Love Me ~ Through the Storm (23 page)

BOOK: Love Me ~ Through the Storm
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“That is yet to be determined, little girl.” Kane slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to stand in front of him.

“Night, y’all,” Bailey waves as she goes out the door.

“Night,” We wave back as everyone piles through the front door.

“Finally, I have you all to myself.” Kane turns me to face him.

“Well, your mom is in the kitchen putting away food. I think we should at least tell her goodnight.”

“Night, mom!” Kane yells, walking me backward to our room.

“Goodnight, kids, love y’all,” Deb hollers back.

In our bedroom, I turn the bedside lamps on and fold back the covers on our bed.

“Hey, Babe, I’m going to start the shower, and I want you in there in five minutes or less.” Kane gives me his classic smirk.

“I’ll be right in,” I say, then go into the closet and get the shower stool I bought for us.

Kane is already in the shower when I walk into the bathroom. I open the shower door and set the stool in the back.

“Fuck me, I’m getting great ideas for that already,” Kane says, eyeing the stool.

“You’ve read my mind. Now sit and let me take care of you.” I point to the little bench.

“I like it when you take control.” He sits down with his little man standing at full attention.

“Uh-huh, I can see that. Now what was that little girl business a while ago?” I take off my clothes and step into the shower. I reach for the loofa and shower gel then make Kane watch while I wash myself, taking my time, being very deliberate.

“Come over here and sit on my lap, I’ve got something to show you.” Kane reaches for my arm and pulls me over.

“What’s that?”

“I’m going to show you what I do to little girls who misbehave.”

“That sounds nasty, Kane. As long as I’m the only girl who you show how to behave.” I laugh as I straddle him.

“You’re stuck with me, Oakley, and I happen to like it that way.” Kane kisses my neck.

“I happen to like it, too.”

“I may not be perfect and I’ll screw up, but I’ll never stop showing you how much I love you,” Kane says.

“Love isn’t about perfection. It’s about loving in spite of imperfections and not being afraid to weather the storm and dance in the rain.”



The End.






First I want to thank everyone that has left reviews for me on Amazon, you’ll never know how much that means to me. Without you guys, I would just be writing for my mom, probably. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.


Jason and my boys, y’all are always my number ones! Braxton, I hope you don’t mind that I used our goodnight sayings in this book! I love you guys, I won!


To my beautification team, you guys make my writing and book beautiful, Lorrie, Julie, Kristy, and Jennifer, thank you ladies so much for all of your hard work, I’d hate to see what this would have looked like with only me working on it.


Kristy Rodgers of Kristy Louise Photography Studio, thank you for going the extra mile and getting me not only the perfect photos for my covers but designing this one from start to finish! You’re freaking awesome. Sara Hadley and Michelean Brannon, thank you both for being my cover models! You guys did a great job.


There are a few people in my life that makes me want to write. They believe in me and encourage me, this means the world to me ladies. I know I can’t write a separate thank you to each one individually, I want to list you all here, so here’s a big thank you to my Bangin’ Betas!  Amy McCoy Crull, Cheri Spell-Haase, Anita Scott Shofner, Casey Allen, Connie Penn, Courtney Bickmore, Crissy Sutcliffe, Denise Dacko Veach, Donna Wolz, Felicia Eddy, Geraldine Evans, Heather Szczesiak, Jennifer Gruber Jones, Kerry Rodriguez, Kim Pfister, Kristine Marie Yee-Forbush, Leeann Wright, Lisa Smith Hayes, Lynne Hughes, Marcy Baer, Raylene Fox-trzeciak, Roberta Eggers Studer, Rosie Gomesky, Sandy Prichard Jones, Sarah Roth Daniel, and Wanda J Huffaker


Kris Hack, thank you for being a great friend. I’d still be writing this book if it wasn’t for your encouragement and our writing sprints. Your friendship is worth a million! Being friends with you has helped me figure out that you don’t ever lose friends, you just figure out who your true ones are.


My Amy! Thank you for all of your hard work, and believe me, I know putting up with me is hard work. Don’t forget that you’re freaking awesome.


Amy M, thank you for all of your kindness and support.


J.J., thanks for being so sweet and helpful!


Denise, much love girlfriend!


And of course, I would like to thank my dear friend Kathy, there’s always room for ice cream.





