Love Is in the Air (94 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray

BOOK: Love Is in the Air
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Ralph took her hand in both of his. “Natalie, what are you doing here?”

“I told them. I told them everything! They’re letting you out right now.”

Despite her assurances of a speedy departure, the deputy was slow to comply. Finally, the door clanked open and Ralph rushed out into Natalie’s arms. The scene was so tender that Quinton was startled when the steel door slammed shut, separating him from the others.

Natalie sobbed into Ralph’s shoulder as the younger man tried to comfort her. “Oh, Ralph, I’m so sorry. I should have come forward sooner.”

“It’s all right. What about Gus?”

“Oh, him. After I told him, he took off to Portland. I already called my lawyer to try to crack the prenup.”

Quinton was glad to see that the young woman wasn’t as hysterical as she looked. Natalie turned to Quinton. “I told them about you, too. They’re going out to visit Regina. I hope she does the right thing by you.”

So did Quinton, but in the opposite direction. He was glad for Ralph, but none too thrilled that Natalie had dragged Regina into this. Still, Quinton held his tongue. The girl had no idea of the magnitude of what was going on here.

Ralph finally turned back to his boss. “Quinton, I’ll call a lawyer I know in the morning and get him working on your case.”

“Thanks.” Quinton did not want to say too much around Natalie or the deputy, but he did want to be sure that the younger man was committed to saving the forest. “You’re going to do what we discussed? Right?”

Ralph gave a pale smile. It was nothing like his usual one, but at least it seemed sincere. “As soon as I finish thanking Natalie properly for getting me out of here.”

As the younger man kissed her head, Natalie chimed in, sounding her old self. “Damn straight you are.”

Quinton could not help but chuckle as the couple left down the hallway. If only his own relationship with Regina was so easily reconciled.

As if sensing Quinton’s melancholy, the deputy sneered before he left. “Don’t think you’re getting off that easy.”

The man’s cowboy boots clicked against the tile floor. The sound echoed off the walls. Quinton winced as the deputy slammed the hallway door shut. Taking in a lungful of stale air, it hit Quinton that he really was incarcerated. Sitting down hard on the unforgiving cot, he ran his fingers through his hair. There was so much to do, and here he was cooling his heels. He knew what Whispering Flower would say, but Quinton was in no mood to rest and be content with how things were unfolding. Too much depended upon the next few days. But for all the legal trouble he was in, Quinton could not help but think back to Regina’s last kiss and his hand upon her breast. What he wouldn’t give to be with her right now. The yearning felt like it was great enough to cleave him in two. How could doing something so noble hurt this badly?

* * *

Regina shut the door on Dooley without even saying good-bye. She could not face the sheriff for another moment and keep up the lie. The pudgy man had wanted her to deny or confirm Quinton’s supposed alibi, but Regina had refused to say a single word. Regina knew if she had mentioned Quinton’s name that she would have broken down in hysterics and his sacrifice would be for naught. Wiping away the tears that had sprung up even just thinking about Quinton in a steel cage downtown, Regina walked toward Michael’s room. To her shock the boy was playing away at his Nintendo like nothing had happened.

“Michael! Stop playing that right now!”

The boy’s body lunged to each side as he raced the computer. “In a sec, Mom.”

“Now!” Regina bellowed as she lashed out and pulled the video connectors out from the TV. The screen suddenly went black.

“Mom! You could—”

“Ruin your game? Destroy it forever like you almost destroyed your life tonight? Have you learned nothing?”

Michael looked sheepish, but Regina did not buy the act. The boy had to learn right here and right now that things had changed. “Tomorrow we are taking your entire electronics collection, including your CDs, into Bend. You are going to sell them off and donate the money—”


“One more ‘Mom!’ and I will call the sheriff back here right now and turn you in myself. Are we clear on this?” Regina’s voice shook, and she could not say Quinton’s name out loud. “An innocent man turned himself in tonight, but do not think for a moment you have gotten off any easier. You’ll serve the same exact sentence, only you will be incarcerated at this house. Understood?”

The boy looked sincerely contrite and began gathering his multitude of electronic toys that littered his room.

“I’m not done. You start back into therapy on Monday, and I will expect all homework done by six p.m.—every day.”

