Love Overrated (8 page)

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Authors: Latasia Nadia

BOOK: Love Overrated
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Chapter Seventeen - Kaylee

I didn't know what was up with Rashaan, and I honestly didn't have the time to figure it out. My best friend needed me, and right now, that's all I'm concerned about.

"What’s wrong Sis?" I sat down next to her on her and Ja’kari king size bed.

"I should have just listened to my parents," she said before the tears started falling from her face.

"What happened, talk to me?"

"I found out Ja’kari is cheating on me with the Bitch from the club. You remember the waiter?" She asked

"Kiaja?" I shook my head "how could I not remember her."

"Well, the other night after your party he dropped me off and left, he doesn't know I have an app that tells me where he is. So the key to his Audi is here, I get dressed and go to the address that the app says he’s at. Kaylee why I go there and start acting a fool. This bitch comes to the door with nothing but a t-shirt on smirking. So I started swinging on her. Me and her were fighting, and Ja’kari ass comes out the back of the house with just his boxers, I was livid. He calls himself breaking it up, but he was punching and pulling me."

   "WHAT?" I yelled out "where is his pussy ass at?" I asked.

   "I don't know I haven't seen him in two days, Kaylee he doesn't even know I had a miscarriage" she broke down crying. I started to cry with her, I honestly hated that she had been through this.

   "Kyanni why didn't you call me sooner?"

   "I didn't want to stress you out, you finally seem happy," she said.

   "Yanni I've been your BEST FRIEND for how long? We've been through hell and back together. I'm actually offended that you didn't call me sooner. I would have dropped everything for you, and I hope if I ever needed you that you'd do the same thing for me." I expressed to her.

   "I'm sorry, Kay," she said as she hugged me.

   "Hold on Yanni this is Rashaan, he supposed to be picking me up."

   "Wassup Ra?" I asked. I couldn't hear what he was saying because my phone was acting stupid, so I put it on speaker.

   "Shit," I heard him say. I put my phone on mute so I could hear who he was talking to. Yeah, I was being nosey, but he should have never butt dialed me.

   "Oooh damn Ashanti" I heard him moan. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach, was this really happening?

    "Ugggg, shit Kaylee," he moaned really loud. "Did he really just call this bitch my name," I asked Yanni. She ignored me and snatched the phone from my hand and was getting ready to hang up.

   "No hold on,” I said snatching the phone back out her hand.

    I heard her slap Rashaan "Don't ever fucking disrespect me like that again. Are you fucking crazy?" I heard her screaming at him. He started screaming back at her. Next thing I heard what seemed like a car door slam before I hung up.

    "I can't fucking believe him, I swear I was actually, going to give him a chance." I said out loud. "Glad to know he's still fucking with Ashanti." I got up off the bed and went to the bathroom.

    I needed to get myself together. I refused to cry over any Nigga. It just wasn't worth it. It is what it is. Another lesson learned. I knew that he'd be coming to get me soon, but I wasn't leaving with him.

   "Yanni?" I called out, "where are you going?" I asked her. Kyanni had put on some sweat pants and some sneakers.

   "To fuck Rashaan and Ashanti up," she walked back into her closet and come back out with another pair of Jordan's, "here you not wearing heels to a fight." She tied her scarf to her head and went walked towards the front door. I grabbed her arm before she could open it.

  "Wait Yanni, I know Rashaan is on his way cause he just text me. When he gets here, tell him, I'm not here and that I left walking I don't have time for his ass right now."

   "Okay," she said, "but if he get crazy I'm popping on his ass," she said.

   Five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I jumped up and ran to Kyanni room. I could hear her talking to Ra.

  "Wassup?" She asked him.

   "Wassup, where is Kaylee?" He asked.

   "She left like ten minutes ago," she lied.

  "Shit," I heard him tell.

  "You're a fucked up nigga, I just think you should know. That's the problem with you niggas you don't realize when you have a down ass chick. You can let yourself out now though," I heard her tell him.

    Soon as the front door closed my cell started ringing. It was Rashaan I sent him to voicemail. I didn't have anything to say to him. I'm not even mad that he was just with Ashanti, She was here first. I'm mad that he led me on. I'm mad that he had just fucked me a few hours ago then he’s fucking with the next Bitch. My mind was telling me not to fuck with Rashaan from the beginning. My heart was screaming a different story. Fuck it though it is what it is, another lesson learned.

   "You welcomed to stay here for the night if you want,” Yanni said.

   "Thanks," I replied dryly.

   "I text my mother, she agreed to meet with us tomorrow," she said without looking at me.

   "Us?" I asked

   "You said you'd come with me."

   "Yeah, I did huh, what you got to drink?" I needed a shot or two of something strong.

   "Juice," she laughed

   "No, bitch I need alcohol," I said seriously. Yanni got up and went into the kitchen. She came back with a bottle of the new pineapple Cîroc.

   "This that new shit right?" I said even though I already knew what it was.

   "Yes, now pour us some shots," she said as she lined up eight shot glasses.

   Verse SI’mmonds "Boo Thang" started playing, and I knew it was Rashaan calling because that was the ringtone that I had assigned for him. I sent him to voicemail we had to reason to be having a conversation.

    "He going to keep calling until you pick up cause he thinks that you're somewhere in the streets," Yanni said after she took one of the shots.

   "Anyways," I didn't feel like talking about Rashaan anymore. I had other stuff to deal with. My mind traveled back to earlier this morning when I was leaving the cemetery and ran into my so called "aunt". I wasn't going to tell anyone about this lady but it was bothering me so I told Yanni everything.

   "So are you going to call her?" She asked me.

