Love Overrated (9 page)

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Authors: Latasia Nadia

BOOK: Love Overrated
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Chapter Nineteen - Kaylee


  I woke up the next morning with a serious headache and wondered how the hell I got into bed with Rashaan. I moved his arm from around me and went to the bathroom. I started throwing up like crazy. After I finished I immediately jumped in the shower and washed up. I got out and went into Ra’s extra room to get dressed. I was just finishing up when there was a knock on the door. I knew it was Rashaan, so I choose to ignore it. I put on my shirt and walked to the door and opened it.

  “What?” I said with a slight attitude.

  “You gonna let me in or come out so we can talk?” He said standing at the door looking sexy ass ever. I opened the door wider and walked out the room and into the living room with Ra following closely behind me. I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs. Rashaan sat down next to me, just staring at me.

  “Look you don’t gotta explain yourself to me, I’m not your shorty,” I uncrossed my legs and stood up. “Can you bring me back to your mother?” he didn’t say anything, “Fuck it i’ll walk,” I went back to the back room to grab my things.

  “Kaylee chill out Ma,” he said stopping me before i got to the front door, “I know I fucked up, but me and Ashanti didn't fuck. She just gave me head” he said like that was better. I couldn't do anything, but laugh.

  “You good, I’m not your girl and plus Ashanti was here first. Now if you will excuse me I’m ready to go.”

   “I’ma let you go and, but I let him talk, “from the first night you came down those stairs i knew I had to get to know you and make you mine and shit. I know I fucked how by even going to Ashanti crib, but you was at my moms crib that day shorty came there talking about she pregnant or what not, so she text me and was like if you dont come over I’m going to kill the baby and shit. So, I went over to see what was up with this crazy chick and some how she ended up on her knees. I fucks with you hard, shit I’m in love with your ass. You came into my life and changed me for the better, you’re the reason I’m a better me. I want to be more than your best friend Kaylee, I want to be your man.”

I was still stuck on the fact that he had just said he was in love with me, “What about Ashanti? Do I gotta worry about you sneaking off with her?” I asked him. One part of me was telling me not to fuck with Rashaan, because even though we weren't in a relationship he already knew what it was and the other part was telling me to stop playing around with him and give him another chance.   

  “Trust me ma, what’s done in the dark is dead to me. I’m only looking at what’s ahead of me. So wassup you gonna forgive me and let me be your man?” he asked me.

  “Yeah, we can try it, but play with me and I won't hesitate to fuck you up,” I said before I playfully punched him in his chest. He started laughing and I joined in. We started play fighting all over the living room.

  “Okay, okay okay. I’m done. I’m sorry,” he said. I lifted my head up and kissed his full soft lips.

  “Now move before this turn into something else. You gotta earn this pussy back.” I laughed and went running back to his room.

  “Yeah okay, you know that’s my shit! I get it when and wherever I want,” he screamed from the living room.

  I backed into the living room after I grabbed my phone from off his nightstand. He was finishing up his phone conversation.

  “I don’t like Ja’Kari” I admitted to him as i sat down on the couch.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “First he cheated on Kyanni with that bitch Kiaja from the club that night. Then she found out and confronted them the night of my graduation. Kyanni and that bitch ended up fighting and from what I heard your punk ass friend jumped in. I can’t stand a nigga that hits a bitch,” I felt myself getting upset, “She lost the baby that night and his punk ass doesn’t even know it,” my heart got real heavy at the thought of her going that.

  “Wow I didn’t even know about that shit,” he said, “I’m sorry for her lost and shit,” he said sounding real sincere. I changed the subject because talking about it would cause me to get even madder, and I didn’t have time for that.

  “You cooking me breakfast?” I asked him.

  “Let’s go to IHOP,” he suggested.

  “Okay, my treat though. I still got that money you gave me for graduation,” I said standing up.

  “Wait, where is your ring?” He asked me. I had forgotten that i took it off last night at Yanni’s house.

  “It’s in my bag,” I said slowly.

  “Oh I didn’t know i brought that for your bag,” he said walking out the front door. I followed behind him and got in the car.

