Read Love Redeemed, Book 4 Online

Authors: Love Belvin

Love Redeemed, Book 4 (39 page)

BOOK: Love Redeemed, Book 4
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Azna exits the bathroom, I guess understanding that Rayna no longer needs his protection.
That’s right…Daddy’s home to give mommy her medicine. You’re dismissed.

I s
ee her pleased smile reflecting in the mirror in spite of my solemn expression of need.

Flowers,” she notes.

I toss the bouquet on the vanity bench and then turn back to her.

“Mmmmmm…” she purrs as she lifts her one arm to extend behind my neck and the other hand gripping the back of my head. “Somebody’s not finished with they’re day yet, I see.”

I d
on’t speak right away, my eyes land on her pebbled nipples protruding through her blouse. It’s telling that she’s wearing a lace bra and I can’t help but pull the thin material closer to her breasts to see her nipples push through the fabric even more. My eyes find hers in the mirror and she arches her back felinely in my arms as she smiles bashfully. Rayna’s turning me on like a motherfucker. I raise my right hand to cone her breast, and when I reach the vertex, I squeeze her nipple in a flash.

“Ahhhh!” she scream
s out in pleasure and then begin to shiver in my enfold. Seductively, she rubs her ass into my pelvis, missing the target because of our height differential. But I get the message and squat until she feels most of me.

day being complete is contingent on my wife’s agenda,” I murmur, before kissing that spot just below her ear.

agenda for this evening consists of feeding you dinner,” she speaks softly with her eyes closed.

“Oh, I need to be fed, but food
can wait.”

rake her blouse up from her sides with my fingers and lower my mouth to the right side of her back, just at her waistline, and apply small chaste bites before licking and then sucking on it. Rayna grips the sides of the vanity with her left hand and the back of my head with her right. I know she’s awfully sensitive there.

“You know what those…b
-bites…are reminding…me o-of?” she shutters.

I unzip her skirt
as I rise, brushing myself against her. I push my hand down the front of her, into skirt and panties and dip my fingers into her slickness, rubbing her pliant folds. She releases a long moan.

Damn, Rayna…what you do to me!

“Do tell,” I whisper between teasing her neck with my tongue.

My thumb starts circling her swollen clit and my fingers slowly push into her hot valley. Rayna’s mouth collapses
in to an
and she has this impending grimace as though she wants to shout angrily. But I know better. My other hands slides up her blouse against her soft skin and releases her left breast from the cup of the bra. I stretch and flicker her tan nipple and watch her buck underneath me.

“Azmir…” she crie
s out with urgency.

As my hands
fine tunes her brewing body, I run my tongue discriminately over her neck and observe her quivering reaction in the mirror.

“You were saying?” I ask,

Rayna grind
s on my fingers as I drive them into her valley. Her hands are in a frenzy searching for something to grasp, preferably something on me. One reaches behind my head and the other searches frantically for my waistband, fumbling to get to my cock. Rayna works with me, creating a rhythm to drive her pleasure. Her inexorable hip thrusts meet my cyclic plunges into her. We always work beautifully in tandem, and this is no different.

she’s ready. I can feel her walls contract around my fingers, her thrusts onto my hand growing emergent, and less rhythmic. Rayna’s eyes are sealed shut, her mouth open, tongue limp, and her entire body vibrates preparing to erupt. She’s fucking beautiful.   

“Oh, Azmir
!” she shouts.

“I know,” I spe
ak directly into her ear. “Let it blow, baby.”

And she d
oes. She shutters all over me, expelling her sweet juices onto my right hand as I hold her shuddering frame with my left arm. My body is at war with my mouth envying my hand. I can’t get enough of this woman who occupies every corner of my mind. She’s mine.
All mine!

When Rayna
comes down, I watch raptly as her lids peel open and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, scraping her teeth against it as it rolls out. I know that look her eyes. My lady wants more, and coincidentally, I need it. I withdraw my hands from her, bringing one to my face; creating a happy medium between my hand and mouth. Rayna watches in the mirror as I taste her on my fingers. She enjoys this shit, but not nearly as much as I love tasting her. She slowly turns to face me, still fixedly observing my caveman proclivities.

“You didn’t tell me what it remind
s you of,” I tease as I smirk self-assuredly.

Rayna launches at me, kissing me with wild abandon, apparently contending with my hand and mouth for her essence. She moans deep into the back of my throat as she throws her pelvis into m
ine, confirming her extended desires.

She snort
s sans the usually accompanied smile. “You in my mouth,” she whispers then nudges me backwards until the back of my legs touch the bench in the vanity section of the bathroom. I watch as she,
this time
, successfully unbuckles my belt, opens my pants, and allows them to drop to the floor. She moves quickly, dousing my boxers, and before I know it, she’s moaning at the sight of my throbbing strongman suspended in the air and moist at the tip.

’m ready for her. Rayna doesn’t waste any time flickering her stiff tongue on the tip of my cock to lap up my fluids. She rolls it over the head, around and around, increasing speed each time.
Then her wet tongue trolls the length of me. Rayna angles her head and licks me horizontally. My head falls against the wall in tantalizing expectation. She returns to the tip and applies soft scrapes, taking me in deeper each time she does it. When she gets midway, Rayna pulls back, softy scraping me until she makes it to the apex, sucks then plops me out, making the popping sound. That’s new and I like it.
My wife the G
. Too much of it and I’m prepared to explode.

But then Rayna attempt
s to take all of me into her mouth. I can feel her tongue flattening and then her throat starts to expand. She pulls up and then when she descends again, her neck snaps back, she retches, and makes a bee-line to the toilet.