   "I don't know KYanni, I've never meet this lady a day in my life and Inc I did I don't remember who she is. Yanni my mother died a few months after I turned two, I'm gonna be eighteen in a few months. Where has this Bitch been for fifteen years? Fuck that, she wasn't around when Brittany and I needed family the most we don't need her now. Our family is you, Ms.Jackie, and Draya. Fuck the rest."

   "Damn that's crazy, today has just been a crazy day. I think we need some more shots." Yanni started making us some more shots.

  My phone started ringing this time it was Brittany, I answered.

  "Wassup Britt?" I spoke into the phone.

  "Where are you?" She asked. I heard Rashaan in the background talking to Draya.

  "Brittany I'm fine I love you and I will see you tomorrow."

   "Okay, I love you too, call me of you need me, I don't care what time it is" she said sounding like the big sister instead of the baby sister.


  After hanging up with Brittany, I laid back on the couch, the eight shots that I had taken were starting to take control. I grabbed a pill from the other end of the couch and passed out.



Chapter Eighteen - Rashaan

My plan was to go to Ashanti crib to talk about the situation with the baby. When she pulled out my dick and started bobbing and weaving I wasn't gonna stop her, that’s free head. I know I fucked up because Kaylee was on the phone, my dumb ass butt dialed her. I know Kyanni is lying about her not being there cause I done drove all over looking for her. I decided to go back to my mother's and see if Brittany or Draya heard from her.

   "Dray," I called up the stairs.

   "Nigga it's going on midnight why you yelling! Mommy probably sleep," she yelled back.

   "Look at you talking about me yelling your ass is yelling, too," I said once I mad it upstairs.

   "Yeah, yeah, what you want?" She asked.

   “You heard from Kaylee?"

   "No, she left with you," she said before tapping Brittany, who was facing the wall with her headphones in listening to music.

   "You speak to your sister?" Draya asked her. She jumped up in a frantic.

   "What the fuck you mean, did I speak to her, Rashaan where is Kaylee?" She asked

   "Damn yo, aight so she asked me to drop her off with Yanni because they needed to talk," I stopped and looked at Brittany. She had put her sneakers on and was calling someone. I finished telling Draya what happened. "So I dropped her off and went to see Ashanti."

   "You what?" Both Draya and Britt yelled.

   "Chill out yo, I only went to see her because she sent a text message talking about she gonna kill my seed and shit. So I went over there, and one thing led to another. She was giving me head and I called her Kaylee, she slapped the shit out of me. So I leave and get in my whip and I notice that I had been on the phone with Kaylee. I don't know how much she heard." I said shaking my head.

   "That's fucked up Ra," Draya said, "When Kaylee first came here she wasn't happy, you could see it in her eyes. These past few weeks she has been walking around with a smile on her face and we all know it was because of you. It seems to me like you fucked up. You better fix this bro. She ain't like the rest she's different, you can see it in her," Draya schooled me telling me almost the same thing my mother told me,

  "Okay, I love you too, call me of you need me, I don't care what time it is" I heard Brittany tell someone who I assumed to be Kaylee.

   "Where is she?" I asked soon as she hung up.

   "She didn't tell me. She did say that she's fine and she will see me tomorrow," she said with a serious attitude.

   "I'm out," I said before walking out the room and the house.

  "Wassup Kari," I said soon as he picked up.

  "Ain't shit laid up,” he said sounding like he was sleeping.

  "I was just at your house a little while ago."

  "Nah, I'm with Kiaja," he chuckled.

  I didn't bother speaking on that. He had a shorty at home, but he was laid up with the next bitch. "Me and Kaylee got into it, I think she at your Shit with Yanni but of course Yanni ain't gonna tell me that."

  "Well, I'm about to head over there, I'm leaving now meet me at my shit in twenty minutes." He said before hanging up.

  I sat in my whip smoking the blunt that I had rolled at Ashanti shit before heading to Ja'Kari crib. I pulled up at the same time as him.

  "Wassup boy?" He said as we dapped hands.

  "Ain't shit, stressed bro." I said as we headed inside the house. We walked in and I noticed Kaylee passed out on the couch. I shook my head and went and stood in front of her, She looked so peaceful. I turned around because I heard her phone vibrating on the table. Her phone was locked, so I didn't even bother picking it up. I didn't notice a bottle of Cîroc and some shot glasses which told me that she was in here getting fucked up. I knew Yanni wasn't drinking because she was pregnant. I went to the back to find Ja'Kari.

  "Yo bro I'm out I'm going to grab Kaylee, you can lock ya shit behind me."

   "Aight," he said following me into the living room. I picked Kaylee up and walked to my out to my car. Ja'Kari opened the passenger side door, and I place her inside.

   "Aight bro, good looking. I'll holla at you tomorrow" I dapped him before getting into the car and pulling off.

   After undressing Kaylee and laying her in my bed, I went into the living room to Lay down on the couch. I was feeling fucked up about what happened. No, me and Ashanti didn't fuck. I just let her suck my dick but I still feel like I hurt Kaylee.

  I was getting ready to close my eyes to get some muh needed sleep when I heard Kaylee screaming for somebody to stop. I jumped up and ran to my room. She was still sleeping but having a nightmare.

  "Wake up baby girl," I shook her softly until she opened her eyes. She immediately started to cry when she looked up at me.

   "I gotta go," she tried to stand up but I gently laid her back.” I need to get to my sister please" she begged.

   "What's going on Kaylee? I was just with Brittany she's fine," I assured her.

  "I fucking hate nate, why did any of this ever have to happen to me." She cried out.

  "What I tell you before? I got you, right ? I swear I'm here for you" I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder.

  "Lay with me," she whispered in my ear. I did as she asked. I laid next to her and rubbed her soft dark brown hair until she fell back asleep. Once I knew she was in a deep sleep I cuddled closer to her and knocked out.


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