  “I don’t get why you have an attitude, when you gave me that ring you made a promise to never hurt me. Believe it or not Rashaan listening to you and your EX girlfriend doing what y’all was doing HURT me. One because we had just had sex before you left, two because now I feel as if I wasn’t good enough for you and three because although I never physically said, “ I love you. I’m pretty sure you knew that I did.” I expressed to him.

   “But I don’t love her,” he said

   “You don’t get it, and I’m done trying to get you to understand,” I said before turning up the radio. We pulled into IHOP and it was packed as hell. I was hungry so I was willing to wait I didn’t know if he was.

   “Its pack, we gonna wait or you wanna go somewhere else?” I turned the music down and asked him.

   “There’s a diner that has pretty decent food around the corner, but if you want to wait we can wait,” he responded

   “Come on let’s just go,” I said,

   We went to the diner and was seated right away. I noticed Victoria, Nancy’s daughter, was the waitress.

  “Hey, Kaylee,” said smiling, “Can I start y’all off with something to drink?

   “I’ll take a orange juice, babe what you want?” I asked Rashaan.

   “Lemme get a orange juice too but hold the ice,” he said.

   “I thought you worked at Josie's?” I asked her before she walked away to get our drinks.

   “I work there at night,” she said before walking way.

Looking down at my vibrating phone I noticed I had a text message from Brittany asking that I come and see her cause she needs to talk to me. I told her I would be there after I finished breakfast with Ra.

“Why you looking at your phone like that,” Rashaan asked me.

“Nothing Brittany wants me to come to the house after we leave here, she wants to see me,” I told him.

“Oh okay.”

Victoria came back and we placed our orders. Waiting for our food we made small talk. I decide to tell him about my visit to the cemetery.

“I went to the cemetery the other day to visit my mother,” I said.

“Oh yeah? How did that go,” he asked. I contemplated on if I should tell him my so called aunt Tammy.

“Well I basically just sat there and talked to my mother about everything,” I stopped talking because our food came.

“Finish talking bae,” Rashaan said.

“Well I just told her everything that has been happening with Brittany and me. I wish she would have gotten the chance to meet Britt.”

“Wait Brittany never met her,” he asked in shock.

“She died right after giving birth to her,” I shook my head at the thought of it. “Nate says she suffered a heart attack. Well, I told her about my graduation, I told her about Ms. Jackie taking us in and treating us a one of her child.”

“Yo, my mom dead ass love you and Brittnay,” he laughed, “She told me your the one for me.”

“Seriously,” I asked.

“Dead ass!” He said taking a fork full of eggs.

“I expressed to my mother about how much I’m feeling you and how I’m scared to give my heart to anyone,” I confessed.

“Why is that?” he asked me.

“Nate broke my heart before I had the chance to give it to anyone else,” I said as I choked up on my word. I slid my plate to the other side of the table. I had officially lost my appetite 


“I know it’s hard, but you gotta let the past go, you will never truly be happy until you let it go.”

  “It’s easier said than done,” I said, “I’m not finished, so I was leaving the cemetery and some lady stopped me, She claimed to be my mother’s sister. Her name is Tammy, she gave me her number and wants to contact her. She was like I know I haven't been there for you and Breonna.”

  “What?” he exclaimed shaking his head.

  “Yup,” I took a sip of my orange juice.

  “You gonna call her?” he asked.

  “I might,” I pulled out my wallet to get some money out so we could pay for our food. I was ready to go.

  “Chill Kay, I got this,” he said pulling out a hundred dollar bill and placing it on the table.

  We stopped at the gas station on the way to Ms. Jackie house so Ra could grab a Dutch.

“You want something from in here babe?” he asked before going inside

“Nah, I’m good, thanks.”

Draya and Brittany stopped their conversation when me and Ra walked in the house. They asses was always up to some sneaky shit. 

“Oh y’all getting along today?” Draya said causing Brittany to laugh.

“Don’t watch us” Rashaan said before kissing my lips.

“Eww get a damn room,” Brittany yelled. “Kaylee let me speak to you real quick,” she said as she got up and started walking up the stairs.

“Wassup Britt,” I said sitting down on the bed.

