Love Through LimeLight (7 page)

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Authors: Farrah Abraham

BOOK: Love Through LimeLight
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Hearing Tina call my given name snapped me out of my
revelry. She was tapping her foot impatiently and I hadn’t even realized the
limo had started moving. “Did you hear me?”

“No, Tina. I’m sorry, could you repeat yourself?”

For just a moment, Tina’s mask of professionalism slips and
she tilts her head in my direction. “Are you sure you’re okay? The doctor did
say you should take it easy for a while.”

I try to smile at her but I know it’s a wan, weak attempt. I
really do appreciate her concern but I have to keep moving if I want to get
where I need to be. “Don’t worry about me. I can take it.”

Tina nods and the mask is fully back in place. “All right.
As I was saying, I’m not sure if he will be there because there was not enough
time for an RSVP. However, there was delivery confirmation so we know that he
at least got the invitation. All we can do now is wait.”

I nod, rubbing my forehead again. The unveiling of yet another
of my business ventures—this one in the government sector—is going to take a lot
of energy out of me. I can’t risk messing anything up because my mid is too
focused on Harper. I shake my head, clearing it of the cobwebs. “All right. Let’s
go over that schedule again.”

Chapter Nine


Soft, elegant music fills the room after the speakers leave
the podium. I climb down the short stairs, already eager to take my seat. All I
want to do is have a flute of champagne and stuff at least six hors d’oeuvres
into my mouth. There’s not a lot of time for eating when you’re planning world

I laugh to myself as I snag a crab cake from a passing
waitress. Then I attempt to make my way to one of the bubbling fountains in the
courtyard. Maybe if I sit on one of the marble edges, my feet will stop hurting
for half a second.

I limp over to one, thankful that it puts a barrier between
me and the orchestra.

People mingle and chat around me, the upper echelons of New
York brushing shoulders and filling networking calendars. I know I should be a
part of that, but all I want to do right now is kick up my feet and watch a

“Excuse me, would you mind if I took this seat?”

Before I even sit down, I am greeted by the one voice that
could have given me energy. I turn to see Harper, dressed in an expensive
Italian suit with blue stitching, smiling brightly. For some reason, I
instinctively know that the way he’s smiling is rare and that I’m one of the
few people who get to see it.

“Please. I was hoping that I would get to see you tonight.”
It’s a bold statement for me but I mean every word. I feel a lightness in my
chest, just by being near him. It’s almost magical.

“Then we both had the same hope. Here, why don’t you let me
take your plate while you get comfortable?”

He doesn’t wait for me to say yes. Instead, he takes it from
me and offers me an elegant sweep of his hand.

I sit down carefully, crossing my ankles. Suddenly, I’m very
shy and my face feels hot. For several moments, we sit in silence and he hands
me my plate. I quietly consume the food while he watches me with his intense,
dark gaze. It should make me nervous but mostly I just feel touched to have so
much of his attention focused on me.

I finish eating and then he takes my plate and sets it
beside us. “Are you feeling all right to be out and about?”

I laugh, a little surprised by his question. Other than
Tina, no one has really shown concern for me in that way. Even Johnni has just
assumed that I am made out of steel and has been treating me like Wonder Woman.
I appreciate him not making a big deal out of it but for some reason Harper’s concern
makes me want to cry.

“Yes, I’m okay. A little tired but otherwise fine.”

He nods. “A strong woman. But you’ve had to be, haven’t you?”

I don’t know what to say to that but I don’t have to
respond. Harper flags down a waitress who should not have been able to see us.
She comes immediately, as if she has been waiting for his command. I can’t hear
what he whispers to her, but she leaves without another glance in my direction.

“Why don’t we talk about something else? Why aren’t you out

This shift in topic keeps me on my toes. “I could ask you
the same thing.”

He shrugs and my gaze is drawn to his wide shoulders. I bite
my tongue to keep from giving him a thorough once-over. This is not the kind of
man to ogle like a schoolgirl.

“I don’t really have the need to rub shoulders with
politicians.” He pauses as if in deep thought. “And I don’t want to catch fleas.”

I grin, knowing exactly what he means. “Well, sometimes you
have to sleep with the dogs to get anything done.”

He grins and the pure white of his smile makes my stomach do
flip-flops. He’s got an amazing presence and somehow I feel as if he is wiping
away some of the grit I’ve been gathering, dealing with sleazy people.

“This is sad but true, Ms. Fallon Opal.”

The way he says my name makes it sound like a prayer. I
shiver with pleasure, immediately wanting to hear it again. I get the feeling
that I could easily become addicted to this man and the charm he oozes

The waitress comes back with a silver tray. She leaves it
with Harper and walks away without even looking at me. I tilt my head to the
side. “Well, that was rude.”

