Love, Lies & The D.A. (52 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Rohman

BOOK: Love, Lies & The D.A.
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I pull
her into my arms. I don’t want to let her go. I want to be close to her. I want
to stay by her side. However, for us to have a happy future, I have to put an
end to this ugly situation that’s followed us. I look into her beautiful hazel
eyes, kiss her gently, then leave.


noon. I’ve
been wired and hooked up with all sorts of hidden cameras
and mikes. The money is in my possession, and I await their call. I sit in my vehicle
in the underground parking lot at my office and wait… one hour, two hours,
three hours. Close to four o’clock, my phone rings.

black town car is about to pull up behind you,” the voice says.

I turn
and so said, there it is. “Yeah, so now what?”

the money into the bags he gives you,” he says. I see a man approaching my
vehicle. My hand is inches away from the gun besides my seat.

not giving you one dime until Jada is safely with me.”

get her. Transfer the cash into these bags. In parking spot G112, a black BMW
is there. Leave your vehicle, your cell phone, and that nice little Glock you
carry, and get into the car. All you should have with you is the cash. You’ll
get a call with directions on what to do next from there. Don’t try anything
funny. I have eyes everywhere.”

call ends, and I take the bags from the man. He drives away. So far, the FBI
anticipated everything correctly. They’re listening to my conversation. I do as
he asks then walk over to the BMW. As I get in, the car phone rings.

to Potrero Hill. Once you arrive, we’ll tell you what to do next, and you’re
being followed, so no funny business.”

ignore his comment then end the call.

to Potrero Hill,” I say to the GPS. Twenty minutes later, I arrive at my
destination, well aware that two vehicles followed me the whole time. When I
arrive, the phone rings.

in the glove compartment; you’ll see the exact address of a building. Drive in,
take the money, and get out of the car.”

not doing that until I see Jada alive.”

in the building. You will see her in the back of a van. Stay on the line with

I do
as he says. When I drive into the old abandoned warehouse, I see a vehicle
similar to the one that drove away with Jada that night. The same one I saw
parked at that building the day of her rescue. The back is open, and from a
distance, I can see a very similar looking woman to Jada. She is blindfolded,
gagged, and handcuffed. Her hair falls mainly over her face, I suppose to
further disguise her identity.

I look
around. The only people I can see are she and I. No one else is in sight. A few
old rusty shipping containers are all that occupies the space. I drive the car
up closely to the vehicle. I see the woman waiting.

her into the car then put the money in the back of the van.” I do as he asks,
but I doubt they’d ever make it this easy. I also take no comfort in the fact
that they’ve provided me with this vehicle, but I guess I should in the fact
that the FBI should be around to support me.

free to leave,” the man says.

glance at the agent at the back as I start reversing out of the building. She’s
already freed herself from the cuffs with a hairpin she has in her mouth.

You are Jada.”

be surprised what a good makeup artist can do.” She smiles.

vehicle cuts out when I near the exit, but when I try to restart it, it’s dead.

A man
pops up from behind a container, and he is pointing a gun directly at me.

out,” the man says.

second you get a chance, get out of here,” I tell the agent.

and his team are observing this from somewhere, so I follow his directions.

As I
step out of the vehicle, the man motions me to walk to the center of the open
floor. A group of about maybe ten men emerges from another old container inside
the warehouse.

all armed, surrounding me. Their weapons look like Uzis. The scene reminds me
of the movie Scarface. I feel an overwhelming thump in my chest. No one could
have prepared me for the way I feel, no amount of practice or training.

Kole…” says a voice coming out of the container.

I look
to see who appears out of its darkness.

surprised to see me?” the thirty-something-year-old says with a thick Italian
accent, clad in a black suit.

I have no clue who you are.”

allow me to introduce myself. I’m Giorgio Rossellini, son of Francesco

Mob boss Francesco Rossellini?

wasn’t aware he had a son.”

how you Americans like to say… an illegitimate one.”

I reply nonchalantly.

it is. It’s funny how opportunities pop up sometimes.”

do you mean?”

it’s too bad that you fell in love with Jada. She looks nice enough; she’s
innocent in all this, but somebody had to pay for the money Richard stole from

“I don’t

let me help you understand. Richard had been helping us launder money for
years, until he decided to steal from me. He begged me to give him time. He
said he was going to cash in some stock that the lovely Ms. McLean was going to
give him after their wedding. But once I heard the wedding was off, I knew he
and I would have a problem. I had to teach him a lesson… make an example of
him. So, I went after Jada for the money. I even got
Chief of Police to apply some pressure.

tough, though. Smart. She wouldn’t budge. So imagine my surprise when I find
out the DA that put my father behind bars is in love with the woman who I want
to pay me my money. It was perfect. I get the money from her… or you, who
cares… I get my money back, but if I kill her, then you… I get payback for you
putting my father behind bars for the rest of his life, and by killing her, you
feel what it is like to have someone you love taken away.”

