Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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“You’ve had more than enough time to think.”

“You’re not listening.”

“Yes, I am.” He took her hand. “Why don’t we get some lunch?
I’m starving.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not hungry.”

“Well, I am. I passed a little café on the way to your house.”

She tried to pull her hand from his but he held firmed and pulled her closer. She stumbled and fell into his chest. She gasped and grabbed his arms for support. The air between them shifted. Heat slithered down her spine. And suddenly it grew difficult to breathe. Memories of the unbidden night they shared surfaced and flooded her mind. His eyes devoured her lips.

She cleared her throat and moved out of his arms. “You said you were hungry and I think I could do with a light lunch.”

He growled. “Now all of a sudden you’re hungry.”

She didn’t want food but if they stayed at the house,
they would definitely end up in bed. It was something she wasn’t ready for.
Besides, it wouldn’t solve their problems.

His lips tilted. “Are you sure it’s food you want?”

She turned away, confused by her need for him. “I need to change.”

“I like what you have on.”

She sucked her teeth. “You would. I’ll be only a moment.”
Moving down the hall to the bedroom, she felt his eyes on her back, but she
refused to turn around. She quietly closed the door behind her, leaned against
it, and exhaled.
Whew. She was in big trouble.

When she returned to the living room, Ashton stood at the
window but turned upon her approach.

“I’m ready,” she said.

She’d changed into a red sleeveless cotton blouse that covered the entire stomach. A modest khaki skirt now replaced the hip-hugging shorts. Ashton scanned what she was wearing.

He opened the door, and whispered in her ear as she passed. “Changing your clothes can’t hide what I know is beneath them. You think you are off the hook but don’t get too comfortable. You’re running toward the finish line and I’ll be there waiting for you when you cross. ” His lips lightly grazed her ear. “Then the heat we share will explode. You can count it.”

Chapter Eight


At the little Mexican café he requested an outside table. It
had a wonderful view overlooking the ocean. The tall bleached blonde hostess
who sat them at their table couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of Ashton.
Nicole knew how she felt. He was drop-dead gorgeous but what made it powerful
and magnetic was that he was oblivious or just didn’t care.

He ordered chicken fajitas, spicy rice, and iced tea. She
settled for a grilled chicken salad and a glass of club soda with lime. Her
stomach was still doing somersaults.

While they waited for their food, the waiter set a small complimentary
basket of warm homemade nachos and salsa on the table. He sipped his drink and
Nicole nibbled on chips while her gaze wandered off to the far off mountains.
The beauty was breathtaking. Sometimes the mountains seem close and then other
times far away.

The silence was calming and peaceful. But thinking of the man who sat across from her caused it to dissipate. He thought she was pregnant. She wouldn’t entertain such nonsense. It wasn’t true. It just couldn’t be. She took a long swallow of the soda water.

She squinted. His Armani jacket fitted his shoulders perfectly. His hair was a longer than he normally wore it, causing him to have a more dangerous and brooding look. It intensified his handsomeness.

Nicole blinked when Ashton took her hand, wrapping his long
fingers around hers. She hadn’t realized the call ended.

“You’re frowning? What are you thinking about?”

She took another sip of the club soda and forced a smile. “Nothing. I was enjoying the weather.”

He leaned in close like a hunter cornering his prey.

The waiter returned with the food, changing the mood. Once
the server left, he picked up his fork and started to eat while she took a
couple of small bites of the salad. She resulted in pushing the lettuce and
chicken around on the plate. After a while, she stopped pretending to eat.

He frowned. “You hardly ate anything”

“I had enough.”

“You have lost weight.”

“I don’t eat when I’m not hungry. Besides missing a meal
won’t hurt, I’m a long way from skinny.”

“You’re perfect.” Ashton pushed his plate to the side and reached for her again, gliding his fingers on the pulse at her wrist. The intimate gesture felt so natural. “I love touching you.” He placed a warm kiss in the palm.

She squirmed in her seat, feeling the flutters again and stimulation
in her core.



He didn’t stop his progression. He placed two of her fingers
in his mouth, his tongue making circular motions around the tips before
releasing them.