Oakley’s and Kane’s playlist


"Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak

"Rehab" by Rihanna

"Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele

"Gone" by Bebe Rexha

"Stay a Little Longer" by Brothers Osborn

"Run Away With You" by Big and Rich

"Fire Alarms" by Ed Sheeran

"Friends" by Ed Sheeran

"Confident" by Demi Lovato

"Hurricane" by Kayleigh O’Conner

"Heavy Rope" by Lights

"Purple Rain" by Prince

"Alive" by Sia

"I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash

"My Mistake" by Cam

"Heart Like Yours" by Williamette Stone

"I’m a Slave 4 U" by Brittany Spears

"Halfway to Heaven" by Brantley Gilbert








Oakley’s Toffee Brownie Brittle


One box of brownie mix will make about three batches.



1/4 cup water

1 teaspoon of Canola oil

1 egg beaten

1 box of your favorite brownie mix

1 ½ cups chopped toffee pieced (separated in ½ cup increments)

You can use Heath Candy Bar pieces out of the baking aisle.



Line a 12 x 17 baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix all the ingredients together and spread it as thinly as possible on the parchment lined baking sheet. It does not cover the entire baking sheet. Just make sure it is spread thin, like 1/8″. Bake at 350 for at least 20 minutes.

Touch to make sure it is firming up. You may have to bake another 20 minutes or so. Test again.


You will want to let the brittle cool completely before cutting or breaking it.









About the Author




Renee Kennedy grew up in Decatur, AL and has been married to her high school sweetheart for 23 years. She currently lives in the Houston, TX area with her husband Jason, her son Braxton, and one very spoiled Yorkie, Chico. She also has one son that is serving our Country in the military, Brett.

She loves living in Texas but she'll always be a Bama girl and that is where her heart remains. Renee has always been an avid reader but never dreamed of writing a book, until reminiscing about her grandparent's love story, Bailey's story popped into her head. Her grandparents played a significant role in her life growing up, so sharing a little piece of them with the world, helps keep them alive in her heart.

When she is not reading or writing she loves to cook and try out new recipes. You can often find her hanging out with her family and friends or stalking her own favorite authors.

Chico, her mini Yorkie, runs Renee's house and her so his every need must be catered too, after all he is her 3rd baby.



Renee loves connecting with readers:




Email:  [email protected] 


Website:  Http://












Love Me Like That:


Kennedy’s Klique:







Recommended Reads from the author


Whistlin’ Dixie by Maggie Adams



Mac Coalson drove his black GMC truck through his hometown, the tiny riverside community of Grafton, Illinois, and onto the blacktop road that headed toward Jerseyville, the local county seat. He gripped the wheel firmly as he tried to control his anger. The last thing he needed was to wreck his new truck. March had been an icy month in the Midwest.

The vandalism of the past few months to the new homes built by his construction company was about to finally come to an end. And the little punks were going to pay. Big Time. All that damage, the mess, the financial strain on the company, all caused by a bunch of juvenile delinquents bent on a destructive binge.

A little over a year ago, the tiny community of Grafton, Illinois, had been sandbagging against the rising waters of the Mississippi River. Ben Yates, the local sheriff, had even brought prisoners from the area correctional facility to help. It hadn’t mattered. The mighty Mississippi broke through and all but decimated the tiny village. Mac’s construction company, along with several others, had undertaken the arduous task of clearing, cleaning and reconstructing whatever they could, alongside the villagers who lost almost everything.

How could these brats justify destroying what everyone, their relatives included, had tried so hard to rebuild? Well, one way or another, Mac was getting some answers tonight. He cruised into the police department parking lot, slammed the brakes and hit the cement parking block.

“Where are they?” he growled, blowing through the double doors of the small county jail and jangling the front bell. He brushed his hair off his forehead with an impatient gesture as his gaze locked on the portly man in a sheriff’s uniform.

“Now, calm down, Mac.” Sheriff Ben Yates tried to placate the large man bearing down on him. “Those kids didn’t know what they were getting into. It was a dare; nothing more. They are not the main source.”

“And you believe them?” Mac was incredulous.

“Yes, I do. None of them boys have any priors and their stories match.”

“So they’ve been ruining my business and others on a childish prank, and you’re just gonna stand there and defend them? Have you forgotten the reason my construction business has been so busy here?” Mac roared. His left eye began to twitch, a sure sign that his temper was about to be unleashed.

“I remember I saved your butt when the sandbags you were trying to hold onto with your feet washed out from under you and almost landed you headfirst in the rushing water, that’s one thing I remember. So don’t take that tone with me, boy!” Ben’s wrinkled face took on a purplish hue as he wagged his stubby finger in Mac’s face.

Mac passed a weary hand over his eyes as he tried not to grind his teeth in frustration. “I’m sorry, Ben. This whole mess turns my stomach.” He sighed in defeat. “Who’s involved?”

