Love or Justice (36 page)

Read Love or Justice Online

Authors: Rachel Mannino

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Love or Justice
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“Fiancé?” Rick looked at Dante.

Dante nodded, reaching over to rub Laurie’s back, to soothe both her and himself. He needed to keep her calm long enough for Rick to start thinking clearly. It was their only hope.

“I love her.” Dante shrugged.

Rick’s head sank back into his hands. They all sat for a long while in silence again, as Dante just let Rick think things through. Rick finally sat back in his chair and began tapping the edge of his desk with a pencil.

Dante felt Laurie’s muscles tense with every tap, so he kneaded her back more with his hand. Finally, Rick’s gaze settled back on them.

“Dante, if this were any other circumstance—and I mean any other circumstance—I would be congratulating you right now. I mean, no one deserves to fall in love and start a family more than you. On one hand I’m happy for you. I really am.” Rick laid a hand on his desk. “But on the other hand, I have to make sure that Ms. Shelton makes it to the trial. I just can’t have you on her protective detail. I’m sorry.”

“Why?” Laurie coiled like a snake ready to strike.

Dante put his arm around her to keep her still.

“Because, Ms. Shelton, a man will do anything to protect the woman he loves. That includes putting everything else at risk. Dante has already shown he’s more than able and willing to disappear with you into an untraceable existence. If you hadn’t walked into this office today, we never would have found either of you. I’m afraid the Marshals Service just can’t take that risk.” Rick pinned her with a stare.

Laurie glared at him across the desk.

“Can I come with her, Rick? Not as an agent, but as a family member. Unarmed, of course.” Dante lifted his eyes to Rick’s.

Rick shook his head.

“I’m sorry, son. The same reason applies. You’re too good. Wouldn’t matter if you were armed or unarmed. I doubt any of these men would refuse your orders. You would be running the operation even as a family member. You and I both know how dangerous that could be.” Rick clasped his hands together.

Dante nodded, swallowing hard against the burning sensation in his throat. His worst fear came true. They would separate them.

“But after the trial,” Rick continued. “We’ll make sure you’re re-united again. If you both want to join the witness protection program, or if you need to relocate, we’ll take care of it. I would hate to see you leave, Dante, but if you choose to go in order to protect your future wife, I’ll understand.”

“How long…” Laurie began, her voice wavering. She stopped to clear her throat before continuing. “How long will it be until the trial?”

“Probably just a few months. I’m sure after Danny talks to you, he’ll want to have the trial date expedited. We won’t keep you any longer than we have to, Ms. Shelton. We know how difficult this ordeal has been.” Rick sat back in his chair.

“A few months?” Panic flicked across her features. Rick nodded.

Laurie sat back in her chair. Her hands rested limply in her lap.

“I know it’s not what either of you want to hear, but it’s for the best. Dante, I won’t be able to tell you where she is, and we’ll have to take her out of Hawaii. But I will update you as often as I can.” Rick nodded to him.

Dante started to speak, but his voice gave out on him. He cleared his throat and tried again.

“I have Laurie’s belongings in our rental car.” He gestured to the door. “Her new doctor records. They’ll need to make sure they get an OB/GYN to take care of her. She has vitamins she has to take for the baby. I’ll, um, take her out to the car and get her things.”

“Why don’t I go get Jason. Jason can get her things for you. You met Jason already. He’s become one of my best agents.” Rick rose.

Dante smiled a sad smile and said, “Afraid I’ll leave with her already?”

Rick smiled ruefully back at him.

“Can’t be too careful.”

Rick began chuckling.

“Besides, I’m sure you two need a few minutes to say goodbye before Danny comes back.” Rick strode to the door. He pulled it open, bellowing for Jason to come to his office. Jason’s profile soon appeared.

“What’s going on?” Jason asked.

“Seems our runaways have returned.” Rick gestured in their direction.

Jason took a step into the office to see Dante and Laurie sitting there, staring up at him. Jason smiled, extending a hand to Dante.

“I’m glad to see you again.” Jason shook Dante’s hand. “I thought something horrible had happened to you.”

“Jason.” Dante smiled. “Good to see you too. Sorry we, uh, left so abruptly. Just had to protect her, until it was safe to bring her back.”

“Well, yeah. After what happened, I’d say she needed it. I never doubted you for a minute. I tried to tell everyone.” Jason lifted his hands and shook his head.

