Love Through LimeLight (8 page)

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Authors: Farrah Abraham

BOOK: Love Through LimeLight
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Section Three: Doing it Right


Chapter Eleven

Through Fallon’s Eyes


“Should I wear this pair or these?”I point to two
sets of earrings, one with a large teardrop ruby and the other with a smooth

Shelby Grace, daughter of Tristan Grace, CEO of Optrixis
Pharmaceuticals and one of the most powerful men in the country sits across from
me powdering her nose. She is wearing a black cocktail dress with a tasteful
slit in it. “I say go for the obsidian but you know me. I’ll always go for the
conservative option.”

I look back down at my options and then grin. “Ruby it is,

Shelby laughs and nods. “Yeah, I thought so.”

We’re getting ready for two separate dates. It wasn’t supposed
to end up this way but I am glad for the company. Shelby is working for her
father on negotiations for a new weight-loss supplement I’ve been developing.
It’s nothing complex and it is completely organic but I have tapped into a few
of my contacts to make sure it is clearly done in all of the right markets.

“Are you excited about your date?” I ask her, hoping to
establish a more friendly relationship with her. Though we are working together
in a professional sense, she is the exact kind of woman I want on my list of “friends”.
She is mature, balanced, and respectable.

Everything I am growing to be.

She shrugs. “You know how it is for women like us. I’m not
entirely sure that he wants me for me, rather than…”

I nod, knowing exactly what she means. I’ve been dating
Vasso Harper for several months now. In all that time I haven’t even looked at
another man. No one else interests me the way he does and I’ve found that even
though I’m given the same attention, it doesn’t really excite me anymore. All I
really want is for him to smile at me. That secret smile of his that is only
for me makes my entire day worthwhile.

Still, I worry that he might somehow turn out to be another
hurtful man. I want to have faith in him but the more time I spend with him,
the more I realize that he’s making me vulnerable in ways I haven’t been

“Of course, you don’t have to worry about that,” Shelby

“What? I’m sorry, I spaced out for a second there.”

She laughs again. “I noticed. But I don’t mind. Were you
thinking about him?”

I’m a little surprised because Shelby doesn’t ask about my
personal life very often. She’s a lot like Tina in that way, though I imagine
it comes from her own personal history with politics and the rumor mill. “Yeah,
I was.”

“You shouldn’t worry so much. Not when it comes to him.”

I sigh. “I know. It’s just hard to believe sometimes, you

“Oh, I know. It seems like when things are going well,
something bad is bound to happen. But have faith. If I’ve learned anything in
my twenty-nine years—” She cuts herself off to wink at me because we both know
she turned thirty this year. “I’ve learned how to read people.”

I grin in good cheer. “And what can you tell about me and

“You’re the real deal. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.
The way your hips sway together when you walk. You guys are in perfect sync.
Other men look at you and you don’t even give them the time of day. All you can
see is him.”

A blush spreads across my face and I busy myself with
finishing my make-up. She’s right.

“Don’t fret so much, Fallon. Just try to enjoy yourself.”
Shelby stands and prepares to leave the room after her phone chimes. “I’m off
now! Just remember what I said.”

“Thanks, Shelby. I will.”

* * * * *

I shield my face, keeping the sun out of my eyes. “I should
have brought a different hat.”

Harper appears beside me, holding a cup of shaved ice. It is
topped with cherry syrup and the sides are already melting. I giggle because I
didn’t tell him my favorite flavor and this is the first time we’ve had it
together. He just
what to bring me. This is something that he does
a lot and it makes me incredibly happy.

“You couldn’t wear the hat you wanted and keep your hair up.”

I huff a little but I know he’s right. We needed to come
disguised so that no one would recognize me. He is even wearing khaki shorts,
even though I rarely see him outside of suits. I was beginning to think that he
even went hiking in Armani.

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

He grins at me and hands me a package. He also has this
habit, bringing me little presents when I’m not looking for them. He never asks
for anything in return and just seems to enjoy bringing me things.