Harper shakes his head while setting the tray between us. I
realize it’s laden with dark roast coffee and various creams and sugars. There
are also bags of various kinds of teas but the coffee is what catches my

“She wasn’t trying to be rude. I knew that you must be tired
of all of the attention you get, so I told her not to fawn over you. You know
that the wait staff is quite excited just to see you, right?”

I blow out a breath and reach for the cup he offers me. Just
from the smell, I can tell this is high-quality coffee. I bet the cream is
fresh as well. “This courtyard is filled with important people. Why would
anyone be excited to see me, of all people?”

Harper laughs and I notice that he is setting up a cup of
tea. He uses a comb to spoon in a generous dollop of honey into it. “I’m
surprised you don’t know. You’re special, Fallon. You’re something more than
the liars and schemers here. You’re pure.”

My blush deepens and I’m not sure what to say. I’ve been
called a lot of things in my days as Fallon Opal, movie star. “Pure” is not one
of those things.

I continue to sip my coffee, taking in the scene before me.
Harper has us sitting in the perfect spot along the fountain. We are close
enough to be seen by anyone who bothers to take a look so nothing improper
could be happening. However, there is an air of…secrecy around us that would
prevent anyone from interrupting.

“This is nice,” I whisper into my cup without thinking.

Harper responds with the same whimsical tone as I had used
without thinking about it. “You’re right. It really is. I’m not sure why, but I
feel very relaxed when I’m with you. As if you’re a great balance for my mind.”

I don’t know what to say to that. The way he talks about me
is otherworldly. I’ve had guys say nice things to me before. Don’t get me
wrong. But somehow, I have always felt as if those things were shared with some
kind of intent. As if they meant what they were sharing…but they still wanted
something in return.

From Harper, I get the feeling that all he wants in this
this moment. He isn’t asking for my time or even my attention.
Just for me to share the same space with him while I enjoy a cup of coffee.

The orchestra starts a song that signals the end of the
gala. While I know a few people will stay past the time that was printed on the
invitations, for the most part, the networking efforts will be wrapping up
soon. Which means that Harper might also be leaving.

I don’t want that. I know he has to go but when he is near
me, I feel…peace.

I want to hold on to that for as long as possible.

But what can I do? I finish my cup of coffee and turn to
him. “It was only for a short time, but I really enjoyed sitting with you.”

He nods, setting his cup down on the tray. Before I even
have to ask, he takes mine too and sets it down beside his. “I was hoping…that
we could do it again sometimes. If you’d like.”

That hastily tacked on “If you’d like” makes me want to
giggle. I want nothing more than that but the shy, unsure way he asks is so
different from the way he’s handled everything else leads me to believe he’s a
much more confident person than that. I decide to reward his openness with some
of my own and take his hand.

“I would really like that…Harper.”

He smiles and I feel it all the way in the bottom of my

Chapter Ten

A New Perspective


A new perspective.

The metronome on my desk ticks loudly, keeping in time with
the steady beat of my heart. The lights are out and the sun has yet to rise but
I am wide awake. The only illumination that keeps me from being encased in
complete darkness is the comforting glow of the multi-screen setup of my
computer. Those and the large television screen that takes up the entire wall
directly across from me.

Every one of those shining surfaces shows me her face.

I put my feet up on the desk; careful to avoid the small
coffee cup that she drank from. Some people would probably think it strange
that I took that as a souvenir. But I don’t care what other people think. To
me, taking her used cup was the exact same as taking a picture or pressing a
flower. Fallon has hundreds of thousands of pictures in the world.

Anyone can Google her and frame something they find there.
Even now, I watch dozens of her interviews on dozens of screens. It makes me
feel closer to her but not special. Her fans are everywhere. They are fanatical
and dedicated. I am a single grain of sand on her vast beaches of fans.

But they don’t have this cup. They haven’t had the chance to
see Fallon, weak with fatigue and looking for a break. I have had that honor.
It was I who saw to her needs and made her comfortable.

I pick up the cup with delicate fingers and hold it close to
my mouth. I know that it’s not true but it feels warm against my skin. I close
my eyes and pretend I can feel my mouth against hers. Her sweet, spice and
apple smell fills my nostrils and all I want is to take a deep breath and pull
more of her into my body.

One of my screens flashes to a scene from the movie that
made her such an international sensation. It is all that I can do to keep
breathing. She twists and turns in my vision, casting me a smile that is at
once sweet and sexy.

“Hi, baby.” Her soft voice fills the room and I press the
cool porcelain against my mouth.

“Hi, Fallon,” I respond. She can’t hear me but I see the
lights go on in her eyes when the man off screen responds. She’s interested.
Completely focused on what she’s doing. I’m not surprised. She is the kind of
person who gives all that she can to the moment she’s in.

I arch my back as I watch her move through the room that she’s
in. The pit of my stomach drops out when she swings up her leg to wrap it around
a pole. She dances as she keeps her eyes on me and I watch her skin glow in the
low, romantic light.