Ben snorted as he acknowledged Mac’s apology with a curt nod. “The Riley twins, Becky Jamieson’s boy, Todd, and the new schoolteacher’s brother, Jamie Harris. And I’m warning you now, all the parents are here except for ...” he trailed off, his eyes widening as the bell pealed once again on the front door of the precinct, announcing a visitor. Mac watched Ben hastily hitch up his pants and straighten his glasses. He turned to see what in the world the old guy was looking at.

“Excuse me, but I believe you’re holding my brother here? My name is Dixie Harris.” The soft, throaty drawl belied the spark of fire in the blue eyes of the petite woman as she closed the distance between them and held out her hand to Ben in polite introduction. She completely ignored Mac.

Mac’s gaze slowly raked the newcomer from head to toe. The woman was short, barely above five feet tall, he estimated, but she was definitely curved in all the right places. He took in the faded jeans that hugged her curves and the unzipped brown leather jacket that did little to conceal breasts that would overflow from even his large hands.

Sighing inwardly, his gaze returned to the expressive face with a studied interest. There was no denying the new kindergarten teacher was a beautiful woman. Her silver blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail that made her look almost childlike. The freshly scrubbed face, completely devoid of makeup, was a velvety mixture of rose petals and cream. The full pink lips she was unconsciously biting were moist and luscious, begging for a man’s kiss. An unexpected burn of sexual heat coursed through his body. Damn, but he should have made that school board meeting last fall.

At that instant, she turned slightly and noticed him watching her. Mac didn’t look away, even as her eyes narrowed and her mouth turned down in a frown at his rude appraisal. She deliberately turned her back on him.

Ben brushed past Mac. “Hello, Miss Harris. We’re sorry to bother you like this, but your brother and some others were apprehended on private property. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to him.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, casting another glance from beneath her lashes at the stone faced man in front of her. “Excuse me,” she murmured as she tried to skirt around him. The keys on the sheriff’s belt loop jangled as he walked. She enjoyed the sound more than his poor attempts at small talk.

The trio emerged into a large waiting area in the back of the jail. Several empty cells were along one wall, but the boys were lounging on nearby benches on the opposite side of the room, where the parents had already gathered. Embarrassment, anger, and nervousness were just a few of the emotions reflected on their faces as the sheriff approached the group and explained the reason for their summons.

Dixie allowed herself a calming breath as she unclenched her fists in the front pockets of her jeans. She risked a fleeting look in the direction where her brother now stood talking to another officer. Dear Lord in heaven what had her brother done? Her view was suddenly blocked and all she could see was the man that had followed them into the waiting area. She darted a glance at his face, then swallowed swiftly. He regarded her in silence for several seconds, then gave her a small nod, which did nothing to alleviate her frayed nerves, and headed toward the boys.

Was he the father of one of the boys arrested? He didn’t appear old enough to have a teenager. His black hair gave only a hint of gray, the same steel color of his eyes. His build was definitely fit. His shoulders were as broad as a linebacker, tapering down a firm back to long lean legs encased in worn jeans. And his butt…Good heavens, what was the matter with her? She was appraising a stranger while her brother was being arrested! She blushed furiously at her thoughts and prayed no one had noticed. Her pale complexion and vivid eyes always gave away her every thought, much to her disgust.

“Mac, you want to come here a minute? You can sign some papers to press charges, and then you’re free to go on home. We’ll deal with the boys and their parents. There’s no need for you to be here for the questioning,” the sheriff groused.

“You’re the man pressing charges?” Dixie turned to the dark haired man. His penetrating gaze shifted to her face, and she instinctively stepped back. The anger emanating from their depths was palpable in the air.

“Yes, I am. Vandalism is a stupid act of an ignorant mind, but in this case, it’s personal. They’ve ruined the homes my company built specifically for the folks left homeless from the flood. And now, because of your brother and his friends, my company is working overtime to clean up the mess and keep our promises to these people. I believe they’ve been through enough without facing another delay. Excuse me.” He raked her with a withering glance and started toward the one desk in the area.

“Wait!” She grabbed his arm. “There must be some mistake. My brother would never do anything to harm anyone.”

He lifted one eyebrow. “Ben Yates has been sheriff here for over twenty years. We’ve got security cameras hooked up. He apprehended them himself outside one of my partially constructed homes. Are you calling him a liar?”

“No! Yes, er, please, I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. If you would let Jamie explain…” she trailed off as his eyes narrowed to mere slits.

“Your brother will have plenty of time to explain to his lawyer. If you don’t have one, I suggest you get one. You’re gonna need it.” He removed her hand from his arm, sending her a look of contempt that made her cringe inside, but she was determined to make him see reason. There was no way her brother could have done this.