“Uh…What are you doing?”

Ashton’s eyes captured hers. His tongue ran slowly over his lips. “Raspberry walnut?”

Mesmerized, she tried to remember what they were talking about. “Uh?”

“Your greens were pre-mixed with raspberry walnut dressing.”

“Ah…yes, I believe they were.”

A tilt to his lips created a tiny smile and Nicole caught her breath at its brightness. A smile wasn’t usually associated with Ashton’s face. Of course he threw out smirks and half grins in degrees but smiling always seemed alien when it came to him.

“You like?” he said, continuing his assault.”

She pulled her hand from his. “No.”


A genuine smile crossed his face now, causing his blue eyes to light up.

She returned the smile, shaking her head at his arrogance.

“You’re so full of yourself.”

“Really?” He signaled their waiter but the hostess arrived instead. She handed him the check, but leaned very close to Ashton’s chair while he scanned the bill. Nicole frowned at the blatant unprofessional stance.

“That will be all,” Nicole said in a frosty tone.

The blonde floozy blushed and walked away.

Standing, Ashton pulled cash from his wallet and laid a few
bills on top of the check. He assisted from her seat.

When they got to the car, he opened her door but she didn’t get in. “Are you going to say something?” Nicole said, furious at his nonchalant attitude.


“Why not?”

“I don’t need to. You were jealous.”

Nicole sputtered, “I wasn’t jealous.”

He whispered against her cheek, “Yes, you were.” Ashton gave her a gentle kiss, then deepened it and released her mouth. “I liked it.”

“I was
not jealous.

Again he kissed her. With a will of its own, her body settled into the intimate embrace. Not realizing it, she barreled against his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around her. She sighed in contentment.

The feel of his arousal caused an ache that swelled with
heat. She wanted him.

“Let’s go. We need to be around a lot of people.” His tone guttural and intimate, sent warmth through her entire body. “I’m taking you on a tour of San Francisco.”

“A tour?”

He winked at her. “You’ll love it.”




He parked the rented Mercedes at an ocean lookout and they got out. Although the area wasn’t crowded, there were quite a few people enjoying the afternoon sun. Vendors were selling food and drink. She and Ashton walked the little path to the ocean in peaceful silence. She enjoyed the quietness and it gave her an opportunity to think and observe him.

After a while, they stopped at one of the vendor’s stand.
“Would you like something?”


Ashton paid the vendor and found a bench for them to sit.. He stretched out his long legs, lifted his face to the sun, and sighed.

He seemed relaxed, which surprised Nicole. She would’ve never thought this was his type of environment. Ashton was a business mogul who was always on the move. But here he was with her acting as if taking a stroll and sitting on a bench along the ocean was routine when it came to him relaxing.. As usual he looked good. He was dressed in fitted, straight leg, black jeans, and a crisp white shirt, that hung outside of his jeans. The cuffs of the shirt was turned exposing the light spray of dark fine hair on his arms. The only jewelry was a bold, gold Rolex watch on his wrist. To complete the look, his sockless feet were housed inside a pair of Italian loafers. For a Texan, he seldom wore boots.

Although, the picture he presented was casual and successful,
no one would’ve guessed that he was on
Forbes Magazine
list of billionaires.
The only thing that may have given him away was the Armani jacket that lay
discarded on the back seat of the car.

He drained the last of his water in few gulps and tossed the empty container into a trash can nearby. She did the same and then tilted her face to the sun enjoying the heated rays on her face.

Eyes closed, she said, “You need to go home, Ashton.”

“Come with me.”

She sighed. “Why must you continue this? Don’t you see we have nothing in common? It’s not going to work.”

“I disagree.”

“We argue too much.”

“We don’t argue. We
debate. I know you’re passionate about foster care for children, so am I.”

Surprised, Nicole stared at him. “Really?”

“That surprises you?”

“Yes, it does. You don’t
seem the type to be an activist.”

“I’m not. But when I’m passionate about something, I do what I can to make the situation better. Plenty may disagree, but I do have a heart.”