“Jason,” Rick interrupted. “You’re going to take over Ms. Shelton’s protective duty for the time being. I’ll call a team in to help you. Dante’s going to have to be in the office until he’s cleared for duty and all that.”

“Sure, sure. I’d be happy to take over.” Jason smiled at Laurie.

“Dante’s got her bags out in their car. Why don’t you head out, grab her things, and put them in your truck while we wrap up here? Dante—keys?” Rick looked at Dante.

Dante pulled out the keys. He described the vehicle and the bags to Jason, who left to go get everything. Without saying a word, Rick stepped out of the office, closing the door. Dante could still hear him talking on his cell phone, calling in Laurie’s new protection team.

Dante glanced over at Laurie. She stared at her lap, twirling her engagement ring around her finger. Dante felt a flicker of happiness, remembering the moment she said yes to him. He reached over to catch both of her hands in his. He brought one of them up to his lips, and he gently brushed the back of her palms. Then he rubbed each of her hands for a minute or two.

“I’m sorry, Laurie.” He looked up into her eyes. “I’m sorry for everything.”

“It’s not your fault he won’t listen to us.”

“I know, but I’m still sorry.”

“What about your dad’s friend. Isn’t he the director? I thought he was going to call him?”

“Yeah, I’m sure he will.”

“Well, maybe he’ll order Rick to let you stay with me.”

“Yeah, maybe he will.”

Laurie paused for a minute.

“You’re a terrible liar.” She frowned.

Dante smiled. Then he rose from his chair. He helped Laurie up from hers to wrap his arms around her. He rested his chin on top of her head and kissed her hair. Then he closed his eyes. The image of her sitting by the waterfall in Hilo came to him.

“Laurie, if anything happens, if you need me, I’m going to give you the number to my burner phone. They won’t let you call me, I don’t think, but I still want you to have it just in case.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

Laurie nodded, taking the paper from him. She tucked it into her pocket. Then she rested her head back against his chest.

“I hope the trial starts soon,” she murmured. “I hate being away from you.”

“I hate it too.”

He eased back so he could cup her face in his hands. He rubbed her cheeks with his thumb, as he took in her gorgeous, sapphire eyes.

“I love you.” He kissed her lightly.

“I love you, too.”

They kissed again. It was slow, thoroughly consuming. Then Dante kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and her hair. He breathed in the scent of her shampoo, which he loved.

Laurie rested her head over his heart.

The door opened and Rick and Jason both stood on the other side.

“Ms. Shelton, the DA’s ready to interview you now.” Rick nodded.

Dante and Laurie collectively sighed, as they untangled from their embrace. Dante took her hand as they exited the office together.

Jason gave Dante back his keys with a quizzical look at their clasped hands, but said nothing.

Dante began filling Jason in on all of the medical records, doctor’s notes, and prenatal care Jason would have to arrange. The young man started to blush with every mention of the OB/GYN, until Dante suggested he just write it all up in a report and give it to Rick. Relieved, Jason thanked him, turning to Laurie.

“The DA thought you would be more comfortable in his office. He’s waiting for us upstairs.” Jason smiled sheepishly.

“Dante, I’ll get you all set-up in a new apartment. I have all of your belongings in storage.” Rick hooked his fingers into his belt loop and rocked on his heels.

Dante turned to Laurie. His heart jangled uncomfortably in his chest, as he faced the moment he had to part from her.

“If you need anything you have Jason or Rick call me, okay?” He ran his fingers over her hair, pressing his forehead to hers.

“Please be safe.” She laid her hands on his chest.

“You too. Do whatever they tell you. I mean it—whatever they tell you. Jason will keep you safe.” Dante kissed the bridge of her nose.

“I know.” She grasped at his shirt. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Yeah.” Dante’s voice cracked with emotion. “Real soon. I’ll see you real soon.”

“Okay.” Laurie sounded like she was going to cry, but she blinked back the tears.

They hugged each other for a while, until Rick cleared his throat.

Dante finally let her go, and Laurie took a tentative step back. Her nose was red and her cheeks were sallow, but she looked like all Dante had ever wanted.

Dante stood, with his hands resting on his hips, just staring down at the woman he loved as Jason began to lead her away.