“Now wait just a gall darn minute …” she cried, hurrying on her stiletto boots to catch up with him. The rude man ignored her, so she turned to Ben. Her chest heaved with righteous indignation as he, too, ignored her. “Sheriff, I demand to know exactly what my brother is being charged with.”

“Sis, stay out of this,” Jamie whispered as he approached her. He nodded to Mac. “His family practically built this town. That’s Mac Coalson. I’m as good as convicted.”

“Well,” Ben scratched his gray whiskers and approached the boy. “That remains to be seen, young man. However, I suggest you keep quiet for the time being.” He turned to Dixie. “Ma’am, your brother was trespassing on private property with the intention, we believe, of vandalizing it. Several incidents have occurred which have made us very suspicious of anyone trespassing in the new subdivisions under construction.”

“That’s not true, Sis. We didn’t touch a thing. If someone would just listen, we would explain,” Jamie announced loudly.

Dixie turned back to Ben. “Did you find evidence that it was definitely the boys?”

“As to that, we arrived before any damage was done,” he mumbled.

“Well, it would seem to me that if you don’t have any positive proof that my brother and his friends were involved in the vandalism going on around here, y’all are gonna have to let these boys go.” Her temper was boiling and as a result, her southern drawl was more pronounced. She smiled in triumph as she nodded vigorously to the other parents, looking for support. Her grin faltered as Ben slowly shook his head in the negative.

“Sorry, ma’am, I didn’t mean to imply that they were being charged for the vandalism. We simply wanted to question them about it. But there’s still the problem of trespassing.”

Dixie looked at Mac Coalson. She now knew where she had seen him. His picture was all over the local paper. The Great Savior of Grafton. Everything she had read about this paragon who was determined to rebuild his hometown after the devastating flood was in direct contrast to the formidable figure attired in black jeans and a black sweater. His tall frame gave off an arrogance that was compellingly dangerous. The chilling glint from his silver eyes told her he was a force to be reckoned with. Still, she had to try. Her brother’s reputation depended on it.

Summoning her most cheerful smile, usually reserved only for weeping children on the first day of school, she walked over to Mac. “I’m sure Mr. Coalson would be willing to drop the charges since no damage was done. After all, it’s more important to catch the real culprits than to smear the good names of some decent boys.”

“Like hell I will!” he growled as he covered the space between them in two strides. “Listen lady, I’m not gonna let these hoodlums get away with damaging another piece of property. If they walk, who’s to say they won’t be back tomorrow night to finish the job?”

“I say, that’s who!” Dixie shot back, stepping up to glare at the large man and stiffening her five foot frame. So much for trying to reason with the devil. Apparently, Mac Coalson was a bully. He was bullying the sheriff, the parents, and maybe this whole town. She hated bullies. Being so small, she had always had her fair share of them.

Mac looked her up and down. “Honey, you may be good for a lot of things, but keeping a rowdy bunch of boys under control ain’t one of ‘em, so I’ll thank you to stay out of this.” He watched her eyes flash blue fire.

Dixie gasped at the intended sarcasm. “Those boys haven’t done anything wrong except setting foot on your precious property. If you ask me, you’re a more likely suspect for sabotage than these boys. You’ve got insurance and you’re certainly ornery enough.”

Dixie took an instinctive step back as Mac drew in a sharp breath at the implication that he could even be remotely responsible for the damages. Everyone in the room seemed to wait in suspense at what he would do. This man was known to have quite a fiery temper. And Dixie’s anger had just poured gasoline on the fire.

Mac leaned down to snarl in her face. “Look, Blondie, face the fact that your juvenile delinquent of a brother got caught this time. Maybe a night in jail will set him along the straight and narrow.” He appraised her once again with a derisive twist to his lips. “Of course, he might enjoy the peace and quiet compared to an evening of you, no doubt, harping at him.”

Dixie suppressed the incredible urge to slap the arrogance right off his smirking face. Her fingers curled into fist. If she wasn’t standing in the middle of a police station….He snorted as if to challenge her to do it.

“Now hold on, both of you,” Ben interceded, his arms extended in a conciliatory gesture. “No one is spending a night in jail. Trespassing doesn’t warrant that.” He looked over his glasses at Jamie. “What it does warrant is an apology. The posted fine for trespassing on private property is $500.00. Since there’s five of you, that’s $2500. That should put a dent in the damages incurred.” He slid an uneasy glance at Mac who had stiffened in disbelief.

“What?” he exploded then uttered an expletive and paced the room. “Ben has your mind turned to mush? A smile from a blue-eyed blonde and you’re babbling nonsense. I want that boy,” he pointed to Jamie, then waved a hand in the general direction of the others, “and his friends behind bars.”

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