Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel) (18 page)

BOOK: Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel)
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“Miss Chapman,” he asked slowly, “do you wish me to join you two on your walk?”

She smiled. “Thank you for your offer, my lord, but I shall be all right. We will just be outside in your mother’s gardens.”

“If you are certain.”

“I am.” She looked at Nigel. “Shall we proceed?”

He held out his elbow for her to take. She slipped her hand around the crook and followed him outside. Before the door closed behind them, she peeked behind her to see if Andrew was still there. He was—and still watching. She smiled and gave him a wink. Immediately, the worried lines in his face disappeared as a smile claimed his expression once more.
She knew he would watch her from afar just in case she needed his help.

Mr. Radcliff,” she quickly began before he started a conversation, “I have been told that you came into a good inheritance lately. Is this true?”

He balked, his eyes blinking rapidly. “Well…um, er..” He cleared his throat. “Forgive me, Miss Chapman, but I wasn’t prepared for your bold question.”

“Actually, it is I who should ask for forgiveness. Being forthright is something I’ve always done.” She shrugged. “Perhaps it’s because I’m an American.” She figured since that worked before with the people she’d met last night, it would work again.

He chuckled. “Yes, I believe you are correct.”
A brisk wind blew against them and he rubbed his cheek. “But I will forgive you and answer your question. My uncle died a few months ago and I was the next male heir and so received an inheritance. The ball last night was my first social event since my inheritance.”

So that’s why Andrew had never seen him before, especially when they had both traveled to the future.
“I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. Please accept my condolences.”

I will, Miss Chapman. So what of you? Do you have relatives here in England?”

Just my cousin and her husband.”

“Do I know them?”

“I cannot be certain. My cousin’s name is Samantha, and her husband is Colin. They are untitled, and surname is Firth.”

“Colin Firth…” He
pulled on his ear. “I don’t believe I have met him, or his wife.”

“Probably not. They don’t associate in the same circles as you or the Harringtons.”

“So then how did you come to meet this family if your relatives do not associate with them?”

Oh yah, right…like she was going to tell him the truth. “I was separated from my family and the
y took me in. The duke is helping me to find them.”

“How very kind of
him to help a stranger.”

“Well, yes. He does have a giving heart, indeed.”

“Giving heart…”

Nigel’s statement was so quiet, she wasn’t quite sure if she heard him correctly. She studied his face carefully. He kept his focus on the path in front of them, but instead of the pleasant smile he had a moment ago, he was scowling now. From what she could gather, Nigel didn’t think
the duke had a giving heart at all.

“Did you say something?” she asked.

He snapped his attention back to her. Gone was the scowl and in its place was a smile.

“No, I was just thinking aloud, I suppose.”

“What were you thinking?”

He turned them down another path—this one taking them to the small maze
made out of manicured hedges, that from a far looked spectacular but she’d not been inside it yet. And she for certain didn’t want to be in the maze with Nigel.

“Forgive me for voicing my thoughts and doubts,” he said, “but I have never known the
Merricks to be so kind to strangers. I have always known them to be secretive, and uncaring kind of people.”

“Well, I suppose you have known them longer than I, but from what I’ve come to see over these past few days, there are no better people than the Merricks.”

He stopped right before entering the maze, and faced her. “Are you certain they are not after something from you?”

She nearly laughed out loud, but refrained when she realized he was serious. “Why would they want anything from me? I’m a penniless waif in their eyes. The only family I have are my cousin and her husband. My parents did not leave me any money. So tell me, Mr. Radcliff, why would the duke and duchess want anything from me?”

He shrugged. “Perhaps you know some bit of information that they are after.”

“Like what?”

“I could not say. I’m just making suggestions is all.”

He stepped to go into the maze, but she tightened her hold on his arm and turned them back toward the house. “I think it’s time we go inside. Although the sun is out today, the air is still rather nippy.” She bundled the cloak around her throat more. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Besides, I have probably taken too much of your time already. I should leave you for the other gentlemen I’m sure will pay a visit today.”

As he walked her back to the house in silence, she thought about his most confusing words. She didn’t know what to make of it—of him—but she did know one thing for sure. Nigel Radcliff, was not a man to be trusted.

Chapter Sixteen


Andrew waited all evening for Halle to sneak away from his sister and mother to come visit him in his bed chambers, but so far she hadn’t arrived. Growling with impatience, he paced the floor of his room,
removing his coat and waistcoat. He’d give her thirty more minutes and if she didn’t come, he would seek her out.

It had bothered him to see so many men show up at their door, wanting to get to know Halle a little more. But what
concerned Andrew the most was that man Nigel had also come. Halle had mentioned that she’d seen Nigel in her time—in the future. What exactly did that mean? Could this man possibly be involved with the group of people who attacked Andrew’s family?

He needed answers soon or he’d go stark-raving mad!

