all about that. Nor did Quinton doubt for a moment that Ralph would call that marker in, but Quinton was willing to pay just about anything for the privilege to see Regina again.

Ralph was true to his word and had the office manager laughing so hard that she was coughing that cigarette cough of hers. Quinton snuck by the office and down the back alley without a hitch. As the moon rose above the darkened hills, Quinton headed down the lonely stretch of road that led to Route 56. Excitement fueled his steps and desire burned in his heart. He was only a few hours away from the date of his life.

* * *

Regina drove down the road. She had no intention of meeting Quinton tonight. None at all. The house needed milk and some potato chips for tomorrow when Wayne got home. There was no law against going to the store, was there? Regina shook her head. That excuse might have gotten her out of the driveway, but it did not explain why she had left Fury at home and was traveling the exact opposite direction of the store. She had to face it; she was heading out to Route 56.

Once she got to the rendezvous, though, Regina was going to stand firm. She would explain to Quinton why they could not meet anymore. The most Regina could hope for was a sweet, lingering good-bye kiss. The very thought made her mouth go dry and moisture spread in an area where it had been too dry for far too long.

Regina nearly cried out when a man ran out in front of her car. Slamming on the brakes, she smelled burnt rubber. Who in the hell was so stupid? The passenger’s door jerked open, and a man smiled at her. It took her a moment to recognize his face.

“Quinton! What in the—”

The stranger’s smile widened until it was nearly blinding. “Hop out. I’ll drive.”

Quinton was at her door before she could even unhook her safety belt. The man took Regina’s hand and helped her out of the car. Where their skin touched was warm and tingly. Too soon, Quinton was urging her to walk around the car and get in on the passenger’s side. Her vow to not go through with the date was completely forgotten.

“What’s going on?” Regina managed to squeak as she settled into the passenger’s side.

Quinton gunned the engine and fishtailed onto the lonely stretch of pavement. “The cops are watching the motel. Ralph provided a distraction for me to leave. Do you think you were followed?” the man asked as he checked in the rearview mirror.

“Oh God. I don’t think so.” Suddenly Regina’s stomach ached again, and she remembered why she had sworn never to see Quinton again. He turned her insides around and made it hard to think clearly. Just as Regina was about to explain why she needed to go home, Quinton caught her hand.

Not only was his palm warm and inviting, the man intertwined their fingers. Even so, Regina was going to say something, but then he did the most wonderful thing. Ever so slowly, he began stroking the base of her wrist with his thumb. Her entire arm tingled. Regina never knew her hand could experience so much pleasure. If Quinton could make her feel like this with just his thumb, Regina shuddered to think what he could do with his whole hand, or better, his tongue.

Her body ached, but now it was with the most exquisite type of yearning. Regina could face anything with his hand in hers. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” Quinton said with a sexy smile on his face.

Did the man have any idea what type of effect he had on her? Regina could only hope that she had an equal impact on Quinton. She did not want this sensory cascade to end any time soon.

Quinton did not take his hand away as he took a right turn onto Route 56. Regina again wondered where they were going out in the middle of the boondocks, but she did not bother to ask again. She liked the suspense. It just added to her heightened feeling of anticipation. This evening did not have to go any further physically, and Regina had already been raised up to a higher plane of sensual expectation. Wayne pinching her ass was not going to be tolerated any longer.

Despite her sensory overload, Regina noticed how strange it was to be a passenger in her own car. It dawned on her that no one else had ever driven this car but her. In the maelstrom of her household, this vehicle had been her only sovereign domain. What did Meryl call her? The Royal Empress of the Road? Regina felt slightly out of control, and not necessarily in a good way about being on the passenger’s side of the car.

“I could have driven, ya know.”

“Of course you could have.” Quinton winked at her. “But tonight I wanted to be in the driver’s seat.” He squeezed her fingers a bit tighter and ever so tenderly caressed her wrist. “Don’t worry. I know the lay of the land. I’ll get us there.”