“Promise you won’t be mad?” she said.

“Brittany what the fuck did you do?” I asked as pulled her down next to me on the bed.

“Seriously Kaylee, I just need you to be a big sister right now and listen,” she said on the verge of tears.

“Talk to me Britt, what’s wrong?” I asked

“I’m pregnant” she said before the tears came pouring out. I was so upset, I didn’t need this shit right now.

“Seriously Britt damn yo,” I got up and started pacing the floor. “I didn’t even know you was fucking! You tell me everything Brittany, so why wouldn't you tell me that? We could have prevented this shit man,” I said getting upset.

  “How can I even talk to you? You’re never around anymore Kaylee” she yelled, “Rashaan takes up all of your time, it like you don’t even love me anymore.” she said sadly.

  “Brittany Payton Ontario don’t ever say that shit again! I would lay my life on the line for you. You come before any and everything,” I yelled. I can’t believe you would think that I don’t love you? Do you not understand the things I do to make sure you are straight? Your my life Brittany I would give up mine to make sure that YOU are good. You just told me that you’re pregnant and I’m sitting here in my head trying to figure out ways to make sure that you and my niece or nephew is good and you’re sitting here saying that I don’t love you. That shit hurts my feelings Brittany.” I said as the tears ran down my face.

  “I’m sorry Kaylee, I know you love me. I also know that you are happy with Rashaan and if he is who makes you happy please don’t let my selfishness stop you from being happy. I’m just use to it just being the two of us.” said as she hugged me. I don’t want to keep this baby though” she said.

  “Oh no we are keeping this baby” I said seriously “I’m going to get a job and make sure that everything is good. Who’s the father?”

  When I asked her that she looked like she was going to throw up. “You okay,” I asked. She shook her head up and down.

  “Ja’Kari” she said before throwing up all over me.

  “WHAT” I yelled. Did my little sister just tell me that she was pregnant by my best friend boyfriend?

  “I’m so sorry Kaylee.” she was crying so hard I could see her chest beating through the shirt she was wearing.

  “I need some air, but we will figure this out” I said before walking out the room and out the house.


Chapter Twenty- Rashaan


   I’m so happy that Kaylee agreed to be my shorty. I know I fucked up by fucking with Ashanti that night but I’m done, Kaylee has my heart. I was sitting in the kitchen talking with Draya while she warmed up so food that my mother had cooked the night before when I heard the front door slam. I jumped up and went to see what was going on. I noticed Kaylee sitting on the porch crying with throw up on her shirt.

  “What’s good babe? You okay?” I asked her.

  I will be” she said as she took off her top shirt leaving her with only a tank top on.

  “Talk to me Kay, how can I be here for you if you won’t be open with me?”

  “Brittany pregnant, I don’t know what I’m going to do. She thinks I don’t love her anymore. I’m so stressed out, my chest feel like it’s going to pop out of my body at any moment. I don’t know what to do, my life keeps getting worse.” she said though the tears.

  “You gotta calm down babe, I’m here for you and Brittany.” I said as I rubbed her back.                  I don’t need you getting sick and shit. I got you ma.” I helped her stand up and walk back into the house.

  “I’m going to get in the shower I will be back” Kaylee said before disappearing up the stairs.

  “Why you still here nigga,” Draya said walking into the living room. “You should have never moved out your ass ain’t never home.”

  “Watch your mouth youngin, this my shit I come and go as I please,” I said “and where is mommy at?”

   “She went out with her boyfriend”

   “Fuck outta here, since when do mommy have a boyfriend? And why the fuck didn’t I know about this nigga” I said getting mad that they would keep something so serious from me.

“It wasn’t my place to tell you anything, if mommy wanted you to know she would have just told you.” she said getting smart.

“You and your smart ass mouth, if it wasn’t your place to say anything then why the fuck did you just say something? Dumb ass”

“Fuck you” Draya said as she mushed me. The front door opened and I noticed it was my mother.

“Where you was at ma?” I didn’t even give her a chance to get all the way in the house.

“Rashaan you must of forgot who the parent was, in case you forgot I’m grown. Why are you here? What was the point of you moving out?” she laughed.