And when was his sister supposed to be kidnapped? Georgiana; his kind, loving, and very innocent baby sister. Their parents had kept Georgiana sheltered for many years. When she was younger, she was a sickly child, and his mother felt Georgi wouldn’t live. All these years later she was healthy, but she became ill quite easily. He couldn’t allow someone to take her in this winter weather. He didn’t know how she would survive.

Stopping, he looked at his timepiece. Why wasn’t Halle here yet? So perhaps he wouldn’t give her thirty more minutes. He’d search for her now.

He threw open the door and stormed out of his room. As he turned the corner to head down the other hallway, he came face to face with the woman he couldn’t get out of his mind.

They bumped into each other, and he
clutched her arms to keep her from toppling over. She gasped and gripped onto his shirt. When recognition hit her, she smiled wide.

“Andrew,” she whispered. “I was just coming to see you.”

He heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed. “I could not wait, so I was coming to your room.”

She chuckled softly. “Well, your room is closer. Shall we go there?”

“Yes.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to his bed chambers, keeping a cautious eye for anyone watching. But it was late and he supposed everyone was in bed.

When the door was securely shut behind them, she heaved a sigh and leaned against the wall. “It’s rather fun sneaking around, don’t you think?”

He chuckled. “I suppose the sneaking is the enjoyable part, but the waiting nearly kills me.” He stepped closer to her and wrapped her in his arms. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to hold you next to me and kiss your delectable lips again?”

Keeping her eyes on him, she tilted her head. “How long?”

He bent forward and pressed his forehead against hers. “Since we kissed in the stables.”

“That was right after breakfast.”

“Exactly. A long time ago.”

Her smile widened. “Well, don’t feel alone. I’ve been thinking about you all day,
wondering when we could be together again.”

He lifted his head and stared into her intoxicating green eyes. “
I don’t know if I believe you. After all, you’ve been kept busy with gentleman callers all afternoon.”

“Just because I’ve had visitors doesn’t mean I haven’t thought of you constantly.”

He stroked her long hair, loving that she’d taken it out of the coiled style it had been in earlier. So soft and satiny…just the way he liked it. He also liked that she was wearing her white nightgown and wrapper. Although she knew being in his room like this was improper, she’d risk her reputation just to talk to him.

“Why were you thinking of me?” he asked, his gaze dropping to her mouth.

“Probably the same reason you were thinking of me.”

Gently, he cupped her face and brought his lips closer to hers. “To see if our next kiss
would be as powerful as the last one?”

“Oh yes
…please,” she sighed and leaned up to brush her lips across his.

Releasing a groan, he kissed her deeply, and passionately. Telling
was like issuing a challenge, and he was certainly up for that. He slid his arms around her, bringing her closer. Her palms slid in a gentle caress up and down his chest, but she didn’t hook her hands around his neck like she usually did. This time, she moved them around his waist to his back, pulling him that much closer to her. His heart hammered faster, loving the way she touched him with so much feeling in each stroke.

And h
eavens, her kisses tasted good. Like berries and mints. Never had he hungered for a woman as much as he did Halle. Even his mistresses couldn’t come close to the passion he felt while kissing Halle. Every kiss and touch from her was
. He could feel her emotion; even her heartbeat because it matched his perfectly.

He trailed his lips across her cheek, over her chin, and down her neck.
As he nibbled to his greatest delight, she quivered beneath his touch. Her breathing was as ragged as his own, making him want more. Much more.

He slipped his hand between the
ir bodies slightly to tug the tie of her wrapper and loosen the garment. When it pulled away from her chest, he moved his mouth in the direction.

Halle gasped and
withdrew. Her bosom rose and fell quickly as she stared at him. She swallowed hard and licked her lips. “No, Andrew. We cannot take it that far.”

Disappointment washed over him
and he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers again. Why did she have to think logically right now? But women always were the ones who could think their way out of bad situations—or in this case; a most damaging situation.

he stroked the side of his face. “As much as the idea tempts me, I must be strong and say no. I’m not ready for that…yet.”

He nodded and kissed the tip of her nose. “And I respect you for
having control. I wish I could be as strong.”

“You are.” She pulled her wrappe
r together and tied it securely at her throat.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped away from her and into his room more. “So tell me, my sweet Halle, why did you agree to take a walk with that Nigel fellow earlier this afternoon?”

“Oh, Nigel!” She hurried to him and clutched his arm. “Thanks for reminding me about him. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like that man. Some of the things he said were very confusing.”

Andrew arched an eyebrow. “Now you know how I feel most of the time when I talk to you.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Forgive me.
” He chuckled. “Please continue. What did Nigel say to make you feel this way?”

She released his arm and paced in front of him as she wrung her hands against her belly. “When I had mentioned
to him how generous and kind your father was, I heard Nigel snicker under his breath. He tried to tell me that your family has always been secretive and uncaring.” She stopped and met Andrew’s gaze again. “He even suggested that your father was only being nice because he wanted something from me.” She flew up her hands. “Can you imagine that?”