Laurie followed Jason as he headed down the office hallway to a back staircase. She threw glances at Dante as she walked to the end of the hall. Then Laurie paused, fidgeting. She swayed from one foot to the other. She looked almost scared enough to run back to him, and Dante wished she would.

Jason took a step back to stand at her side. He said something to her, gesturing toward the stairwell.

Laurie looked ahead of her, then looked back. She gave a timid wave goodbye and mouthed that she loved him. Then she stepped out of Dante’s sight with Jason at her heels.

Dante ran his hands through his hair. He blinked back the tears in his eyes. He stared at the empty hallway, and for a brief second, he considered running after her—refusing to let her go unless they let him leave with her. Rick clapped him on the shoulder, anchoring him to the spot.

“Let’s go get you a new apartment,” Rick said with forced cheerfulness.

Rick’s words fell on Dante’s deaf ears. He turned away from Rick, and leaned against the secretary’s desk with both hands. He tried hard to get his emotions back under control, but the pit of his stomach rolled. He felt helpless.

Rick squeezed his shoulder again.

“She’ll be just fine.” Rick patted him on the back. “Jason’s one of our best men. I’ll tell you everything. I mean it. I’ll make sure Jason has your number. You can talk to her every day, if you want.”

Dante nodded and took in a shaky breath. Rick squeezed his shoulder, until the pain began to subside. Dante pulled himself upright.

“Go splash some water on your face, and we’ll get going, all right?” Rick jutted out his chin in the direction of the kitchen.

Dante nodded. He walked to the small kitchen beside Rick’s office. He did what Rick told him to do. Then he left the office with his boss to find some empty place to live an empty life for what Dante hoped would be a very short time.













“All rise,” the clerk called from the doorway. “Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Cane presiding.”

The buzzing courtroom rose as the judge entered, striding forward with his black robes billowing behind him. He sat down and tapped his gavel several times, as the contents of the courtroom began to hum with anticipation.

Dante was late, having been caught behind an accident up the street. He slid to the right of the door at the back of the courtroom. He began to scan the rows of seats, but the room was crowded.

“You may take your seats,” the gaunt Judge Cain told them.

Dante had seen Judge Cane many times. He was a stern man, presiding over the courtroom without even the slightest hint of a smile. Dante could see why the unshakeable Judge Cain would get Kaimi’s case.

“Madam Chairperson, has the jury reached a verdict?” Judge Cane asked the woman at the head of the jury box.

The woman rose. Everyone’s attention focused on her, except Dante’s. He moved up along the right side of the courtroom, focused on the small head of long blonde hair in the second row. Flanked by two men on each side, he knew there was no way he could reach her. He saw Dean sitting on the end. He flashed Dean a smile. Dean smiled back, nodding once in return. Dante climbed over the woman sitting on the end of the row behind Laurie. He breathed in the scent of her shampoo and instantly felt a sense of relief.

“Yes, your honor,” the Chairwoman responded.

“What is the jury’s decision?” Judge Cane asked.

Dante still didn’t look up. After four months of being a part from her, his mind scattered.

Laurie leaned over the Marshal to her right, and Dante saw Dean say something to her. Then she turned her head, to smile at him.

His heart almost leapt into his throat. He felt light headed. Dante sat close enough to touch her. He grinned at her, and she locked gazes with him.

They stared at each other while they listened.

“In the case of the People of Hawaii vs. Kaimi Quamboa, on two counts of murder in the first degree, we the jury find the defendant guilty,” the Chairwoman announced.

All around Dante and Laurie, the men and women who had gathered began cheering. Dante’s heart burst with joy to think of Kaimi behind bars; that these families present there today, and Katherine and Easton, finally had some justice. Danny turned, flashing a smile at his key witness, but her smile was only for Dante, and she didn’t even see it.

“On two counts of kidnapping in the first degree, we the jury find the defendant guilty,” the Chairwoman continued.

More clapping surrounded Dante and Laurie, as they sat staring at each other. Laurie let out a quiet laugh, and Dante fought the urge to kiss her.

“Thank you Madam Chairperson,” Judge Cain said. A fresh round of cheering broke out before the judge began tapping his gavel with an impatient glare.

“The case of the People vs. Kaimi Quamboa is now closed. The court will adjourn until a sentencing hearing on July 15. Bailiff, please escort Mr. Quamboa from the courtroom,” Judge Cain ordered.