I just told him the same thing ma, he here every day. Go home Roger,” said reciting a line from the old Disney channel show “Sister”.

“Okay don’t get upset when I stop coming around,” I said, “now Ma wassup where you was at?” I wasn’t about to let them change the subject that quick.

“I’m grown end of the story,” she said.

“Aight, I’ma let you slide for now,” I stopped talking when Brittany and Kaylee came walking down the stairs. Everything about her was beautiful to me, the way she walked the way she talked. Her smile could light up a dark room, seeing her looking sad made me feel some type of way.

“Kaylee, you moved out too?” my mother said laughing

“No, your son just keeps kidnapping me.” she said as she sat down on the couch.

“Yeah right ma, she be like let’s go Ra” Brittany finally spoke up

“Y’all get on my nerves” Kaylee said causing everyone to laugh. Seeing her smile caused me to smile.

“I’m ready to go” I looked over at my babe “Kaylee you coming right?” I asked her. She looked over at Brittany.

“Go ahead Kay,” Brittany smiled.

“You sure?” she asked Brittany. I stood up while she decided on what she was going to do.

“Yes,” Brittany said.

“Aight lets go” I said leading the way out the house. We got in the car and I asked her what she wanted for dinner tonight. I planned on staying in tonight with my shorty just watching movies and having some alone time.

“Let’s go to the grocery store, I’ma cook for you.” she said. I put in my Rich Homie Quan “I Will Never Stop Going In” Mixtape and skipped it to track number fifteen.

This for you babe” I said as I turned the music up and started rapping along with the Homie Quan.

     “Nobody can't judge me girl I want Judge you neither (uh uh) I love yo smell (yo style) Hotter than a fever (burning up baby) you different from others (you are) I love yo demeanor you took me back time after time Even though I cheated that’s why fuck with you girl, I fuck with you girl.”

I looked over at Kaylee, she was smirking. We pulled into the parking lot of Pathmark and parked.

   “You want me to run in or you gonna come with me” she asked.

   “I’ma come,” I said as I turned the car off.

   “I’m making Lasagna and salad” Kaylee said grabbing a shopping cart.

   “Let’s get some ice cream and shit too, a nigga gonna definitely have the munchies after I’m done smoking,” I said. We was in and out of the grocery store making sure we didn’t forget nothing. I didn’t want to come back out.

  We got back to the house and Kaylee got straight to work on dinner while I took a shower. After the shower I rolled a few blunts up and sat them on the coffee table before joining Kaylee in the kitchen.

   “I’m almost finished babe, the Lasagna should be done in like five minutes and I’m finishing up the salad now,” she said as she chopped up a tomato.

   “I could definitely get use to this shit,” I said walking up behind her and hugging her. “You smell so good,” I inhaled her scent.

   “Stop being fresh Ra,” Kaylee said as she removed my hands from around her. I watched her make her way around the kitchen as if she lived here.

   “Move in with me Ma,” I said in my most serious voice.

   “Yeah, yeah,” she responded playfully.

   “I’m dead ass Kaylee.”

   “I’m not leaving Brittany Rashaan, why you think I didn’t go to college? I can’t see myself just leaving her, I’m all she knows. Especially with her being pregnant, I couldn’t do that to her, she needs me right now.” she expressed.

   “She can come to, I just hate that I can’t wake up to your beautiful face every morning.”

“I’ll take a picture and save it as your screen saver,” she laughed. Her phone started ringing before I could respond.

“It’s Brittany,” I told her.

“Answer it babe, put it on speaker,” she said.

I answered and put the phone on speaker, “Wassup Brittany, the phone on speaker Kaylee is cooking,” I told her.

“Kaylee,” Brittany screamed threw the phone. Kaylee Dropped the salad bowl and ran over to me snatching her phone out my hand.

“What wrong Britt” she yelled through the phone when Brittany didn’t respond she started screaming, “Brittany answer me?”

“You have one hour to come home by YOURSELF, if not Brittany dies,” a male voice through the phone.

“OH MY GOD NATE!” Kaylee screamed before passing out.

To be continued…

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