“Harper, you shouldn’t have,” I say with a little giggle. He
knows that he doesn’t have to bring me anything. We’ve had this conversation
but he just keeps doing it.

“I know. I want to.” He takes my ice back from me after
letting me take a bite. To my left, a group of squealing children run by and I
have to step to the side to get out of their way. Harper wraps an arm around
me, protecting me from any harm. “Just open it.”

I grin and let him push me to the side where I can open my
present in peace. The amusement park is bustling and I love the joy in the
faces of the people around us. It’s been forever since I’ve gotten to do
anything so simple and when I look into Harper’s face, I can tell that it’s
been a while for him too.

He sets us up next to a tree in the shade. I unwrap the gift
slowly, being careful to keep the paper intact. Even the wrapping is expensive
and nice; the gold thread that holds the box together shimmers in the sunlight.

“Whatever it is, I will love it. You know that.”

He grins and takes a bite from my ice, having finished his
own. When I gasp playfully and reach for it he pulls away. “No, no. You have to
finish opening it first.”

“You’re such a tease. I don’t know why you give me presents
at the same time as sweets. You know I can’t decide like that.”

“I like making you choose. It lets me know what you really

I make a noise that is something between cute and annoyed
before going back to my package. As I unravel it I can’t help but admire the
quality of the item I unveil. “Oh, wow. Thank you, Harper!”

He has managed to predict another of my needs. I slide the
expensive sunglasses onto the bridge of my nose and sigh with relief. “These
are great. Exactly what I needed.”

Harper grins and leans down and kisses my nose. Even with
the glass now framing my face, I lean into the caress, wanting more. I manage
to make him slide his mouth a little closer to mine before he pulls away, a
dark blush on his face.

“You’re such a minx,” he mutters. There’s no venom in his
tone but I can’t help but be disappointed when he pulls away. He has yet to do
more than kiss me since we began dating and not very deeply either.

I know he has passion in him. Sometimes when we dance, I
feel the way his erection presses against my body. He is controlling himself
around me but I don’t want that. I want him to let loose and be with me in all
the ways he can.

Before I can dwell too long on that, he pulls me to a
standing position and hands me the rest of my almost gone ice. “Come on. Eat
this so we can go on that ride you were talking about.”

Excitement makes me wolf down the treat a little faster than
I should. I wince when the cold hits my brain but Harper is there immediately,
rubbing my temples until the sting goes away. I pull back, blushing at the
close contact.

“All right. I’m ready.”

He laughs. “It must be some ride for you to be so motivated.”

“You don’t know the half of it!” I take his hand, trying to
ignore the way my heart jumps in my chest at the simple, innocent contact. The
ride I want to get into isn’t all that thrilling, to be honest. But it is cozy
and fun.

We bypass the line, thanks to the special tickets we
purchased. The person at the front of the line looks like she might have
recognized me but when she tries to duck around my sunglasses for a closer
look, Harper draws her attention back to him. I thank him silently as we are
ushered into the cage.

Harper slides into the seat facing me. His broad shoulders
are bent inward a little and he winces when the door slams shut. “Are you sure
this is safe?”

“Naturally. We are at an amusement park; they’re supposed to
specialize in safe, wholesome fun.”

He doesn’t look convinced but before he can get in another
word the ride is moving. It starts off slow, swinging right and left in the air
before it picks up speed. My knees brush against Harper’s as we move and I know
from the way his eyes drop that my cleavage is deepening from the weight of the
safety bars.

I laugh, both from the excitement of the ride and from
knowing that I am turning him on. He seems to not be able to take his eyes away
from me, and the power I hold over him delights me. It’s more than the power I’ve
had over other people. It’s about something different.

The ride picks up speed and flips us in the air. We complete
a fast circle, feeling weightless when we’re at the top. Then the ride kicks it
up a notch again and we’re slammed into the sides, spinning until my hair falls
out of my hat and the glasses on my face threaten to fall off.

“Are you okay?” Harper screams over the whirl of the engines
and the screaming of the other patrons. I throw my head back, a squeal of glee
leaving my lips. He looks like he’s about to freak out but he’s still asking if
I’m okay.