Michael nodded as he finished packing his gear.

Regina continued. “You will do at least ten hours of community service a week, and you will get a job and keep the money in a savings account to help pay…” Again Regina could not speak her lover’s name. “You will pay for his lost wages while he is in jail.”

Her son would not look her in the eye so Regina turned his chin to her. “Are you onboard for all of this, or do I need to make a call?”

Tears shone in the boy’s eyes. “I’m onboard.”

“I’m serious, Michael. The only reason he turned himself in was to give you one last chance to get your life together and salvage your future. For a single day, if I feel you are wasting this chance, I will turn you in.”

Michael could not hold back the tears. “I understand, but what about Dad?”

Regina hugged her son and smoothed the cowlick on the back on his head like she used to when he was much younger. “I’ll take care of Dad. You worry about yourself.”

“But he’s going to freak, and you know how he gets when—”

“Michael, don’t worry. There will be no more freaking.” Her son leaned into Regina’s embrace. She gave one final squeeze, and then released him. “You need to get to bed.”

The boy gave no complaint and climbed into the bunk bed fully clothed. That was not exactly what Regina had meant, but she did not complain. The sooner he was asleep, the better it would be. Walking out of the room, Regina recognized one of the CDs that was in the stack to be sold. Making sure that Michael was not watching, Regina pocketed the music.

Walking out into the hallway, she was nearly knocked over by Fury and Hurricane. They must have broken through the locked doggie door. Pushing the two enthusiastic dogs down, Regina headed for her bedroom. The first thing she did was pick up a pair of scissors. Not even looking in the mirror, Regina began hacking at her hair. Long locks fell to the bathroom floor, but Regina did not care how unstylish her new cut was. She was in mourning. In the Indian way, Regina would not grow back her hair until Quinton was returned to her.

With this task done, Regina moved to the bedroom. There was still much to do this evening. Before getting down Wayne’s suitcase from the closet, she put on the CD. The dance beat of Rob Zombie strummed the air. It was the song that she and Quinton had danced to in Queen’s Court. Letting the music buoy her mood, Regina went about packing Wayne’s clothes. Meticulously, she folded each of his shirts and even his underwear. This was the last time Regina would ever do that annoying ritual.

The sound of peeling rubber overcame the pounding beat. Her husband was home, and Regina found herself oddly calm. She had something Wayne could never touch or compare to. Regina had self-respect, and she no longer feared him. She knew he was in the house by the shudder the windows made. Only Wayne could slam a door so hard as to rattle all the glass in the house.

“Regina!” her husband yelled at the top of his lungs.

Serene, she answered, “In here.”

Wayne burst through the bedroom door with rage in his eyes. Her momentary peace was shattered by his violent outburst. Her husband raised the back of his hand before Regina could even get out a word. But she did not need to worry. Hurricane flew through the air and grabbed Wayne’s wrist before his blow could land on her face. The man bellowed in pain and kicked at the dog. Even Fury, his own dog, lunged and nipped at his pant leg to keep Wayne restrained.

Cursing and thrashing, Wayne looked mad enough to kill. Regina grabbed the dogs and pulled them back from him. She was glad that Hurricane had not broken Wayne’s skin, but she was satisfied to see some wicked bruises already surfacing on her husband’s wrist. Served the bastard right. Now he could know what it was like.

“You’ll never hit me again, Wayne.” Regina tried to keep her tone even despite the quivering in her stomach. “I’ve packed the rest of your things. Now get out before you do something you’ll regret later.”

“You bitch!” Wayne lunged but both dogs snarled and snapped in response. Her husband stumbled backward, shocked at their aggressive display. “I’ll get my damn shotgun! Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been doing, woman. Is this mutt your friggin’ boyfriend’s?”

“As a matter of fact, yes it is.” Regina relished the shocked look on her husband’s face. He had not expected the truth out of her. The woman used the momentary pause in his tirade to press her point. “Hurricane is staying here until—”

“Your precious boyfriend is sitting in my friggin’ jail, Regina. He ain’t coming back to save your fat ass.”

“As I was saying, Hurricane is staying—”

Wayne’s face was all blotchy and red. “Didn’t you hear me, bitch?”