“My best friend,
Danielle Evans, is a product of the foster care system. She’s told horror
stories of things that can happen within the system. She was one of the lucky
ones to get adopted, but the percentage of children who don’t is high.”

“Brody was lucky also. He was left on the doorstep of an orphanage at five days old but adopted within a couple of weeks.”

“I knew he was adopted but I didn’t know how he came to be so. Is that what drives you to be a contributor?”

“Knowing he was
discarded like garbage with only a note can have a pretty profound effect on a

“I know. Brody’s lucky to have you as his friend.”

“Brody and I have been
friends since we were kids. We’re brothers. I would do anything for him.”

Surprised at how much he’d revealed, she wondered if anyone really knew Ashton Campbell. He was basically a loner with only one friend who was as complicated and aloof as him. She pondered for a moment.

“You’re the anonymous
benefactor for
Angel House
. I would’ve never guessed. I’ve volunteered
there for years. Your money has done a lot for those children.”

Although, he didn’t admit it, she knew it was him. This was the Ashton she never knew. Who would’ve guessed he had a softer side?

“Children should never
feel neglected or not wanted.”

“I agree.”

“Come home with me,
Nicole,” he asked again.

“Why are you going backwards? I thought we were finished with that topic. She sighed. “I’m not going back to Texas…at least not right now.”

“Why are you afraid
of me?”

“You can be overwhelming, but I’m not afraid of you.”

“I’m not a brute, Nicole.”

“I never said you were.”

“I don’t want to be…at least not with you.” He stood. “I’m tough when it comes to business. Many have called me I’m ruthless. I accept it. I don’t have time for people who don’t pull their weight.”

“You’ve always been too rough on Brent.”

He snorted. “Brent is a Sinclair. When it comes to business,
he’s too damn indecisive. He needs to make rational decisions not flip flop
back and forward.”

“You work hard, alone and incessantly. He’s not you, Ashton.

“You’re damn right. He’s not me. And it’s about time you realized it.”

“I’ve never compared the two of you. How could I? Brent is
so different. He’s kind, funny and gentle.”

He laughed crudely. “You make him sound like a pet.”

“See what I mean? You’re insensitive, Ashton.”

He shrugged. “I call it as I see it.”

“You could learn kindness from him,” she persisted.

“Can we talk about something else besides Brent?”

She swallowed the childish urge to stick out her tongue at him. Ashton could make her lose her temper quicker than any person she knew.

“Do you know what your problem is?”

“I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

“You have an incessant
need to control everything and everyone around you.”

“Then help me to change,” he uttered softly. “You’re too stubborn and beautiful to fail at making me the man you want.”

She could hardly believe what just happened. His mood changed quicker that a stop light and immediately the anger subsided. He was the most incredible man she had ever met but damn if he wasn’t driving her crazy. “What are you doing?”

“Paying you a compliment.”

“Your flattery doesn’t affect me.”

“I wasn’t trying to flatter you. I was stating a fact. You
know me. I always say what I mean.”

Nicole threw out a quick laugh and stepped back. He was making it harder for her to recall what they were arguing about. A riot of emotions assailed through her body, leaving her unsettled. It was feeling she was becoming used to.

She looked at his lips and remembered how they trailed her skin igniting a fever pitch. Those memories needed to be forgotten. But damn if she didn’t want a repeat performance…just one time…to create more memories. She would be naïve not to realize lust was fleeting. But love was a lifetime experience. She wanted it all.

“I thought you needed to get back to Dallas or wherever your
meeting is being held.”

He moved closer. “I’m exactly where I want to be.” He took her arm and they started to walk. “I’m the boss. I get to play hooky whenever I want.”

Someone stepped in front of them and snapped their picture.

“What the hell!” Ashton jumped in front her, blocking her view. “Who fuck are you?”

“Ashton!” she said.

“Is this your new woman, Mr. Sinclair?” Nicole tried to peer around Ashton’s shoulders at the man talking. She noticed another man had joined the one taking their pictures. “What’s her name?” He tried to glance at her But Ashton wasn’t having it. He placed his hands at his hips, expanding the width of shoulders.

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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