A man
shows up with the agent and throws her to the floor besides me.

this is all about revenge?”


sounds like thousands of helicopters blast through the air. Hundreds of agents
in tactical gear appear out of nowhere. They down ropes through the windows and
doors, and they invade the space. I look around me. A shootout ensues, and the
last thing I see is a gun staring me in the face. Like in slow motion, I see
Giorgio’s finger pull the trigger, and I hear the click, then the blast.



Chapter 1







last few days are the most difficult days I’ve ever had to face, but out of
that difficulty, I realize how deeply in love I am and how important Jonathan has
become in my life. The fact that he feels the same fills me with joy. Joy I
didn’t think I could feel after feeling such hurt and sadness over this past

I wish
he didn’t have to go into the office, but I look forward to seeing him for
dinner in a few minutes. He should be home any time now.

past eight thirty, and he still isn’t home. He’s not usually this late. I call
his cell phone but get no response. I call the
, and
it rings out with no response. I call his direct office line

thing. I call the regular office line, but nothing.

suddenly feel uneasy and sick, and my instincts are telling me something is
wrong. Dreadfully wrong. I call Cooper, and when he tells me he hasn’t seen
Jonathan for the day, my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.

I call
Phillip… then Douglas. No answer. It’s not possible for so many people to all
be busy at once. I get out of bed and head into the living room. Bobby and Val
are watching TV. They switch it off as soon as they are aware of my presence.
Immediately, I know everything my instincts tell me is right.

going on?” I ask.

tries to smile, but his lips almost refuse to curve. I know he’s keeping
something from me.

me what’s going on? I know something is wrong… I can feel it.”

I don’t
know why, but in quick succession, tears stream down my face.

I don’t want you getting upset,” Bobby says, trying to hug me.

I push
him away, snatch the remote control from him, and turn on the TV… They were
watching the local news station.

no,” Bobby says as he tries to get the remote from me.

face fills the screen. I quickly turn up the volume.

FBI has confirmed reports that ex San Francisco District Attorney Jonathan Kole
was shot and killed in a sting operation late this afternoon trying to secure
the release of Jada McLean, who had been kidnapped over the weekend. At this
time, the condition of Jada McLean is unknown.”

I sink
into the sofa and stare at the screen, dazed. My heart shatters in my chest,
and I shiver wildly.

Mr. Kole recused himself from a murder case involving Jada McLean, who had been
charged with the murder of her fiancé Richard Preston, then CEO of Pacific
National Bank.

He cited
Jada McLean being a family friend, and his late father’s representation of her,
not to mention his belief in her innocence as his reasons for recusal. Since
then, Mr. Kole resigned from his position as District Attorney after the death
of his father, citing personal and family obligations.

it had been rumored that Jada McLean and Jonathan Kole were in a relationship,
but WCSF has not been able to confirm those rumors. At this time, the FBI has
confirmed that nine arrests were made, there were two deaths, and several
injuries, but they have failed to give any further details. Reporters are
presently on the scene at an old warehouse in Potrero Hill, and we will update
you as new details become available.

have some recent film footage from the San Francisco Bar Association’s Annual
Dinner this past Saturday where Mr. Kole was the keynote speaker at the event.
His father, Charles Kole, was also honored that night. We at WCSF would like to
extend our condolences to the Kole family.”

of this is true… He told me he was going to the office,” I say calmly.

sits next to me.

I think it might be true. He told me about it. He didn’t want to worry you.”

FBI is leaking this story to the networks. It’s not true.”

I think you need to prepare yourself. This is a real possibility. He didn’t
give me all the details, but he told me from yesterday the sting operation was
on. He asked me to make sure I stayed with you during that time. I’m sorry.”

didn’t you stop him?” I scream. “Why did you let him go?” I pound his chest,
and the tears won’t stop. I break down in his arms. This is the worst thing
that could ever happen. He died because of me. He lost his life for me.

I run
to my room, and Bobby follows closely behind.

is a mistake,” I cry. “Phillip will tell us. That’s what they want us to think.
That’s the story they want to get out. You will see.” I dial his number again.
This time, he answers. “Jada, send the elevator down, I’m in the lobby.”

elevator doors open, and before he even says anything, I shout, “Tell me it’s
not true!”

I’m so sorry.”

fine, right? You are just leaking this to the media because you’re not ready
for the full truth to get out, right?”

I’m sorry. He’s gone. I’m sorry.”

I don’t
want to believe what I’m hearing.

This is a mistake. He said he’d be here; you’re wrong.”

wish I were. I’m sorry. He asked me to give you this in case anything went

I pull
the envelope from him, and he hands Val a large paper bag.

did you have to get him involved?” I cry.


knew how dangerous this was. You put him in harm’s way. You put him in this


away… Go! Get out!” I scream.

As he
disappears behind the elevator doors, I collapse into Bobby’s arms. I feel like
my heart has been ripped out. Bobby holds me, consoling me in his arms. Moments
later, he picks me up and carries me to my room.