“Yeah! This is fantastic!” I bounce up and down in my seat
when the ride begins to slow down. My heart is pounding and my face is beaded
with the finest mist of sweat.

“Ugh,” All Harper can say as we are released from the seats
are grunts and shows of discomfort.

The person who lets us out takes one look at him and points
out the closest trash can.

“Thanks, I’ll be fine.”

I laugh again but this time I take his hand when we walk
away. I have several other rides I want to go on but maybe it would be wise to
take a break.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just go look at the pandas?
I hear there’s also a zoo connected to this place.” Harper asks after fifteen
minutes of waiting.

I smile. With anyone else, I think that maybe I would have
pushed for the things that I wanted.

I know that it comes off as selfish, but honestly I figure
that I work very hard and I deserve to get what I want. But with Harper, I want
to share. I want to give him the best of me and let him do the same in return.

“I would love to look at pandas. I saw a flyer a little
while back, I’ll go find one while you drink your water.”

Harper flashes me a grateful look. He knows as well as I do
that I would rather be on rollercoasters than looking at animals in cages. I’m
willing to compromise but only because it’s for him.

I’m starting to think that I would do anything for him.

I leave him to find an information stand that has maps and
flyers. On my way back to him, a ripped guy in a tank-top gives me a suggestive
look. For just a split second I remember that I haven’t had sex in months. I
don’t know why but Harper won’t let anything progress with us. Every once in a
while, it annoys me but then…

I look back to him, sitting on the bench where I left him,
sipping his water. He told me when he first suggested that we come here that he
wasn’t the kind of man who enjoyed big rides like the one we have been on. He
didn’t know if it was because he didn’t like not being in control or if it was
the motions themselves, but he always managed to get sick when he was on them.

Still, he tried. He tried not one, but six rides…just for

I look away from the ripped guy and it’s much easier than I
thought it would be. Shelby was right. All of my attention and interest is
focused on Harper.

As it should be.

Chapter Twelve


I take a deep breath and let it out slowly but all the yoga
in the world isn’t going to get rid of the burn in my lower gut. When the
instructor says to switch to the next position, I do so with fluid motions but
I still feel tight on the inside. Even though I’m supposed to be focusing on my
practice, all I can think about is Harper.

He stopped by the office earlier today, carrying a catered
meal of such delicious quality that I am pretty sure it cost him a fortune. The
day before, he brought me a pair of pearl earrings—the kind that only movie
stars could ever hope to own. I appreciate all of his attention, and the
presents really tell me he’s thinking about me, even when I’m not around, but
the fact that he won’t touch me beyond a little peck on the cheek here and
there is starting to get to me.

I release the breath that I’m holding when the person next
to me clears her throat. Shelby raises an eyebrow in my direction and I realize
that I am two steps behind everyone else.

“Focus,” she whispers as soft as she can over the quiet den
of yoga breathers.

I shake my head, letting her know that I can’t and she
shrugs her shoulder. I quietly get all of my gear together and leave the large
room. There’s no way I’m going to do myself any good in this state, so I might
as well stop and hit the treadmill.

I focus a little better when I can hike up the tension on
the machine and force myself to work hard. By the time I’m panting, a little
bit of my sexual frustration has drained out of me. Sweat pours down neck and I
realize that I’ve caught the eye of a slender man with his hair in a ponytail.

I immediately look away.

I’m not interested in anyone else. I just want my needs met
by the man I’m interested in. Is that such a bad thing?

I groan, knowing that the rest of my workout is just no
good. Even if I do manage to burn off this pent-up aggression, it will just
come back later.

With a huff, I climb off the machine, completely ignoring
the ogling of the guys around me. A few girls also give me the eye but I keep
walking, careful not to make anyone think that I would welcome their attention.

The moment I’m back in the locker rooms, I collapse against
a cool wall. Even though I haven’t told him yet, I know that I’m in love with
Harper. Everything he does, every single way he treats me is exactly what I
want. He tells me everything that goes on in his life. Nothing is a secret
between us.