She’s dressed like an angel. Even though most people would
say she is showing too much skin, I know the truth. She is shameless in her
perfection. Instead of being shrouded in the oppression of society, she has
shaken off her concern about what other people think.

She is amazing.

She is life.


As she continues to dance, I continue to watch. Sexual
tension burns in my gut and I bite my bottom lip to resist the urge to stroke
the thickening length of my cock. I want her so badly that my dick feels like
it’s expanding past its proper length. I’ve never felt this strongly about
anyone. Nothing has ever been this powerful for me.

I bite down on my bottom lip and flex my thighs to relieve
the pressure building in my body. I’m so hard that my abs hurt with the force
of my erection. My balls tighten up, already preparing for the orgasm that I
could have. With the warmth of her mouth against my lips and the smell of her
in my nose, I could come so hard that I see stars.

I haven’t come in several long weeks. I won’t lie and say I
haven’t done it since I found her. I have. To her. With her. For her. But for
as long as I’ve been watching her, I’ve only wanted to be with her, even in
this way.

At the same time…I can’t bring myself to do it. Every time I
fail to resist, I feel as if I’ve failed her in some way—cheated on her.

I fail every time I give in and cheapen who she is with such
a common action. She has countless men drooling over her, having great orgasms
while watching her onscreen. I don’t want to be just another one of those guys.
I want to be something true to her. Something irreplaceable. And I want to
respect her in the same way, even when she can’t see me doing so.

If I could have anything in the world, I would have her in
my marriage bed. I would cherish her for the rest of my life. Make sure she has
everything she could ever want. All I want is to provide for her. I want to
give her happiness in every single way possible. All I want is to make her
smile the way she’s smiling for me right now.

I stand up and turn off the screen that displays the coming
sex scene. I’ve seen the movie in its entirety several times. I sigh, running
my hands through my thick hair. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve seen it more
than “several” times. I’ve seen it hundreds of times. More than that, probably.

I should be embarrassed. I should be worried about how much
time I spend thinking about her and looking for her.

But instead I feel…centered. Focused.

I feel the best kind of peace I’ve ever known when I’m with
her and all I want is to keep that feeling alive.

I leave the room that serves as my office and head toward
the kitchen. As I walk down the hallways, I pass by pictures of Fallon. Not
candid, sleazy pictures of her. I have every single first-edition photo from
her shoots. Her signature blazed against each surface and each frame had been
custom made.

My brownstone in the center of New York is one of the nicest
and biggest buildings in the gated community. The inside is decorated in a
simple design. While looking around I realize that the only real color I have
on my walls comes from Fallon. She is the only light in my otherwise bland

The thought makes me chuckle. It’s a terribly dramatic thing
to consider, even in the comfort of my own home. But if I can’t be honest when
I’m by myself, where can I be?

With her.

I laugh and wince at the rusty sound. Moving through my
apartment makes me feel like a ghost. I don’t bother to turn the lights on as I
go. The automated ones make the only sound as they start up and barely register
the change in illumination. The sun is rising now, sending lines of blue light
through the narrow slits of the windows.

Breakfast is waiting for me, set out hours ago by the staff.
I don’t bother reading the heating directions they always leave. Instead, I eat
the eggs and fruit, ignoring the cold cuts and breads.

I wonder what Fallon is eating right now. Knowing her, it’s
something exotic and healthy. She’s very conscious of what care she takes with
her body and I appreciate her concern. I look down at my own body and offer a
rueful smile to the shrinking darkness.

Fitness is one of the things I focus on most in my life. It
brings a certain amount of control and discipline to everything I do.

I’ve always had money. Money and time. In my younger years I
worked hard to extend the empire that I was born into. Now that I am in a more
mature position in life, I don’t have to spend as much energy maintaining my

What I want most now is to focus on building relationships
that matter. Relationships that will last. I want a family, perhaps even kids.

And I want it to start with Fallon.

I finish my breakfast and leave the dishes in the sink for
the staff. I keep the people around me at a distance. I know it’s because I,
much like Fallon, have spent so much of my time trusting the wrong people.

Now it takes a lot for me to let anyone in. It is as much
self-preservation as consideration for others at this point. I feel as if it
would be dangerous for me to let too many people in.

I don’t want to push Fallon away.

Just the thought of the
of losing her
makes me sick to my stomach. More than that, it makes me see red. Against my
will, I find myself thinking about the man who dared to touch Fallon against
her will.

My fists clench of their own will and I grit my teeth. My
breathing kicks up and I swear I can hear the blood rushing in my ears. If the
others hadn’t stopped me, I would have killed him. I would have kept kicking
and punching until there was nothing left of him. Even though it is over, I
still want to do that. I want to track him down and kill him. I want to ruin

I will wreck anyone who dares lay a hand on her.


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