As I
lay my head against the pillow, I smell his aftershave, and I find myself
screaming out in emotional pain.

want him to come back,” I cry. “He was supposed to be home for dinner.” I feel
like I’m losing my mind.

just told me he loved me, and I just told him I love him. This can’t be real.
It can’t be true. This is not happening; it’s a mistake.” I simply can’t
believe that he would so quickly come into my life and then cruelly be taken

know, Sweetie… I know it’s hard, but we’ll help you through this.”

“I don’t
want to get through it. I want him back. I want him to have dinner with me as
he promised. I want him to hold me in his arms and tell me this is just a big

breathing becomes increasingly rapid. I feel like I almost can’t breathe at


*     *     *


Something’s wrong with Jada,” I shout.

scared to death. I’ve never seen my sister like this.

runs into the room.

“Oh God,
she’s having a panic attack. Get me my medical bag, quickly.”

I leap
out of the room at her request, then quickly return.

Sweetie, you need to relax. Take long, deep breaths with me,” Val says,
coaching her through the process.

responds, but very slowly.

me some water, Bobby,” Val says while fishing some medication out of her bag.

I reply, handing her a glass from the bedside table.

Sweetie, take this. It will help you relax,” Val says, handing her the glass
with a tiny peach pill. She takes it then lies down, but she won’t stop crying.

only time I ever saw Jada this devastated was when Dad died, but even then, it
wasn’t this bad; not even after Richard’s death was she like this.

has sedated her, so for now, she’s calm and has fallen asleep.

I call
Phillip and he comes upstairs. Jonathan was his friend. I know this can’t be
easy for him either.

Jada?” he asks.


we could never have imagined any of this. Please do not talk to the media right
now. Keep Jada away from them. Over the next few days, more arrests will be

“Is it
safe for us to be here?”

this building, yes. Outside of that, no.”

the charges against her going to be dropped? I need to get my sister out of

highly possible over the next few days. We’ll see what we can do to expedite
the process.”



cell phone
rings. The caller ID says Charles Kole.


“Hi. This
is Caroline Kole, Jonathan’s mother. You must be Bobby?”

Mrs. Kole, I’m so sorry.”

sorry too. How’s Jada?” Caroline asks.

good. She’s in a mess. She’s heartbroken.”

so sorry.”

never seen her this way. I’m scared she won’t recover from this.”

“I can’t
believe this. Jonathan called me this morning. In retrospect, I realize what he
was up to, but I didn’t at the time. He asked me to promise him that we, as a
family, would support Jada if anything were to ever happen to him. I think he
walked into this knowing he could lose his life…”

so sorry about this. I know it can’t be easy losing your son so soon after
losing your husband.”

not. Let Jada know we’re thinking about her. If you need anything at all,
please don’t hesitate to call.”

you so much for calling, Caroline. I wish it could have been under more
pleasant circumstances.”

too. Goodnight.”


*     *     *


I wake
from a splitting headache. My eyes burn and feel sore. I hope that all this is
a bad dream, but after turning on the local news station, his face is still all
over the screen. Now, so is mine. There’s a picture of us together, probably
taken a few weeks ago at Lake Tahoe. We were hugging each other at his house,
in his kitchen the weekend we visited with his family.

suppose I have Wendy to thank for such a private and intimate moment in our
life being plastered all over the TV so the masses could gawk at.

I turn
the volume all the way down, but the caption at the bottom of the screen is a
cold reminder of what happened today.

envelope Phillip handed me lies on the bedside table. I carefully open it and


My sweet Jada,

If this letter finds you, it
unfortunately means that things did not turn out as I’d hoped. I’m sorry I lied
to you, but it was only because I hoped it would spare you the worry. I wanted
to help this situation end. I wanted to give you your life back, so that we
could have our new beginning.

I love you. I fell in love
with you soon after meeting you, but the circumstances of your life forced me
to hold back. I’m not sure you will ever understand how deep my feelings run
for you, but I want you to know. In the short time we’ve been together, you’ve
occupied a very special place in my heart. I will take that with me to my

Life goes on… Don’t be sad for
too long. If there’s anything that my death has done, it is hopefully that you
have your life back.

I will miss looking into your
beautiful hazel eyes, or hearing your smart mouth and listening to your
infectious laugh. But know this. There are three of us looking down upon you

I know that you’ve had an
extremely rough few days. But I believe in you, and I want you to believe in
yourself. You’re bright, smart, and courageous, and those are just some of the
reasons I fell so deeply in love with you.

I have no doubt you’ll make it
through this, and some lucky man will sweep you off your feet and you will
finally get the life you deserve.

I will always love you. Think
positive thoughts.

Love always,



letter brings tears to my eyes. If I had known he was contemplating doing this,
I would have stopped him. He being alive and safe was so much more important
than getting my so-called life back. This is the worst possible outcome. I
would have much preferred him lying next to me safely than him being dead.

should have given them what they wanted. I should have paid them off. Then, he’d
be fine. He wouldn’t have found the need to uncover who was really behind this.

that this has happened, I want them to pay for what they did to him, for what
they did to us, and for taking him away from me. I will make it my life’s
mission to make sure whoever did this rots in prison for the rest of their
Godforsaken lives.

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