Regina was fairly certain that the man was not discussing Route 56 anymore, nor their destination. Chills went up and down her body, causing her nipples to tighten with just the thought of his hand upon her. If this was what being a passenger felt like, she would have to try it more often.

As they turned left down a deserted, unlit road, Regina looked around. They really were out in the middle of nowhere. “I thought we were going dancing?”

“Have some faith, m’dear. All will be revealed to you in due time.”

Blushing, and trying desperately to cover it up, Regina only nodded. Again, she knew that Quinton was not talking about their drive. Suddenly, up ahead she caught the glimpse of a huge bonfire. Flames licked upward toward the sky, and even this far away, she could hear the beating of drums. Regina now recognized where they were heading, but this knowledge did not soothe her nerves. If anything, she became agitated again. They were heading toward the Indian reservation. Regina did not like to think of herself as a racist, but in the years at Crow’s Landing she could not help but pick up the local distaste for the Native Americans.

Awkwardly, Regina asked. “We’re going out to the reservation?”

“Have you been out here before?” Quinton asked, sounding a little concerned with her tone.

“No. Have you?” Regina tried to sound upbeat, but she knew her tone sounded hollow.

Quinton looked at her before he answered. “Yes. I have family out here.”

Startled, Regina felt herself stiffen, even though she tried not to. Quinton’s fingers held their grip; otherwise, her hand would have fallen from his. Regina was ashamed of her bigotry, but could not help how uncomfortable she suddenly felt. The woman did not bother to hide the shock in her voice. “You’re part Indian?”

“A quarter. My father’s father was full-blooded Klamath. We used to come out here to visit his family. Does that bother you?”

What was she to say? Yes? Yes, it bothered her to find out that the man Regina thought she was falling in love with was a heathen. Regina could not even believe that she had thought that word. By no means was she a devout Christian. So why had she come up with that bizarre, derogatory slur? What did it mean anyway? Heathen? How much did Regina really know and truly believe about the local Indians, and how much was she just parroting what she heard in town?

Regina groaned inwardly. Like this whole rendezvous wasn’t hard enough already? Now she had to resolve her completely tangled emotions over a tribe she barely knew or had given any thought to.

Or maybe she did not have to overanalyze this news. Did it really matter that Quinton was part Indian? Did that really change how warm and soothing his hand felt in hers? The man was silent as the internal struggle raged inside Regina. How could she go to this reservation and look any of the tribe in the eye? Hell, Regina hadn’t even voted for the measure to put a larger schoolhouse at the reservation. What right did she have to go to a dance out here among these people?

“I take it potlatches aren’t your thing?” Quinton asked. His voice was now neutral.

“A potlatch? I’m sorry I don’t even know what that is.” Regina hoped that she did not sound as agitated as she felt.

“It’s a celebration. It usually involves coming together to enjoy one another’s company and the giving of gifts from the heart.”

Great, just one more thing for her to stress about. “But I didn’t bring anything to—”

Quinton squeezed her hand and shushed her quietly. “Don’t worry. I brought it.”

“What?” Regina’s voice didn’t hide her skepticism. Those jeans the man had on were skintight and did not allow for any hidden presents.

It was Quinton’s turn to look uncomfortable. Finally, he sighed. “I brought me.” His voice trailed off, but before Regina could ask, Quinton explained. “It’s been over a decade since I’ve visited. I know that just coming back will be considered a gift to my family.”

Oh, how awful Regina was beginning to feel. It was obvious that this celebration meant far more to Quinton than a simple clandestine rendezvous. He had chosen to share a part of his heritage and his life with her. And what was she doing? Whining about ethnicity? She had to be the biggest fool alive. Regina needed to be encouraging of his choice tonight, just like he had been last night at the club. It would be nice for him to lean on her for some support.

Before she could find the words to demonstrate her feelings, Quinton continued. “I know this is a shock. I should have warned you, but I couldn’t even voice the desire to come here to myself. I just sort of blurted it out in the parking lot, and once I did I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m sorry if the situation makes you uncomfortable. We can go anywhere else you want.”

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