The bailiff came forward, to lead a thin and solemn Kaimi away in handcuffs.

Judge Cain tapped his gavel a final, definitive time.

“All rise,” the bailiff called again as the judge rose.

As everyone rose, Dante watched Jason help Laurie to her feet. She turned, and Dante felt his heart trip over itself as her pregnant belly came into view. She had barely been showing when he saw her last. Now her pregnancy was round and heavy on her small frame. Dante’s eyes widened.

The judge left just as swiftly as he came.

Dante and Laurie were both grateful. The courtroom chatter became a roar. The people spilled out into the hallway from every door. Dante watched as Dean, Jason, and two other Marshals he didn’t recognize, led Laurie out from the side door. Dante felt the light in the room grow dimmer when she left, but he knew it wouldn’t be long now. The trial was over. She would be back with him in less than an hour.

He turned his back on the courtroom. He had come to see her, even for that brief moment, and he had come to hear the final verdict. Now he raced from the courthouse, his excitement peaked by his fleeting encounter.

He got into his truck, slamming the door so hard it shook his mirrors. He started the engine and blasted the radio as he peeled away from the curb. Dante scanned the roads as he drove, looking for a Marshals vehicle, but he didn’t see it. He sped down the road, driving to his favorite spot overlooking the city. He had chosen it purposefully. It was secluded, away from the tourism path. It was also where they had spent their last evening together so many months ago.

When Dante arrived, the overlook was deserted. He parked where he could see oncoming traffic and waited. He turned up his radio. After one long, crooning ballad went by, he began tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. A few cars went by, but there was nothing. After ten minutes of waiting, he started to worry. He called Dean, but it went right to voicemail. He called Rick, but he didn’t pick up.

Dante started thinking about everything that could have happened on their way to the meet-up spot. At first, it was a stream of horror stories, but then he began to convince himself there was another accident in town, or they had to get her bags from the office, or any number of things. Then he tried to call Dean again, but there was no answer.

Then a familiar truck pulled in. Dante let out a sigh of relief. Laughing at himself, he tore open his door. He ran to the other truck.

Dean got out first, then Laurie slid out of the truck behind him.

Dante enveloped her as best he could, circling her before he stepped to the side of her pregnant belly and held her that way. Before they even spoke, he rushed in for a kiss.

Laurie kissed him back hard, running her hands up his chest. She cupped his face in both of her hands, staring into his eyes. It was all finished. Seeing her again was like coming home after a long journey.

They heard a catcall behind them.

“Well, now I can see how she got pregnant.” Dean smirked at him.

The other men laughed. Dante broke off the kiss. He rested his chin on the crown of Laurie’s head, pulling her upper half to his chest.

“Dean, you’re lucky I’m busy right now.” Dante rocked Laurie in his arms.

“Well, it’s only fair after you kept calling me. A little impatient were we?” Dean chuckled.

“Yes. Yes, I was and I have a right to be.” Dante heard snickering behind him, but he didn’t care. He leaned down to press his forehead to Laurie’s.

“I hope they treated you better than this.” He smiled. Laurie laughed.

“No, they teased me mercilessly the whole time,” Laurie pouted.

Dante nodded.

“I thought so.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I think it’s time to tell them all goodbye.”

Laurie smiled as she reached up on her tiptoes to give him another quick kiss. Then he released her so she could say goodbye.

“All right. I want her bags, her doctor records, and all of your reports. Let’s go.” Dante turned around.

They stood ready; Jason had the files in hand, while both of the other Marshals had Laurie’s bags.

“Dante, man.” Dean lifted his arms. “We’re on top of it. I know how you work.”

Dante laughed, as he slid his hand up Laurie’s spine. He tossed Jason his keys.

“Go ahead and put it in the back of my truck. Don’t scuff up anything though. It’ll have a new owner tomorrow.” Dante winked. Jason smiled back.

“We’re not going to have a car?” Laurie rested her hands on her stomach.

“No, not here.” Dante shook his head. “I sold it to Jason. He’ll pick it up from the airport tomorrow.”

“What?” Laurie raised her eyebrows at him.

“We’ll talk about it in the car.” Dante gave her a little push. “Go tell these clowns goodbye.”

Laurie went to the men who had protected her for the past few months. She hugged them each in turn, and thanked them. Then she got a little bleary eyed, as she stepped back into Dante’s arms.

