Love Is in the Air (91 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray

BOOK: Love Is in the Air
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Without any further hesitation, Quinton spoke. “When I was younger, the charges that are being pressed would have been true, at least partially. I hung with a crowd that did monkey wrench. I never participated, but I knew.”

A look of concern crossed Regina’s face, but she did not pull away. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought it was the only way to get people’s attention. I was so driven back then. I couldn’t see a single tree cut down without feeling like something had to be done, no matter if that action was illegal.”

“They didn’t have the right to damage other people’s equipment or jeopardize lives, though.”

Spoken like a true mother
, Quinton thought. She was right. If he had a child, he would say the same thing. “I’m not proud of it anymore, but I have to be honest. I was proud to be associated with them back then.”

“Would you do it again?”

Quinton shook his head sincerely. “No. Besides, the absolutely valid reasons you gave, those methods just don’t work. Companies buy more equipment and put up better security. I’ve learned the hard way that lawsuits are the only things that faze these guys.”

For a moment, Quinton forgot that he was talking about Regina’s family and friends. The woman seemed not to take it that way, though. She simply nodded. “Wayne does hate lawyers with a passion. Even his own.”

“You okay with this?” Quinton asked, surprised when Regina did not become upset.

“Yeah. We all do stupid, awful, reckless things when we are young. I’m just glad you survived yours. Your life would have been tragically different if you’d gotten caught with them.”

Quinton nodded in agreement. He did not want to think how different his life would be if he hadn’t eluded prosecution all those years ago. Regina must have read the concerned look on his face, for she traced his lips with her finger.

“Nothing else, right?”

Parting his mouth slightly, Quinton kissed the tip of her finger before he answered. “Nothing except my not-so-well-hidden desire to be with you.”

The woman said nothing, but he felt her fingers tighten in his grasp. Regina did not back away as he leaned forward, closing the distance. He searched her face before touching his lips against hers. It was her tongue that sought out his first this time. Her body pressed against him so that with each breath he could feel her breasts against his shirt. There was no shyness in this kiss. Her lips spoke of hunger.

Carried along by her rush of passion, Quinton’s hands felt down her back and caressed the outline of her hips and further down her outer thigh. Finally, he gently squeezed her behind and brought their hips together. Regina gasped as he rhythmically rocked his pelvis against hers. With her lips off his mouth, Quinton explored her earlobe with his tongue, then kissed his way down her neck. Goosebumps flowed in waves away from his touch. Regina moaned with each tender nip of his.

Realizing that lust was getting the best of him, Quinton tried to slow the pace, but Regina would not let him. Her fingers were entwined in his hair, urging him to explore more of her body. Quinton had the nearly overwhelming urge to start ripping her clothes off, but he shied away from such a bold act. While Regina seemed ready to take the next step, Quinton wanted to be sure. He did not want to ever see hurt in her eyes again over something that he had done.

Pulling away, he whispered breathlessly, “Regina, I think we should slow down.”

The woman’s voice was husky and urgent. “I don’t.”

Before Quinton could argue, Regina picked up his hand and brought it to her chest. He could not help but gently fondle her breast. The woman moaned deeply and leaned her head back with pleasure, offering her neck to him again. Through her clothes, Quinton’s fingers found Regina’s nipple and began stroking the tightening areolas. Regina urged Quinton’s head down her chest. With his other hand, Quinton unbuttoned the woman’s shirt.

Exposing the lace on her bra, Quinton took a moment to appreciate the contrast between the stark black of the fabric and the creamy white of Regina’s skin. Her complexion was like porcelain, almost too fine to touch, but Regina’s fingers were insistent in his hair, tugging him toward her chest. Slowly, trying to induce sensual torture, Quinton made his way down Regina’s breastbone. With each kiss, Regina shuddered underneath his touch. By the time he made it to her breast, Regina’s protruding nipple showed through her bra.

Wetting his lips, Quinton brought his mouth around her breast. He meant to be slow and deliberate, but between Regina’s moans and the tantalizing sensation of the lace against his tongue, Quinton almost immediately began rolling the nipple around in his mouth. Soon, he was sucking at her breast, causing her to arch against him.

