Love, Lies and Scandal (3 page)

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Authors: Earl Sewell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

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lthough it was only 6:30 a.m., JoAnn's thirst for alcohol was strong.

"I could use a dirty martini or two. Naw, fuck the martini, I could use some hundred-proof rum," she said softly to herself. She'd been lying awake in her Las Vegas hotel bed for only a few moments, contemplating whether to reach for the phone and order up her drink. She closed her eyes again then repositioned herself in the super-king-size bed as she tried to locate Jesse's warm body. When she couldn't make contact with him, she focused her attention on the sound of the room. She heard muffled voices passing by her door in the hallway and the sound of water running continuously.

"Damn, he's already up," JoAnn whined as she wondered why he'd decided to get out of bed without cuddling first. She hated the fact that he moved around like the damn Energizer Bunny on caffeine. The sound of the water ceased and a moment later Jesse exited the bathroom.

"Hey, I'm glad you're finally awake. The bathroom is all yours." He began to dry off and dress. "I need you to get up right away because we've got a ton of work to do. We've got to get down to the convention center early and set up the booth. I also need to see what other vendors are charging for particular items so that I can see if I need to offer some additional discounts to potential customers. I don't want to be undersold. I've spent a lot of money on the booth space as well as shipping a boatload of merchandise to sell. Did you remember to bring the credit card machine?" Jesse was now fully dressed and ready to attack the day and JoAnn felt like going back to sleep.

JoAnn knew that if she'd suggested that they order up breakfast and a few cocktails, Jesse would disapprove. She knew he'd say things like, "You just recovered from your alcohol and gambling addictions, why are you even thinking about drinking?" JoAnn knew that Jesse would blow up at her if he knew she'd lost control over her urges and had been secretly drinking and gambling behind his back.

"Stop yelling out orders at me," JoAnn snapped at him. "I'm not some damn machine."

"Baby, we've got to get moving. We can't afford to move at a slow pace. Time is money, so let's make this happen." Jesse popped his fingers at her. "Our competitors are probably already at the convention center waiting to meet customers." He stepped over to his suitcase.

"Why can't we just relax in this bed for a little while, huh? Why don't we just say 'fuck it' for today and skip the sports-and-fitness expo and just enjoy each other?"

"JoAnn, stop playing and get up. This is the third day of the expo. We want to make some money." Jesse went into the closet and removed a pair of running shoes.

"I'm serious, Jesse." JoAnn positioned herself on her knees. "We could just lie in this bed, make love and order room service for a day. Doesn't that sound like fun? I could do some really freaky stuff to you." JoAnn thought the promise of a wild sexual experience would be more than enough to slow Jesse down.

"We don't have time for all of that right now, JoAnn. I came out here to make some extra cash for the sporting goods store, do some networking and run the Las Vegas Marathon. I've already agreed to stay on a few extra days afterward to enjoy the city."

"You're not going to enjoy walking around with me after you've finished the marathon and you know it. You'll be too damn sore and you'll be complaining the entire time." JoAnn wanted to change all Jesse's plans so that they could spend time with each other walking the strip, gambling and seeing the shows.

Jesse gave her an icy stare. "JoAnn, I don't have time to debate this with you. You knew exactly what the deal was when we came here. Why would you purposely try to change things now?"

"Because, I don't--" JoAnn stopped herself midsentence. "Never mind, Jesse. I'll get up. This trip is all about you, as usual."

"Good. I'm going to run down to the lobby and grab a luggage cart so that we can haul our equipment over to the convention center." Jesse sat on the edge of the bed and began tying up his shoelaces.

"I'm just some old workhorse to you," JoAnn grumbled as she got out of bed.

"And I'm just some inconsiderate jerk who's been paying all of the bills, putting food on the table and working hard to keep the business in the black instead of the red. Last time I checked, a hardworking black man was still in style," Jesse quipped.

"Whatever, Jesse. You can toot your horn for as long as your ears can stand to hear you speaking." JoAnn finally entered the bathroom. "You're just an inconsiderate overachiever who doesn't know how to take time and enjoy life."