“I’ll miss you guys.” She clutched at Dante’s arm.

“We’ll miss you too.” Jason nodded. “Take care of our baby for us.”

Laurie smiled until she gasped in pain and dug her nails in to Dante’s arm.

“What? What is it? Are you okay?” Dante gripped her shoulders.

She grabbed his hand, pressing it to her growing stomach. Dante felt a sharp movement beneath his hand. His heart danced. The little movement pressed against his hand as Laurie winced.

“Oh God,” Dante whispered.

“That’s our baby.” Laurie looked up into his eyes. Dante felt light-headed, as he felt Laurie’s stomach ripple beneath his hand. Then the tiny movements stopped.

“That’s our baby,” he said back to her. Then he turned to the men with a foolish grin on his face. “That’s our baby. I felt our baby.”

“Yeah, yeah, we know.” Dean rolled his eyes.

Dante laughed, then he threw his arms around Laurie. He felt more alive than he had in months. So, he kissed her again.

“Jason, can we get out of here before I get sick? I can’t take any more of this.” Dean averted his eyes.

Dante and Laurie laughed. Dante shook their hands and said his own goodbyes. He was in their debt more than he could say. Then he pulled Laurie toward him again, as they watched all of the men get into the truck.

Jason gave them both a salute before he turned around in the driver’s seat and backed out of the parking space. Dante and Laurie waved back at them, as they drove away.

Dante stood holding her for a long while. He stood behind her, his arms wrapped around either side. His hands ran over the expanse of her belly in a soft caress. He hoped to feel those tiny movements again, but the baby was still.

Laurie leaned back into him.

“So we’re leaving the islands?” She nuzzled his shoulder

“Yes.” He laid his chin on her hair. “Kaimi has too many friends here. It wouldn’t be safe.”

Laurie nodded.

“Where will we go?”

Dante smiled into her golden hair.

“To the house I bought.”

“You bought us a house?”


“Shouldn’t we have bought the house together?”

Dante’s smile widened.

“Maybe. But I got a very fair price.”

“Dante!” She turned around. “We’re going to start a new life together somewhere just because you got a fair price?”

“Yes.” He gathered her close to him. “All we have to do is pick apples, and pears, and I hear there are grapes too.”

Laurie gasped, then she laughed. She cupped his face with her hands.

“You bought the orchard house from your parents?” Her bright blue eyes shined up into his.

“I told you I got a fair price.” He winked.

Laurie laughed, rubbing her nose against his.

“I guess you did.”

He kissed her for a long while, as they enjoyed the soft touch of skin on skin, the tug of war between their opposing tongues. Desire flooded Dante’s veins, but he knew it would be hours before he could indulge in that. He broke off the kiss and nuzzled Laurie’s neck instead.

“We should get going.”

He walked her to her car door. He helped her in, and after he asked her if she was okay three or four times, she managed to convince him she was perfectly fine. He walked around to the other side to get in. He pulled out of the parking lot onto the deserted road.

“So, where is the Marshals office in Nebraska? Will you have to travel far to work?”

“I won’t be a Marshal anymore.”

“What? They didn’t reinstate you? I thought Rick said—”

“No, no. They reinstated me just fine. There’s a Marshals office in Omaha, and I was going to put in for a transfer, but I just can’t live this life anymore. It was a great job when it was just me, but I want to be able to see my kids. I want to be able to see you. If I stay on as a Marshal, I’ll be gone for months at a time on assignments. I don’t want to do that anymore.”

Laurie paused for a long while, as she studied him. He glanced away from the road and looked at her for a small moment.

“You gave up your job for me? Your whole career?”

“Well, not just for you.” Dante turned onto the highway. “I gave it up for us, for our baby, and for me too. I want to be a good father. I want to be there for them when they need me.”

Laurie took a deep breath. Her expression was troubled.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay, you know.” Dante smiled into her downcast eyes. “I’ve already got another job. I’ll start it almost right away. You don’t need to worry about money or anything.”

“No, no. It’s not that, it’s just…I feel like I took away the one thing I know you love.”

“I love you more than anything, and I already love our baby more than anything. A job is just a job, Laurie. Besides that, I’ve got a great job. I’ll be working for a private security firm. I’ll be planning and managing security teams, just as I do now. That’s why I got hired.”

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