“Oh, God…” Regina gasped as he gently let his teeth tug at her nipple.

Quinton felt her knees give out and slowly lowered them to the ground atop his blanket. Once lying down, Regina sought his mouth, and they kissed for what seemed like an eternity. He noticed that she encouraged him to explore her body, but had done little of her own probing of his physique. Sitting up briefly, Quinton pulled his shirt up over his head, not bothering with the buttons. Lowering himself back down over Regina, Quinton let the heat of their bodies mingle. Even though they were not in physical contact, her body was a tangible presence against his bare skin. Quinton brought Regina’s hand up to his bare chest and encouraged her to stroke his tingling skin.

At first, her touch was tentative. Quinton’s hand found her breast again and began massaging her nipple. Closing her eyes, the woman began her exploration of his body with more gusto. Everywhere Regina’s hand roamed, his skin flamed with desire. It was her tongue’s turn to find his nipple. It was a delightful sort of pain when she sucked hard enough to make his skin tent up within her mouth. Under her attention, his nipple tightened to the point where he could no longer contain his passion. Quinton’s hand sought Regina’s waistline, and he tried to unbutton her jeans, but his fingers were clumsy as his pulse pounded in his ear.

“I’ll do it.” Switching to his other nipple, Regina’s fingers undid the buttons and zipper.

Quinton had to pull away for a moment while he tugged her pants off. Sitting up over her, Quinton admired Regina under the moonlight. Dressed now only in black bra and panties, she was a sight to behold. Her chest rose and fell with each hurried breath. Eyes closed, she seemed to be waiting for him to finish undressing her. Regina obviously did not know that he was hardly done with the foreplay yet. The best was yet to come. He wanted her an equal participant in their lovemaking.

* * *

Regina waited, but Quinton only softly stroked the skin on her belly. How badly she wanted him to rip off her underwear and get on with it. This waiting was sheer torture. Wayne would have been on her and over with it already. This slow, delicate, deliberate fondling was almost too much to bear. It gave her mind too many sensations to process.

“Take off your bra,” Quinton whispered in her ear.

“Go ahead,” Regina whispered back.

There was a look in Quinton’s eyes that she was not sure if she liked or not. “I want to watch you.”

Regina suddenly felt self-conscious. She could feel her skin turn a darker shade of red. It was one thing to put Quinton’s hand upon her breast. It was quite another to reveal her flesh to him like this. Why could he not do it? Why torment her so?

“Please. You.” Her words came out as more of a groan than language.

Quinton brought Regina’s hand up to the clasp at the front of the bra, then went back to kissing the hollow of her neck, leaving her to do the deed. Hands shaking, Regina fingered the small plastic latch. She thanked God that she had put on a front-loading bra this morning. Regina did not think that she could have managed this if she had to do it from the back. But then again, she would have had an excuse to have Quinton help.

While she worked up the nerve to unhook her bra, Quinton’s hand had strayed down her side and over her panties. He stayed clear of her groin, but stroked around and beside it, fueling the fire beneath the silk. Using the rest of her body’s passion, Regina finally unlatched her bra. Without the hook, the material fell away from her breasts. Even this movement against her skin felt exquisite. Quinton stopped his other activities and just gazed down upon her. Regina squirmed uncomfortably. She was not used to such attention.

“They’re beautiful.”

So shielded against an insult, it took a moment for Regina to realize what Quinton had actually said. Before she could stop herself, Regina tried to correct Quinton with one of Wayne’s usual slurs. “They’re too small.”

Quinton’s hand cupped her left breast and tenderly worked the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “They’re the perfect size for my hand.”

Regina was near tears. Certain that any moment the rose-colored glasses were going to fall off Quinton, and he would come to his senses and see how unattractive her body really was. “They’re too dark,” she tried to explain

“They’re beacons calling me home.” Quinton did not speak again as he lowered himself over her.

She felt his kiss before he actually made contact. His lips tenderly nuzzled her nipple, sending it into near spasms. Ever so gently Quinton took the areolas into his mouth and began sucking at the tip. In rhythm with his tongue, his nose began nudging the fullness of her breast. Nearly violent waves of pleasure exploded from her chest and coursed down into her groin. There the sensation ached so badly that Regina could not find words to describe it.