"What did you just say to me?" JoAnn could tell by the tone of his voice that Jesse was more than ready to have an argument with her this morning.

"I said that you don't know how to enjoy life. You don't know how to be spontaneous and just go with the flow," JoAnn said, not backing away from the swelling conflict.

"Honey, I'm more exciting than you'll ever be.
the one who can't keep up with
in the sack."

"News flash, Jesse. No girl wants to have marathon sex every time she gets intimate. You don't even know how to relax when you're having sex. Everything is about competition with you. I swear, sometimes when we're together, I feel like you're running one of your damn races. You just keep going until I dry out."

"Hey, if my lovin' is too much for you to handle, just let me know." Jesse now stood in the doorway of the bathroom. JoAnn looked him in the eyes and she could tell his temper was rising. At that moment, she decided to back down and let him win this round.

"You're missing the point, Jesse. Never mind, I'll be ready to go in a few moments," JoAnn said as she placed a line of toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"Good. Leave our argument in this room. Do not bring it to the convention center." JoAnn didn't say another word. She slightly pushed him out of her way as she exited the bathroom. She picked up the telephone on the nightstand and dialed room service.

"Did you hear me?" Jesse asked.

"I heard you," JoAnn answered him just as room service picked up the line. Jesse began walking toward the door as JoAnn placed her order for two apple martinis to help her get through the day.

JoAnn both admired and loathed Jesse's natural charm, magnetism and charisma when it came to working the public. He had a gift. He could talk to anyone at any time and make them feel immediately comfortable. No matter what walk of life they hailed from, whether it was wealthy, middle class or the underserved, Jesse knew how to relate to people. JoAnn didn't have that natural aura. Whenever people--especially women--met her, they seemed to judge her and size her up. Before she could even speak, she could sniff out their attitude toward her. She wasn't a fitness fanatic or a hyped-up marathoner like Jesse and the people who surrounded him. She was just a middle-aged black woman with an ample ass, thick thighs and a belly that would balloon up from time to time when she ate something that didn't agree with her. By no means did she consider herself to be a sloppy-looking woman, but she certainly wasn't trying to look as if she were in her twenties.

"The running shorts are thirty-five dollars and the matching top is twenty-five, but if you buy them together, I'll let you have them for an even fifty dollars." JoAnn listened and watched as Jesse worked his charm on two women who were noticeably flirting with him. He was all business though. If a woman wanted to have Jesse, she'd have to pretty much toss him on the ground and rape him before he'd pick up on the fact that she wanted to screw his brains out.

"I am so sick of these Barbie bitches," JoAnn muttered as she approached Jesse from behind.

"Okay, handsome, I'll buy them from you," said one of the women, allowing her eyes to dance all over Jesse. It was obvious she was having herself a quick little fantasy about the two of them as he bagged her purchases and gave her a receipt.

"Now you have a safe run tomorrow and shoot for your best," Jesse said as the woman took her purchases.

"Maybe I'll see you out there," she said as she and her girlfriend stepped away, looking at him longer than necessary.

"Maybe I'll see you out there," JoAnn mocked the woman as she stood next to Jesse. "Who were they? Some of your running groupies?"

"No, that was Lisa and Monique. They're runners from the Bay area."

"They were both smiling at you awful hard. I thought you knew them or something."

"No, they were just being friendly, that's all," Jesse said.

"Do you have your wedding ring on?" JoAnn asked.

"Of course I do." Jesse gave her one of his evil glares. "What's wrong with you?" He had no clue as to why she was irritated.

"You just make sure that you let these running groupies know that you're taken already. I don't feel like having to beat a bitch down today."

"JoAnn," Jesse said through gritted teeth. JoAnn knew that she'd unintentionally struck a nerve. "Put that damn attitude of yours in check."

"I'm just letting you know, okay? I'll beat a bitch down in here."

"The last time you got into a fight, you didn't do so well, remember?" Jesse began moving away from her to help a man who was looking at a pair of sunglasses. His comment hurt her and stirred up a multitude of bad feelings. There was no need for him to bring up the fight she'd had a few months back with her niece.