Immediately, the conversation his father had with his sons that very morning after Halle was found beneath the tree popped into
Andrew’s head. Strange to think Nigel wasn’t far from his target in this aspect. Andrew’s father had wanted his sons to be nice to Halle…to gain her trust in hopes that she would tell them the truth.

“That’s amazing.” Although it wasn’t a good
reply, it was the only thing he could think to say right now.

“I know, right?” She shook her head. “But deep in my gut,
I feel something isn’t good about him. We really need to keep an eye out for him to see if he does anything out of the ordinary.”

He wanted to chuckle at her way of talking. She used such different words that made him want to laugh. But this conversation wasn’t a laughing matter. If Nigel was behind his family’s attack, Andrew wanted to be ready for it.

“I will ask my friends about him,” he said bluntly. “Hopefully, we’ll find something out soon.” He paused briefly, then asked, “How many more days do you think we have?”

“I wish I knew.
Me coming to your time has altered the timeline.”

She tapped her finger on her chin as her gaze narrowed toward some object behind him. She appeared to be thinking hard, so he didn’t interrupt.

“In my time when I was at the bed and breakfast, the day of the attack happened on December 20
. If things are still in motion, that means we only have a few more days to figure out who is doing this.”

His chest tightened. “And what if things are not in motion because you are here now?”

“Then we might have a few extra days. Or it might not even happen at all. Remember, your sister still hasn’t been kidnapped.”

“Do you honestly believe
Mr. Radcliff might be a key player?”

She nodded. “I do, but I don’t know how just yet.
I did discover that Nigel was given a large inheritance lately when his uncle died.”

“This is good to know. I’ll look into the matter tomorrow.”

“I’ll see what I can find out, as well. Your mother has asked me to accompany her and Georgiana tomorrow when she goes into the village to purchase a bonnet. Apparently there is a woman who has a small shop there. So perhaps I’ll get to know some of the townspeople and see what they have heard about our good ole Mr. Radcliff.”

“When will you be leaving with my
mother and sister?”

“Probably later in the morning. Why?”

He shrugged and stepped closer, touching her cheek. “Because I want to make sure you return home in a timely manner.”

She laughed. “I assure you, a couple of hours away
will be too long. I’ll make sure Georgiana doesn’t buy out the woman’s small shop so we can return quickly.”

He bent and kissed her lips briefly before pulling away. “Then I’ll bid you good night now. Until tomorrow.”

He opened the door and peeked outside in the hallway, before motioning for Halle to leave. He kissed her one last time before watching her hurry back down the hallway toward her room.

Why did he miss her already?

* * * *

Halle sat in the coach across fr
om Georgiana the next morning. It surprised her to see Andrew’s sister up and ready to go so early, but apparently Georgi
liked to shop.

Then again,
there wasn’t much difference between Georgi and a teenager from the future.

It was also surprising that
the duchess decided not to go with them at the last minute. Andrew’s mother assured Halle that she would be a fine companion for her daughter in the older woman’s absence.

When Halle and
Georgi had first entered the vehicle, the teenage girl couldn’t stop jabbering about what she was going to buy today, but soon she stopped and silence had filled the space between them. The only noise disrupting the stillness was the squeaks from the coach and the crunching of the wheels on the rocky road. Occasionally, Georgi would sigh. Whether it was a sigh of boredom or daydreaming, Halle didn’t know.

stared out of the window, but didn’t focus on the passing scenery. Instead, her mind kept whirling around everything—and nothing. As much as she knew what was supposed to happen to the Merrick’s, her knowledge wasn’t helpful at all because she couldn’t do anything to stop it.

She still didn’t know how to
even search for the person responsible for gathering the mob in the first place, and she especially didn’t know how she and Andrew could stop it. Several times now she had mentioned to Andrew about his family’s jewels…the treasure the mob was after, but not once did Andrew say anything about this subject. Did the Merricks really have jewels that dated back to the 1200’s? If so, Andrew really needed to say something to his father about the threats being made.

She frowned. Then again, giving up these treasures to the mob wasn’t the answer. So what was the answer?

“Miss Chapman?”

’s sweet voice pulled Halle out of her thoughts and she looked at the girl sitting across from her. Today Georgi chose to wear a yellow day dress with matching bonnet. Halle didn’t think yellow was a good color for the teenager. It made her face and blonde hair a shade paler. “Yes?”

“May I call you Halle?”

She smiled. “Of course.”

“Splendid. I have always wanted a close friend, and this past week, you have been very nice to me and
given me the companionship I have been craving.” Her cheeks blossomed with color and she lowered her gaze. “You must think I’m a ninny for saying such, but growing up, my brothers were my friends…well, mostly Andrew.”

“I’m sure Andrew was a wonderful friend—and brother.”

The girl’s gaze popped back up and twinkled. “Indeed, he is the greatest brother any girl could have. I can see you like him, too.”

Halle sucked in a quick breath. What
did Georgi
see going on between Halle and Andrew? “Yes, I think he is a very nice person. The perfect gentlemen, in fact.”

BOOK: Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel)
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