Right now, for instance, I know that he is in a meeting with
a manufacturer from France who wants to import wine illegally through Harper’s
company. Harper has no intention of doing business like that and will tell the
manufacturer so. Even though it’s a silly import law, created just to make
other people money, Harper is a respectful, honorable man. He’s not going to
find loopholes to make himself more money.

I love that about him. He has the chance to make a profit by
walking over a few minor people and a few insignificant laws and he never does.

He’s a good man.

If I wanted to, I could log into any of his email accounts
from my phone. He has set up my device to have high-tech bypasses for all of
his security. That is how much he trusts me. That is the kind of relationship I’ve
always wanted. The kind built on transparency.

I decide to take a shower here and grab my water bag.
Tossing the rest of my stuff back into my locker only takes a few seconds and I
wrap myself in a towel on my way to the adjoining room.

Cold water. No, make that “ice water”.

I close my eyes as the water beats down on my face. My hair
clings to my back and all I want is for the ice-cold water from the tap to sink
into my bones. To erase the burn between my legs. I close my eyes tight but all
I see behind my lids are images of all of the things I want Harper to do to me.

Before I realize it, my hands are stroking my shoulders. In
my head, it’s him. He looks at me with his dark brown eyes filled with lust and
love. I part my lips as my fingertips dip lower and run over the tops of my
breasts. I feel like they are swollen with need. My nipples are perky little
nubs, begging for attention. When I pinch one between my thumb and my
forefinger, it’s all I can do to keep from crying out.

“You’re so beautiful,” the Harper of my dreams murmurs
against my skin as he drags his hot mouth over my neck and then my collarbone.
Even though I’m in a cold shower, my skin feels as if it’s on fire everywhere
he “touches” me.

“Please, Harper…don’t make me wait.” I whisper the plea into
the small space of the shower and close my eyes when the echo of my voice
returns. I sound small and vulnerable…needy.

The erotic nature of what I’m doing pushes me on and my
hands smooth against the flat surface of my stomach. My muscles bunch beneath
my touch and I push a little firmer, mimicking the touch of a strong man. He
pinches my sides, delighting in how little fat he can catch. “And your body is
meant for hard, aggressive sex. I want to be inside of you in so many ways. But
I want it to be special…I want it to be powerful.”

A soft noise escapes my throat and someone walks by the
stall I’m in. Her body makes the thin curtain separating me from the rest of
the room flutter and my face flushes. Anyone could see me here. Anyone could
hear me.

The thought drives my arousal up another six notches and the
Harper in my mind takes notice. “Oh, does my sweet, innocent Fallon enjoy an

I run my fingers along my thighs and up the firm globes of
my ass. Even though I don’t move to follow the action, in my head Harper pulls
the screen away just a little, widening the gap that we can be seen in. He
bites my neck as he moves behind me, putting me on display for anyone who walks

“What if they see you like this, Fallon? You’re so wet and
your face is a lovely shade of pink. Anyone who sees you would know instantly
that you love this. That you live for this. They’ll see you and they’ll want
you, male or female.”

The husky whisper I hear in my head is more than I can take.
I tease myself in tight circles, not wanting to touch my clit until the very
least second. Without meaning to, I clamp my thighs together against the harsh
spray of the water. The pressure created makes my head fall backward and my
mouth drops open a little wider. Water hits my face and cascades down my body
in big droplets but I can’t focus on anything but what’s happening in my

Harper spreads my legs with a muscular thigh. From behind
me, he grabs the loofah I’d almost forgotten I’d brought into the shower. He
soaps it up slowly and I do it in the real world, dizzying myself with the
perfumed soap that he likes so much.

He takes a deep breath as he puts the washer to my flushed
skin and I gasp at the pressure. I know it’s a high-quality item, made of silk
and the finest fibers, but somehow it feels rough and erotic against my
sensitive skin. I shudder with pleasure, bowing my head forward as he washes my
back, his big fingertips brushing against my skin with every stroke.