"I need another drink," she whispered to herself. She looked back at Jesse who was finalizing another sale. She reached for the flask in her purse and drank the vodka and orange juice she'd mixed up and poured into it.

"I feel so much better now," JoAnn said as she exited the hotel bathroom wrapped in the complimentary bathrobe. She'd decided to take a shower while Jesse counted the day's cash and receipts. "My legs are aching from standing up all day. Will you rub them for me?"

"Yeah, in a minute," Jesse answered as he continued to count money.

"Do you mind if I turn on the television?" JoAnn asked as she positioned herself on the bed.

"Yes, I do. Just give me one more minute," Jesse said as he continued mumbling to himself and writing down numbers. JoAnn huffed as she waited patiently for him to finish.

"Okay, it appears as if we didn't do bad at all. It cost forty-five hundred dollars to ship merchandise out here, pay for our airfare and hotel expenses, as well as cover the cost of the booth space. I have eight thousand, five hundred dollars in cash and another six thousand dollars in credit card receipts. So that adds up to fourteen thousand, five hundred, minus expenses, which leaves the business earning a profit of ten thousand dollars. We've made a handsome amount of money over the past three days." Jesse smiled.

"You know what we should do, babe?" JoAnn had what she thought was a grand idea.

"What?" Jesse asked as he placed the money in a secure bag and then moved toward the safe in the room.

"We should take some of the money and have a little fun. We should go gambling just for the hell of it."

Jesse laughed as if he agreed and then stopped abruptly. "No," he said with conviction.

"Why not? Let's live a little, let's be spontaneous and enjoy ourselves. We can afford it," she said with glee.

"No, that's called being irresponsible. Besides, you know that I don't gamble. I work too damn hard for my money to throw it away."

"We're in Las Vegas, Jesse. That's what people do here. They have fun," JoAnn argued.

"Babe, I have a marathon to run which means that I'm not going be up all night fumbling around at a casino. Besides I was reluctant about you even coming on this trip because I know casinos aren't a very good place for you."

"It's not like that anymore and you know it. I know how to control myself. We can splurge a little during our extended stay. Let's just budget out a certain amount."

"No. My idea of fun is sticking to what we agreed to. We're going to enjoy a Las Vegas show or two, have romantic dinners and go dancing. Gambling is just not in my nature."

"Not even a little? You won't even play the penny slot machine?" JoAnn asked, slightly horrified by his unyielding position.

"That's right. Now, tomorrow, while I'm running the race, I want you to wire the money to the business account back home."

"Fine," JoAnn said as she picked up the remote and turned on the television. Jesse locked the safe and then went to take a shower. "Can we at least order some room service?" JoAnn asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." Jesse shouted out his answer.

"Cheap bastard, I can't stand your ass sometimes," JoAnn mumbled as she picked up the room-service menu. "I'm going to order the most expensive item they have," she said as she scratched the palm of her right hand. "I must have some unexpected money coming my way. That's what it means whenever the palm of your hand begins to itch for no reason at all." JoAnn smiled at the thought of having a large sum of money at her disposal to do whatever she pleased with. With that thought, both palms began to itch. "Shit, luck must be on my side."

There were thousands of people preparing to run the 26.2-mile run and no matter how many times JoAnn had witnessed the number of people who were crazy enough to participate in the race, she was always amazed by their dedication to it.

JoAnn had just finished helping Jesse stretch up and was walking with him to the starting point of the three-hour-and-forty-five-minute-pace group.

"So, do you actually think you'll finish the race in three hours and forty-five minutes?" JoAnn asked.

"If I finish it in four hours and fifteen minutes, I'll be happy. But if I can hang with the pace leader the entire way, it would most certainly be a personal best for me."

"Well, good luck and don't hurt yourself," JoAnn said, giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"At what mile marker should I be looking for you?" Jesse asked.

"Look for me around mile ten. That will give me time to wire the money," JoAnn explained.

"Good." At that moment, a loud air horn went off indicating that the race had begun.

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