That was the last straw. Regina could take no more. “Quinton turned himself in to protect your son, Wayne.”

“That how he explained it? Damn, I have to give him credit that’s the best line I’ve ever heard!”

Regina let her husband chuckle and have himself a good laugh before tightly explaining the situation to him. The smile on Wayne’s face fell in increments until a scowl, deeper than usual, covered his face. “That’s right, Wayne. You have Quinton to thank for Michael being home tonight. Now, let me repeat. You are leaving here tonight and giving me an amicable divorce and—” Despite the devastating news, Wayne defaulted to his usual response, uncontrolled anger. “Over my dead friggin’ body!”

The tension was palpable, but Regina simply shrugged. “Then I’ll turn Michael in. Leave or lose your son.”

This did give her husband pause, but soon he was sneering at her again. “You could never do that. You’d never turn Michael in just to get rid of me. Face it. You’re screwed.”

Straightening her back, Regina knew Wayne was right. Well, partially right. She would never turn Michael in just to get back at Wayne. But Michael’s predicament was not the only ammunition she had.

“You’ll leave because I know all your dirty little secrets, and I will tell each and every one of them.”

“Go ahead. I’ve survived every damn scandal you can imagine. People don’t give a shit about my ethics as long as I’ve got the cash,” Wayne scoffed.

“Who said anything about business?” Regina let her words hang in the air. The strangest sensation overwhelmed her. She felt almost outside of her body. Regina felt calm, yet energized in the same moment. She still had ahold of both dogs’ collars and felt their energy seeping into her fingers. If they would risk their very lives to protect Regina, she could at least do her part.

Finally, Wayne could not take any more suspense. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You have an Achilles’ heel, Wayne, and I know what it is.”

“Jesus, woman. I’m sick of this shit. Unpack the damn bags or—”

Regina kept her tone even and flat. She wanted Wayne to understand exactly how serious she was. Regina did not want to sound in the least hysterical. “You can’t get it up, Wayne. Haven’t been able to for years. You’re impotent. That’s the sad fact I will spread—”

Wayne lunged again, but the dogs backed him down, which only enraged him further. “You lying bitch.”

“I’m sure I can find half a dozen prostitutes in Bend that can attest to the fact.”

Her husband’s veins bulged. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“I have nothing to lose, Wayne. You have everything.”

Regina knew that sexual performance wasn’t everything, but a shallow, uneducated hick like Wayne did not. Even with this threat, Wayne refused to give up. “I’ll have you friggin’ committed!”

But why should he back down?
Regina thought. Every other time in their marriage, all Wayne had to do was blow up loud enough and long enough and Regina buckled. But not this time.

“Won’t your good ol’ boys be interested to know that you’re so far gone even Viagra didn’t help you?”

Wayne’s cheeks puffed in and out. “You lie! You can’t prove any of it!”

Trying to sound casual, Regina answered. “I can’t? How about the doctor’s bills to the urologist to get the consultation for an implant that you could pump up?”

Her husband’s face went from sunburnt red to a sallow white. He stammered something that Regina could not understand. Every bit of power seemed to evaporate from his form. She had him, and Wayne knew it. This game ended, or his shameful secret would be revealed to all. Regina found it horribly sad that Wayne could be moved for this reason, but not to protect his own son.

Uncharacteristically chagrined, Wayne picked up the suitcase. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

“No, you’ll be hearing from mine.”

Quietly, her husband walked out of the room. The front door closed so softly that Regina was not even certain if Wayne had truly left until she heard his engine start and drive away. With her husband really gone, her resolve buckled, and Regina’s knees weakened. Luckily, the edge of her bed was nearby. The dogs jumped up on the covers and licked her face until the whole surface was damp. Shaking, Regina rolled onto the bed. She could not believe what she had just done. Regina had faced down her husband and lived to tell about it.

Anger rose in her throat. Not at Wayne, but at herself. Why had she not done this years ago? Why had she suffered all these years without once rebelling? Rubbing her hand over her abdomen, Regina knew the answer. She had no idea that she could. Not until Quinton and this goofy Labrador came into her life had she realized her own potential. Hurricane must have sensed her thoughts, for the dog dove under the covers and rooted around. Fury followed suit, even though the Doberman had never taken an interest in such things before.

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