“Tell me how much you like it. You’re mine now. Tell me how
much you crave my touch.”

I draw the loofah over my hot skin and whisper dark,
desperate things to him. “Please, Harper. I want you buried so deep in my ass
that it makes my pussy squirt. I want you ’til your cum fills me up.” The line
falls from my lips and I gasp, knowing that that level of animalistic wanting
is something I’ve never met before. Only with Harper could I express something
in such a blunt, sexual way. He’s special.

Emboldened by my discovery, I lick my lips, which are
swollen from how often I’ve bitten them. “I want you to fuck me in half. I want
your cock so deep in me that the imprint of your balls leaves a bruise on my
clit. I want to ride you until your toes curl and you’re begging me to let you
spill inside of me.”

My face continues to blaze and I pant under the weight of my
desires. It’s…raunchy. Kinkier and more intimate than anything I’ve ever done
before—which is saying a lot. I want him in every way possible. Twice.

He pulls me against his body and the hard line of erection
slides against the crack of my ass. Soap makes it slip and I shudder, pressing
my lips together to keep from crying out. Just the thought of him taking me
from behind—in either hole—is enough to make my knees knock together. I grow
lightheaded with need and my loofah hits the ground wetly.

“I can’t stand it anymore.”

There in the small stall, I spread my legs and dip my
fingers into the hot entrance of my pussy. The first slick swipe is enough to
steal my breath away and I can hear Harper’s pleased laughter echoing in my
ears. “Yeeees.”

My clit is swollen and begging for attention. I drag my
nails over it, spiking my pleasure with a shot of pain. The feelings go
straight to my abdomen and I gasp, choking back a loud moan. I haven’t
forgotten entirely where I am and voices bleed from the locker room into the
large restroom. A few stalls down from me, a woman is singing the first lines
of “Titanium” by David Guetta.

I try to focus on keeping myself safe and sane but the
pleasure mounting in me is going to cause me to unravel. I can smell Harper’s
cologne in the air. It mixes with the scent of my body wash and I groan.

I push a finger inside the warm, wet tunnel of my pussy just
as the Harper in my head gets tired of teasing me. He pushes me forward, making
me brace myself against the shower wall. When he positions himself to sink into
me, I expect him to slam straight home. But even in my head, he doesn’t do what
I think he will. Instead, he sinks inside inch by glorious inch. He stretches
me out until I burn and reaches around to rub my clit as he does it.

I gasp as I run my fingers in tight circles over my pussy.
My other hand is two fingers deep and I’ve bent my knees to get the leverage I need.
Harper sinks all the way in and I work a third finger into my pussy, gasping
and panting while I try to keep myself from screaming.

The pleasures, as well as the fantasy are almost too much. I
can barely think as I work myself over. Harper takes his time, pulling out and
pushing back into me repeatedly. He varies his thrusts, never letting me
predict the way he’ll move and each pump pushes me a little closer to oblivion.

“Please. Please. Please,” I beg, not knowing entirely what I
want. I just want everything he has to offer.

“And I want to give it to you,” he says, reading my mind in
that special way that he does even when he’s not a fantasy.

Suddenly he picks up his pace and is driving into me so hard
and fast that I can barely breathe. I close my eyes tightly in both worlds,
pressing my lips together tightly. As if I can seal away the low noises of
pleasure that are building up in my throat. As if I could fight how amazing he
feels, even when he’s not really here.

I lift up on my tiptoes as he drives into me with a
break-neck pace. My mind blanks out and my fingers are suddenly drenched in my
juices. I come so hard I can’t see for several seconds.

When I come back down from the cloud I’m carefully perched
on, I realize I’m on the floor in the shower. I came so hard that I collapsed
without a care in the world.

The cold water continues to batter at me, like an impatient
alarm clock waiting for me to turn it off. I stand up on shaky feet and do just
that as I prepare to exit.

I take a deep breath and step out of the shower. The room is
strangely quiet and I vaguely hope that I didn’t cause a scene.

But for one second, the secret, naughty part of my
mind…hopes that I did.

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