The urge to have him inside her was so great that her hand sought out Quinton’s pants. Working urgently, Regina undid his zipper and pulled at his pants. While she undressed him, Quinton never stopped concentrating on her breast. It was she who occasionally had to halt her task when the pleasure overwhelmed her. Finally, Regina had his pants off, leaving him in only his underwear. The thin cloth did nothing to hide his bulging excitement. For a moment, Regina felt a pang of concern. Quinton was better endowed than Wayne. Make that far better.

For the most part, sex had always been an uncomfortable, almost painful event. Regina could hardly imagine the discomfort with a man this large. How would it even fit inside her? Quinton must have sensed her distress, for he stopped focusing on her breast and kissed at her earlobe.

“Don’t worry.”

Regina was not so certain. She loved the pleasure that coursed through her body, but feared that would end if they went much further. Tensing under Quinton’s touch, Regina was about to speak, but Quinton’s hand wandered to her groin and ever so lightly put pressure against her panties. The rapture that spread out from his touch, overwhelmed any fleeting concern. Had he not already proven himself the epitome of consideration?

Had Wayne ever, in the seventeen years of being together, ever given her breasts the type of attention that Quinton had? In the throes of passion and feeling safe in Quinton’s embrace, Regina tossed aside her worries. She looked into the man’s blue-gray eyes and smiled.

* * *

Quinton felt something shift inside the woman beneath him. The tension that had knotted her muscles flowed away, and she was none too shy about exploring his body now. It was almost too much to bear when she began caressing his thigh. When Regina’s hand slid around to the front and began playing with the cuff of his underwear, Quinton could not stand the anticipation any longer. Luckily, it appeared that neither could Regina, for she pulled his briefs down in a single motion, exposing him to the cold night air. Instead of stifling his arousal, the moist air just made him ache all the worse.

The time for subtlety was over. Now free of the constraints of the fabric, Quinton was stiff, and his whole body throbbed. Kissing Regina hungrily, Quinton began probing her panties. At first he pushed gently, nudging her softly, testing to see if she was ready. Through the silk he could feel her wetness.

“God, I want you,” he moaned into her ear.

Regina arched into his embrace and swung a leg over his hip and brought their pelvises together. In her eagerness, she nearly pushed him through her panties. There was nothing subtle or gentle about Quinton tugging the silk down her legs. With each pull, Regina moaned and dug her fingernails into his scalp.

There was no hesitation as she opened her legs to him. Desperate to keep some control, Quinton used his hand to guide himself into her. When his flesh met her wetness, he was afraid he would come right there and then. It had been so long he feared it would be over far too soon. Even though he had barely penetrated her, Quinton could already feel the urge to bring himself to climax. Clenching his jaw, Quinton tried to distract himself from the waves of pleasure that enwrapped him.

So intent on his own sensations, Quinton had not noticed the change on Regina’s face. When he opened his eyes, he found the woman biting her lip with the slightest wince in her eyes. Cursing himself for losing his focus, he tried to pull back a bit, but Regina’s legs would not let him.

“Are you okay?” he asked. Concern and passion thickened his voice to the point where he was afraid he could not speak.

“It’s all right,” Regina said as she tightened her legs around his waist.

It did not look all right to Quinton. Her face was pained, and he found himself softening at the thought that he had hurt her. “We can wait.”

“No!” Regina groaned. Quinton was still going to cool off, but the woman would not release her grip. “Please, go all the way in.”

Quinton’s mind might have disagreed, but his body wanted to obey. Regina made it no easier as she pulled herself up against him, forcing him deeper into her. As the pain melted from her face, Quinton began thrusting again, only more slowly and carefully. With each moan of Regina’s, his speed and force increased until their pelvises were grinding against one another. By the flush to her face and the tightening of her nipples, Quinton was sure that Regina was close to climaxing, but she needed something more.

Gaining purchase with his feet, Quinton tried a new angle, which brought shocked squeals from Regina. It was Quinton’s turn to wince, though. The blisters on his feet flared each time he thrust. Not caring about his toes, Quinton kept up the rhythm. The only thing he cared about was watching and feeling Regina orgasm beneath him.

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