What the fuck!

“Rayna, you okay?”

” That was the first upheaval, there are three more to follow as Rayna upchucks the contents of her stomach. I can’t believe she’s vomiting. She

go to grab a cloth to wet it. When I place it on her neck she screams, “Get out, Azmir!” Then hurls again.

“Rayna,” I call
out to her.
How can she ask me to leave her in this condition?

“Go!” she yells
again hurriedly this time, anticipating another round of vomit.

Out of nowhere, Azna bark
s, alerting me of his alarm because of Rayna’s excitement. I’m out numbered and decide to leave the room, feeling as useless as Azna did earlier.

I don’t go far. I find shorts and a
T-shirt to throw on and grab my phones. As I walk out to the bedroom, I keep one ear to the bathroom vicinity to listen out for her. Initially, I hear nothing. I check my email and even return a few in an attempt to keep from going back in there to check up on her.

I’m well beyond mystified by what just happened. I’ve had several gaggers in my day, but that’s usually during
the first few encounters. Rayna is precisely acquainted with my girth and has always accommodated my length. This is some bizarre shit. I can’t conceive hurting her.

“Psssssssst…” I hear from a short distance.

She’s standing in the doorframe of the bathroom, water running from her dripping curly mane, to her caramel shoulders, and down her toned thighs. My cock stands at attention, awakened from its repose state and painfully growing by the second. I bite my lip.

“I’m almost done,” she utters seductively. “You better hurry up if you want reciprocity.” Then Rayna
swings around gracefully, returning into the bathroom.

I chuck my clothes in a nanosecond and
I’m right on her heels. The bathroom is steamed, but I find my way to her glistening curves and can even observe her knowing smirk.

“You sure you’re ready?” I hope like hell she doesn’t take the out. I don’t want to force myself on her, but my body is in desperate need of a release and something deeper inside needs to connect to her essence. “Do you think you need a few more days to recover?”

Rayna turns to me with heavy eyes and brings her arms to my shoulders, melding her body into me. My cock twitches against her belly and I feel like a Neanderthal for the brewing need I have for this woman.

“I need you now,” she speaks into my mouth
, her lips are soft and warm, her breath minty.

“But I’m hurting so bad,” I
hear myself growl as I place my hands at the top of her mounds. “I don’t think I can take you with delicate hands.” I warn with sober eyes. My need exceeds the softness making love requires.

“You need to smash,” she accurately secerns.

I slowly nod my head, feeling the heaviness in my sacs from her proximity. I know Rayna and can tell that she’s nowhere close to the level of need that I’m saturated in at this moment, but her stubbornness will never allow her to pass up on the opportunity to pleasure me. I don’t know what my next move will be. I just don’t want to take advantage of her near feeble state.

Rayna lifts her left leg, followed by her right and climbs up my body, hooking her hands at my shoulders until she’s straddling me. The
n she uses her tongue, slowly trailing the seam of my lips while she gazes into my eyes. She’s relinquishing her body over to me. She wants to help me in my need of a relief. Her tongue darts into my mouth and I join her in an impassioned kiss. As my hand reaches up to grip her short wavy hair, all I can think is how I could never resist this woman. She’s my weakness, my personal carnal oasis.

Rayna reache
s between us to guide the head of my cock to her hot, milky labia, but I’m still hesitant and take my time enjoying her mouth. I slowly taste her freshly minted breath. I eventually rotate us and rest my hands against the wall as her body clings to me. I pull back to observe her again. I want to see if she’s now closer to where I am in need.

Rayna’s eyes dance in mine when she murmur
s, “You know you want it, Jacobs,” using my mocking from that night after the
event in the limo.

I rock forward,
slamming into her, breaching her tight muscles.



We cry out together.
She’s fucking tight, but damn wet and hot. My cock is twitching inside of her. I’m not ready to move, she feels so snug and I don’t want to hurt my wife.


Panting, Rayna urges, “Move, Jacobs!”

“You a’ight?” I can’t believe I’m acting like a pussy. My self-control is thinning. I’m about to lose it.

“Now!” she screams.

I retract almost entirely and
plunge back in, now buried to hilt.

Mother…fuck!” I growl through gritted teeth. I can feel every muscle in my body strain.

“No! It’s me. Your incredibly hot wife,” Rayna scorns.

Smart ass, aye?

I start grinding, increasing to a
jackrabbit rate almost immediately. I feel Rayna’s thighs and arms tighten around me and I can’t stop now. I’m pounding into her, trying to not hit her back against the wall. Even in my caveman state, I know the force I’m pushing out can hurt her. But I can’t drive into her wetness like I need to because I’m not holding onto her, my hands are still on the wall.

I stop and pull Rayna from her grip on me. “No!” she crie

“Turn around and grip the bench,”
I growl to her more on a command than a request.

Rayna scurries into position and before I know it, I’m ramming back into her
tight pussy. I begin my thrusts and in no time, Rayna is moaning. She feels good as fuck. Her walls are recollecting its dweller and welcoming me in as I anchor her at the waist. With each plunge, a flesh smacking sound reverberates off the walls, fueling my ape like dives into her. In next to no time, I feel my orgasm tipping.

“I’m about to blast,” I
demand. “Are you close?”

Rayna tosses her head bac
k, indicating her wanton zone. But she shakes her head. That’s odd. But there’s no time to think about it. I’m not going let go until my lady gets hers first. I swing my hand between her thighs in route to her swollen nub. When it’s located, I rub with measured circular movements. Within seconds, Rayna’s head tips back and her moans intensify.

BOOK: Love Redeemed, Book 4
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